184414 Original to City Clerk 184.j `, "1 ATY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO CC OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _• DATE _ _____ __ T 1 Council File No. 184414—By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor— Whereas, Pursuac the I Homes T2nl' .Cti^rtpr nt too f.Se th.e 27 City of of WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 27 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Council of said City, on August 15, 1957, duly called, held, and conducted an election for the purpose of its election of an eligible resident and qualified voter of said City to the Office of Councilman of said City to fill the existing vacancy in said Office of Councilman which occurred at the end of the day of August 14, 1957, upon the resignation therefrom by Frank D. Marzitelli, then a duly elected, qualified and acting Councilman of said City assigned, pursuant to said H me Rule Charter, as Commissioner of Public Works ; and WHEREAS, no conclusive action was taken by said Council on August 15, 1957 on the choice of a successor, nor on the following dates August 16, 20, 21, 22 and 23; and WHEREAS, on ,31957, the vote of said Council, in said election, as ,,du y taken and canvassed, and by virtue thereof O `may , an eligible resident and qualm ied voter of said City of Saint Pall , re- ceived the vote of the majority of the members elect of said Council for said 'office of Councilman of said City to fill said existing vacancy therein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that said electio and said result therein shall be and hereby are in all t}}� gs conf`rmed• and that , pursuant to said election, said �� , an eligible resident and qual fied voter of said City, shall be and hereby is declared to ha e been duly elected and hereby is duly elected t Councilman of sai. City,,, to fill said vacancy in said Office of Councilman of sal. C t y which occurred at the end of the day of August 14, 1957, upon and by virtue of the resignation of the ���lll then incumbent thereof , Frank D. Marzitelli. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council____ 195_ Yeas Nays .'igS1 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195— T ii 1116 / ' In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen 0 Against 111 Mr. President, Dillon PU LISHED , 1_SJ 5M 2-57 _ 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE z r DEPARTMENT OF LIB-ARIES, AUDITORIUM, STADIUM AND MUS SEVERIN A. MORTINSON, COMMISSIONER I GEORGE L. HAG EY, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER September 5, 1957 ASi 4 y Honorable :' ayor and Members o the City Council Saint Paul Minnesota '_ Gentlemen: I The public interest demands that we fill the vacancy °"w4;. on the Cou c i l as soon as possible - preferabl at a ., • this meeti g of the Council. Our City Charte charges !« us with th obligation of acting for and in be if of 4t , i the voters in filling this vacancy. We have de more w '1 than lift attempts to fulfill our responsibilities in Z this matt -r - without success. I think it is obvious to all of s that this situation cannot be all wed to ' a continue iI the common welfare is to be served For these rea-ons, I wish to make this statement. During th. course of the balloting, I did not .ast one y , vote for drian Winkel. I did not vote for him because f n ,f I objected to the public pressures which were .xerted q in his be .lf. I still object to the manner in which public at empts were made to influence the action of the Counc 1. I believed and I still belie - that it, the serio s obligations of the Council should ' ye been recognize, and that we should have been allow-1' to act in this tter without being subjected to pub c pres- Y ' � ' sure. ere is a great deal of difference b: ! ween a ;' °"" ` ` 1, properly onducted general election campaign, •nl the ° atnst C one hand, and an organized pressure capa igR k . six individuals who have a serious public obl •at i on, _ on the of er hand. One is a proper part of 044 perat is processes while the other obstructs and defe. ts' the ' , same dem. ratic processes. Also, I •bjected to the fact that we were presented with one candidate only on a "take it or l eav I lit" basis. There is not just one man in the Cit;' of Saint It 1 who is qualified to serve on the Ctty Council - there ar. thousands of qualified citizens. ►,he in- sistence on one man - and only one man - constituted an attempt Io dictate to the Council which I cou d not accept, ,`ven though that man may have been qualified to serve on the Council. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM-STADIUM BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES EDWARD A. FURNI, SUPERINTENDENT J. ARCHER EGGEN, DIRECTOR I • • Honorable • yo r and Members o the City Council -2- Septem er 5, 1957 For these easons, I did not vote for Adrian l kel. At no time have I objected to his candidacy on, e personal bisis. His background and experienc i are such that 't is reasonable to conclude that he is qualified o serve on the City Council. This 4judg- ment is su.ported by the recommendation of the eiti- zens ' committee which was instructed by the Co cii to make a serious and objective study of the q li- fications of all persons who were interested i the Council p. - ition. To sum it '•ll up, it appears that we are confr'nted with this difficult choice - continue the deadrock, which is obviously detrimental to the public i terest, or vote for Adrian I'inkei. It appears from today's balloting that there is no chance of securing agree- ment on a y other qualified candidate. Conse+uentiy, I state h- re my intention to vote for Adrian niel because I believe he is qualified for the posi ion and becau e I recognize