09-727Council File # 09-727 Presented Green Sheet # 3072015 RESOLUTION � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for 2 property located at 530 Charles Avenue to the Saint Paul Council for review and recommendation; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed police records, illegal activity, property code, 5 and health violations within the past four years; and 7 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Police Department responded to on numerous occasions for a variety of criminal 8 and nuisance activity at 530 Charles Avenue; 9 10 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer determined that 530 Chazles Avenue has had substantial 11 maintenance issues, necessitating numerous nuisance abatement orders; and 12 13 WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has had to conduct numerous cleanups at the property due to the 14 owner's failure to abate these nuisance conditions in a timely manner. 15 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council recommends that the Board of 17 Ramsey County Commissioners not approve the repurchase application for the property of 530 Charles 18 Avenue; and 19 20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council 21 resolurion to the Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, 90 Plato Boulevard West, for final 22 processing;and 23 24 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests the entire packet of materials 25 reviewed by the Council be included in the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners' meeting materials 26 on this subject. 27 Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom y/ Carter ;i Harris ,i- Helgen J Lanhy ,/ Stazk ,i Thune ,/ � � Requested by Deparnnent of. � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adopted by Council: Date �j/J�� �� Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Co 1 Secretary BS'� / � �ili� „�«.CS,r�� Approve y or. Date �l /L B � Approved by the Office of Financial Services LE� 09-727 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co - co����i 30-JUN-09 � Green Sheet NO: 3072015 '� Contact Person 8 Phone: � Marcia Moertnond Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) o 'Council I 1 ;Council Depar�entDirectar 2'C1N Clerk i � GStv Clerk 3 i�� q �� 5 ii i Resolution requesting the Ramsey County Boazd of Commissioners deny the request on an application to repurct�ase 530 Chazles Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R)� Planning Commission _. . CIB Committee Civil Service Cammission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/frtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Probiem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApproved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: ToWI Amount of Transadion: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. June 30, 2009 12:04 PM Page 1 09-727 June 9, 2009 Legislative Hearing Minutes 530 Charles Avenue Page 6 Ms. Moermond stated that an application to repurchase the property was made by Andy Pazk, the asset manager for Carrington Mortgage in California. The reason that was listed to repurchase the property was: "the borrower did not maintain the agreement with Carrington Mortgage, they were unaware of this, and did not receive notice of the forfeiture until after the County had taken over the property. Mr. Ma�er stated that tYus property was previously owned by Selina Gant and a truth in sale of housing had been done on October 6, 2008 by Barry Eliason Private Eye Inc. and there was no vacant building file open for this property. According to STAMP, the violations at the property are as follows: August 12, 2008, exterior complaint of debris by the alley; July 11, 2007, daycare license inspection; June 15, 2007, gazbage/rubbish; June 4, 2007, dead animals in backyard; May 1, 2007, garbage; and May 19, 2006, tall grass and weeds. Ms. Moermond reviewed the police records. On May 9, 2009, there was a disturbance-suspicious person/activity; on March 6, 2009, there was an abandoned vehicle towed; on Apri14 2008, there was a robbery-highway strong arm; on February 2, 2007, there was an investigation; on October 18, 2006, there was a weapons discharge; and on September 18, 2004, there was drugs-narcotics at the property. After reviewing the records, Ms. Moermond said that she would recommend denying an application to repurchase the property. 