09-719Council File # �/I � ! ��
Green Sheet#
Presented by
1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached Joint
2 Powers Agreement which has an indemnification clause, with Mower County acting through its Sheriff's
3 Office for participation in the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said agreement is
4 to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services.
Adoption Certifi�e Coun Secretary
BY� //" ((!llr�t/f ls<�,e-sd2
Approve ayor�ly��
By: ���
By: ✓ �--^�—_
Approved b iayor for Submission to Council
BY� �O✓�,� YJ/I.Q..c.�J2��-r
Adopted by Council: Date ��0����/
� Green
Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
01-� l9
� DePartmeMJOffice/Council: -- -------, Datelnitiated: �
�� PD - P���ce Department i 28-MAY-09 ; Green Sheet NO: 3070861
! ' Deoartment SentTOPerson InitiallDate '
� Conqd Person 8 Phone: '
� ChiefJohnHarrinpton � y � o g_o_s�enepanmen _'[ . _rogc ene�artment �' _ ��
i 266-5588 � � 1 PoGce Department _ - -- - Police D eoartment ^ '
-_- __ ___ -_ _ ' __ _ - -_ �'_ _'_'-'__ '
---- - �- - -- --------- -� Assign —�- ---
. . ,.� �--_-----�----_�..- "
, Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i Number
! For
__-_____.__ _ ..___ _________ .� Routing
�, Doc. Type: RESOLUTION I Order
__ __ 1
�; Required: Y '
�. Document Coniact: Evette Scarver j
Contact Phone: 266-5541 � i
�� � -_- __ - _ __ _ __- ____ ._L _-- - I__. . .____- __ _____. _.__- _- ____..__-- - __._ _—
ToW I# of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locatbns for Signature)
�.---___ ______. __.____ _ ___.___ _--. ._______.___ ___.__.—_ __.__._-_
i Action Requested: �
� Signatues on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached Joint
� Powers Agreement with the Mower County acting through its Sheriff s Office.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planoing Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/�irm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No -
i '� Explain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
�i__.__-____________..___---_-______.__ _�-____.__ - __
�� Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
�I The Mowet County Sheriffs Office will participate in the Intemet Crimes Against
'� police Deparhnent. Authorization is needed.
Children (ICAC) Task Foree of the Saint Paul
� ---- --- -------- -- ---------------------
' Ativantages If Approved:
; Opportunity to use grant funds to partneiship with the Mower County Sheriff s O�ce to combat internet crimes against children.
I Disadvantages If Approved:
I None.
I r -____ __-- _ _- _.__._.-_- -._.____ --. _.___
i DisadvanWges If Not Approvetl:
�' Lost opportuniry to use grant funds to combat intemet crimes against children.
Total Amount of �
Funding Source: 436
'� Financialinformation:
__._ _______
J�� .!. � ��U�
_-__ _. - � `�ti„"S���m� '_
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number: �056
May 28, 2009 1:58 PM Page 1
GS 3070861
Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force 09-719
Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement
T`his Multi-Agency Law Enfarcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements
thereto, (hereinafter "Agreement") is between the City of Saint Paul, ac �� t Q� h its Police
Deparhnent (Grantee) and C�f, acting through its ��iP.Oi tl ��'F�'e�{hereinafter
"Undersigned Law Enforcement Agenc}�' both which aze empowered to enter into joint powers
agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter
into this Agreement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76; and
WheYeas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force
intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal
exploitation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers,
and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and
Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to
prosecute criminal, civil, and farfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and
WheYeas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit
A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in
Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of
children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment,
training, and expenses, including travel and overtime funding, which are incurred by law
enforcement as a result of such investigations; and
Whereas, the OJ7DP Intemet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Grant Manager has been
established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation of the
grant and sub-grant recipients.
Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows:
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into
this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three-
pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention,
education and enforcement; and
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJJDP
ICAC Task Force Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as E�ibit
B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducting undercover operations
relative to ICAC; and
2. All officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to
the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or found by
the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have
comparable qualificarions; and
3. When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency
acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of
this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and
course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on
behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and
4. The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hold
harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and all
claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred
by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the
Undersigned Law F,nfarcement Agency's officer/s/; and
5. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue
to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they
were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all
services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within
the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the
Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that
employer and entitied to that employer fringe benefits; and
6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests fo.r.
undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the
Minnesota ICAC Task Force far presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Tasl:
Force Board of Directors; and
7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written
request for funds and receive approval far the funds from the Grantee to
receive any funds from the Grantee; and
8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to
be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and
9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records
peztaining to prevenrion, education, and enforcement activiries, to be
collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force
Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and
10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any
audits required by the OJJDP; and
11. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good
faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in arder
to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and
12. . The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for
forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the
ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and
13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota
ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner ali investigative
equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in
the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency
decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task
Force and the 5aint Paul Police Department, or the Agency breaches the
Terms of this agreement:
This ageement shall be effective upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall otherwise
limif the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a
member of the Agency.
Harrington, Chief bf Police
Saint Paul Police
Assistant St. Paul City Att6iney
Director of Office of Financial Services
Bv and Title�r�
A enc � �' �
Agencvi ce �� �rooriate person(s)
have executed the Agreernent on behalf of the
' �
Date , ;'
�_- - - —"�
_ ,�
� �-ll-��
_ -Date `�i�
D.ate �
, i � Ui�/�`�
GS 3070861
Department of JusBce
` Office of Jus[ice Progmms
`w.,.�+ <
Office of the Assistant A:!omey Geneml wnch�ngror,.00 3ns31
September 26. 2007
Chief Iohn bA. Hamn�to?
