D001906�D�o 1 �ob 8-/ 8-oa C� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 10 11 12 13 � 16 17 18 19 20 I 1 U ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the City conducted its annual Truth-in-Sale of Housing Evaluator re-licensing meeting on May, 31, 2000. WHEREAS, the annual meeting provides a forum for traiuii�g for the evaluators on changes in the Truth-in-Sale of Housing program, and provides the efficiency of a one-time event foz City staff and evaluators to complete the tasks necessary to issuing and renewing licenses. WHEREAS, Truth-in-Sale ofHousing evaluatars are self-employed and to whom an event ofthis nature can be a disruption to their schedules which makes it important for the City to provide an incentive to them to attend the event. WHEREAS, it is disruptive to staff to have to meet separately with 40 different evaluators. WHEREAS, the City Truth-in-Sale of Housing staffprovided incentive, in the form of food, for 40 evaluators to attend the meeting and to thereby reduce the overall time required to complete the relicensing activities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the Code Enforcement Division be authorized to pay for the costs incurred, in the amount of $366.13, from the Special Fund, 040, Activity, 30250. APPROVED AS TO FORM � �,�.,�.�� Deparhnent Head � i,--'� �—c� � Finance Director - ((� 2s�oc7 Date ! Attorney r �� �,�i�c,�! �— City Clerk Division of Code Enforcement XN`liACT PQ2SIXJ 8 Fi10NE �onnie Sandberg 6-8435 BE ON COUNCIL AGENM BY @4T� 08/08/00 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES r•.��.—r•..-:-, GREEN SHEET �DoIQI�� N arccau¢i � � OIYAiTOMEY � p1YCiRIC � AUICMLiERMCFiOR ❑ RMMCILLSflMIICCfG ❑ MYdt�d!/1ElR111(I� ❑ (CLJP ALL iOCAT10NS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of attached Admiuistrative Order to authorize the Code Enforcement Division, Truth-in-Sale of Housing program to pay for the costs incurred at the annual re-licensing meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION is Pe«�rm ever varked untler a conhact far NiedepartmenC7 VES NO Hes this P�rm e�.er heen a cilY �PbY�� YES NO ooes mis ae�sonrPom v� a s�au noc inrma��rc�d bv anr curtent city emwmeev YES NO Is this petsonrfim a taryefetl vendoR, YES NO ilain all ves answe�s m seoarate shee[ and attach to areen sheet ' Annual re-licensing meeting, May 31, 2000 at which evaluators in Truth-in-Sale of Housing program pay their annual license fee, and are issued their new license. Encourages rime and resource efficiency to take care of all evaluators at one time. This event also shows evaluators appreciation for their work on behalf of the city. ��� � I��� None IF APPROVED AUG 10 2000 �ro"Yorig"e�fime o�""`r re�icensing evaluators resulting in potential liability for evaluafors More disruptions of staff time to conduct re-licensing activiries on a one-at-time basis. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S_ 040 COSTrttEVENUEBUD6EfED(CIRCLEON� , YES NO 30250 ACTNITY NUMBER R�CEfVE� AUG j 81000 ctrY