D001903• • City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER ►_���� n.��r�vr►i�[���i��� Account# WHEREAS, Employees of the City of Saint Paul provide public service to the residents and visitors to the City of Saint Paul on a daily basis; and WHEREAS, It is appropriate to recognize and assist employees who provide those services in a nominal fashion, for example, by awarding them notebook holders, team achievement pins, coffee cups, etc.; and WHEREAS, Directors of the below-listed departments wish to recognize and assist their employees by supplying them with paper pads with the City of Saint Paul logo and calculators which they can use during the course of their duties. NOW, THEREFORE, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to cover expenses related to the purchase of these supplies, not to egceed $2,500.00 Amounts to be charged to these accounts: Department/Division Planning and Economic Development LIEP Fire Cab{e Communications Technotogy and Management Services Labor Relations City Attoraey � .) O � • Date: � —��-� � Amount 126-36075-0369-64620 320-33351-0359 001-05001-0369-50060 166-31121-0369 001-01001-0369 001-00161-0369 001-00200-0369 APPROVED AS TO FORM r� L �,��✓�� Assistant City Attorney $1,213.20 $505.50 $454.95 $90.99 $80.88 $50.55 $30.33 _—� �C �L,—.���' 2�9� Department Directox ,V-- 6l.R�c.� Mayor/Finance Director � DepaM�enUoSicMcouncii: Date Initiated / /O /�/QA� Technology & Ma'�oement Services July 26, 2000 Green Sheet No 103531 RJ v� v ConGct Person & Phone: � InitlaUUate i��p� Peter Hames, 266-8796 ? � I�r- cirycaum.,� Be an Council Agenda by (Date) �9� a�'�' �O^"S'� a City Ciuic NlYnbef 3 Finar�cial Sav Dir. Financial Serv/axtg F Maya(OrAsst) CivilSm�iceCammissian Roufing Order ToTal # of Signature Pages _(Cfip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Administrative Order approving purchase of notepad holders as incentives for City employees. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Secvice Contracts Musf Answer the Foi4owing Quesiions: t. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? PWnning Commission Yes No CIB Canmittce 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employeel Civml Service Commission Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnalty possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: Department/Division supervisors wish to recognize employees for the public service they provide the residents and citizens of Saint Paul by supplying them with notebook folders/calculators which they can use during their course of duties. Advantages If Approved: Employees will be recognized for their service to the City, and will have a valuable tool for their efforts. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. RECEIVED Disadvantages If Not Approved; J U L �(7 2�QQ Services of dedicated employees will go unrecogriized. � ATT�R � E� Total Artwunt of TransaMiun: j 2,500 CosURevenue Sutlgeted: � Fwwinq Source: See attached Adminis[rative Order Activiry Number. R�CEIVE() ncial Information: (Ezplain) �� � 4 2000 G:VSHARED1Advun44orobooksGSwqd