City of Saint Paul
IS West Ketlo� Bouleva-d
St. Paul, Mt� SS 102
Dear Chief tiarrington:
On behalf of the Attomey General, i[ is my pleasure to mform you that Ihe O�ce of Jusnce Pmgrams has approved yow
applica[ion for funding w�der the OI1DP FY 07 Buildmo ICAC Forensic Capaciry in the amount of S?00,000 for City of Saint
Enclosed you will Gnd th: Grant Award and Special Condit�ons documents. This award is subject to all administrative and
financial requirements, n.r.luding the timely subm�ssion of all financial and programmatic reports, resolution of all intenm
audu findings, and the m: �ntenance of a mimmum level of cash-oo-hand. Should you no[ adhere [o these requirements, you
will be in violation of thc Icrtns of th�s agreement and the award will be sub�ect to tertnma[ion for cause or other admm�stranve
acuon as uppropnate
If you have quesuons reg��idmg th�s nward, pleue contact
-°rogram Qucsuons, Jacquelme 0'Reilly, Prog2m Manager at (202) 514-5024; and
F�nancial Quesuons, the Office of the Comptroller, Cusmmer Service Center (CSC) at
(800) 458-07A6, or you may contact the CSC at ask.oc@usdo�.gov.
CongrnNlations, and we Iook forward to working wrth you.
v^,. 3�.✓ L� �.�_+�._'.<.±'d
j .-r
Regma B. SchoCield
Ass�sCant Atlorney Genc��' �
,II '
Departmenf of Justice
- Office of 7usdce Pro�ams
,,,� Office for Civil Rights
Wo�hmgton.D.0 ?053/
Sepiember 26, 2007
Cn�ef ]ohn M. Harringtun
City of Samt Paul
IS Wes[ Kello� Boulevard
St. Paul, MN �5102
Dear Chief Hamngron:
Congratulano�s on your ;ecen[ award. In estabhshmg financial assis[a�ce programs, Congress linked the receipt
of Federal funding to co*rmhance with Federal civil righ[s laws The Office for Civil R�ghts (OCR), Office of
Iustice Programs (OIPj. 1!.S Department of ]ushce is responsible for ensunng that ruip�ents of financial aid from
OJP, rts component ofGics and bureaus, the Office on V iolenec Againsl Women (OV W). and the Offiee of
Community Onented Policmg Services (COPS) comply with applicable Federal crvii ngh[s atatu[es and
regula[ions. We al OCR are availablc m help you and yout organization meei the avil rights requirements that
come wiH� Justiee Depanment funding.
Ensuring Acress to Fedrrally Assisted Programs
As you know, Federal laws prohibit recipients of finanaat ass�stance from discnminanng on the basis of race,
color, nauonal ongm, relig�on, sex, or disability m funded pmgrams or acuvities, not only in respect [o
employment practicec bui also m the deLvery of services or benefits. Federnl law also prohibits funded programs
or accivines from discnnunating on the basis of xge m the deiivery of aernces or benefi[s.
Providing Services lo Y,.mited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals
In accordance with Dep-���ment of Just�ce Guidance pertaming to Titie VI of the Gvil R�ghts Act of 1964, 42
U.S.C. ¢ 2000d, recip�en:, o! Pederal financial ass�stance must take reasonable steps to provide meanmgful access
ro their programs and acuvnies for persons with limited EngLsh proGciency (LEP). For inore mformalron on the
crvit nghts respons�bihues [hat recipients have m providmg langua�e sernces W LEP individuals, please see [he
website at http Nwww Irn gov.
Ensuring Equal Treahnent for Faith-Based Organizations
Tbe Department of Justice has published a regulation speci6cally pertammg to Ihe funding of faith-based
orgamrations. in general the regiJation, Part�c�pation m Justice Depanment Programs by Rehgiouc
Orgamzahons, Providmg for Fqual Treatment of atl 7ustiGC Department Progrem Participants, and known as the
Equal Treaiment Re�ulat�on 28 C.F.R. part 38, rcqmres S�ate Admimstering Agencies to trea[ Ihese orgamzat�ons
the same as any othcr apnlicant or recip�enL The regulahon pmhibrts State Admmistering Agencies fmm makmg
award or,�,rant administn, ion decisions on the basis of an organizanon's relioious charneter or a�hat�oq
religious name. or fhc re� ;gious composil�on of ils boazd of direcCOrs.
The regulai�on also proh•J��s laith-based orgamiations (rom usmg Gnanc�al assistance from [he DepaRment of
J�rsnce to fund inlierrntlo religious acnvmes While faith-based or�amzations can e�iga�e ro non-funded
mheren0y rcl�gious ucn. ines, they must be held separately from the Departmen[ of Justice funded pro�ram, and
customers or beiie(aane, cannot bc compelled to pazticipate m thcm. The Equal Tmavnent Regulabon also
makes cleaz thac organ�sations participahng m programs fu�ded by the Department of lustice are not pennitted to
discriminate in the pro�a�.,�on of serviccs o� the basis of a beneficiary's �ehgion. For more information on the
regulation, please see OCR's websne a[ http://www.qp.usdoj.pov/ocdetfbo.htrn.