09-727 � � RAMSEY CAUNTY Property Records and Revenne Taanayer $erviees 90 PJest Plato Blvd P.O. Box 64097 St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 February 11, 2009 Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Attn; Cindy Carlson-Heins 25 4 St W Suite 1400 . Saint Paui, MN 55102-1632 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Cindy Carlson-Heins, Fax: 651-266-2022 Enclosed please find a repurchase application received from the prior owner for a parcel that was forfeited to the State of Minnesota on August 1, 2008. The County Board policy adopted on December 21,1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is tonsidered a municipal probiem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations wiThin the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documeniation of any violations." The following documents are enclosed to assist you: . , Code violation report, • Police history summary . Copy of Application to Repurchase after forfeiture • Map ofthe parcel While the repurchase policy does not state a specific timeline'for action by the City Council, we ask that the City Council's recommendation be received within 60 days for timely processing. Please torward all documents to the Tax Forfeited Land office for final processing by April 13, 2009. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651) 256-2081. Since�ely, :`? I' . . �-`�-.-,`�._._- Kristine A. Ku�ala, Supervisor Tax forfeited Lands Minnesots's First Home &ale County pnnted on recpcledpapeivnN nsvuumaa�M IO%pastco�uw^a' coNent � AppIication to Repurchase after Forfeiture P i n: 36-29-23-23-0067 Legal Description: Lot 8, 81ock 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23. Address: 530 Charles Ave Forfeiture Date: August 1, 2008 I hereby make application to repurchase the above described parcel of land, lotated in Ramsey County, from the Snte of Minnesota, and understand that pursuant to Mi�nesota Statutes, section 282.241: • The owner at the time of forfeiture, or the owners heirs, devisees, ot representatives, or any person to whoin the right to pay taxes was given by statute, mortgage, or other agreemen;, may fite art application to repurchase any parcel of land claimed by the state to be forfeited to the state for unpaid property taxes, uniess sold or conveyed to a third party. • 7he property may be repurchased for the sum of all: o Cancelled taxes, including all delinquent real prop;rty taxes, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attributable to the taxes. o All property taxes plus penalties, interest and tosts an those taxes for the taxes payabie year following the year of the forfekure and aii subsequent years through the year of repurchase. o All delinquent special assessmentscancelled ai ihe time offorfaiture, plus penalties, accrued interest and costs attrihutable to those assessments. o Special assessments not levied between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Any additional costs and interest relating to taxes or assessments accrued between the date of forfeiture and the date of repurchase. o Extra costs related to repurchase and recording ot deed. A$250.00 administrative service (repurchase) fee, in certified funds, is due at the time the application is submitted. AII maintenance costs accrued on the property while under the management of Ramsey County, Tax Forfelted Land; from the date ot fdrfe(ture until the edoption of a resolution by the Ramsey County eoard of Commissioners, are to be paid by the prior owner. The reason or circumstances that led to the forfeiture of the property is (describe hardship): G3�. a�^'� � {p'"°I°�''�' • Returrt apptication to: Departmenf of PropeRy Records and Revenue, Attn: Tax Forfeited Lands Section, a0 Box 5a097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 09-727 Application to Repurchase after Forfeiture Applicant Nam � �- �s. ApplicanYs relationship to the property: /`d'� r aar ��• +•�• •- Mailing Address �� j b �• J� �1M � ( t�G � �V��' g � �� City, State, Zip � The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _� day of �Q. `�—.9�'_Yf Yl-Zt' 1��� � • NOTA YS7AMP$.. /SEAL 1 1' .. "+.