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_ ._ :A au ssoJou puB aopun suo aOMOS oTigpd B 2uTuTuquTum puu 2uT
-gonagsuoo Jo asod.znd agq .o,j ggpTM uT °q,l gZ queuzasua uu 2uTxBq puu 2uTuuzepuoo osiy
•SaiiU paveoaA peas Jo °gd 02 ugnos au; uo tuTaq quawasue Tres puu '•qns
s,apTarfi * 0 'gi, xooig 'g .qoq do GUT' 4S130 au; oq anuaAy auRBd wo.3 2uTpuagxe quauzesue
pTus '° qns s►apTaM • 0 'gt )OOig uT 2ceTTu gsam-;sue pa;BOBA au; uT tunqup inud •4s
3o JgTO cyo i 3o uoTauAeTe uu Moieq iauunq U uT camas oTignd B 2uTuTUquTuuz puu 2uT
-gonagsuoo 3o asodand au; .o3 ggpTM uT •q3 02 guauzasue uu 2up puu 2uTuwapuoo osiy
° qns s,apTem °0 'g{, xooig uT iCaTTu gsaM-gsua au; jo (peonpoad) euTT ggnos auq puu
jo auT[ ugnos au; oq queouCpB puu Jo Siaaugnos 2uTaq quauzasue SaBaodwaq pies '°qns
s ,epTaA ° 0 '9 xooia `gI qo'I jo (peonpoad) auTT gsaM ell; 3o gsaM °qd 09 oq enuaAy
aujud uzoa3 2uTpua4x9 quauzasua Lreaoduzaq pTus '°qns s ,epTem . 3 'gt ) OOig 'g go7 uo puu
'puoaiTBg ytrem0 V sTiodueuuTW 'Toad °qS 'o2uoT11c au; Jo 1cBM-Jo-gg2Ta auq uo sesodand
uoTgon.gsuoo .oj ggpTM uT °q3 oz gueuzasBa icauaoduzeq B 2upluq puu OuTuuapuoo osty
°qns s,epTaM ' 0 '9T 3looig uT ICoiiu gseM-gsua aug Jo (paonpoad) anti aagueo euq sU
pegTaosep 2uTaq guauzasUa pTBs 3o GUT' aaquao agg 'gi go7 plus jo (paonpoad) auTT gsem
eqg Jo AfiaagSGM °q,T oz oq '°qnS s ,apTeM ° 0 `9ii 3iooTa '9T ;O'I Jo (peonpoad) euTT gseM
au; uro.J 2uTpuagxa gueuzasue pTus 6puoaiTug ugUu10 sTiodueuuTW 'Inud •qs 'aBOT110
au; Jo AuM-jo-gg2Ta aug s so.oU puu aepizn 'uo James oTi gnd B 2uTU Uq.0 BUZ puu 2uT
-gonagsuoo Jo esodand agq aoj ugpTm uT °g3 oz gueuzeseo uB Bupteg puu SuTuuiapuoo osty
°guamesue gueuUUUed all; og quaouVpe puu Jo Riaeasam 2uTsq guauz
-asee .Kaaaoduzeq pies '°qns s,epTaM ° 0 'gt )OOig uT .ialTB gsa &-gsBa 2uTgsTxe aqg 3o
(peonpoad) auTT ugno s au; oq gaaags II134P-I M 1110,2J 2uTpuagxe 4ueazase9 Sauaoduzaq plus
'puoaTTBu uqumo oR sTiodueuui ' rood °gs 'o: uoT43 au; 3o kuM-,To-gg2Tu au; uo sesodand
uo Tg Onaq suo O JOJ ugpTM uT °q,T 02 guaUIOSeO Jcauaoduzaq B :auTAuq pue 2uTumepuo o osiy
°guoiaesua gueuewaed au; og queoucpB puu Jo ATaegsee 2uTeq
guauzeseG Rau.oduaq pTus " cps s,epTeM . 0 '9fii xooig uT .Saiiu gsem-gsBa JuTgsTxe agg
jo (peonpoad) auTT ggaou au; oq gaeags llB-T-M UzoaJ SuTpuagxe quamesBe Aauaoduzeq plus
'puoaiTBJ uquuzo ' STIoduauuTW .6inBd •qs '0 °T40 au; JO JBM-Jo-quBTa egq uo sesodand
uoTgOnagsuoo JOJ ugpTM uT •qJ 61 queuzasee JcaUaodwaq u auT)Ba. Puy 2uTumepuoo osiy
°qns s ,apTOM • 0 '9t 4tooig '8I qoZ Jo euTT gsam egg oq Ie1leaud puu Jo
.Siaagsem °qj 02 SuTeq quOuzasua pTus Jo GUT' JO 4U00 agg ' ° qns s,apTe . 0 '9{, xooig
uT 1 U gsaM-a.sue 2uTgsTxe auq jo (peonpoad) euT[ ggnos aug og geaags IlugRL
MOJJ 2uTpuagxe quawesBe pTus 'puoaiTej tttumo DR sTiodueuuTW 'road °gS 'oSUOT110
au; Jo kuM-Jo-qu2Ta au; ssoaOU Pula capon 'uo JGMOS Oz nd -e .0 u B
in oc 45, C . Weide' s Sub,, said easement extending from the east line of Lot 5,
Block 45, C . Weide's Sub to the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern
Pacific Railroad, the center line of said easement being the center line of the
vacated alley in said Block 45°
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 ft° in width for construction
purposes on Lots 3 and 4, Block 45, C . Weide's Sub . , said temporary easement extend-
ing from the east line of. Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub° to the westerly line of
the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad, said temporary easement being
northerly of and adjacent to the permanent easement.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 ft° in width for construction
purposes on Lot 23, Block 45, C . Weide' s Sub ° , said temporary easement extending
from the east line (produced) of Lot 5, Block 45, C . Weide's Sub . , to the westerly
line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad, said temporary easement
being southerly of and adjacent to the permanent easement.
Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of construct-
ing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the right-of-way of the
Northern Pacific Railroad from the westerly line of the right-of-way of said railroad
to the easterly line of the right-of-way of said railroad , the center line of said
easement being described as follow: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly
line of the right-of -way of the Northern Pacific Railroad with the center line of
n11ev in Block 45. C . Weide' s Sub . , thence on a straight line
tts; ifa r )P"'3 ff A }ESa A I4,01
,,:tar!- k Tftlii h#7 Ai &+:' 'vty, 'f
:w' • i M: A - % �,. rr- I' , A :' a . ac W Os. e rig -o -way o e
Chicago,' St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad, said easement extending from
Whitall Street to the south line (produced) of the existing east-west alley in
Block 46„_ C . Weide'%,s Sub. ,-the center line of said easement being 30 ft. westerly
of and parallel to the west line of Lot 18, Block 46, C . Weide's Sub.
Also condemning and taking a\temporary easement 19 ft. in width for construction
purposes -on the rightof-way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad,
said temporary easement extending from Whitall Street to the north line (produced) of
the existing east-west alley in Block-46, C . Weide's Sub ., said temporary easement
being easterly of and adjacent to the permanent easement.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 ft. in width for construction
purposes on the right-of-way of the Chicago, St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad,
said temporary easement extending from Whitall Street to the south line (produced)
of the existing east-west alley in Block 46, C . Weide's Sub., said temporary ease-
ment being westerly of and adjacent to the permanent-easement.
Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of construct- •
ing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the right-of-way of the. .
Chicago, . St. Paul, ,Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad, said easement extending from the
west line (produced) of Lot 18, Block 46, C. Weide''s Sub., to 20 ft. westerly of the
west line (produced) of said Lot 18, the center line of said easement being described
as the center line (produced) of the east-west alley in Block 46, C . Weide's Sub.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20-ft. in width for construction
purposes on the right-of-way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad,
and On Lot 5, Block 46, C . Weide's Sub., said temporary easement extending from Payne
Avenue to 60 ft. west of the west line (produced) of Lot 18, Block 46, C . Weide's
Sub., said temporary easement being southerly of and adjacent to the south line of
and the south line (produced) of the east-west alley in Block 46, C. Weide's Sub.
Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of construct-
ing and maintaining a public sewer in a tunnel below an elevation of 120.0 City of
St. Paul datum in the vacated east-west alley in Block 45, C . Weide's Sub., said
easement extending from Payne Avenue to the east line of Lot 5, Block 45, C . Weide's
Sub., and said easement being on the south 20 ft. of said vacated alley.
Also condemning and taking an easement 25 ft. in width for the purpose of construct-
in. and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the vac:t- -. =
n ; oc • , ,�e .e, s u. sa easement extending from the east line of Lot 5, a..
Block 45, C . Weide's Sub, to the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Northern
Pacific Railroad, the center line of said easement being the center line of the
vacated alley in said Block 45.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 ft. in width-for ponetruction
purposes on Lots 3 and 4, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub., said,temporary easement extend-
ing from the east line of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub. to the westerly line of
the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad, said temporary easement being
northerly of and adjacent to the permanent easement.
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement 20 ft. in width for construction
purposes on Lot 23, Block-45, C . Weide's Sub., said temporary easement extending_
from the east line (produced) of Lot 5, Block 45, C. Weide's Sub., to the westerly
line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad, said temporary easement
being southerly of and adjacent to the permanent easement.
Also condemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of construct-
ing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the right-of-way of the
Northern Pacific Railroad from the westerly line of the right-of-way of said railroad
to the easterly line of the right-of-way of said railroad, the center line-of sand
easement being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly
line of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad with the center line of
the vacated east-west alley in Block 45, C . Weide's Sub., thence on a straight line
in a southeasterirection at an angle of 25°00' with the center line of said
vacated east-west a1ley to the easterly line of the right-of-way of the Northern
Pacific Railroad.