State Admmisterin� Aecr.ues and farth-based o�.amrations snould also note that the SaF Streets Act, as
amended; the Victimc of Cnme Act, as amended; and t}�e Iuvenile ]ustice and Dehnquency Prevenhon Acf, as
amended, contain proliiomons a�ams[ discrimination on the basis o( rehgmn m emp7oyment. These employment
provis�ons have been spcc:fically mcoroora[eA in[o 2S CF.R. PaR 3S 1(f) and 382( fl. Consequently, m many
circums�ances. it wo�id be impermfssibie for faith-based organizat�ons seeking or receivin� funding authorized by
these stanites w havc po'.mies or pract�ces that condrtion niring and other employment-related decisions on the
reh� on of applicana or cmployees. Pro,rams suoject to these nondisrnmmation provisions may be found on
OCR's websrte at http:/,4���vw.ojp.usdoj.00v/ocr/ Quesnons about [he regulahon or the siatutes that prohibi[
discnmmztion m empio�arent may be directed to this Office.
Enforcing Civil Righ[s': aws
AlI recinicnts of Fcdcrai financial assistance, regardless of the particular fundmg source, the amount of the grant
award, or ihe numbcr of : aiployecs in the wockforce, are sub�ect to the prohibmons avainst unlawful
disenmma[ion Accordu�_'y, OCR mvesnoares reapients tha[ are the sub�ect of discrimmation complaints from
both mdrv�dua6 and �,r<n:.;s. in addition, based mi regulalory crileria, OCR selects a number of recip�ents each year
for wmpliance revicws, .,i,<hn that rcyuve recipients to submrt dat�i showin� that they are providing serv�ces
eqmtabl,v to all segrncnt> .�f the�r serv�ce populat�on and that their employment prachces meel equal employment
opportunity standa�Js
Complying with the Saic Strcets Ac[ or Program Requirements
In adduio�� �o these gc�ierni pmnibii�ons, an orgam�ztion whroh is a reapient of financial ass�stance subJect to the
nond�scn�mnahon pruv�sions of the Omnibus Cnme Control and Safe StreeLS Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1965, 42
U.S C§ 3789d(c), or othcr Federal grant program reqmremen[s, must meet two addilional requirements:(1)
complymg with Fcde�al i�gulat�ons pertaining to the development of a�i Equal F,mploymem Opportunity Plan
(EEOP), 2R C.F.R. y 42 '01-308, and (2) submitting ro OCR Fmdings of Discrimination (see 28 C.F.R. §§
-02205(S) or 31 202(S �j
1) Meetiup fi�c EF,OP Requiremenf
In accorduncc wilh Fedci,u rcgulanons, Assuranee No G m(he Sland�trd Assurances, COPS Assurance Na R.$ or
cenain Fe�eral grani pro,�; am reywrements, your orgamzation musl comply with the followmg EFOP reporting
If yoor or�an�zahon ha� mcewed an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 oc more emptoyecz (counhng both
Tul4 and part-umc cmployees but excludme polii�cal appmntees), then rt has to prepure an EEOP and submit it to
OCR for review within 6+1 days f'rom (he date of this le[ter. For assistance in developing an FbOP. please
consult OCK:c websile.�i nitpJiwwvr.o�p.usdo�.gov/ocr/eeop.hnn. You may also request techmcal assistance from
an EEOP special�st ai Ot �R by dialing (?02) 61 G-3208.
If your organizalion rcmi red an award between S?5,000 and $500.000 and has 50 or more emoloyees, your
or�anizat�on sull ha.ti lo p:�epare ssn EF,OP, but ii does not have lo submn die LEOP to OCR for review. Instead,
yuur or�;aniiation ha� to "�intain [hc EEOP on Gle and make �t available for review on request in add�tion, your
organroanon lias Iu com ���v Secuon F3 of tl�e Cerlificanon Form and retum �t [o OCR. The Cert�ficanon Form can
be Ibund at http�//wwoi . n usdo� gov/ocr/eeop htm
If youror�an¢nLOU i c<. -Ul au ;�ward lor less ti�an 525,000_ or iFyour orgum�atimi has less lhan 50 employees,
revardless ofthc amount uC thc award; or if your orgamzntwn �s a medical msti[uuon, educanonal mst�tution,
nonprof t organizution ��-� Indian tribe, ihen your orgamaation is exempt from Ihe EEOP requirement_ However,
your orgai���ntion rticGa! ccmpleta Secf ion A of the Certification Fonn a�d retum it to OCR. The Certifica[ion Form
can be founn a[ h[tr, 5w �, h o�p usdq guviocdeeop.htm
2) Sumnit�;ng Findings ot Discrimination
In the event a Fcdenl or ��am court or Federal or State admm�stratrve agency makes an adverse findmg of
discrimina[ion agains( v,,, - orgamzavon after a due pmcess heazm�, on the ground of race, color, reLgion, nafional
ongui, m scx, your orga: �, ation must subnnt u copy oF the fnding to OCR for review.
Ensuring t6e Complianrc of Subrecipients
[f your organiaation makes cuSawards to o[her agene�es, you are resoonsi6le for assuring that subrec�pienis also
wmply with ail of the apoFcable Fedenl civil ri�hts laws, includme Lhe requiremen5 pertaimng [o developing
and suhmitnng an FFOP : eponing Findinos oPDiscrimination. and providino laneuage services to LEP nersons
State agenc�es tnat nak: �:bawards must have in place standard gani assurances and review procedures to
demonstra[e ;hat [hey ;.ro c:l�; ctfvcly moni[orina tlic civil rights compliance of subrec�pienis.