�+arri_� ROCIp GULLLEN = tpMMpi$pg55� � ' u' � Nu pryPU 6 lk�CaUlomt a y ORANGECWNry Mq Comm. Ezp, Fey q� ZOpy ' 6iven under my hand and official seal of this D� day of �P Pr mlar.v . 2an 8 5ignature of Not ry P / yyy f c �.../ Notary Commissioner Expires _��� Z�hg Return application to: Department of Property Remcds and Revenue, Attn: Tax Porfeited Lands Section, PO Box 64097, St. Paul, MN 55164-0097 09-727 page 1 of2 STAivIP - Activities STAMP - Activities New Search Helo usino this reoort IS Helo Run Date: Ol(30J09 09:31 AM Sort by Most Recent Date Folder Count: 22 Starting House#: Po[derType: I � Date: Street Name: Click on address link to acress GISmo, Map1T, and Ramsey County Info PIN:362923230067 Address Date ID # 53^ Charles Ave Ending Date: Click on IDk link below to view detaii Status Type Description 12/16/08 08 23Z703 Open RE - Reai Estate owner: acace �r Miv i rusi ❑xe�np� Assessme�ts 10/O6/08 �8 173234 Completed TH - Truth In Sale of Housing Evaluator: Barry Eliason Private Inspec[ion - Single Family Eye Inc Dwelling 08/12/08 08 130725 Resolved CS - CSO Complaint - Brush, boxes, debris by alley. Exterlor - Complaint 04/03/OS 08 052706 Provlslonal CO - Certificate of OccupancyResponsible Party: Sta±e Of MN - Residential 1 Unit Trust Exe�t ---�_ 07j11J67 07 114035 Closed RF - Referral - License Owner: Sellna Gznt Inspection 06f15/07 �7 095660 Ciosed 06/04/07 07 089741 Closed OS/Ol/07 OS/19/06 � � 04/19/06 07 070976 Closed 06 085314 Closed 06 068748 History 02/17J�6 06 034406 Finaled 07(29/03 03 333343 Ciosed 09/13/02 02 222252 Closed 09/15/00 DO 143648 CloSed without Approvai OiJ24/00 00 117412 Finaled O1J24/00 �0 117414 Finaled - DAYCARE LICENSE INSPECTION PA - Parks Summary Owner: Selina Gant Abatement - Garbage Rubbish - Please remove cardboard, bags of yard waste, and trash in yard. CS - CSO Complaint - Deatl animai in back yard Eaterior - Complalnt CS - CSO Complalnt - Garbage F�ctertor - Complalnt CS - CSO Complaint - Tall Tall grass and weeds Grass - Complaint TH - Truth In Sale of Housing Evaluator: Richard Kilian Inspection - Singie Family Dwelling SS - PW Sewer Perm(t - Contractor: John Carlson Carison Sanitary - Repair Sewer & Water Company Inc � - MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 14, OP STINSON'S DMSION OF SECi20N 36, TOWN 29, RANG CS - CSO Comptaint - rubbish, other ext Exterior - Complaint CS - CSO Complaint - vehicies Exterior - Complaint B- Building Permit - Single Contrector: Vincent A Uliano Family Dweliing - Repair � - .Reshingle(w/TearOf�.. Closed without final approval W- Warm Air, Ventllation & Controctor. Charles A Aldrich General Sheet - Warm Air & Ventflation - Residential Replace M- Mechanical Permlt - Gas Contractor: Charles A Aldrich http://sparc.ci.sfpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperLy/Activiry_ReRoute.jsp?txtPinNo=3629232300... 1/30/2009 STA�v1I' - Activities 09-727 Page 2 of 2 - Residentlal Replace il/17/99 99 116175 Fnaled VB - Vacant Buiiding - - Feb 2, 2001: Issue Approved - Category 2- Singie Famity Letter Residentlal OS/O6/99 02 202034 History TH - Truth In Sale of Nousing Evaluator: Ron Staeheli American Inspection - Single Family Central Inspections Dwelling - Closed Folder on expiration date. 09/26/95 95 SOD337 Rnaied PL - Plumbing & Gas Fitting Contractor: Richard Fscher North (OLD) - Plumbing (ALL) - Star Plbg & Htg Co., Inc � Residential Replace OSJ29/95 45 078414 Withdrawn E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: James Sherrill/Charles Electrical - Residential Aldrich RepairyAlter 08/10/95 95 D77432 Finaled E- Electr,icai Permit - Contractor: ]im Sherill Electricaf - Residential Repair/Alter D3/29/95 02 202033 History 7H - Truth In Sale of Housing Evaluator: Bernis Clement Inspection - Single Family CVement Evaluatlons and Dwelling Inspedions Inc - Closed Folder on expiration date. http://sparaci.stpaul.mn.usISTAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute jsp?txtPinNo=3629232300... 