D001902CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR u ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: �o o I 9� � Date: /'�UJZJ� GS #: 106251 ��5112F�TTVE ORDEK, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of public Works to amend the 1998 budget of the Capital Prol' ects fund, the Director of the OHice of Financiat Services is authonzed to amentl budget in the toliowing manner: • 1 FINANCING PLAN 2 3 C98-2T552-292A6 4 MARGARET-ARCADE RSVP 29 30 31 SRF 32 17 C98-2T552-29246 18 MARGARET-ARCADE RSVP 19 20 Construction 21 22 23 24 25 FINANCING PLAN 26 27 C98-2T632 28 MAJOR SEWER REPAIRS-7998 5 6 PFA 7 SRF 8 CIB 9 ASMT 10 MISC 71 12 13 14 75 SPENDING PLAN 16 Current Amentled Budget Change Budget 7 99,675.00 199,675.00 155,950.00 15,071.7 8 171,021.18 2,311,752.90 2,311,752.90 l, 7 80,152.00 1,180,152.00 223,530.00 223,530.00 4,071,059.90 15,071.78 4,086,731.08 4,071,059.90 15,071.18 4,086,731.08 4,071,059.90 15,071.18 4,086,131.08 7,706,208,70 -15,071.18 1,691,136.92 7.706,208.10 -15,071.78 1,691,136.92 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVIS101V No.: Date: GS #: 106251 E�D�SIRATTVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the re uest ot the Directoc of the DeQartment of public Woxks to amend the 1 budget of the Capital Proj ects fund, the Director of ihe Office of Financial Se[vices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget C� 33 SPENDING PLAN 34 35 C98-2T632 36 MAJOR SEWER REPAIRS-1998 37 38 Construction 39 1,706,208.10 -15,071.18 1,691,13b.92 1,706,208.10 -15,071.18 1,691,136.92 ejw/jab ��_✓�'—� AG�rov By. ayor � Oale ��� '� �0 � floo�9aa DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET r,o. 106251 Public Works 7/1 212 0 0 0 m' ate 1nNaUDate COMACT PERSON 8 PHONE � /� �/ Ed Warn-266-6142 & Soe Mueller-Zb6-6149 DEP GI� ��'LTOR � ��TYCOUNQL BE ON COVNQL AGENDA BY (DATE) A�gGN 6 CRYATTORNEY ❑ CT'CLEFK NU61BEFi FOR ❑ �❑ ROUTING FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTqNT) ❑ Ed Warn � ❑ Oitic R ert � 7 � tD � ❑ N1uel12r � Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of attached Administrative Otder amending the spending and financing plans of the MazgazeUArcade RSVP & 1998 Major Sewer Repairs. RECAMMENDATIONS'Approve (A) ot Re)eet (R) PERS�NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PL4NNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firtn everworked under a contraa forihis tlepartment? _ CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO � CIVILSERVICECqMMISSION 2. HasthispersoMfirtneverbeenacRyemployee? YES NO _ 3. Does Ihis person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? VES NO 4. Is ihis person/firm a fargetetl ventlo� INRIATINGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,NRiA7,WHEN.WHERE,WH� YES NO Additional Sewer Repair funding is needed to cover costs incurred in tYte MazgazetlAtcade RSVP project There is su�cient Sewer Repair funding in the 1998 Major Sewer Repair project. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The funding will match the spending in the MazgazeUArcade RSVP project. DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Funding in the 1995 Major Sewer Repair project will not be available for use on other projects. R� JUL. 2.6 2U00 DISADVAMAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: CITY �t�OK There will be a funding shortfall in the Margazet/Arcade project. � � LAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ Net$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES r+o Iric souRCE SRF AC7Nm' NUMBER C98-2T552-29246 & C98-2T632 FINANC�AL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN)