09-744Council File # 09-744 Green Sheet # 3072178 RESOLUTION // CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �`� Presented by 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for 2 property located at 688 Sherburne Avenue to the Saint Paul Council for review and recommendation; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed police records, illegal activity, property code, 5 and health violations within the past four yeazs; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Police Department responded to on numerous occasions for a variety of criminal and nuisance activity at 688 Sherburne Avenue; 9 10 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer determined that 688 Sherburne Avenue has had substantial 11 maintenance issues, necessitating numerous nuisance abatement orders; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has had to conduct numerous cleanups at the property due to the 14 owner's failure to abate these nuisance conditions in a timely manner. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners not approve the repurchase application for the property of 688 Sherburne Avenue; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the Ramsey County Tas Forfeited Land Office, 90 Plato Boulevazd West, for final processing; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests the entire packet of materials reviewed by the Council be included in the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' meeting materials on this subject. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen � Lantry ` Stark ` Thune Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 7 �/.$j�J y Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council cretary By. �,, Approve y yor Date � LZ D By: � Approved by the Office of Financial Services � 09-744 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co- ConfaM Person & Phone: � Marcia Moermond ; Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: ConWCt Phone: ' w �������� µ �� ' Green Sheet NO: 3072178 i 07-JUL-09 � Assign Number For Routing Order ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) 0 Council �! 1 'Council � � DepartmentDirector � 2 (.tiLV Cterk I GSry Clerk 3 4 II 5 i I� � Resolution requesring the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners deny the request on an application to repurckiase 688 Sherburne Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personat Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Fi nancial Information: (F�cplain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: July 7, 2009 9:23 AM Page 1 I June 9, 2009 Legisiative Hearing Minutes 688 Sherburne Avenue No repurchase application has been received yet. 09 Page 10 Mr. Magner stated that this property was previously owned by Pang Kou Yang and was a category 2 vacant building which file was opened on June 19, 2007. According to STt1MP, a code compliance inspection was pending. The violations at the property are as follows: June 27, 2008, boazding and securing, June 2Q 2008, tall grass and weeds; January 8, 2008, snow and ice and boazdin�securing; June 20, 2007, boazdingJsecuring; 7une 5, 2007, tall grass and weeds; August 9, 2006, garbage/rubbish and tall grass and weeds; May 31, 2006, tall grass and weeds; and March 18, 2004, gazbage/rubbish. He said the vacant building fees for 2008 went to assessment and the vacant building fees for 2009 aze due for renewal in August 2009. In order for anyone to purchase the property for rehabilitation, they would haue to provide DSI with a work plan, present conlractor bids, and provide financial documentation indicating the ability to complete the rehab. Ms. Moermond reviewed the police reports. On September 22, 2007, there was a proactive police visit; February 26, 2007, prostitution; June 10, 2006, robbery-highway firearm; July 14, 2005 assist citizen call; June 