that the public welfa a is more impo ant than any personal feelings I m•Ay have about thi matter. For the r cord, however, I want it to be elect ; that I cast th 's vote without any change in my att ,4ude toward th- type of activites which were carri:4 on in behal of his candidacy. This decision •}s not been eas to make, and I do so only because o the apparent impossibility of reaching an agreeme1t on any othe basis, because the public interest %Remands that we -solve this matter. To very truly, ,SHIN A. MORTINSWI Commissioner of Liiraries, Auditorium, Stad i ' and Museums I Mayor Dillon and Members of the Council : In accorda e with the action taken by the Court.4E2 last Wednesday, .ugust 21, in which we were instruct=41 to recommend to the 'Council a possible solution to the roblem of filling the toting vacancy on the Council, we s bait this report. In conside ing the assignment given us by the ' ,;uncil, we recognized t , •t the interests and rights of the • •Ople of St. Paul cou'd be served only by resolving the 8 422 emote of recent week: as soon as possible. re also reoo• i ized that the weZfa e of the city would not be served by !hasty and inconsiderate action. Consequently, the reco : •-at ions contained here n are the result of serious thought ',rid they constitute the best solution we tare able to offer Or your considerat ion. we disc - zed at length each person whose name Wxe placed in nom ■ •t ion by members of the Council, ani, in addition, we •onaidered the names of other individJ'l!s who were auggeste• by people,groups and organizations ht ough- out the city. ire attempted to Judge all possible to*di- dates on the ••sis of the following consideration • A. Whet' er or not the person was actually a a cdi- da for the vacancy on the Council. B. The relative qualifications of the candi • tes, as compared with each other. i • re respec fully report that we were unable to reach an agreement. Realizing that the submission of an list of candidates )Auld not prevent the continuation o the deadlock in t e Council, and being sensitive to th fact that the public interest requires that the existins va- cancy be fill d as soon as is prudently possible, ,e attempted to . iscover other means by which the pr.blem might be solv=d. A'e agre=' that, in this situation, the ,Counc Il is acting in an unusual capacity. Ordinarily, the a""ect i on of public of ice-holders is a perogative of the p.ogle. For this rea on, we concluded that it would be h-1pful to the Council to have the benefit of the advice and recoendat i.ns of as large a segment of the population of the city as possible. The Council has al read, receiv- ed the reco "endat ion of organized labor in this m attter. Consequent]`., because of the unusual nature of e Council 's o ►l igat ion, we agreed that the public interest would be s ed best if the Council could recei , the recommenda 'ion of a qualified candidate from re 'resenta- tives of t e business and professional corunit; . Because we believe that the public 's' recommendation aho ld be broadened n this way, and because it is vital 4/ impor- tant that ' he recommendation be made by men what will Judge S T 1 the qualifiaat ons of the candidates in an inde- pendent and objective manner, we gave serious thou ht to the members ip of a committee of business and p - fessianal men ,, o could serve in such a capacity. Therefor-, for the reasons stated above, we r ommend that the name of the candidates be submitted for considera- tion and acre-, ing to a co rtittee of business and rofes- s t onal people r •:• e up of the following men: Mr. Toss=h I1udley 917 Zinceln Avenue Attorney Dudley * Baird, P-1514 .first Nat 'l. Bank Mr. Tame. X. Bluely 2460 Ash and Avenue Vice-pre ident, J. Z. ,S`hiel y Co. Mr. ,Bic rd Leonard, Attorney 1647 Po land Avenue . Doherty, Bumble and . ut l er We furth r recommend that the above-named me ' be asked to prom•tly submit to you, Xr. Mayor, and t the members of t (1ounc i2, their selection of the bet qualified candidate, wi h the understanding that the recomon at ion is advisory onl and is not binding in any respect. nd We real ,ae that this recommendation will not ,completely satisfy all •f the members of the council. Howev r, we point i out that the existing deadlock must be resolved a • that we, Os the mbmbe s of your conference committee, werelcharged with the responsi it ity of recommending a practical a -,, possible solution. have done so to the beat of our a.b tity and after giving the matter long and serious conside , tion. Cur own inabilit to agree beyond the list of canal, : tea contained i in this report, and our strong belief that the unusual nature of the Council 's obligations in this matter requires that we seek the benefits of a broadened public recommendation, prompts the proposal urged by us herein. We respectfully submit this report and we express the hope that it will be adopted as a responsible and considered effort to solve the problem which so seriously concerns all of us. 4e , :tr_Ze_____—___) Severin A. Mortinson lite/1- ,,,t .Robert Peterson IGNISNA Sri M l IIELS IS INS UST (Or ts,1- UAW mem SOUS *, Ai Jo CHM JOINJOI MIN t t r iP Y3 MOLT P404 IMMO( Ito PRANK CSSPA S CLOSASS WZLIZE SCATOlt ICS =ST SAO 44 PC MAPS CA INOVIDUAL A. I. MS w AMMON ULU 011224 1, 1200101 Jo 714101M a. CUSP 6" wneatosaa SNOW Ms - I NOMINEES 10 FILL VACANCY ON COUNCIL THIS IS THE LIST OF • INEES ADRIAN WINKEL NORRIS 0. HALVORSON A. J. CREA ABNER JOHNSEN MRS. JOSEPHINE TOMAI WARREN HART PAUL HAGSTRUM MICHAEL SCHNEIDER H. J. BENDER FRANK OBERG HARRY CLEMANS WILLIAM HEATON JOHN H. POORE THIS LIST HAS BEEN COMMENDED BY GROUPS OR INDIVIDUAL A. I. LEVINE - ATTO' EY LLOYD TROW - CIVIL ;NGINEER HERBERT J. LETHERT BUSINESSMAN THOMAS J. FLAHERTY CHIEF CORONER INVESTIGATOR C. DONALD RIECK - B SINESSMAN -111"'" . rqr, ;., . d `�, 1 off, PIIX VACS CV Cam' AteTie 1C 1 • NCSSIS 0. . g PA is or, :*< • • �v . A. t. «. A . 