If we can assrstyou in an � way in fulfillmo your crvil ri�hrs responsibihties as a recipient of Federal fundine,
please call OCR at (20?1 '� i-0690 or wsit our websi[e at http.!/www.ojp.usdoj �ov/ocrl.
�'�'^-� a� G�H--
Michael L Nston
cc� Grunt TAanagei
Financml i\nalva�
' Departmer[ofJustice � I
- OfficeaflusncePmgrams . �
� � - � ' PAGE 1 OF 3 �
��-�, , OfficecfJuvenile3ustice CooperativeAgreement i
; _ and Definquency Prevenfion , ', '�
I. RECIPIE4T NAMh A�U AD(>RI.Si (Indudmc Zip CodcJ
, CnyofSair,:Paul
l5 Wca Kclla_s Bavin�uiJ
St Savl, Mk 5i3➢2
4. AWARD NUMHER: 2005-MC-CX-K008
HU➢GET PERIO� FAOM 01/OI2005 TO I?/31l2009
�,6 AWAftDDATE 092l2001 7 p��pN
� R. SUPPLBMENT NUMBER ' Supplcmrnral
' MmncsoWCumpumrPurensic.Nluna:� :icminninnvc
' l l TOTAL A"/ARD S l.I5q000
Th�s prn�ca �s ampnrmd unJCr Pub L No I IO-S, cmhcdJW uce IOI-104, Pub L No. 109-108, I19 Sta1 ??90,?230; 42 U.S.0 3]/0 37fi2a as m
efTcctonScpi 40,200G(PY?�0"1"I++,ocDnanio�ary")
� 1 � � �� �
Rcgma B Schoficl<I Juhn M Hemng�on
. Aus[amAt�umeyGw�oml , CMCfofPoLce
l ��j�, �� ;'��t�� i'�.' � �i
i �j/+i��
f 20 ACCOI'�IIN( 21 D60�IOOfHt _.
x g D6 90 00 00 200000
OJP PORM 4000/? �RFV 4-33)
' ; :Rr.a'
DepattmentofJusnce I
Officeof7uaticeProernms '
Office of Juvenile
3usfice and De{inquency ,
CooperaGve Agreement
A�VAR➢DATE 0926200"!
-- --�
racE i oF s ��
1 The recipiem ag;eec to wmply with the financial and admmiseatrve requirements set forth m the current edinon of the
O�ce oflustice i'�uerams (OJP) Financial Guide.
? The recipienl acknowled,es that failure ro submit an acceptable Fqual Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is
required to suSi� ' rnc pursuxnt to 28 C.F.R. Sec[ion 42302), that �s approved by Ihe Office for Gvil Rights, is a
violanon of u� CPrtiGed Assurances and may result m suspension or [ermmanon of funding, unnl such nme as the
recipicntis�a coinnliance.
3 The reciuient agr��cs to comply with the organi�ationa{ audit requirements of OMB C�rcular A-133, Audrts of States,
Local Govemmr,ts. and NomPro�n Orgamzauons, as further described in the current edmon of the OJP Financiai
Guide, Chaptc• I9
4 Rcmp�ent undeniands and agrees �hat n canno[ use any federal funds, ei[her dvectly or mdirectly, m support of the
enaclment, repeal moAifica[ion or adoption of any law, regulanon or poLcy, at any level of govemmen[, without the
express pnor �n�,r.�n approval of OSP
5. The apphcan* bud�el is pcndmg rev�ew or approval. The recip�ent may not oblioate, expend or draw down any �rant
funds imtil the OI'fce of thc Comptroller, O�ce of Justice Programc 6as issued clearance of [he applicahon budget, and
a<irant Ad,�v.m�.n�: \ouce has been issued removing this speciai eondition.
6. The Pro�ec� D+ra >;r and key program personnel designated in [he application shall be replaced only for compelling
reasons �nd y�, �.'�.!��� �!._ enncurrence of OJP. O1P will not unreasonably withhotd concurrence. All successors to key
personnel mue! 1:., approved, vnd such approval is contingent upon submission of appropriate infortnatmn, ineludmg,
bul nol Lmncd tc, n resume Chan�cs in other progrzm persomiei reyuire only notificatwn to OIP and submission of
rr.,umes, unic.� oJierwise designated in the award document.
7 The recip�ent agr::; to aubmrt quanerty financial status reports [o the Office of Justice Programs using Standard Form
SF 269A on Ihc Intcmct at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov . These repons shail be submitted on-line not later than 4S days
afler Ihe end o� c.xii calendar quartec The final report shall 6e submitted not later than 90 days followmg the end of
Che grant penud
8. Trc rec�pmnt shnii ;�bm,t scmiannual pwgress reports. Progress rcports shall bc submrtted within 30 days after the end
of thc reporLug ; ;criuda, mhich ere June 30 and December 31, for the life of the award These reports will be submrtted
to the Off�ce uf l�i� i w� Programs, on line-througl� [he In[emer at httpsJ/gmnts.ojp.usdo,7.gov/
9. Approval oF.r�...... ard does not mdicate approval oFany wnsultant rate m excess of 5450 per day. A deteiled
�ostif e�nun nws� �,. sub�n�ttcA to and approved by the Office of Iustice Programs (OIP) program office prior to
oSiig�uai oc oxpcndnure of sucM1 funds
10. The rec�pient agrcez �o comply with the ICAC Task Force Prooram Standards as estabiished by the ICAC Tuk Force
Advivory Ao�¢d zaa approved by OIJDP,
I L The recipiem ngncs to 1'orward reports oC1CAC'Iask Force Program Monthty Performance Measures to [he OIJDP-
designatcd s�ie.