15, 2005, a traffic stop; May 21, 2005, assist citizen call; May 9, 2005, an investigation; May 8, 2005, disturbance-suspicious person; June 3, 2004, drugs-narcotics; May 2, 2004, a disturbance call; March 6, 2004, an investigation; and January 10, 2004, a traffic stop. Ms. Moermond stated that she would recommend denying an application to repurchase the property. The hearing adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Submitted by: Vicld Sheffer 09-744 to Repurchase after Forfeiture Pin: 35-29-23-14-0184 Legal Description: Lot 3, Biock 2, of Syndicate No. 1 Addition Address: 688 Sherburne Forfeiture Date: August 1, 2008 I hereby make application to repurchase the above described parcel of land, located in Ramsey County, from the State of Minnesota,and understandthat pursuantto Minnesota Statutes,sedion 282.241: • The owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owner's heirs, devisees, or representatives, or any person to whom the right to pay taxes was given by statute, mortgage, or other agreement, may file an application to repurchase any parce�;pf land claimed by the state to be forfeited to the state for unpaid property taxes, unless sold or conveyed to a third party. • The property may be repurchased for the sum of all: o Cancelled taxes, including all delinquent real property taxes, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attributable to the taxes. o All property taxes plus penalties, interest and costs on those taxes for the taxes payable year following the year of the forfeiture and all subsequent years through the year of repurchase. o All delinquent special assessments cancelled at the time of forfeiture, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attributable to those assessments. o Special assessments not levied between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Any additional costs and interest relating to taxes or assessments accrued between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Extra costs related to repurchase and recording of deed. A$250.00 administrative service (repurchase) fee, in certified funds, is due at the time the application is submitted. All maintenance costs accrued on the property while under the management of Ramsey County, Tax Forfeited Land, from the date of forfeiture until the adoption of a resolution by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, are to be paid by the prior owner. The reason or circumstances that led to the forfeiture of the property is (describe hardship): Nv ,..� ��' � b D�. ��.� ts-�C�. r�� l�o-�� �.4f� t�F ,�( �`Y �i�o,3 Lr�rS Return application to: Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, PO Box 64097, St. Paul, MN 551640097 09-744 Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture Applicant Appiicant's relationship tothe property: //(��i G.tG� tf OLl�C� i�/ , ` �� Mailing Address �'t�[� L� �h.� / K wY ��� c� v t� City, State, �, 1�i �1 ��x.k� Date � (9 l�Gl The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this � r� day of ��V I G{,�/�, Y\ �� �! /I , ev �U�-� ��������ST)��I�T� 5�l '1���� �GII�I�, L� . NOTARY STAMP/ SEAL *`�.�'i�*"'yqi},:. KAREN L PHANEUf = MYCOMMISSI0� ';; . .... � Febmary 10. <a,4R��� Given under my hand and official seal of this � �� � d of � ,�, ; S gna�ur of Notary Public , , � /c Notary Commissioner Expires � � Return application to: Department of Property Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, PO Box 64097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 - ' STAMP - Activities 09 _,�'��e 1 of 2 STAMP - Activities New Search Help using this report IS Helo Run Date: 06/09/09 08:51 AM Sort by Most Recent Date Folder Count: 21 House#: 688 Folder Type: All Folder Types _ Starting Date: Street sherburne Name: Ending Date: Ciick on address link to access Click on ID# link below to view detail GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Address Date ID # Status 688 Sherburne Ave 06/19/07 07 098467 Pending 06/19/07 07 098468 Open 06/19/07 07 098465 Under Review 12/16/08 OS Z31447 Open 06/23/08 OS 098031 Closed 06J17J08 08 094862 Resolved O1/11/08 08 007335 Closed 01/09/OS OS 005923 Resolved 06/12/07 07 094283 Closed 06/OS/07 07 090782 Closed OS/09/06 06 iZ1549 Closed 08/09/06 06 121_550 Closed 07/25/06 06 114399 Closed OS/31/06 06 090479 Closed SO/27/OS OS 186010 Closed 03/18/04 04 057329 Closed Ol/15/04 04 025653 History 03/21/03 03 270882 Closed 04/09/02 02 109215 Closed 08/09/Ol 02 207924 History Type Description VB - Vacant Building - Vacant Building Monitoring Category 2 - Single Family Residentiai VF - Vacant Building Fee - Owner: State Of MN Trust Category 2- Single Family Exempt - VB Fee Residential CS - C50 Complaint - Vacant Vacant Building Monitoring Building Monitoring - Complaint RE - Real Estate Owner: State Of MN Trust Exempt Assessments PA - Parks Summary Owner: Pang Kou Yang - Tall Abatement - Tall Grass Grass and weeds on the property CS - CSO Complaint - Tall TG & W 344 Grass - Complaint PA - Parks Summary Owner: Pang Kou Yang - Remove Abatement - Snow Ice snow and ice from public sidewalk full width, salt and sand as needed. CS - CSO Complaint - Snow Snow Walk Walk - Complaint PA - Parks Summary Owner: Pang Kou Yang - Cut all Abatement - Tall Gress Tall Grass and weeds on the property and blvd. CS - CSO Complaint - Tall Tall Grass and Weeds Grass - Complaint PA - Parks Summary Owner: Pang Kou Yang - Remove Abatement - Garbage junk from yard area. Rubbish PA - Parks Summary Owner: Pang Kou Yang - Cut tall Abatement - Tall Grass Grass and weeds on the property CS - CSO Complaint - 7/25/06 Water Shut Off Interior - Complaint CS - CSO ComplainY - Grass/Weeds. Exterior - Complaint CS - CSO Complaint - 10/27/OS Water Shut Off Interior - Complaint CS - CSO Complaint - GARBAGE, RUBBISH, CHAIRS ETC Exterior - Complaint IN ALLEY RR - Rental Registration - RR Stated Owner: Pang Kou Single Family Dwelling Yang - 03/03(2007: RR-CO Conversion: Folder status changed to History. CS - CSO Complaint - garbage, rubbish, vehicles Exterior - Complaint CS - CSO Complaint - other Exterior - Complaint TH - Truth In Sale of Housing Evaluator: Roger Bovee - Closed Inspection - Single Family Folder on expiration date. http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperiy/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo... 6/9/2009 STAMP - Activity Detail 09 _p���e 1 of 3 STAMP - Activity Detail New Search Helo using this report IS Helo 688 Sherburne Ave Click here to access other appiications using this address - GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Run Date:06/10/09 03:49 PM In Date: 06/19/07 Status: Under Review Folder 07 098465 Entered By: �ackson, Debre Closed: ID#: CS - CSO Complaint - VaCant Description: Vacant Building Monitoring Associated Folders: 07-098467 VB - Vacant Building - Category 2- Single Family Residential 07-098468 VF - Vacant Building Fee - Category 2- Single Family Residential Comment: 06/23/2008 : 06/23/2008 Tall Grass WO created: PA 08-098031 Tall Grass and weeds on the property 06/30/2008 : Boarding WO Printed: 06/30/2008 Document: CE Summary Abatement Order: - Generated: 06/23/2008 - Sent: 06/23/2008 CE VB Boarding WO• - Generated: Ol/09/2008 - Sent: OS/09/2008 CE Summary Abat ement_Order_- Generated: OS/04/2008 - Sent: O1/04/2008 C VB Boarding Order: - Generated: 06/21/2007 - Sent: 06/Z1/2007 CE Photo Document Generated: 06/19/2007 - Sent: 06/19/2007 CE VB No Code Compliance: - Generated: 06/19/2007 - Sent: 06/19/2007 * Note: Clicking on above document links may not reflect the exact formatting of the original document. PeOpIE: Owner: State Of MN Trust Exempt PO Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 Previous Owner: Pang Kou Yang 688 Sherburne Ave W St Paul MN 55104-2707 Previous Owner: Pang Kou Yang 772 Hague Ave St Paul MN 55104-6607 Info Value: Possible Student Housing?: No Ward: 1 District Council: 7 VB Category: Category 2 Usage: Single Family Residential Field Find?: No Code Compliant: No DSI CS Complaint Admin Assigned To: C50 Complaint Analyst Pool 651-266-8989 Next Schedule Date: 03/10/10 DSI Vacant Bailding Response Assigned To: Yannarelly, )oe 651-266-1920 http://sparaci.stpaui.mn.us/STAMPFroperty/ProjectV iewer?devDatabase=n&folderRSN=... 