184257 it 8127
Original to City Clerk 1 P`p t
. l File No. 184257—By Bernard � NO.
oll and—
OFFICE OF THE HCI-r heHceas, In Council File No. 164855,I
roved July 16, 1953, paydays for
C UNCIL R LUTION— of saint Paul employees was es-�
hed with the exception of a pay-
`or ^e of checks to err
PRESENTED BY , y rS tile( ,mobile allowarr
COMMISSIONER Cam"- d c, DATr their private —
refo•-. be
WHEREAS, in Council File #164855, approved July 16, 1953, paydays
for City of Saint Paul employees was established with the excep-
tion of a payday for the issuance of checks to employees for
automobile allowances granted for use of their private cars for
City business, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that effective with the month of August, 1957, and future
months, the proper forms necessary for payment of said automobile
mileage allowances shall be submitted to the office of the City
Comptroller on or after the first day of September, 1957, and not
later than the 10th day of September, 1957, and on or after the
first day of each succeeding month and not later than the tenth
day of each succeeding month, and the established payday for all
City of Saint Paul Departments and Board of Education for said
automobile mileage allowance shall be on the 15th of September,
1957, and on the 15th of each month thereafter for mileage allowance
granted for the preceding month.
N iG 2 2
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___ 195_
Yeas Nays
-- &urcy
'Holland j Approved _ _ 195_
ariesmisti In Favor ��'
tins on 4et A A. `
Berson Mayor
(, - Against
„ sen
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 2-572 PIIBLISMD d�
Duplicate to Printer 1812/7
WHEREAS, in Council File #164855, approved July 16, 1953, paydays
for City of Saint Paul employees was established with the excep-
tion of a payday for the issuance of checks to employees for
automobile allowances granted for use of their private cars for
City business, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that effective with the month of August, 1957, and future
months, the proper forms necessary for payment of said automobile
mileage allowances shall be submitted to the office of the City
Comptroller on or after the first day of September, 1957, and not
later than the 10th day of September, 1957, and on or after the
first day of each succeeding month and not later than the tenth
day of each succeeding month, and the established payday for all
City of Saint Paul Departments and Board of Education for said
automobile mileage allowance shall be on the 15th of September,
1957, and on the 15th of each month thereafter for mileage allowance
granted for the preceding month.
AUG 2 2
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays'
Holland Approved---- 195_
In Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 2-57 X32