O7P FORM 4000,4 fRte 4Rk)
_ �
� :,� De,a � I
� - - O:Tica o�Iustice Pro�rams AWARD CONTTNGATION ' �
. -°� 02iice of Juvenile St1EET PAGE s oF 3 �
�� E � 5 ''°°'"" � .iustice and Delinquenc}� Cooperative Agreement �'i
Pre� _�ation
'" - - - - �- - - ------ �I
PROIECTNUM6ER ?pps-h:^�i: KOOR .4WAADDATE 092fi1?009 I
1? Thc O�ce oC fu�c�ile Justice and Delinquency Prevent�on has elecred ro enter into a Cooperanve Arreement rather
[ian a,raN w�ci� t6e rccinienL This decision reflects the nmtual interest of the recipient and OJJDP m[he oQeraROn of
tiie oro�ect as ..eu us the anticipa[ed level of Federal involvement m this projecL OIJDP's participa[ory role in the
project �s as 1��:'._ ..
x Revicw nnd a���p.ove m:qor work plans, includmg chan�es to such ptans, and key decisions perta�m�g to pro�ec[
U Revmw and annrove major project gencrated documents and ma[enals used m the provision of pro�ect sernces.
Pmvide qudrne: ;,; si�nificant pruJect plumm�o mcetings, and participate in project sponsored traimng even[s or
OJP FORM 4000/� IRGV ¢frR�
- Department of 3usfice
' Office of Jusrice Progams
.�� .,
--- �ce ofJuvenile Justice and Delinquencv Prevention
Wa�hmgion.DC zns3i
Memorandum To: Cf6cml Gran[ File
From: Kathy Grasso, Nepa Coordinator
Subject Catcgoricai Exclusion for Ciry of Saznt Paui
The recipient agrecs to a,sist OJJDP ro comply with the Nat�onal Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
other related fedcral cnv; � impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds either
direetly by the recipic�:t �� by a subrecipient. Accordingly, prior to obligating gran[ funds, the grantee
agtees to firs? dcternvuc , i any of the following activilies will be related to the use of the grant funds and,
if so, to advise OIJDP a! �d request further NEPA implementation gmdance. Recipient understands that
this special condition appiies to its activities whether or not they aze bemg specifically funded with these
granY funds That is, as Iong as the aetivity is being conducted by the reeipient, a subrecipient, or any
third party and the activiry necds to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition
must first be met. The activities covered by this special condition are: a. new construchon; b. minor
reuovation or remodehn,�. of a property either; (t) listed on or eligible foc listing on the Nationa] Register
of Historic Places or, (2) located within a 100-yeaz flood plam; c. a renovation, lease, or any other
proposed use of a buiSdin� ot facility that will either; (} ) result in a change in its basic prior use oz; (2)
sia ificantly change it�, .,�-.c and; d Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals
other than chemicals tha' are; (1) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activrty and;
(2)traditionaHy uaed, f�.>r example, in office, household, recreaYional, or education.
C � iF �4F
.' �
e k
7epartment �f Sustice GRAA'T MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: j
�::lCf 0[)VSIICC.yt�mc
OfFice of.lwenile Iusnce and i
Ucimquency Prevention CoOperafive Agreement
— �
2005-MGCX-K008 P/+GE 1 OF 1 '
1'ois pro�ect ia auppnrtr:; n:� icr Puh L No ll0-5, embedded uss 701-Ifk: Ptia L No. 709-1OS, � �9 Sixt 2290, 3?30:43 LLS C.37fi0 -3762a az m �
effut on Sept. 3q ?OOO i F\" ]UO] "8yme Dis<Mnolury'"� i
1- $TA FF C OM1TA("f fP-ar. ; LL�Neohonu nnm6cr)
Iscquelmc O'Rrilty
(202) 5145021
9a Tlllt Oh 7tLtYRr�Glr .bi
OJJDP FY 07 Ruddme I, A� : urensw Capaciry
Mmnc.aru Cumpufei 1 ornau *Aimngemen[ Imnahvc
5 NAMF. S^ ADURGSti ni ' kAN'CbE
C�N ol Saint PaW
ISWevtKellu�Bn.�l� i.A
Si Paul M� 55102
FROM: 01�0; J)pi
$ zno.u��o
11 SE(Y)ND Y � 12'V':� ��)� �'T
"CU 12RI2009
? PROIECT DiI2ECI'pR (Aame, address & telenhone number)
Ne�i helsov
3(>] Grove Svzet
St Paul, Mh SSI01
FkOM 01/OI/2005
TO: 12l312009
15 SUMA4ARy pBSCP.II'"! ION O( P2OlECT (See ms;mchon on reverse)
The ICAC pro,[am �s a na«unnl nclwork of muttl-ngeney, muhyur�sdic[tonxl tavk forces eneag� m proachve �nvett�gatioas, forensic
txa�nnmions, avd c�lccn ^ pro�ecnimos Addmonally, the tazk fomes prov�de forenttc, prevmhon, and mveshgat�on assu'raoce m parents,
educa�on, procecuton. i. �. enforeement, and othem m�cemrd with chilA v�etimtza[�on �ssues
Suppfemenial fundin_ n;.,�g provideA fur the put7iose o: develop�ng and unplemevnng stmteg�es ro bmld Ne Tazk Forces' capaary m handle
forenti, m��ze;��xuon, nnn i:ducc fo[ensw bvtklags CNNCF
O,iPFOAMd000/2(RLb' 1�'R)
� �0 6i
Internet Crimes Against
Children Program
�`��r��� 1: : : 1 `�
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
Page 1 of 15
As used herein, the following definirions shall apply:
"OJJDP" is the �ffice of:iuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevenrion.
`�CMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
"CEOS" is the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Secrion of the Criminal Division of the
Department of Justice.
"ICAC" is the Internet Crimes Against Children pro��ram composed of Task Forces and
"TASK FnRCF' is defined as an ICAC lau� enforcement agency designated by OJJDP to
act as a State and/or Regional Task Force.
"AFFILIATE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnership with
a Task Fcrc;� and has as� in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigafive
"PARTTIEF" is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force absent a written agreement.
"NATIONf�L INITIATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal that relies on the
coope;ation and resources of a11 Task Forces or mandates action by OJJDP.
"CVIP" is the Child Victim Identification Pro�am operated by the National Center for
Missing & Exploited Children.
"CYBER"i'Il'LINE" is a reporting mechanism for cases of online child sexual
exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited
For the pur��oses of this program, crirne is defined as any offense that involves the
exploitation of children facilitated by technology.
Investigativc intcr�est is established when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name
or other potentialiy identifiable entity has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a
seauence nf activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime.
A proactivc inve.rtigation is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders,
which may or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a
significant de�ee of pre-operative planning.
ICAC Progvam Operational and Investigative Standards
1°age 2 of IS
A reactivc ir yestigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime.
Reasonable ,ruspzcion is established when sufficient facts exist to lead a law enforcement
officer to bclieve that an individual or or�anization is involved in a definable criminal
activity. _
ICAC Program Operational and Investigafive Standards
Page 3 of 15
1. Oversight
1.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall
provide for observarion, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity.
3uch syst°m should comply with the principles of quality case management and
ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standards.
1.2 Task rorces shall submit all propesec national initiatives to OJJDP prior to project
1.3 OJ3DP ulay suggest amendments to the oria nal proposal following consultation with
the presenting Task Force and other federai, state, and local entities.
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
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2. Selection and Re#ention of ICAC Task Force Personnel
2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work
history that indicates prior investigative experience, court testunony skills, ability
to handle sensitive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection
of children.
2.2 Given the graphic nature of e��idence routinely encountered in ICAC related
cases, the mental health of investigators working such cases is a great concem.
Task force supervisors at all levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to
ensure fliat a�� assigned of.icers remain fit for duty in accordance with applicable
departmental policies and procedures.
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
Page 5 of 15
3. Train;e�g
3.1 All Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent with the
ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards.
3:L ICAC Ta�k Force Commanders are responsible for ensuring that the individuals
nominated for ICAC sponsored training aze employed by ageneies that have
aa eed in writing to aclhere to the ICAC standards of investigation and that
any prereauisite requirements for the training session have been met.
33 ICN.0 tasi: forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with
current ICA� standazds. Any subsequent support required as a result of the
regional training shali be the responsibility of the task force providing the
ICAC Program Operatioreal and Investigative Standards
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4. Case TTV�fanagement
4.1 Case °reaication and Prioritization
4.1.1 Cases rnay be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipiine, Intemet service
providers or other law enforcement agencies, and by informarion gathered
through suh;-�ct interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of
suspicious behavior, pubiic complaints, or by any other source acceptable under
agency poli�ies.
41.2 iCAC super�isors are responsible for determining investigative priorities and
selecting eases for investigation. Assuming the informarion is deemed credible,
that detennination s;�ould be�rin with an assessment o£victim risk and then
consider ot};er factors such as jurisdicfion and known offender behavioral
characteri;tics. The following prioritization scale shall be considered:
aj A.;hild is at immediate risk of victitnization
h) ,4 rhild is vulnerable to victimization by a known offender
c) A la�own suspect is aggressively soliciting a child(ren)
d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home
ph�>to _��aphy with domiciled children
e) � essive, high-volume child pornography manufacturers or distributors who
ei�',ca ara; com�nercial distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sadistic
f} ivlanu#acturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-volume trafficking
<n to an organized child porno�naphy ring that operates as a criminal
g} Distribators, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography
'�) � ry� r�'t,er form of child victimization.
4.2 h2eco� 3�t;€��+an�
4.2.1 tCF,�� ..nen�ies shall be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures
and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be
assigned to each ICAC case.
4.22 Al', afnliatc:: agencies will report their activity to the respective Task
Force Cnm-n ancicr by the l Oth of each month using the ICAC
Monthly ;-erionnance Measures Report.
�,.'1.:3 T«s.c i,;: ccs arill com�ile and submit their monthly performance
measures report to the OJJDP designated location before the end of the following
i'C/iC P; oeram Operational and Investigative Standards
Page 7 of 15
calendar month. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress
report repuired bv the Office of Justice Program's Financial Guide.