6/10/2009 STAMP - Activity Detail 09 _���e 2 of 3 06/13/2007: *Compliance Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Summary Abatement) D5I Vacant Buiiding Reinspection 06/20/2007: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (WOrk Order) Assigned To: Kalis, Mike 651-266-1929 06/28/2007: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Abated) Assigned To: Yannarelly, Joe 651-266-1920 07/09/2007: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) 30/31/2007: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) OS/03/2008: *Compliance Recheck - Front door kicked in Send SA Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Summary Abatement) O1/08/2008: *Recheck Snow/ICe (Summary Abatement) Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (WOrk Order) Assigned To: Mitch, Maureen 651-266-1947 O1/15/2008: *Recheck Snow/Ice (Abated) Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Abated) Assigned To: Dornfeld, Matt 651-266-1902 04/22/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) OS/14/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Assigned To: Mitch, Maureen 651-266-1947 06/23/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Summary Abatement) 06/20/2008:*Recheck Gress/Weeds (WOrk Order) Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Summary Abatement) Assigned To: Dornfeld, Matt 651-266-1902 06/27/2008: *Recheck Grass/Weeds (Abated) Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (WOrk Order) 07/10/2005: *Re[heck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Boarding/Securing (Abated) 09/11/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) 10/14/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) 12/03/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) 12/12/2008: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) 03/10/2009: *Recheck Vacant Building Monitoring (Recheck) Next Schedule Date: 04/SO/09 http://sparaci. stpaul.xnn.us/STAMPProperty/Proj ectV iewer?devDatabase=n&folderRSN=... 6/ 10/2009 09-744 Saint Paul Police Department Addressilntersection Report Address Search: 688 SHERBURNE AV IblRecordCount Inadent date from 01/0�/2004 to 06/08l2009 (Sector 1, Grid 88) ComplaiM 0 Oceur Date & Time House No Incitlent Type Dispo ApNE 09090517 OS/09/2009 73:3821 07'190742 U922I2007'11:02:50 07029180 02/16/2007 09:19:00 06114210 O6H OI260619:05:00 05145790 07/14/200515.48:33 05119785 06/151200516:32:04 05098377 OSl212005 09:38:12 Q5090103 05/09/2005'1121:47 0508983i 05/08Y200522:16:34 04111182 06/03/200411:1�:01 04086085 OS/02200413:32:40 04043799 03/O6YL004 23:58:30 04006 Q01 O i/ 102004 10:04:45 688 PREVIOUS CN 688 POUCE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 688 PROSTfTUTION-PROMO7ING 688 ROSBERY-HIGHWAY,FIREARM 688 ASS-ASSISTCf1lZEN CALLS, ALL 688 TRAFFICSTOP/ADVISE 688 ASS-ASSIST CfTIZEN CALLS, ALL 6S8 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER 688 DIS�IJRBANCESUSPICiOUS PERSON, CAR, ACTIVITY 688 DRUGS-NARCOTICS 688 DiSTUR6,4NCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS 688 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER 688 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE PCN nov _ � N .� 3 � RR RR GOA ADV ADV ADV GOA GOA ADV CAN ADV Information reques#ed by: (32550) 1 Printed at:6/8/2009 2:30:40 PM EI00/60001�J 'Sd�Q �OI'IOd iRVd J,S 9545 5SS T49 XV3 6£�9T 600Z/80/90 CD 3 688 Sherburne Ave 35-29-23-14-0184 �� co 2 �1]5' 9T��� � �� !8 19 �� 2 ' �1 22 � �.