1 .. r Y r a ,°� � Y ! '-i ter* � � :7 3 1 ay t , a ,. ,: . , �! a'. t i '...,4 ti,..:+9[sq.hy lt ?r _, t t �e z v�.. r a:. 7M°1' ,;., a1;.,t , Yak ;; 4.4:`}, t 't`'y k vC,:°,¢0 ,�px,1w,�' 6 4. r *a T.� V i y i'>t < , .>t.�k°°v .,4°.r .,. l ',-1n`.0:i .kTST Z11i,V;�r� 'i 4 ,y+. a h-k4?,?i >*fh"I li t R y'^+,r1,,a P'-` .` ,�� ►`L' i41 x� w1P , 5 We respect 11 y report that we were unable to reach an agreement. al icing that the eubsission of any 1 iat of candidates wo d not prevent the continuation of the deadlock in the °unc ti, and being sensitive to the fact that the public interest requires that the existing va- can^,y be filled as soon as is prudently possible,. we attempted to di cover other means by which the prab em ight be solved We agreed hat, in this situation; the Council is acting in an -ual capacity. Ordinarily, the election of public offi. e-holders is a perogat ive of the people. For this reaso , we concluded that it would be helpful to the CMOW to have the benefit of the advice and recos sndat i • of as largo a segment of the population of the city • possible. 2'he Council has already receiv- ed the reco ms —tion of organized labor in this natter. Consequently, because of the unusual nature of the Council 's ob2 gation, we agreed that the public interest would be sery -d best if the Council could receive the reco,endatio of a qualified candidate from representa- tives of the business and prdfeasional co atunity. Becauaq we believe t • t the public 's recommendation should be broadened in this Way, and beoaupre it is vitally impor- tant that tle recommendation be made by sen mho still judge • t? s qua!ifteat one of the candidates in an inde- pendent and ob active meayvter, we gave serious thoug'zt to the members ip of a committee of business and pro- fesstonal aeon o could serve in such a capacity. I Therefore for the reasons stated above, we recosweer,d t.hat the noses of the candidates be subasitte4 for done iderrr;• t ion and sore ing to a aoMittse of business and profes- atonal people •,• a up of the following men: I� Mr. J se o P' 927 Zinco n Avenue Attorney, Dudley • Itrird, .1-151,0;.Tiro Nat s1. I Bank Yro Jeone. X. B7e t el y 2460 Ashl•, • Avenue Tice pre idant, J. Z. $'hierly Co. Yr. Ric • rd Leonard, Attorney 2647 Po 'land Avenue Doherty, ;. • ble and Butler We fort r recommend that the above-named Men be asked to p • by submit to you, N . Mayor, and to the members of th Council, their selection of the bast qualified 'candidate, toi h the understanding that the recoawerndat i or\ i advisory only and is not binding in any respect. Aa renali a that this reecometindatio.n will not 'coe{pletely satisfy all a► the manbsra of the Council. Roueever, we po nt out that the tat ing deadlock must be resolved and that we as the sbebe of your conference committee, were charged the responi •i.l it a y of recommending a practical and poestble e o1 ut i ens. 7 have done so to the best of our ability and after giving the matter long and serious consideration. Our ouarz inabil it to agree beyond the list of candidates contained :71 this report, and our stro ng belief that the unusual naturs r h Counc i1 Pa obligati in this latter requires Vied We seek the benefits Of a b • . . erred public reaanntndat ion, pro. ,pts the propr,s_.' urged by us herein► Js respectfully submit this report and we express the hops t t it will be adopted as a responsible and considered effort o solve the prvblm irrtich. so Seriously eon,.sr. e all of us. lestrin A. Mort inaon Robert Peterson • BUREAU OF WATER CI Y OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LEONARD N. THOMPSON, EDWIN F. JONES. UTILITIES ENGINEER GENERAL MANAGER Capital of Minnesota ACCOUNTANT BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL TESTING J. L. CONNOLLY LABORATORIES RALPH H. ROCKWOOD. DIRECTOR DEP RTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES BUREAU OF MARKETS A. L. HOGAN, MARKET DIRECTOR BUREAU OF LIGHTING 216 Court House ILTON ROSEN, Commissioner WILL AM P. BEHRENS, Deputy Commissioner '40'"8 August 27, 1957 Mr. Adrian Winkel Depart of Taxation .i E • 6 ;_E.. • „ .h Street St, pant I :Minnesota Dear Mr. Winkel; to council Session th s afternoon I asked several questions pertaining to you and I think you ought to know what they were. 1. I would like to k oar who proposed your flame before the Trades and Labor Assembi to fill the vacancy in the City Cocil. 2. Why are you Willi g to leave a position paying a higher salary than we as member of the City Council receive? 3. Are You giving up your civil service status with the State of Minnesota if t e position is offered to yell? 4. Why are you willing to give up security for insecurity? 5. In your present :•os ition: you work five days a week, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The councilman works not only five days but seven days a week, including almost every events of the week. Is your p esedt position you have no obligation to purchase adverti log matter or tickets for every inn function that goes on in ur city which a councilman takes out of his salary and these are not tax deductible items. Are you of thi "tact? 6. Do you own your *Wit here I ask this question for according. to information i the City Clerk's 0f Ace you have had Poor , residences in t period from August 1948 to May 1956. I thought you ought tnitave a copy of these questions, and I trust that you will answe , them as hest you can. Yours truly MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Pub is Utilities Mk: v cc: Mr. Harold Bea don, City Clerk 6. , . METER, KENNEDY & QUINN Attorneys at Law WILLIAM C. MEIER MINNESOTA BUILDING ALOIS D. KENNEDY, JR. 1 SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA 1 TIMOTHY P. QUINN August 20, 951�7 CAPITAL 4-5458 To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesta Gentlemen: It has been with m ch interest that I have observed your attempts to select a success r to the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Frank D. Mar itelli, former Commissioner of Public Works. It would appear tha the only manner in which the present deadlock can be resolved is o select a compromise candidate. One such candidate who has een mentioned is Mr. Harry G. Clemans. Certainly his integ ity is unquestioned and his past service to the community has be n given with a whole heart, without reservation, and in the absence of reward, either politically or monetarily. He appears to be a fr -nd of labor as well as to the independent and certainly his selec ion to your honorable body would be a credit not only to yourselves but to the entire community as well. Respectfully yours, (: i (_` '--- -/ze4_- k l William C. Meier WM:rn -- WAVAW AAA®• • • • • •HAARSTICK LUNDGREN AND ASSOCIATES INC ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS Attgust 20, 1957 The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon, Mayor and Council Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota entlemen: y I respectfully urge you to favorably consider Mr. Harry G. Clemans to fill the • term of Commissioner Frank Marzitelli. I feel that Mr. Clemans is extremely well qualified to serve the city in this capacity. - Very truly yo s� Louis R. Lundgren LRL:wih first national bank building, saint paul 1 , minnesota M E M B E R S O F T H E A M E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E O F ARCHITECTS . .. Sada Witardeo MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE - PLASTIC SPECIALTIES ----=_-- :..:.. .--:..;, SAINT PAUL Ai:MINNESOTA .. .02.7 pa ac/ CL -64 7 a„ 0 ICES:MIDWAY 7433; RES:EMERSON 0102 ci e L -, /9, /9-6-7 7/ 4 Le 2/6Cik/ a.f i .7i)'' 77 ; // i, i - S-a>4 (--7 4 r - - 7// , , >// c .7 •i " 7//ii., 4 • ' A A 4)4,e dea-e14-iL-r I' .a ef--</ da -,---5.1 twi:_it 6? (:),‘ „.:„: ---,- z.)---- 'r -,i, j- i-le4 7 ,, eizex Ze•-. 4r,k/ C/I/ ' * -5a) ..C--/ P'' e f-if zei_ii.6. i 1( a// &4.-- /' / ‘4-e, /, i A• 7 e-1--14y d--1--ft‘ -1' ' O)2 'S : /a7/7 Z' / ? • irl i-4 1 --k a ,) - -.:-/ th o.- -,-(ei-4t1 ,,,- - , Zi-eize>"4.4-a i.x.L4,. ° ,,'2:ta-le a,91-,1-14742.„4....e)---‘, ,„:ez-4-c_ei - „,,,,:td reeat ae7 y _---' -A e ",,. -, 1 6" 9r i-t7- v '-- e4 , Zi % .- 1'-, r 27 ifr 1 7d ..._ , / A/ii--2-"V-• • L- a2.4,' -C--- ,c-- • • '- 4=4" _f€7/ c , t--7; ii, /2iA,e- 4 &e .,- e. / , L e - (1-- -e-(---ed fr ,i a i!,-- ,1717 v /'' q. pa,_ ,, ,,/,.. .et-e-e--__,v , , / .4....."74.z.:e. .., frO e,„ .,,-1A' - i, .1, t 0 i ,e-d-lizz)- • BUREAU OF WATER C I T!Y OF -SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LEONARD N. THOMPSO N, EDWIN F. JONES, UTILITIES ENGINEER GENERAL MANAGER Capital of Minnesota ACCOUNTANT BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL TESTING J. L. CONNOLLY LABORATORIES RALPH H. ROCKWOOD, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES BUREAU OF MARKETS BUREAU OF LIGHTING 11 A. L. HOGAN, MARKET DIRECTOR 216 Court House MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner WILLI M P. BEHRENS, Deputy Commissioner s August 20, 1957 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the St. Paul City Council The St. Paul City Cou cil faces a situation in which the interests of St. Paul and its citizens are clearly defined, and as these interests are paramou t, it is the duty of the Council members to resolve this situation expeditiously and with only the =,elfare of our city in mind. We are called upon tol elect a Commissioner of Public Works so that our government ay function properly and efficiently and so that we may discharge/ the responsibilities we assumed in accepting office. We all recognize that we must subordinate thoughts of political gain, personal aggrandizement, the desires of pressure groups or individual obstinacylto the good of our city as a whole. Situations can arise/ where the health and welfare of the entire populace may be jeopiardizied if we fail to carry out our obligations promptly. In an effort to fulfill this obligation, the undersigned have voted for many qualified persons as a successor to the previous commissioner. We have followed precedent by casting ballots for the runners—up in t4e last city election and for other citizens believed to be qual fied for this most important post. Consequently, we ha e sought to find some individual who might be drafted for the ' ob, whose life and experience proved his capabilities, and who would disclaim any political future. - 2 - We are confident that we have found such a man in Mr. John Poore, retired vice president of the Northern Pacific Railway. Upon persuasion he has agreed to accept the position if it is offered to him, but he assures us that under no conditions will he become a candidate for re-election, This would leave the selection of a successor to Mr. Marzitelli up to the voters next spring. The interim commissipnership of Mr. Poore would solve our presently pressing problems, guarantee that an unexpected emergency would not cause hardship tO the city and its citizens as might happen if the office is not filled, and remove from all of us the possible taint of political partisanship, We offer the name of Mr. Poore in the hope that St. Paul's interests will be well cared for during the relatively short period before the voters themselves may name a successor to Mr. Marzitelli. Yours truly 414.1 MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Utilities MRS. DONALD DECOURC: Comm ' : ioner of Finance r EVERIN A. MO TIN 0 " Commissioner of Libraries , Auditorium Statis and Museums ' g-t• INTERNATIONAL UNION s United Automob e • Aircraft . Agricultural Implement !Workers == America (UAW) i WALTER P. REUTHER EMIL MAZEY HARVEj( KITZMAN INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL SEC. & TREAS. DIRECT__MMII''...