4.2.4 ICA C' Case Tracker — Task Forces will compile and submit information on all cases
referred ior either state or federal prosecution. Information is required for all cases
referred by the �ant receiving agency, as well as all affiliates that received morethan
$20,000 a year. This report is on-�oing and begins with the prosecutorial agency the case
is referred to znd conrinues through tl:e final disposition of the case. This on-going
quarterly rei�ort will be due within frve (5) business days of the start of the quarter and
does not r;pi c;:e either the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of Justice
Prob�ram' � F':r,sncial Guide nor the quarterly statisrical performance measures report (see
4?3 abc,.: ; 1'he report is submitted to icaccasetracker�Irusdoi.�o� and copied to the
ICAC Pro,�am Manager assigned to the task force.
4.:, Unae.^cuver �nve�tiga�ions
43.1 Car.�."uii,� :r:;uiaged undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers are
arrieng the .r.t;st e`fective techniques available tu law enforcement for addressing
ICAC of;., �ec. �;hldezc;over operations, when executed and documented
properly, c•oilect virtually unassailable evidence regarding a suspecYs predilection
to exploii �I,';lciren.
43.2 ICA:: supervisors are responsible for ensuring that 1CAC investigators receive a
copy of the iLAC Operational and Investigative Standards.
43.3 ICAC investigations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles
of law anu �.�.c; piocess. 1CA�. investigators are encouraged to work in
conj uactiou �v ili their local, state or federal prosecutors.
43.�F T'he «rilo tninimum stanclards apply to ICAC investigations:
a. e`?niy sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduct ICAC investigations in an
ui �ctercuver capacity. Private citizens shall not be asked to seek out investigative
ta� nor sha]] the be authorized io act as police agents in an oniine
Ucd�� capacity.
b. ii" ',C r�ersonnel shall not electrnnically upload, transmit, or forwazd
no^��o:r�phic or sexually explicit images.
c. Orner L'nan images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have
pr�, :�:ce:i their infoir.:�d written cunsent, and at the time consent was given
w•ere employed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or
vic+.e:;, sl�all be utilized in an investigation. Employee is defined as a
uaia^>�d or cornpensated individual.
ICAC.` P�•ogram Operational and Investigative Standards
�age 8 of 15
d. uur.ng online dialogue, undercover officers should allow the investigative
�rge! �� set the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversation. Image
har.sfer ;;7a11 be initiated by the target.
e. _irde:wver online activity shall be recorded and documented. Any departures
from this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be documented in the relevant
cas�_ Fiie �nd revi�wed by an ICAC supervisor.
4.4 �vide�^� �rn�edures
4.4.1 The :��c..ag�, security, and destruction of investigative information shall be
consiste;. �.- t.: agcncy pe[ic}�. Access to these files should be resh to
authorized ;,�� siamel.
4.4.2 The c:xarr,ination of computers and digtal media shall be consistent with agency
policy anc( i�:'�ce�ure.
4.4.3 Chi7-i .-�rne;enaphy i.; contraband an!1 should be maintained pursuant to each
ag�r�cy':, �;. ':..;�.,;, regsrding such. lt is recommended that absent a court order
specificai'._� ;�rdcring otherwise, evidence containing child pornography shall not
be relea,L�; �.; ar.y defendant or representativE tnereof.
4.4.4 The � a; �st�r of evidence containing child pomography among law enforcement
shal] be dun�� � r a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery,
transrnis;ioi: uf dioitally protActed files, delivery via a service which tracks the
shipmeni .,�s;;�ei me:hods consistent with agency policy and practices.
4�.5 �k'o:m, �,e �r3ai �;quipcn�ent
4.5. i 1C!�'_' U��n;putcrs and software shall be reserved for the exclusive use of agency
desi��atr:�' P%;;' nersotu�el. 4Vhen �ossible, undercover computers, software,
and online �.:, oui�ts shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment
sha11 be u:.�. : m{i;AC investigations and all softwaze shall be properly acquired
and licer�::�
4.5.2 IC�4C. ,�us.,anel shail not usc 1CAC comp¢ters, software or online accounts for
personal ose
4.5. { AUsen� exi�;ent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online invesrigations sha11
be c�ndu��:;�i : nu�ernment workspace as desi�ated by the agency. Exceptions
mus: be z; i, ,: ,�ci ;n ad�ance by an �C1�C supervisor.
��.�AC Prvgrars Operatiorzal and Investigative Standards
Page 4 of IS
S.Infors�r���s��t Sharing
5.1 Con � e,., :�;:ai boundaries are virtually meaningless in the electronic world of the
Intemet a* _' tl:e usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance.
'F'hese fac�- �-;r��. �ase the nossibilit;+ of ICAC agencies tazgeting one another,
investigatin�, ihe s�jne subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing
investigai,.-.. ; r ioster coordination, collzboration, and communication, each ICAC
agere;� �'-_�?., �.,»tribut� ca :e i�.ifor.�ation cn a?I aetive investigations
(local, in�cr<::1te, r�active and proactive) to a common database as designated by
OJJDP cu�. _ntly, refesed to as the ICAC Data Exchange.
5.2 If any c=;nimon tazget is idenrified, the inifiating ICAC agency is responsible for
contactm�, �; acn�r law enforcement agency targeting the suspect.
