186725 Original to City.Clerk. ORDINANCE 18' 72' COUNCIL FILE NO. j r PRESENTED B� `�L���/ ORDINANCE NO. //%2._.2 -S. I •ire-1 F No. ' V P W': -- 'A aoi fire,of,t+ • An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11061, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Maple- wood to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the Cit' of Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions" a:ooroved July 26, 1957. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and. safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OPDAIN: rlo4/ Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 119693 approved July 26, 1957, be and the same hereby is amended in the following particulars, to-wit: That Section 1 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so that the same shallread as follows: "Section. 1. That the Village of Maplewood hereby is granted permission and authority, subject to all of the terms and conditions hereinafter ex- pressed, to construct and thereafter maintain and operate suitable connections according to conventional ® z engineering standards approved as to construction, Lii ri location, and elevation by the Commissioner of Public n Works of the City of Saint Paul at or adjacent to the �, f; intersections of: C \ Margaret Street and Winthrop Street, Q c Ruth Street and Larpenteur Avenue, Cl. White Bear Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue, C Kennard Street and Larpenteur Avenue, and Chamber Street and Larpenteur Avenue, end McAfee Street and Larpenteur Avenue Stilly;'ter Avenue and. McKnight Road, Larpenteur Avenue and Flandrau Street joining the public sewer system of said Village with the public sewer system of said City, in the nature of and to be maintained and operated as the only outlets for said public sewer system of said Village and for the expeditious, convenient, and effective conveyance and disposal of sewage entering said public sewer system of said Village. " Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor - Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. Presidt Dillon Approved: Attest: ?-ei ,� r e- City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 8 Original to city,Clerk. ORDINANCE : 8t;` 25 - COUNCIL FILE NO. • PRESENTED BY -��.�._ ORDINANCE NO. / 7 Y • and that Section 15 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so that the same shall read as follows: "Section 15. That, despite anything of contrary import herein contained, the areas of said Village hereunder authorized to be serviced and drained as aforesaid, in their aggregate represent less than the entire area of said Village, and hereby are limited and restricted to the fol- lowing specified parts of the same, t)-wit: (1) That part of sei( Village lying north and east of Phalen Lake and between the north corporate limits of said City and Minne- sota State Highway No. 36, (2) That certain additional part of said Village lying between McKnight Road and East Ramsey County Line, and between Conway Street and Geranium Avenue; (3) That part of said Village lying between McKnight Road and East Ramsey County Line, and between Geranium Avenue and Holloway Street; and (4) That part of said Village lying between Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 36 and Gervais Avenue, and between Barclay Avenue and Germain Street; and that the drainage from said Village public sewer system into said city _public sewer system hereby authorized shall be and hereby is limited and restricted to such drainage from the sewer lines of said Village public sewer system delineated in red thereon and indicated for 'immediate construction' upon the Plot Plan of 'Proposed. Sanitary Sewer System for New Canada Township, Minnesota' prepared by Bettenburg, Townsend and Stolte, Architects and Engineers, bearing the further designation, 'Exhibit No. 4' , dated November 17, 1955, and filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Saint Paul, which Plot Plan, by reference, hereby is incorporated herein and made part and parcel of this Ordinance, and from such additional and necessary sewer lines of said Village public sewer system as said City' s Commissioner of Public Works shall approve." Section 2. That this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence therein by said Village of Maplewood evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village council or governing body and the filing of a certified. copr of the same with the City Clerk not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. APR 10 1958 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson ---"'--- Tn Favor Peterson Rosen / Against Winkel Mr. President illon) APR 10 1958 4:„.i J l' Approved: Attest: J� /� &OIL C..65eiy\ct City Clerk - Mayor ` , c/ 1M 12-57 fi ' prUBI,ISI4E1 Duplitate to Printer ORDINANCE 1.8i 725 • . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Y-)// An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11061, entitled: "An on:Ann:ice granting permission and authority to the Village of Maple- wood to connect the nublic sewer system of eel- Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the it: Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions" ftenroved Jul— 26, 1957. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and e-fety. THE COUNCIL OP TRE CITY OF VAINT PAUL DOES MAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 110610 approved July 26, 1957, be end the eeme hereby is amended in the following particul,rs, to—wit: That Section 1 of the same shall be and hereby ie emended so the+ the same shellreed as folloys: "Section 1. That the Village of Maplewooe herelly is granted permission and euthority, zeabject to ell of the terms and conditions hereinafter ex- pressed, to construct and thereafter maintain and ()perste suitable connections according to conventional engineering etan-irds app ae to construction, location, -114 elevation by the Commissioner of Public 7orks of the City of Saint Paul at or adjacent to the intersections of: M--rearet StreEt and Winthrop Street, Ruth Street and Larpenteur Avenue, White Bear Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue, Kennard Street and Larpenteur Avenue, and Chamber Street and. Larpen'eur Avenue, and McAfee Street and Lerpenteur Avenue, Stillw ter Avenue and McKnight Road, L-rpen cur Avenue an Flendrau Street Joining the public sewer system of said Village with the pubre sewer system of eeid City, in the nature of and to be maintained and coereted as the only outlets for said public sewer system of said village and for the expeditious, convenient, and effective conveyance and dippos 1 of seeege entering said public sewer system of said Village." Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson % Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 4gpx. Duplicate to.Printer ORDINANCE i725 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ( ( end that Section 15 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so that the same shall rein as followst "` ect on 15. That, despite anythinc' of contra* import herein contained, the areas of laic Village hereunder authorized to be serviced and drained as aforesaid, in their eerregate represent less than the entire area of said village, end hereby are limited and restricted to the fol- lowing specified parte of the sE:.me, b-wit: (1) That part of s=-id Village lying north and east of Phalen Lrke and between the north corporate limits of said City and Minne- rota State Highway No. 36, (2) That certain additional pert of raid' Village lying betveen McKnight Road and Last Ramsey County Line, and bet-even Conway Street and Geranium Avenue; (3) That part of sele Village lying between McKnight Road and Est Ramsey County Line, and between Geranium Avenue and Holloway Street: and (4) That part of said Village lying i etr een Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 36 an Gervais Avenue, and betveen Barclay Avenue and Germain Strc et; and that the drainage from said Village public sewer system into said City public sever system hereby authorized shall be and hereby is limited and restricted to such drains e from the sever lines of said Village public eewer system deline ;ted in red thereon and Indic ted. for "immediate construction' upon the Plot Plan of 'Proposed Senitery Sewer System for New Canada Township, Minnesota' prepared by Bettenburg, Townsend and Stolte, Architects and Ingineere, be:.rin the further designation, 'Exhibit eo. 41 , dated November 17, 1955, and filed in the office of the City Clerk of :.I( City of Saint Paul, which Plot Plan, by reference, hereby is incorporated herein and made part and parcel of this Orinance, end from such additional and necessary serer lines of e:ir; Village public sewer system as said City's Commissioner of Public Works shall approve." Section 2. That this mandatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence therein by said Village of !• aplewood evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village council or governing body and the filing a certified copy of the s-:me with th. Cite Clerk not later than 60 deya next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 4. hie ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its p^sssge, approval, and publication. APR 10 1958 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson - in Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel APR 10 1958 Mr.President (Dillon) Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 8 • • • •• • • • • • • C ' . • • r- • • • • • • • • . 1 Original to City.Clerk • ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED Bl��' �s��w ORDINANCE Nom_ C 11-,. ( F• • 6725—Ordinance No. v P W': I3_ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1106 , entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Maple- wood to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood. to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions" approved July 26, 1957. This is an emergency ordinance rendered. necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THEE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES`ORDAIN: f/o4i Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 1 approved July 26, 1957, be and the same hereby is amended in the following particulars, to-wit: That Section 1 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so that the same shallread as follows: "Section. 1. That the Village of Maplewood hereby is granted permission and authority, subject to all of the terms and conditions hereinafter ex- pressed, to construct and thereafter maintain and .� operate suitable connections according to conventional CDengineering standards approved as to construction, location, and elevation by the Commissioner of Public o Yorks of the City of Saint Paul at or adjacent to the intersections of: . Street Street, � Margaret treet and Winthrop i , tr Ruth Street and Larpenteur Avenue, White Bear Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue, Kennard Street and Larpenteur Avenue, and CI. Chamber Street and Larpenteur Avenue, and McAfee Street and Larpenteur Avenue,Avenue and McKnight Road, Larpenteur Avenue and Flandrau Street joining the public sewer system of said Village with the public sewer system of said City, in the nature of and to be maintained and operated as the only outlets for said public sewer system of said Village and for the expeditious, convenient, and effective conveyance and disposal of sewage entering said public sewer system of said Village." Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor - Peterson Rosen _ Against Winkel Mr. Presidnit illon Approved: Attest: / City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 4Opp 8 i Duplicate to Winter ORDINANCE 18( 725 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1/1/'j An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11061, entitled: "An ortinnnce granting permission and authority to the Village of Maple- wood to connect the eublic sever system of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the it of Saint Ren1 and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer sys'em of saie Village for public sewage conveyance and dieposel purposes, and orovidine apolicabl- terms and conditions" annroved Jul- 26, 1957. Thi is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the nublic peece, health, and sefety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 11061, approved July 26, 1957, be and the same hereby is amended in the following perticulers, That Section 1 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so the+ the same shrlireed as follows: "Section 1. That the Village of Maplewood hereby is granted nermission and authority, f:ubject to all of the terms and conditions hereinafter ex- pressed, to construct end thereafter maintain and operate suiteble connections according to conventional engineering stan-erds eperoved se to construction, location, end elevation by the Commissioner of Public Forks of the Ctty of Saint Paul. at or adjacent to the intersections oft Mnre-ret Street and Winthrop Street, Ruth Street and Larpenteur Avenue, White Beer Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue, Kennard Street and Larpenteur Avenue, and Chamber Street and Lelpen'eur Avenue, and McAfee Street and Larpenteur Avenue, Stillw-ter Avenue and McKnight Road, L-rpen eur Avenue and Flandrau Street joining the public sewer system of said Village with the pubre sewer system of said City, in the nature of and to be maintained and operated as the only outlets for said public sewer system of said Villeee and for the expeditious, convenient, and effective conveyance and diepos-1 of sew-ge entering said public sever system of said Village." Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson in Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr.President (Dillon) Approved. Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 4ORS0 Original to City.Clerk. ORDINANCE i8i725 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY —AL..: e ORDINANCE NO. 371/ and thet Section 15 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so that the same shall read as follows: "Section 15. That, despite anything of contrary import herein contained, the areas of said. Village hereunder Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 186725 COUNCIL FILE NO. --- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ( and the+ Section 15 of the same shall be and hereby is amended so that the setae shall rend as follows: "rection 15. That, respite enythine of contrary import herein contained, the areas of eaid Village hereunder authorized to be serviced and drained as aforesaid, in their aagregate represent less than the entire area of said Village, and hereby are limited and restricted to the fol- lowing specified part e! of the sEme, le-wit: (1) That part o' EA.( Villeec lying north end east of Phalen Lrke and between the north corporate limit a of said City and 'Tinne- eota Fite Highway No. 36, (2) That certain additional pert of rele village lying between McKnight Road and Last Raeeey County Line, and between Conway Street ane Geranium Avenue; (3) That pert of ERiC Village lying between McKnight road ane East Ramsey County Line, and between Geranium Avenue and Holloway Street: eine (4) That dart of said Village lying betveen Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 36 and Gervais Avenue, and betveen Barclay Avenue and Germain 6tr. et; and that the drainage from seid Village public sewer syrt(m into said C4-47 public sewer sysf.em hereby authorized shall be and hereby is liTitad and restricted to such drainage from the sever lines of sal/ Village public sewer system delineAed in red thereon one indict tee for 'Immediate construction' ueon the Plot Plan of 'Pr000red Sanitary Sewer Syatem for New Cen-a4a 'rownship„ Minneeotal prepared by Bettenburg, Tounecne and Stolte, Architect and Ingineere, beerin the further desienatien, 'Exhibit 411 dated November 17, 1955, end filed in the office of the City Clerk of e; i., City of Saint Paull eThiell Plot Plan, by reference, hereby ie incorporated herein and made part and earcel of thi Orinance, riei from such additional and necessary sewer lines of e ic Village public sewer system as said City' s Commissioner of Public Works shall approve." `'ection 2. That this mandatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence therein by sal Vinare of Maplewood evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village council or governing body and the filing of a certified cop:- of the name with th Citv Clerk not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this emendatory ordinance. Section 3. This oreinance is hereby declarrd to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessery for the preervetion of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This; ordiernce shall take effect and be 2_;:i force upon its p-ssage, approval, and publicItion. APR 10 1958 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson-/-- In Favor Peterson ( Rosen Against Winkel Mr.President (Dillon) APR 10 1958 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12-57 .400.8 VILLAGE c •,4 *-PLEWOOD 1900 CLARENCE ST'=4 -y '-N.. AUL 17, MINNESOTA SPring 9-8247 April 30, 1958 jo /1 (9\ Joseph A. Okoneski, City Clerk 386 City Hall and Court House St . Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Okoneski: I am enclosing an affidavit of publication for the Village of Maplewood Ordinance No. 57 which is an ordinance accept- ing the St. Paul City Ordinance No. 11225. If there is anything else you need in regard to this matter or you have any questions please call me at the above telephone number. Yours very truly, FORREST R. SCHMID, Clerk By Mrs. Dorothy M. He j ny Deputy Clerk dmh