1/30/2009 STAMP - Activity Detail Page 1 of 1 09-727 New Search STAMP - Activity Detail Hel� using this reoort IS Helo 530 Charles Ave Click here to access other applications using this address - GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Run 06/09/09 08:45 AM Date: Folder 08173234 ID#: Status: Completed In Date: 10/06/OS Issued 09/26/O8 Date: Expiry Date:09/26/09 Closed: i n- i rum m �aie oi nousiny People: owner: State Of MN Trust Exempt PO Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 Evaluator: Barry Eliason i 888 County D Rd W Suite 303 New Brighton MN 55112 651-639-0184 barryel iason @qwest. net TISH Stated Owner: % Angela Larson Carrington Mortgage Services P O Box 130306 Roseville MN 55113 Property: 530 CHARLES AVE, PIN: 3629Z3230067 %nfo Value: Smoke Detector Present: Y SD Properly Located: Y SD Hard-Wire: Y TISH Report Date: Sep 26, 2008 TISH Report Received Date: Oct 3, 2008 HPC Restriction: No Amanda Registered VB?: No Evaluator Registered VB?: No Amanda open permits?: Yes Evaluator open permits?: Yes Duplex Legal: NA amyie ra Fee: TISH Inspection Fee: $38.00 - Paid in Full: Yes - Payment Type: CREDIT - Payment Date: 10/06/2008 TISFI Inspection Renart Assigned To: Wiley, Debbie Next Schedule: 09/26/09 ReSUIt: 10/0 6/2008: Completed hrip://sparaci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Proj ectV iewer?devDatabase�&folderRSN=1... 6/9/2009 oziozizoos is:si r•ns ssi sss esss S'1' YAIJl ru�ic� usrr. 09-727 �ooaziuuoz Saint Paul Police Department AddresslinYersec6on Report � Address Search: 530 CHARLES AV Total Records: 13 (Sector7,t'arid 89) Complai`K # accur DatG & Tima House No InciQentlype Dispo Apt# Q8059372 04l04/200819:40:00 Si6 AOBBERY-HIGHWAY,STRONGARM RR 07020552 OZl02f20077Z50:11 530 1NVESTlGATE-ANDALL6THER ADV 06215924 10/18/2006 22:�5:00 530 WEAPONS-DISCHARGMG A EIflE4RM IN THE RR CITY t]MITS 0420041 D 09/16M2004 18:02:34 53D DRUGS-NARCOTICS � GOA 03248507 17/19/2003 72:7327 530 INVESTICa.4TEAN� ALL OT71ER ADV 03207260 09/24l2003 71:74:37 530 TRAFFIC VIOLATION-OTHER PARKING TAF VIOLATIONS 03161216 07/3V20Q3 �9:34:22 530 TRAFF7GSTOP/ADVISE TRF �2229958 10117/2002 � 1:44:36 53p ABANDONED CAR TOW IN, EfC. GOA � 02127702 O6/22/200200:09:34 530 DISTUFiBANCE�IS7UR6ANCECALl.S ADV 0�240922 TilOB/2001 72:33:00 530 TRAFFlC VIOLATION•OTHEfl PAA3UNG " CAN VIOLATIONS 01797097 09/t2/2001 2277:17 530 LIQUOR L4WS GOA � 07096t70 05/761200122:03:57 530 OISTURBANCEDISTURBANCECALLS ADV � 00245329 7y0.7/2000 09:55:38 530 �ISTURBANCESUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, ADV ''' . ACTIVffY . . lnformation requested by. (263605} 1 Printed at:t/30/2009 3:51:44 PM � 09-727 Saint Paul Police Department Addressllntersection Report Address Search: 530 CHARLES AV IblRecordCount Incident date from 01(0112004 to 06/08/2009 (Sector 1, Grid 89) Complaint � Occur Date & Time House No Inciderrt Type Dispo ApHi 09090717 05/092009 18:57:54 530 DISNRBANCESUSPIC10U5 PEftSOTl, CAR. ADV ACTMTY D9043278 03/062009 09:'I5:00 530 AEANDOtJED CAR TOW IN, ETC. RR 08059322 04/042008 19:4D:00 530 ROBBERY-HIGHWAY,STRONG ARM RR 0�020552 02/�2/2007 72:50:11 530 IM/ESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER A�N 062'15924 10/78200622:05:00 530 WFJ�PONSDISCHARGINGAFIREARMINTHE RR CITY LIMITS 04200410 09/18f2004'18:02:34 530 DRUGS-NARCOTICS GOA Information requested by: (32550) � Printed at:6/8/2009 2:30:01 PM ET00/9000�j 'JdHQ �DI'IOd TRVd ,LS S9S5 49S T99 Xt�3 6£�9T 600Z/80/90 e s :- a ; ,7 �rn f+m (r. �_ 27 I 2 � s � � 3 Bza� ( 22 @ �a S � uy " v n zs �2s u � s zs: �+ h z�e =1f±n 41 r::v) � � 5�;:, 25 CD 3 530 Charles Ave 36-29-23-23-0067 t#I��� m=1_°+3�/1 . � 16 17" 1&l '79` 20 21 � 2H 23 2d s aa '" �� iyz� � n,o� ru r � �� ������s�ii � �. ns� r -'k x k.. � 3588'IQ' 6V {0' 60' AQ' 6P �Q' 40' W' {0' 80' -0VTOCYTYYl28�. YAQQlEO t23-0t � 09-727 �'�. � � �:. n 31 32 � ts �� 1 60' %P JO d0' 4P � �P B 4]T5' 395'�3�� �S 39.T 38.5' 395 39.5' G 3c5' JY�� tlq� � r 7 y V M i � $ DISCLAIMER: This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not in[ended [o be used as one. This map is a compilatwn of records, mfoanaeon and data located in various city, wunry, smte and Fedemi o�ces and otk�er sources zegacding the azea shown, and is to be used for reference purposes o¢ly. _ a 0 � W �. Z a � � � �� F j �n U Q N O Zy �� �� FO h U F � zy � � .�r �'y U G U G° a o:= z G C o C C y d V Y yfi� O O G N � U V'� � o a1 o'c 'c > 4 C C � c p o T .'