� �� � �_ 19 zo 21 22 e i n^ ao i aa� � av � { � i5� J4:.:. ��... �3I ?2'',,1 ; 20�24 � 22 � � i �...?._. ( ._. +o ao� �''g„� "S�; _' '� ,? <` �� ae x (ioe) i7 �9 J,� � 39 S � 39 6' � 39 8' � 39 6' DISCLAIMER:1'his atap is nei[her a legally recorded map nor a survey and is no[ in[ended to be used as one. This map is a compilatlon of records, information and data tocated in vazious city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area sfiown, and is to be used for reference purposu only. SOI ]12CES: Ramsev CountvlRme 27. 20081. The Lawrence (iroun:7une 27. 2008 for CounN oarcel and nrocer[v records data: June 2008 for cortunercial and 09-744 Notice of Expiration of Redemption No. OS-145 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR _COUNTY OF RqMSEY, STATE OF MINNESOTA To a11 persons having an interest in lands described in this notice: You are notifeed that the parcels oJland descri6ed in this notice and located in the County ofRamsey, State oj Minnesota, are subject to jorfeiture to the State ofMinnesota because oJnonpayment ojdel:nquent properry t�es, special assessments, penaliies, interesi, and cosis lemed on those parcels. MUNICIPALITY PARCEL ID NUMBER DESCRIPTION ST PlUL 35_29.23. TAXPAYER AND FEE OWNER AND OTHERS WHO HAVE FILED. SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITlON PANG KOU YANG SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITlON L07 3 BLK 2 688 SHERBURNE AVE W ST PAUL, MN 55104-2707 Amount necessary to redeem as of date hereof plus accrued costs and interest: $3,789.61 17te ttme for redemption from forfeiture eepires if a redemption ds not made by the Iater of (I) 60 days after servrce of Zhe notice on all persons having an interest in the lands ojrecard at f,he o�ce of the counry recorder or regisirar of titles, or (2) by the second Monday in May. The redemption must be made in my o�ce. FAILURE TO REDEEM SUCH LANDS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF REDEMPTION WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF THE LAND AND FORFEITURE OF SAID LAND TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ]nguiries as to the proceedings set jorth above can be made to the Counry Auditorfor the County oJRamsey, whose address is set forth below. Witness my hand and o�cial seal this 6th day ofMay, 2008. Mark E. Oswald, CounryAudiror 90 W. Plato Blvd. Teleph (651) 2 -2002 BY. /l _ ,.e-,ti �/�, Deputy Auditor I, Mark E. Oswald Counry Auditor ofRamsey County, Minnesotq hereby certify 1ha1 this is a true copy oJthe published notice and of the posted — otice, norv posted for public inspection in my offzce. Dated.� May 6. 2008 Mar� 05wald, � ounryAuditor B y: �.,-- .o�. Depury Auditor 6k u a � C O � j O 'v y z� � �C � � Qj � O O y C i O F F O > W a. ¢ ° z `w' � � � c Q O F � �O c- _; � � =oa 0 o u � e � Z � y o �Cy C 4c `` :. ` ` o m ° ` � ^ � > i 5 V -� J p O� O G a p O �. � o C� C� ^ o o m G y c `e "�''.: ° � c c ' G \ ` � � � 4 � � C �\ m � G c ' > o '� ' o � � ° � 3b'o V c� z ; G�� C r .�t C p G � C y L -' C `' �"� p �^ c� `c oo � e� � a q � k ' N . y '.�ti-�?V� _ ` C� � �ao� �, d �om V G N O t 1 "> >".��.. ..Hd. 1\ 3 L= 4 0 V v o c O�' p'C ;� p �` �' m eo'� .o - �o c U o c c'i. C� i V�.=_a\ � � ��� � o d o m� „' `- = c �, `'� ,� `'., - S _. a o 0 p�[°; e e �° c u d cq e Y, �- O O �c �'o i � C'c o -� N c a �c 4 0 � d �C v C � N V � O ` G V � C 0 4 C � � c O � v G � � � N �C � 0 Y �' O�I �`n G O a � G 'y �� � .v.. y ` O � C C O d h � n �,r �am.z��� . U i o � ° C � 4 V i N o o�� y � i L 5 G � O C 4 p� c `�`� W i ti oi v o d �� � a � �� �� o c L V � v - 4 V � � e o V � � o y d �L o v o o y m d � ��' � p c i a d � m � oi � c e �� b �`�4� O V � t� C `� C C v'fi � � G Z y 4� � 0 .