186977 1.8f i977 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL �ILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM Council M. DeCourNy_186977—By Mrs.Donald e5olved Tha` the C r� ' inner of cre, here?a er PRESENTED BY DATF COMMISSIONER // _ �LG . ri�It,li .f i1 12 ,•.=gym – RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance hereby is authorized to endorse, in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, that certain check of State of Minnesota, in the sum of X12,000.00, made payable to order of Treasurer of Ramsey County, Irene Jackman, State Capitol Credit Union, and. C ty of St. Paul, as and for payment of award of damages for condemnation by State of Minnesota, affecting Parcel 25 in Ramsey County, Minnesota, District Court proceedings, State of Minnesota vs. Simons-Carlson, et al, and to deliver said check to said Irene Jackman, a.s fee owner.' the subject premises At the time of said condemnation, and State Capitol Credit Union, it appearing that the interest of City of Saint Paul therein was limited to a lien for local improve- ment assessment in the amount of $5$.57 which has since been fully paid by said fee owner. APR 15 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays P, PR 15 1958 DeCourcy Holland j Approved 195__ A�a� tHi- In Favor Mortinson arson Mayor g Against Acting kTinel , Mr. Preside . l Prtzitket (Peterson) 5M 2-57 _ .2 PUBLISHETJ . Duplicate to Printer 18i i977 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE PESOLVYD, that the Co'iinis:ion r of Finance hereby is authorized to endorse, :.i o. heh=af of the Ci t;r of Saint Paul, that certain check of State of lv" .nne.ot=, i;.1 the sum of 4.,12,000.U0, ;mace pryya.ble to orc'.er of Treacurer of Ramsey County, Irene je.ckiaan, State Capitol Credit Union, and City of St. Paul, as rind for ::payment of award of dams.gee for condemnation by ;"tate of L 1nne.3ota, affecting Porcel 25 in Ramsey County, Ii;nnesota, District Court proceedings, State of r inue:-.ota vs. Simone—Carlson, et al, and to deliver s-ic' cheek to said. Irene- Jackman, +.s fee owner f the subject premises at the time of said condemnation, and State t.aapi tol Credit Union, it appearing that the int.erect of City of Saint Paul therein was limited to r. lien for local improve- ment assessment in the c.is +unt of x`53.57 which ban since bE en fully paid by said fee owner. APR 15 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays • DeCourcy APR 15 1958 Holland Approved 195- Maiditelll In Favor Mortinson -Peteraa Mayor n--- Against Mr. President, Dillon. 5M z-57 2 ;ider't (keterson)eterson)