�•.., REGION 10 4OP" ST. PAIN. 14, MINN. OF ICE 2395 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Sw?E 4 MIDW v 4.921140 MID Y 5.5902 Au st 16, 1957 Mr. Mayor and Members +f the City Council: Yesterday I was honored by having my name placed in n4iination by Commissioner Eliza.eth DeCourcy for election to the pos !tion on the city council formerly held by Frank Marzitelli. Holding public office is a great privilege and, for tais reason, I am deeply a4preciative of the fact that I have een considered. However, I am not a candidate for the positi n and I respectfully reque -t that my name be withdrawn from any! further consideratio If I may presume to do so, I further request that the sam . support which was given to me now be given to the candida y of Adrian Winkel. I have known Mr. Winkel for many years and it is my firm conviction that he is undoubtedly the best qualified candidate for the positiol on the City Council. have always found him to be complet ly honest and fair in is dealings with people and I am ce tain that he would provide the city of St. Paul with the ,kin '_of leadership of whic the citizens could be proud. 1 I regret that 'he pressure of business makes it imppssible for me to appear p:•rsonally before you to make this staltement. Respectfully submitted, -1/Z2-6Vadt..) OP. g.-4.-:....._, Walter mOr inn A/1' ,7 T J Mayor John Dillo M Q YOB'S � �i. Commissioners : i UGI 619 Mrs. Donald Deco�arcy 18,9/ 1957 Mr. Bernard Ho and ' 142/l12 3 P Mr. Severin Mort�enson i '/ 1¢/1/6; Mr. Robert ?eterson Mr. Milton Rosen With the p esent impasse in filling the vacancy in the l ity Council might I suggest that you nomina e and consider for that post, arold 0. Dahlgsist 346 E. 3rd St. Pr 6-8003 I am know to all members of the Council and am a non-cintroversial figure. I represent no clique or pfessure group and feel that I would be satisfactory to both sides in this split. I was in susiness at 5th & Robert Sts for 10 years, I am presently a non-active member of Office Empl•yes International Union A. '.L. Local #12, sin e I have left office work and am engaged in ;'the sale of Real Estate. I .ou d "I no wise disrupt the present operation of file Dept. of Public ;forks , and would endeavo ' to the best of my ability to represent all the peo, le of the City of St. Paul in all council proceedings . Respectfully submit ed, /fr&//7./ r (-- ,,,,) ,d 6. .-/ " ' \ */ Harold 0. Dahlquist. 1/4 Alli Saint Peul,Minresota. August - 8th. -- 19 57. The Honorable City Commissioners, of the City of Saint ul,Minnesota. Subject - Re : Public Information as to the successor to Frank D. Marzitelli sommissioner of public works. Mr. Harrold J. Riordan}, City Hall and Court Ho se, Saint Paul, Minnesota. I Dear Sir : Several weeks ago I filed an application to the office of city clerk in which I requested t1at my name be considered for city councilman. It occurs to me that a successor to Frank D. Marzitelli's position as commissioner of pub- lic works ought to be nl med without road-blocking such as on the basis of politi- cal or personal consid tion. My name,as yo know Mr.Riordan,was submitted by application to the office of city clerk about thr e weeks ago and am at loss to know why my name among others as a candidate for cons aeration for appointment was not made public to the approx- imate 50,000 homeowners, 0 0 allpirefri-- Martin Lin-fel-sM reveler's Hote1,4411-St.Peter St., Saint Paul,(Zone-2-) - Minnesota. OFFICE ENGINEER CITY 4F SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S. WEST JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant • I Capital of Minnesota . BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL.EQUIPMENT GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR H. KOCH • • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. July 29, 1951 To the Honorable Mayor Joseph E. Dillon and Members of the St. Paul City Council Attn: Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk In recent days, newspapers, radio and television stations have carried a report that I was a candidate for the position of Commissioner of Public Works. I respectfully submit that I am not a candidate for that post, and prefer o be retained in my present position as Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. I wish to etend my sincere thanks and appreciation to those who have siUpported me during these nomination proceedings. I am happy and grateful for the many kind expressions of confidence in my behalf. Ii hope to continue as a civil servant of the City of St. Paul and also hope that I shall continue to merit the support that I have received. Yours very truly, if C if An G. H�olmgren V St.Paul,Minnesota, June - - 3rd. -- 1957. The Honorable City ComanissiOners, 11 111111 (1 ■ of City of Saint Pau1,Minnelsota. Mr.Harold Riordan, City Council Clerk, City Hall - Court House, Pear Sir : I hereby request/ that my name be considered for City Commissioner of Saint Pe ul,Ramsey County,Minnesota. I feel that my .°perience with taking an active interest in the civic affairs of our city for IOme time now has qualified me for the position,and that I know the manner in which the office should be conducted. 