53 :aiti,�t, �:_'r>:� ageaci�s should also consider contacting other local, state, and
feQe� al a�: s��._�� ��,�.c�i may be inco;ved in similar investigations.
LCAC Prooram Operatio�zal and Investigative SZandards
Page 10 of 15
6. Vie�i:�t :°���a�fication
6.1 =den�`: :_ :_ c:::ld victims is a crirical element of the ICAC Program. DOJ and
03JDP rec,:. -: aL Task Forces to submit child victim images to the CVIP as a
means tc i-. •ro�e child victim idenrification. Absent exigent circumstances, child
victim inu:� :s wii: be sent to the CVII' consistent with NCMBC guidelines. In
addition i: .? �� agencias a;�e encoi:raged to coliaborate with NCMEC to identify
children r��°°c:red in c:iild p�rno�aphy.
6:L A focu� �>``the TCAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where
reponmg ot cnild abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies are
strongly �^=��x?ra:*_ed to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse
or e;�plo,,.:;. ,,..
63 Aoser ig-_,�t circumstances, victim identifying informafion should be protected
from pubi � ;ASC.osure.
�CAC Program Operutional and Investigative Standards
Page 11 of I S
7. Vicfirr, �=;:Eaf:�ation
[New sec�.i �. tc �: drafted in 2009 about JUSTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govem
victim no�ific:�tior..]
ICAC Program Operatiat2al and Investigative Standards
Page 12 of 15
8. Sest P�< i:::iice:; €or Interaciing with Potential Child Victims and their Non-
Offendir�r ��mity Members
[To be de�:c%oped in 2009.]
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standar•ds
I'age 13 of 15
9. Comar_=.�a�iLy Education and Crime Prevention
9.1 Prevenrian education activities aze a critical component of the OJJDP ICAC
Program. i� �C agencies should foster awazeness and provide pracrical, relevant
guidance .� cnildren, pazents, educators, librarians, and other individuals
concemed zr.ou� child safety issues.
9.2 Presei,::.,,ans to schaoi sta$; paren�s, and community groups aze excellent ways
to promoic: :,v; aseness. Ttiese presentations shall not depict identifiable victims,
not otherwis° in the public domain; nor shall they use pornographic or sexually
explicit ima��es. Yresenters shall not discuss confidential investigafive techniques.
9.3 No n;emFier i�,� an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without
the exp; ess : c�nsc:�t of an UJJDP Pro�am Ntanager. While appearing at public
presentati� n;s, IC.�C members may indicate a preference for a product or service,
but to avoic, d,� in;olicit endorsement, such ICAC members should indicate
adequate ai.�rnatives.
ICAC Program Operatiorial and Investigative Standards
Page 14 of 15
10. Me�::: 3t�"sations and Releases
I0.1 Medi_+ ~=ieases relating to prosecufions, crime alerts or other matters concerning
ICAC ope-s.r,ons shail not include information regarding confidential
investigativ� techniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with ottaer
Task Forc� F:articipants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local
agencies in ���1.ved in the invesrigation consistent with sound information
managemer.` an4 media relari�ns practices.
] 0.2 ICAC ;'-?-nmanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about
their owr, r �<�arments' iCAGrelated activities according to their own agency's
guidelines. '�io individual affiliated with the ICAC program may speak on behalf of the
]CAC Pr.,�� :;,; �us a whole.
10.3 ICA�, ;'oairnanders siould inform their OJJDP Program Managers if approached by
nat:onal n,�-.,:u outiets about the ICAC Progam (as opposed to media seeking
infonriaiio,f about local activities) so that a coordinated national response can be prepazed
by GJP.
10.41nfe� �r�.��; >>� ��rovided by ICACs to the media shall be consistent with the guidance
Purpose i; t3ae I�:AC Fragram
The missi�.>n of the Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to
assi,t stato �,nci ;ccal law enr"orce�nent agencies in developing an effective response to
cy�her cntA�;�n�ent and chiid pomography cases. This support encompasses forensic and
invesUgaL�dc cc���iponents, training and technicai assistance, vietim services, prevention
ana ccmmurzity education.
TY�CEC�TCCiS'ef�s tri� ei38 ��1��' �YOg2'8I1'1
1'he Interizc;+ l, ritues Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of fifty-nine
coordinat;� �nca! task forces and their 1,8001oca1 and regonai affiliated agencies
enga�,ec; i� `�tn proactive 4nd reactive investigations, forensic examinations, effective
prosecati� •�; � anc; community education. i The ICAC Program was developed in response
to the incr: ;;mg, uumber of children and teenagers using the Intemet, the proliferation of
chiid ponr.:__.�r,n,;, �7d the heightened online activity by predators searching for
unsuperv�s�:d �.antact ��vith underaae victims. By heiping state and local law enforcement
agencies u�, �e;ox; efiective and sustainable responses to online child victimization and
child porna�;rz+pl�y, the ]CAC program delivers nationai resources at the local level.
"I7;e iC.f,l. ,. ,,s�.�n active'.y protecis children who use the Internetbyproactively
investSgatS, �,- tl�� ar-line sexual exploitation of children by predators. Because ICAC
practitior:c �, �c•°-stand that arrests alone can not resolve the problem of
an-l�ne v�•: i�; ��.tion, the ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and
educatir�� ,-. ,r;:n:s and youth about the potential dangers online and offering safety tools.
/�AC Prrogram Operational and Investigative Standards
Page I S of 15