185175 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. By - FINAL ORDER FINIAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer in Nevada Ave. from the existing sewer easement on the westerly 30 ft. of Lot 12, Block 8, Morton's Addition to the City of St. Paul, to Westminster St.; in Westminster St. from Nevada Ave. to 30 ft. south of Larpenteur Ave.; in Hoyt Ave. from Westminster St. to Sloan St.; and in Sloan St. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. - all of which is to be known as the NEVADA-WESTMINSTER SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order 181725 approved February 2d_,__1957 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct a sewer in Nevada Ave. from the existing sewer easement on the westerly 30 ft. of Lot 12, Block 8, Morton's Addition to the City of St. Paul, to Westminster St.; in Westminster St. from Nevada Ave. to 30 ft. south of Larpenteur Ave.; in Hoyt Ave. from Westminster St. to Sloan St.; and in Sloan St. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. - all of which is to be known as the NEVADA-WESTMINSTER SEWER SYSTEM, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement gi(,ncaccordance therewith. r'J,y L 9 1957 Adopted by the Council N OV j 1196? City Clerk. Approved 1` l/ # 15e File 13873 r` Councilman Mayor. Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman ' `r .077 Mayor k` PUBLISHED /i•- t - 57 2-55 2M 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i92 (D) In the matter of constructing a sewer in Nevada Ave. from the existing sewer easement on the westerly 30 ft. of Lot 12, Block 8, Morton's Addition to the City of St. Paul, to Westminster St.; in Westminster St. from Nevada Ave. to 30 ft. south of Larpenteur Ave.; in Hoyt Ave. from Westminster St. to Sloan St.; and in Sloan St. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. - all of which is to be known as the NEVADA-WESTMINSTER SEWER SYSTEM, .185175 under Preliminary Order approved February 26, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 132,116.60 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 6.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATIONBld . t� Lot 1 and North 10 ft. of 2 . 1 I Clarke's 2nd Addition to the $275 $4400 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Ex. North 10 ft.; Lot 2 and ex. Minn. South 20 ft. ; 3 1 do 250 4150 South 20 ft. of Lot 3 and North 30 ft. of 4 1 do 250 4150 Lot 5, North 15 ft. of Lot 6 and ex. North 30 ft.; 4 1 do 325 4150 North 20 ft. of Lot 7 and ex. North 15 ft. ; 6 1 do 250 5200 Ex. Pkwy. ; Lot 14, Blk. 2, Dawson's 5th Addition to the City of St. Paul and Lot 8 and ex. North 26 ft.; 7 1 do 025 6000 Ex. Pkwy; West 95 ft. of Fps 8 thru 11 2 Dawson's 5th Addition to the 3Y5 6850 City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota • Lots l6 thru 25 3 uo 1250 26 3 do 125 27 _3 do 125_ It FOAM B.B.11 TOTAL . . - - -2- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP.ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE B ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED nc/ALUATION ' 28 3 Dawson's 5th Addition to the $125 City of Saint Paul, Ramsey jl 29 3 County, Minnesota 125 30 3 do 125 2400 12 12 Dawson's Lake Como & Phalen 50 Avenue Addition to the City { 13 12 of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 50 Minnesota 14 I 12 do 50 15 12 do 50 16 12 do 50 17 12 do 50 . 