4oreover.I feel that if you appoint me that I can secure the necessary votes for election and hat I may be of help to you in recognition of the official duties of our City gov rnment. To this end, as deeply concerned with having good working conditions and a healthy relationship between employer and employee conducive to a prosperous and a healthy community to live in. ¶qqe are all interested in the welfare of St.Paul. I will do all I can to be of help with improving the effectiveness of Saint Paul government administre. ion methoac. If you have any question as to where I stand on any of the issues in the administration at present I would be most happy to talk with you all at any time. Sincerely, (_, ;/L/1/H ' AO"' 0/ Martin Linfelse .- X5.75 -Room-TO.-16/ W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ROBERT A. LOBDELL ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks ;rector of Public Recreation City Architect CITY / OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYC. ROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BE NARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTH I R F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner August 14, 1957 Mister Mayor and Members of the I ity Council: Although the tradition of the 4 ity Council in matters such as those under discussion has been otherwise, I feel Mr. Mo•ney has made several points which are worthy of being considered. Tomorrow, the responsibili will fall on each of us, to select a replacement for Commissioner Frank Marzitelli. This is as important a task as has faced us in recent years. We, in our capacity as elected city officials must choose a successor to an elected Council official. As we all know, Commissio er Mar zitelli was elected by a vote of the people. It was in his hands that public trust and confidence was placed. Now, in attempting to fill the vacancy which will be cau ed by his resignation, we will be performing a function, a responsibility, which citizens o, dinarily perform themselves . Six of us will be called upon to vote to fill a position pre iously filled by the votes of 51, 068. How we fulfill that respons bility is a matter for public judgment. Our decisions will be judged by the people the selves. For that basic reason, I believe the people are entitled to know the manner 'n which each of us fulfilled that responsibility, and the basis for our individual decision. . It is true, a secret ballot ill allow the opportunity to hide behind tradition. If we proceed with secret balloting, the public will be aware of our majority decision, but the public will be unaware as to our individual decisions. I personally feel the public deserves to know how I voted on this important issue. I further feel that any one of us would find it difficult to oppose his matter being made completely public. I can think of no reason to oppose such a pr•posal. I can think of no reason why any one of us should insist upon hiding behind a veil .f secrecy. This meeting of the City ouncil, like all such meetings, is open to the public. Therefore, all a.ctiivtities of the Council should be, likewise, open to the public. There is no doubt that a uumber of qualified individuals will be proposed for election to the council at tomorrow's s :ssion. Some of us will be familiar with some of the candidates proposed, but, unf•rtunately, not all of us will know all of the candidates pro- posed. To assure each candid;te the opportunity of equal treatment, I shall propose that Council members place names in nomination for the position. f ' Mayor & Members of Council 2. This method will not only assure each candidate of equal treatment, but will give each of us the opportunity to pl. ce in nomination the candidate who each feels is best qualified. Therefore, I move, Mr. I hairman, that candidates for the city council position, replacing Commissioner Frank arzitelli, be placed in nomination by members of the City Council, and that the el-ction be bypue vote of eligible City Council members. Cobt Respectfully yours, Bernard T. Holland, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Saint Paul, Minnesota August 15th, 1957 TO THE COMMON IUNTCIL OF THE, CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Lady and Gentlemen: We, the undePsigned, respectfully urge your body to place in nomination the name of Edward Heat of 819 Stellar Place, St. Paul, Minnesota, to filrthe present vacancy in the City Council. For your information, Mr. Heaton was born and has lived in St. Paul all of his life. He attended St. Paul schools and up until the year 1921 was engaged in cor_structioh work as an employe for the Great Northern failwa{y as a foreman and superintendent in the construction of new railroad right-of-ways. He also was engaged as a contractor in highway con- struction work and grading and excavation. In 1941 he organized the Heaton Foundry Sand Company, which he operated continuously up until 1956. Mr. Heaton ha a well rounded experience both as a labor man and as the owner of a business, and, there- fore, is fully cognizant of the needs of labor as well as the requirements of capital, and in our opinion, therefore, would be a valuable addition to the Council. Respectfully yours, i --44). 405-1 . Saint Paul, Ififinnfeseta August 15th, 1957 TO Taft C `:{N COUNCIL OP THS CITY GP MINT PAUL: Lady and Ge lament Ye, the undo =signed, respectfully urge your body to place in of nation the name of Ndward Heaton of ably► Stellar Pia. , 6t. Paul, Minnesota to fill the present vacs ey in the City Conner 4 Per your inf=rnation Mr. Holton well born and has lived in St. all of his life. He attended s . Paul schools up until the year 192/ was engagOd in construct ,ft work as an employe for the Great Northern rola y as a foreman and superintendent 10 the construct on or new railroad right.