� O N s o- N Q t O C d`� � O O 0� v o; o ° a `c �� ¢ 5 d e o c� c m� 5 "> ,z e �c d K e-t ° y � � o c W � � � h v o o°� ° ��'� [` � `U � Q U Y` �' C � y W e o 3� a o y y o `c � o °Z o y,vN '� C.L" S- �-+" �-� ° � m o� ° o o; b o�° U i 3� z$? 'm 4 z z'C i o� i m y v a e . � 5 'C �' Y d �� � � � C C � � � m m o U i.`�-' o e o c o `- 5 y'� m 5a � y � 4 C y'V� �: � �d" ao� v z -.�. oi G y p„ � � � ; �5 � „ � 3 �l ; e c ti .� � � V e ,� 4' c o 0 o z �. o m 'e c r ' > �'c m +° �` '°-' �` F $ ° � � ! v m � � � � 01 ? e '�: S 'C '� �° o U� C o C I �. � "� z r a .Y ?i w ss ss a C 0 � d � U � � � � d � cv ,� � ' W h K z I 6 9 I aq eq � � `a � � � 0 e�o � " C c� o+ > � $ � I I � Z aA sg ss es W � � 5 C � C c 0 � w 1 � ti 00 m � � o � � o = �i " T � � ti '�z a � U q' y. W y � U � p tia � J o ��� 'm awy w'' O D G O � '� � § U � � W E y � � � � � «� d Omy 0 e o e b � y: � U 0. �' p � � R � m � � � h m� �� �'' Ramsey County 09-744 "' � Pgope Records and Revenue Taxpayer S�rvices - PO Box 64097 - Saint Paul, MN 55164-0097 June 2, 2008 PANG KOU YANG 688 SHERBLIRNE AVE W ST PAiJL, MN 55104 -2707 Deaz Owner and/or Taspayer: We, again, call your attention to the delinquent taxes on the land described as: Plv: Plat Name: Legal Description: SYNDICATL NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 3 BLK 2 A copy of the Notice of Expiration of Redemption served by the Sheriff is enclosed. � If the described Iand is not redeemed by July 31, 2008, it will forfieit to the State of Minnesota for nonpayment of taxes. All payments must be made by cashiers check, certified check, money order or cash. No personal checks will be accepted. If you have any questions, please contacfthis office at the location and number listed above. Very truly yours, 7��7 268� 0��� 7781 0751 y m m � m �s �a a �° �3 � o ,�� o m m� 9 � r �Z a � ° a a m � m '�.m m �i �� -�-- �m w � t17 1 I t 1� � �� U.�. Postal 5ervice,„ CERTIFIED MAIL,,,, RE��IP7' . (�o/nesfic Mad OqIY; No�/nsur � � ��.FOrqelive� aqce�Covera � "� �„� �v infor ge P�uvided) mation visit our w.,n�:._ _. � � � M1 N Po9(989' $ � O � '�atl Fea � . 0 (Entlo erqeM�i�t 4 -CP� , . Poshnark ResMdedDeliirery'Fe "`v:.tt .. . � Here - � � p �{Entloreementq@9 ��". �- O � l `� 'Total Postg � � fL 8e&FSae � � � � b � _ - �`� '1 � �, .:� �, -, ; . . ,..... � ``= ; ; ,_, ; �.. �:, . : i ..-' z .� r.:� . ;, �,=:=. ; r .� ;. � s "� I , �t d- � r� , m � N I N I ,. �i d� '° o �: d I- �� d� N �'; �; . r� „ , �' h' , I �3�__ - - � --- � ---'-- ---- i m �i y j I m Q Q O Y Z � ❑ � ❑ ❑ 1 ° � t `I U � o . n � q ^m d v z dR � � � � a �9 ;; i. a I T � d d � � � � � > > (/j ' rn a o i ° > i. i� } �. 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Should this be an oversight, we thought you would appreciate this reminder. Minnesota laws require a penalty on all late tax payments. The amount varies according to the property classification and date paid. If you wish to pay this tax before it is tumed over to the County Auditor and placed on the delinquent tax list, you may make the remittance payable to Ramsey County. Balance Due as ofNovember 07, 2007: Penalty calculated to November 30, 2007: Total Amount Due: $2,012.00 $201.20 $2,213.20 Please return the payment stub below with your remittance. If you are paying after November 30, 2007, call 651.266.2000 for the correct amount. Sincerely yours, Ina Williams Payments Team Supervisor Ramsey County Revenue Division -------------------------------------------------• DETACH HERE AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT � Ramsey County ' Property Records and Revenue 50 West Kellogg Blvd, Suite 800 • Saint Paul, MN 55102 • Pho�e: 65I2662000 • Web: www.caramsey.mn.us Make Payment to: Ramsey County Credit Card/E-Check payment options, visit: www.co.ramsey.mn.uslprr TAXPAYER NAME(Sl PANG KOU YANG 688 SHERBURNE AVE W ST PAUL, MN 55'104-2707 PIN/PROPERTYADDRESS 688SHERBURNEAVE Due Date: November 30, 2007 Amount Due: $2,213.20 ❑2 ��7 35292314�18400 ��00221320 5