�'. � � �n e � � � c� O 3 � C C U * o _ � � ° h � ° a;�= ° o �c ���� � � m d � C �`^ i � ��.� m 3 � C u o Q °' 'c U r � a �� � ' - 3 � � � o � o d o Y� z � [ � - �� C " C M [ V Q Q .,> S .�' ` < ti o �� � C b y C d y ` � U p � n � U o p, a � � o h > Q � v C 4 � d � O v � � 4 3 a � 'c a' � ?3 c o 1 p ao �dya� �$ ��sv �� ��od �� oa ��� ry'a ° � a " e i � � b K p Q �`� ¢1U i� d - u ° � a � � U �C Y � v ° a _. U � � � 4 � c � m e ��-1 ,S : o ° '�to R o m o 'o 'q o c .: a V W ...�`i 0I � Q G v� a ��° qa � 4 � V v U tl � N V tl 0. � O � a m ° < o 'ci � o v � ° : o K o 0 5 i e o�� y . 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Si --Y� --6� B. R� D. Is If A copy of the Notice of Expiration of Redemption served by the Sheriff is enciosed. If the described land is not redeemed by July 31, 2008, it wiil forteit to the State of Minnesota for nonpayment of taxes. Ail payments must be made by cashiers check, certified check, money order or cash. No personal checks will be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact this office at the location and number listed above. Very truly yours, 7007 2680 0000 7781 �874 ma m ' m °� o m o m � '�_ � ?n 3= ' ,�", �° '^ � �■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete � m ` == e item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. w ,� r`'m ,°, w ■ Print your name and address on the reverse °'° °^ � m a so ihat we can return the card to you. EA u, ■ Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, g or on the front if space permits. 1, Articie Addressed to: 1� 3G2923230 Selina Gant 72 Maywood Place St Paul MN 55117-5620 0 x�, � 3 a 2. Articie Number (Transfer from s --- Ps Form 3811, 09-727 0 by /"�,�....,' � ❑ A9ent �� ❑ Addressee em,� C. Date of Oehvery ttiV �y, . _ �„>n.w��r���, — delivery address beiow: ��M� )�)%< �t �� ���{��3 3. Se ' eType Cedlfled Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Reglstered ❑ Retum Recaipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ GO.D. 4. Restricted Delivery7 (Extre Fee) ❑ Yes 7007 268� 0�00 7781 ❑�� 2004 Domestic Return Rec 10259S02�M454( 09-727 3� —2:3rC���7 �� �s c�� �1TC( In�IPC�h'10.� ��1�1 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Aiso complete ; item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ;� Print your name and address on the reverse ' so that we can return the card to you. �� Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. t. Articie Addressed to: M p'r-I�c�g �, �e�'rc�n i cRe � �e� F r-emor7 1 nv � s � '~ I 311 o E C ����� "� L0� � u4s�1 12c� �{e 5�0 �� 1�G.�1 o CA �{ 1 �� 1 3�-�g- a3-a3 -00��7 2. Article Number (riansfer fiom serv/ce labelJ PS Form 38y 1, February 2004 A Signa �e ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee B. R ceived y(Pnnted e, C. DateoiDelivecy �• 3� • 4�� D. Is delrvery ad nt from item 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivary adtlress below: ❑ No 3. Service Type � Cartffled Mall ❑ Ezpress Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Retum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. � 4. Restricted Dellvery7 (Fxtlg Fee) � y� 70�7 2680 ��p0 7781 1437 �omestic Return Receipt �'��,��1� � I�V��'�'19�'l� � �--�.h C�r�� _ 7�07 2680 OOQO 7781 ],444 o ;� t = y� � � 3' m° m �o m 'D= m ' � _: 1 1/I 46 � ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Resiricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ( ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpip�e or on the front if space permits. `��,' 1. Article AddreSSed to: A Signature X � mzsss-oz-na�eao � �' �s� /CP,�� � �. ❑ Agent Name) � G. Data of Delivery � / � P['� �'`— � D. Is delivery address different from kem 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address 6elow: ❑ No � �relmo� ( ���- 2 7Z7 �.Impe�rir�l g �(7� � � �' � �G�' 2°( ' 2'�,-2?, - (1(' , JUL - 1 2008 3. ServiceType ❑ Csrtifletl Mali ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Retum Receiptfor Merchandisa ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. � 4. Restricted �eliveyl (Extra FeeJ ❑ y� z. nrno�eNumter 7007 2680 �00� 7781 1444 � (T2nsfer from service l , PS"Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt to25sso2-M-isao ; 7�07 268Q