184364 Original to City Clerk 84364 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ' ' DATE RESOLVED, that Resolution, Council File No. 183338, approved June 18, 1957, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom, where it appears in paragraph numbered 1, the date September 1, 1957, and by inserting in lieu thereof the date October 1, 1957, thereby extending to said latter date the time for completion of the construction of the sidewalk mentioned in said resolution. Council File No. 184364—By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, That Resolution, Council File No. 183338, approved June 18, 1957, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom, where it appears in paragraph numbered 1, the d a t e September 1, 1957, and by inserting in lieu thereof the date October 1, 1957, thereby extending to said latter date the time for completion of the con- struction of the sidewalk mentioned in said resolution. Adopted by the Council August 30, 1957. Approved August 30, 1957. (September 7, 1957) e r. . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195__ Yeas Nays DeCourcy - gibb Holland Approved 195_ M ..�R.. In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 ,. 2 184361 D^plicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, that Resolution, Council File No. 183338, approved June 18, 1` 57, be and the same is hereby mended by striking the.refxom, where it appears in paragraph numbered 1, the date September 1, 1957, and by inserting in lieu thereof the date October 1, 1957, thereby extending to said latter date the time for completion of the construction of the sidewalk mentioned in said resolution. AUG30 till COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __ 195— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland (�( Approved 195_ Marzitelli J In Favor Mortinson - – — — — Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 tis' s..2 OFFICE QF CITY CLERK 1 ^r9l) JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU- 5 OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN St. Paul 2, Minnesota Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House August 29, 1957 I I Council File No. 18333f,- Y Frank D. Marzitelli ghat upon the petition of Resolved, the saescibed Murray Investment Co.ifter public street the of the City of Mr. Marshall F. Hurley within the Corporate hr s of Ram- Minnesota, is vacated se Saint Paul, m the County vacated Corporation Counsel State m of public Resolved, discontinued Minnesota, a and Building viz: Avenue from the east line of ■ Ivy McAfee ine to Street extended 1 ne of Clarence Street extended across the same• Dear Sir: thereof except the south 12 feet hereby expressly reserved for ence pub- lic stre�eet purposes. con- The City Council reque ted that you draw a resolution amendi subject ebtpressly to the following ditions *nd reservations: Murray In- attached resolutions as to extend time to October 1St, 195 1. That the petitioner, oration, the installation of t e sidewalk. vestmen{ Co., a Minnesota carp shall xlobligated conclusively and bind acceptance by its deemed to covenant of Saint Paul to Very truly 3 itself unto the City Investment Co. will,t at itsSownMostaand expense, 1 the ber 1, 1957, con- on or before, o e c ns uctubl. struct or cause four-inch mofolthwide throughout its course, upon and within Avenuetfrom twelve feet of said Ivy Street C i Clerk the east line of said throughout westerly extended northerly to the line of said Clarence e ter tl•line con- sistently northerly, with a with the center coincident twelve feet of line of said southerly Avenue, said AUG said section of said Ivy sidewalk to /{ !' monolithic concrete p v # be constructed otherwise the e gra(e fixed therefor by CORPORA�pr of Public Works and in strict il�> cabledance with is ostandard he itypof i cable specifications supervision COUNSEL Saint Paul and under he direction and ap- and subject pr val of said Commissioner. di conditions, reservations All the a d 3394,provisions contained in Ordinance "An it N gq as amended,.the procedure and o escrib a regulating p escribing the conditionssforretts, alleys t on of public grounds, and highways in the City of Saint 1815. Paul" approved March 16, 3. The bond providedaid petitioner, said etitioner, Ordinance,he to be filed by s 2,C00.00. is hereby fixed petitioner shall pay pay to the 4. Said p of 00.00, City of Saint Paul the sum � together with the costs of this vaca- tion proceeding. That this reso- lution Further Resolved, Council File No. 181275, supersede and approved CITY 0 F SAINT PAUL - /v1 I N N E January 30, 1957; and 18111857 adopted and approved February. 1957. Adopted by the Council June 18, Approved (June 22, 1957) _ , - - . _ . . H and H CONSTRUCTION , Inc. RESIDENTIAL ¢ COMMERCIAL CABINET SHOP 739 Church Street C) GLenview 5-5767 SOUTH SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA August 27, 1957 City of St. Paul City Clerk Attn Mr. Reardon Dear Sir: The City Council of St. Paul vacated Ivy Street between Clarence and McAfee this action was covered by Council file No 183338 adoped June 18, 1957. One of the requirements was that we install a six foot monolithic side walk before Sept. 1,1957. We agree that we have to install this walk, but we request that we be granted an extension until Oct. 1,1957. The reason for the above request is that we have not been able to complete the basements which are adjacent to the walk area. This should be completed within the next 10 to 15 days and we will then complete the walk. Our attorney Mr. bedlund has discussed this matter with Mr. Hurley in the Corporation Council's office, and he advise that such an extension would be possible. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly, H and H Construction Inc. . 04.4.,;, .�. r , obert G. foye