185179 Original to City Clerk T fj CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO PRESENTED BY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ///J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` „�Vll/ COMMISSIONER DATE __- WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, and the Council specifically so finds and expresses herein, that the funds appropriated for the year 1957 to remove snow and sand icy streets have become inadequate to remove snow and sand said streets during the balance of this year, and that emergency borrowing under Charter Section 206 is made necessary to secure the funds needed to do this work and properly to protect the public interest and the lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of St . Paul, RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow a sum not to exceed Two Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($275,000.00 ) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate not exceeding five per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from date of execution thereof, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13-K, all of the said fund to be expended only for the purpose of removing snow and cinderinq icy streets. .Council File No. 185179—By Adrian P. Winkel— Whereas, A sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, and the Council specifically so finds and expresses here- in, that the funds appropriated for the year 1957 to remove snow and sand icy streets have become inadequate to remove snow and sand said streets during the balance of this year, and that emergency borrowing under Char- ter Section 206 is made necessary to' secure the funds needed to do this work and properly to protect the public interest and the lives and safety of the. inhabitants of the City of St. Paul,. Resolved, That the Mayor and Comp- . troller, be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to borrow a sum not •to exceed Two Hundred Seventy Five' Thousand Dollars ($275,000.00)tothe and to 1 execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate not exceed- ing five per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from date of execution thereof, and be it Ot!( 1 t) 1 Further Resolved, That the funds so it V I borrowed be credited to the Emergency COUNCILMEN al Street and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13-K, l of the said fund to be ex-', Adopted by the Council 195- pended only for the purpose of remov- Yeas Nays ling snow and cindering icy streets. ' 1957. o Adopted by the Council November 19, D eCourcy Approved November 19, 1957. N 0 V 1919 7 (November 23, 1957) �llolland �,,/ I Approved 195_ k 'Winkel / \ . di fil ortinson In Favor ' l_ --Peterson Mayor -- osen J Against -"Mr. Pr esident, Dillon 5M 6-56 -";,^ -2 Duplicate to Printer • 1_�?i 1.79 FI CITY OF ST. PAUL LE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, and the Council specifically so finds and expresses herein, that the funds appropriated for the year 1957 to remove snow and sand icy streets have become inadequate to remove snow and sand said streets during the balance of this year, and that emergency borrowing under Charter Section 206 is made necessary %o secure the funds needed to do this work and properly to protect the public interest and the lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul, RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow a sum not to exceed Two Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($275,00C.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate not exceeding five per cent per annum, said note b to be payable one year from date of execution thereof, and be it FURMER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13-K, all of the said fund to be expended only for the purpose of removing snow and cindering {,cy streets. 'NOV 19 S7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- 4 l >: IJinkel Mortinson In Favor Peterson 1 Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-5G ,..�ytm,,,2