185191 Original to City Cleric _ - i 8 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -' 1'�� `J FILE Na OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �, COUNCIL RESOLUTION�-}G�ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \g\IMN v" S V�_ QO .P(kti Lw ) COMMISSIONER �e1 Council File No. 185191—By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy—Bernard T. Holland –Severn A. Mortinson— Robe Pet con- Vli?`on RlsenY Adr r r• 7i' RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that, in behalf of said City and its inhabitants, official cognizance hereby is taken and recorded in permanent attestation of the long and con- sistently meritorious career of William H.- Mattocks in the service of said City, which culminated in his 61st year on the 4th day of October, A. D. 1957, when he vas summoned from this life by Almighty God, and at which time he was and had been theretofore continuously since the 14th day of June, A. D. 1949, Fire Chief of said City and wherein he had uniformly demonstrated and attained a nation-wide reputation for exceptionally high aptitude in fire prevention and suppression and had attained meritorious distinction in other fields of endeavor as a member of the Military Forces of the United States of America in the first World War, as a member of the Serra Club, Knights of Columbus, and American Legion, respectively. RESOLVED FURTHER, that official cognizance is taken and recorded in permanent attestation of his commendable service in civic and charitable fields wherein his efforts were ever directed to the promotion of high social standards, justice, and the security of our constitutional form of government and of the fact that his demise has occasioned incalculable loss to the City of Saint Paul and its inhabitants and a great sense of deprivation and grief to his surviving spouse and children. RESOLVED FURTHER, that. the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in its own behalf and in behalf of said City and its inhabitants, hereby extends sympathy and condolence to his bereaved surviving spouse and children and authorizes and directs the City Clerk to provide for the preparation of an engrossed copy of this resolution and the delivery thereof to the surviving spouse of Said William H. Mattocks, decedent, with all convenient speed. 91957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Nov 195_ Yeas Nays g DeCourcy ``01" 1 j Holland 1/� Approved 195- Marzitelli &AIL Mortinson In Favor :SE ILL. _ Peterson Mayor Posen J Against Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-58 }:''UBLISIi 1 JI- - 7 Duplicate to Printer 11 tr� 0 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ 1 � . 1. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATA PFSOLVYD,, by the Council of the City of Seint Paul, that, in behalf of s-id City and it inhebit=nth, official coenieenee hereby is taken and recorded in perm..nent attestation of the lonr and con- sistently meritorf out. career of t,J=.it iaa H. -attocke in the ,ervice of said Citq, whi.ch culmina'ted in his 61st year on the l,th day of October, A. P. 1057, when he w s soul toned from this life by almighty' God, ena at which time he was and had been theretofore continuously :ince the 14th clay of Tune, A. D. 1949, Fire Chief of s is City and w=herein he had uniformly demonstrated and ..t.t-i ned a nation—••ide reputation for exce,:t!onally high aptitude in fire prevention and suppression and had attained ;meritorious distinction in other fields of endeavor es a member of the Military Forces of the United Etat s of America in the fire- liorla 'Jar, a member of the terra Club, Knights of Columbus, and American Legion, respectively. RESOLVED FURTHER, that official cognizance is taken and recorded in permanent attestation of his commendable t;ervice in civic and charitable fields wherein his efforts were ever direct-d to the promoti^n of high social et.en 2 rds, justice, and the security of our constitutional form of government and of the f-ct that. ' 1 demise has occ~.:iened incalculable loss to the City of Saint Paul and its inhabitants and e+. greet sense of deprivation and grief to his surviving s?ouee and chile"ren. REFOLVFD r uPTHEP, that. the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in its own behalf and in behalf of said City and its inhabitants, here)y extends sympathy and condolence to his bereaved surviving spouse and children and authorizes and direct,. thy. City Clerk to protiide for the preparation of an engrossed copy of thi resolution and the delivery thereof to the surviving spouse of .id Villi;m H. Mat+ocks, decedent, with all convenient speed. ,N QV 191957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays '' 41 DeCourcy Holland Approved alazaitaDi Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Ao ri e I Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 ",aY'om`y"2