184227 Original to City Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j August 20, 1957 COMMISSIONER j �� DATE---- —------ --------- - WHEREAS It is necessary to make surveys and prepare plans for the improvements to be made on State Aid Highways in the City of St. Paul therefore be it RESOLVED That the work proposed above be charged to the Permanant Improvement Revolving Fund 3001 and said Fund to be reimbursed from funds made available from State Aid Highway Funds under provisions of Highway Amendment No. 2. Council File No. 184227—By Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, It is necessary to make surveys and prepare plans for the improvements to be made on State Aid Highways in the City of St. Paul therefore be it Resolved That the work proposed above be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 3001 and said Fund to be reimbursed from funds made available from State Aid High- way Funds under provisions of High- way Amendment No. 2. Adopted by the Council August 20, 1957. Approved August 20, 1957. (August 24, 1957) AUG 201957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays eCou olland , Approved 195- �'I�VicL�i �t7ior 'nson In Favor eterson Mayor n sen / Against CM 0-0G "�•pe'-;J. ? Duplicate to Printer • r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 20, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATE_ WHEREAS It is necessary to make surveys and prepare plans for the improvements to be made on State Aid Highways in the City of St. Paul therefore be it RESOLVED That the work proposed above be charged to the Permanant Improvement Revolving Fund 3001 and said Fund to be reimbursed from funds made available from State Aid Highway Funds under provisions of Highway Amendment No. 2. AUG 2Oa7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy 4- 10 t ":1 Holland Approved 195_ Mortinson S Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against 5M 6-56 ,' -"?