•of•vays• Sie also was ono , as a contractor in highway con- struction we and grading and excavation. In 1 he organised • Heaton Pounder? Sand Company, ha operated ntinuously UP until 1966. Kr, Heaton he a well rounded ♦sperienoe both as a labor man and as the +c xwer of a business, and, the fore,, is full cognisant of the needs of labor as ell as the requi is of capital, cad in our opinion therefore, wo=► d be a valuable addition to the Council. Respectfully yours, Delmar J. Speltz Lawrence C. Schouvellerl Joseph P. Tracy Below list:d are the persons I wish to place in n. ination for the vacancy in the City C'uncil: Norris 0. alvorson A. J. Creel Abner Joh on William H='atop SEVERIN A. MORTINSON Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Stadium and Museums I . / • - • / Q. IA 11,4 414 ana ■ 1013.• 411111111111M ?NU • RUM «1R i WMIMWA 414 MOW XiiiYA Ogle I "S MAIM °Ai 630-01.11.. i I I 1396 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota August 31, 1957 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk 386 City Hall and Court 'ouse St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Okoneski: I have received your let er of August 29 in which you list the questions concerning which Commis 'oner Milton Rosen has asked fcr information about me. The answers are as follows: 1. Question: "Wh1. recommended you to the Trades and Labor Assembly for endorsement for ele tion to the City Council position vacated by Commissioner Prank D. I:rzitelli." Answer: I wa- recommended to the Trades and Labor Assembly for endorsement for election to the City Council by the Legislative Committee of that body. This re, ommendation by the Legislative Committee was based upon a vote of 86 to 1. in the committee. 2. Question: " y you would be willing to give up a state job with a higher salary than th.t of Councilman to accept the Council position." Answer: I w4uld be willing to give up a state jcb with 4 higher salary than that of C.uncilman for the same reasons that the present members of the Council make p-rsonal sacrifices in order to serve the City of St. Paul. Some of the members . the Council have private businesses, the management of which I assume must .e seriously neglected because of the demands made upon the time and energy of the members of the Council. Also. there is the fact that I have received my present salary of T„�V 1 of this year. Prior to that time, my DOMESTIC: SERVICE esa r'nn net year. Consequently, Checkthcclasso(se 'F +-1lP_ otherwise this messagecw,fl be , � 'R sent as a fast telegram S' '' � / INTERNA710NgL SERVICE DAY LETTER • �.� Check the class of service desired; . E ® otherwise[he,message gcwillb- %4 LI 1„,,,,, �/�\/��,r{ /�/ sent at the full rare c NO.WD �1Ji�����/l� »06(4-55) 5.•CL. OF SVC. PD.OR W. P. ����aa VVV JJLLL. •. COLL. RSHAL G E CAS N0. stoeHr - CHARQF T SHORESHIP . 0 THE!!11fhII1Ij0j10F owing message,subject to the terms on back here TIME FILED /,which are hereby agreed to 1954 SEp 4 I WILL ACCEPT APPOINIEWP 111 AS FOR THE DURATION OF COfSSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS PRESENT TERM IF TENDERED NOT STAND FOR ELECTI ME BUT WOULD T N CITY PRIMARY I BERNARD BLUM \ 1 'IN ____ THE O MPA TILL APPRECtn.- or Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski -2- August 31, 1957 Council position for the sale reasons that some of the present members of the Council give up secure busiiesses in order to serve the people of St. P ul. I have spent my entire life ime studying, teaching, and working in gove nment. In a sense, government is , vocation, my profession. For this reason, I am naturally interested in serving in a capacity which presents the gr test challenges and the greates satisfactions. I believe that elective of ice provides such opportunitie- because the holder of such a position most directly represents and serves the !eople. I assume that these are reasons whi h can be appreciated by any present member of the Council. B. Question: ". . . by you would be willing to give up a job whji.ch involves shorter working •urs for the Councilman position which involves considerable hours of wore including evening hours" Answer: I do no believe that any civil service employee in city, state, or federal government would agree that they do not work as hard as elected office holders. know that such a belief is not supported by my own experience as a civil se ice employee and by my observations of the fork of state and federal civil -ervice employees. In my experience, I have /found civil service employees 10 be hard-working, conscientious and loyal.�I/ I cannot share the belief that these qualities are limited to elected office holders. C. Question: ". .requires these officials (Councilmen) to pirchase advertising, tickets, et . as well as pay campaign expenses." Answer: I am : are of the expenses involved in being a public office holder. I believe that my answer to this question is contained in part in the statements given above, in which I describe the reasons for my interest in public service. As far as "tickets, etc." are concerned, I have al)aays assumed that public office holders made such purchases, donations, and gifts for the same reason they are 0..e by private individuals, namely, the desipe to help and assist a worthy ca se. I do not believe that a sincere public 'official makes such gifts for political purposes. 