09-724Council Htile #� — 7a-( � Green Sheet # 3072009 RESOLUTION MINNESOTA IG 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the Apri17, 2 2009 decision of the Legislarive Hearing Officer for Appeal on Letter of Certificate of Occupancy 3 Deficiency List for the following address: 5 Prouertv Appealed 6 7 400 La�r enteur Avenue West 8 Appellant Cindy Kraushaar 9 Decision: Grant variances for the bedroom egress windows on the condition all exits are cleared of 10 obstructions. 11 Requested by Depazhnent of: Adoprion Certified by CounciJ-Secretary B➢� ///�+1'l1�(.rilllCO�� Approve�ate 7/! Z--�at� B � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Adopted by Council: Date ��j���/Jcl � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � U 9-��� ' Departmenfl�celCOUncil: 1 oate�°,t,a�d: Green Sheet NO: 3072009 ' CO-Council 'i 30-JUN-09 ' f Contad Person & Phone: � Marcia Moermond �, Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc.Type:RESOIUTION £-DOCUmeMRequired: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: A5� Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) o Councii I: 1,Couucil I i Deoar[ment D'uector 2 ;CSN Clerk C5ri Clerk 3 i �- 4 j � 5 j I� I Resolution approving the decision of the Legislarive Hearing Officer on an Appeal of a Letter of Deficiency for proper[y at 400 Larpenteur Avenue West. Recommendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contacts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this deparlment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: DisadvanWges If ApproVed: Disadvantages If Not Appraved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial information: (E�cplain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: June 30, 2009 70:26 AM Page 1 Apri17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes �� �� a(� Page 5 6. Appeal of Cindy Kraushaar to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for properiy at 380 L,aroenteur Avenue West. Appellant Cindy Kraushaar (7831 E. Bush Lake road, Bloomington 55439) appeazed and provided photo�aphs of the building. Ms. Shaff stated that the openable dimensions of the egress windows ion all sleeping rooms was 18 inches high by 29 inches wide, and that most sleeping rooms had a second window measuring 14 inches high by 35 inches wide. Ms. Kraushaar stated that she had an identical property being inspected in two weeks. She said that the corner apariments had rivo bedrooms and the bigger bedroom had two windows but that all of the windows had the same openable height. She said that the widths were different but the height was the same, and she asked whether the windows could be re-measured. Ms. Moerxnond asked that the window dimensions be re-measured. She recommended granting a variance if the openable height of the egress windows was at least 19 inches. Ms. Shaff stated that she would communicate with Section 8 regarding the Section 8 apartment. On Apri122, 2009, Inspector Martin re-measured the windows and all had openable heights of at least 19 inches. Ms. Moermond recommended granting a variance on the openable height for the egress windows. 400 Larpenteur Avenue West Ms. Kraushaar also requested this property be included with the above appeal. One June 26, 2009, Ms. Moermond reviewed the dimensions of the egress windows and recommended granting variances for the bedroom egress windows in the building on the condition all exits must be cleared of obstructions.