4. Question: "Tie Commissioner further requests information: as to whether or not you own your ho, e and as to how many times you have moved since taking up residence in St. Pa ." Answer: I o my residence at 1396 Sargent Avenue, St. aul 5, Minnesota. I have moved as folio s: a. 75 North Cleveland Avenue. I lived at this address s a member of the faculty of the College of St. Thomas. I moved from this dress in early 1949 to go to :shington to assume my duties as Administra ive Assistant to Congressman Eugen J. McCarthy. i b. 2038 Pi,ehurst Avenue. I rented a home at this address in connection with my work as a meriber of the staff of Congressman McCarthy. i i • • Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski -3- August 31, 1957 c. 1410 Portland Av-nue. I rented a lower duplex at this address when my family came to St. P. in connection with the performance of my duties as a member of the st.ff of Congressman McCarthy. d. 1396 Sargent Av-nue. I purchased this home which is the residence I now occupy with my wife a . family of six children. I trust that this answers tae questions submitted to you by CommissionezL Rosen. Please inform him that I widl be more than willing to answer any other questions he may wish to ask. Sincerely yours, AD7 Adrian P. Winkel • St. Paul, Minnesota August 19, 1957 The Honorable Mayor St. Paul Minnesota Dear Mr. Mayor: After fort, votes without a decision for the election of a City Commissioner to succeed Mr. Marzitelli in the Department of Public Works, it is quite o.vious that politics was allowed to far outweigh the better judgment by °our august body. When bank-rs elect their officers their very first and paramount thought is that the success of their own banking institution is in no small measure contingent upon the safety of their depositors savings. Our own iity Government is nothing short of a bank in itself and of all City Depar ents, right thinking people will agree wholeheartedly that no one shoul. ever be elected to the important office of Commissioner of Public Works without being fully qualified, With a i due respect to the twelve candidates mentioned for election it will ave to be admitted that none other than Mr, J204.gragre well known to - oat everyone, actively identified with heavy construction work in the City of St. Paul for many many years back, and most certainly has the proper b=ckground to more than fully qualify if he were a resident of St. Paul. Wile,a you have your directors meeting Tuesday, your very first thought should .e a banker's thought to elect a man of Mr. John Carlgren's type and in so .oing you will make no mistake. Respect f 1, dooe Per ins 2105 Sargent Avenue PP:gw September 4 , 19 57 To - Honorable Mayor I illon and The City Council .f the City of St. Paul: This is a report of he committee appointed to assist you in the selection of a candidate to fill the vacancy on the City Council of St. Paul. Your committee ag eed that a report that was not unanimous would be of little valu- to the council. We, therefore, submit to you the names of two ndividuals who are highly qualified and acceptable as candid. es for the existing vacancy. The candidates which we submit to y.0 are: Adrian Winkel and Bernard Blum Mr. Winkel's qu.lifications have been fully aired and discussed before the council an. the press. We have found that his qualifications were not exaggerated. In addition, we also have found that not only did Mr. Winkel have high recommendations on the part of labor, but your committee rece ed considerable support for Mr. Winkel from the business commu ity of the City of St. Paul. Mr. Winkel has assured the committ •e that he will serve the best interests of all the citizens of St. 'aul, and indicated he would seek election to the City Council. Bernard Blum i a man of vast experience in the type of work for which he would .e responsible if elected to the Council. He received a Bachelo Degree in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Techno ogy in 1904, and entered the service of the Northern Pacific Railroad in he year 19 07. He worked up through the ranks to become Chief Engi eer in the year 1928,. in which capacity he served until his retirement in the year 1953. His work consisted of directing the programs of im•rovernents of the Railroad and involved all forms of fixed property fa ilities. He is a long time resident of this city and has served the city in many capacities , including: Engineering coordinator for the •and issuer member of the Planning Board, and consultant to the c ty engineers in other programs. He is now on vacation and indic.ted his willingness to serve in the attached telegram. The foreg.ing recommendations have as their primary purpose the solution of the 'ending deadlock in the City Council. We are satisfied that eith of the above named men is qualified from the point of view of ab lity and integrity to fill the vacancy. Your corn 'ittee interviewed and considered many other fine, competent in.ividuals. In our opinion a recommendation of any one of them would of break the deadlock. This is true because of the reluctance of s •me individuals and groups to weigh differences and reach decision for the over all common good of the community. Respectf y submitted, .., , „z.eb_.„..s,,i/ _lov, ...e-' ____,3,..c_4_6_1X ci, , 1 / 7-r 1 . , ',, .- , . ,ge•"' ' • ( - / ...') . 7 -.', it '.7 ( • I ( ,2 1 k' A :'-. )--/-6, u L. L -7- -7- . -E- t? 1 r E- • L-7--- l''' (. ,..) /VE I COPY _ ( 0 0 0 C-- 0 V .'' T F 0 / '. A L 1., 1 1--"E /Ve 7 ' 7 Li s 7- L A /3 1.( /4 Aii C, e / 5 / / . , E. -; 3 1 . 77/ ff;.E kr: C/ f (.. o 4, _ A Fs) A' Z.=14 C /I/ -7-0 PE-0 fr z--::- Ve., Li /771/0 i•Vi . -7 7/4 7 C í/V C-11 L. WILJ (7 Z. I i-- re 9 Al FA . /.? fr r S- • A- --7-- r y 0 Li /v C / L H 1:: W(.) Li L iL: ('- -- E T , -77/ it/FIF: •D (--- f .-) Li lt i/o / E ,- P/716/ ./t/k--- . /03/1:: 7-E/f..so/v / o L L A /VD //V 5 / 5 7- o Al 4) fi A f7- 77 IV 6 /47/41" if ft 5 w /4 I-1 /1/0 1/1/ S /V11- & fi:7 -rhi / 5 .o ht:egef61"„,,t / us. ,rosrnce 3¢ I' • ' f SMOKEY 4 f• .- '----AUG 7 • • • 1957ILIBE!R£V � 441 61_,A1 A, , .. / 2)7,j ..,, _ ---/,-- 6_, , 4,, . ..... _ _ , ,r„,„ / / , _ .... c•- ,..„.... g... . • - cf- t.,,,,;k4,„ ,_. L4 Z__ •pe.......&4 e