18 12 do 75 19 12 do 200 20 12 do 200 Lots 8 thru 19 13 do 775 Lots 20 thru 31 13 do 775 1300 19 20 do 150 Lots 1, 2 and North 1/2 of 3 1 Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition 525 4350 to the City of St. Paul Lot 4 and South 1/2 of Lot 3 and all of 5 1 , do 500 4800 Ex. Pkwy. and except West 85 ft.; Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 1 do 4 275 2500 Except Pkwy: 12 1 do 100 13 1 do 150 , 14 1 do 150 I 15 1 do 125 , 1 1 Morton's Addition to the City 100 of St. Paul 2 1 do 100 3 1 do 100 14 1 do 100 I FORM S.0.11 1 TOTAL -3- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)____. - --________ _- ---- -- _ _ 1 II DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED UATIO dg . Lana AL : 1 5 1 Morton's Addition to the City $100 of St. Paul 6 1 do 100 7 1 do 100 Lot 1 and (ex. railroad) Lots 2 thru 8 4 do 275 I Ex. Railroad, Lots 1 thru 5 5 do 125 6 5 do 50 7 5 do 50 Subject to sewer easement; 27 5 do 50 28 5 do 50 ``i 29 5 do 50 IR iI 30 5 do 50 I I 31 5 do 50 1 8 do 100 8 8 do 50 . 9 8 . do 50 10 8 do 50 it 8 do 50 Subj . to sewer easement; . 12 8 do 50 Lots 1 thru 7 4 Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition 875 to the City of St. Paul Lots 8 thru 1 11 ' 4 do 500 12 4 do 125 1000 13 4 do 125 Lots 14 and 15 4 do 250 1100 16 4 N do 50 17 4 do 50 18 4 do 50 FORM B.13.11 TOTAL • -4- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION a SED L Lan fASSESSSESTION Bldg, 19 It Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition $50 to the City of St. Paul 20 4 do 50 3300 21 4 do 50 Lots 22 and 23 4 do 100 4000 Lots 24 thru 30 It do 350 All those parts of Lots 10 to 15 inc. and Morton's Addition 500 (Blk. It & 5) Lots 26 to 31 inc. , Blk. 1 and of Lots 2, 400 (Blk. 1) 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,30 and 31, Blk. 4, and Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Blk. 5, Morton's Addition, lying within a strip 100 ft. in width being 50 ft. on either side of center line of St. Paul and St. Croix Falls Ry. Co. A strip of land 100 ft. in width being 50 do 1450 ft. on either side of center line as located between Mississippi and McMenemy Streets, part of Northeast 1/4 and part of Southeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 29, Range 22. Lots 1 thru 15, Blk. 3, Kavanagh and DaWson's Addition to the City of St. Paul - No. valuation - tract taken for T.H. #10 and Wheelock Pkwy. • TOTAL $15,300 $59,650 -4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated October 22 19 57 �'?t,44,. Al y. ,2, 121. Commissioner of F ante Form B.S.A. 8-5 D . . - . . . i • R E c P V- - .04.40 - • St. Paul, Minn. illtri 1 1965 _19 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. DEPT, OF PUIlLit; WORKS Gentlemen: P1725 725 We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .6....,„,c. 621.---) te.--st...--Z17--0-z--c---s-r.,-4.---e-e--i..../ St. Ave. ,-,.. .4..„ „. _, from St. Ave. to_ l‘a - NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 ; I , , iii,„_.,„ . . _ , A • Il ..■ ..1—.L.... a sll .■ . . 7 6 .....,.,.„...,.... ,./. ‘ 0 mem w _ 4, i c-Th . . -4 (6. _.--.. _ fh 1 18 I IC ka./v-cit,ko. cDt 0 • 4 i 1./1...'V ./' 1--: 8 -ing ifiLLA 1 // 0 .., et„:. ,.... , .--.. ...- _ j , P. . . 42 - - - -, 0-, ifirlIMPIIMAIIIII. 4 ' 44.ary'. , Ail 4 0' e -. ..... .L.....s4_,?........../Ar r4- ./(.) i / e . / - '.-.."....'-4Lair ... If / 94-k '___ ', 1-• ,.....c.v_ ..,.._:...er.. . ../ e __, .... ..---. .._,/ 4r4.4-t- • IMIIIMISFAM A d/9 yo , • / 7 // 2-014 k ' as 4..1.7.1°_-.11 ■......7.4 '''''''''' g...„ ii 17 i ........_d i edey A4-- ' i4 ',_,...._a, ,Low- I ftwap 114.141 - ."" ID. Q.. • • ' ... i.,. _ )11:■• 1_4171,111,4 . i x., ,/ , /. Err_ , .. , , - , , • . ..- ...- _ ;.--- isam eopwr Afrim -,. -_ pp /• _.e.r-c-14.1 ' ' 1„,/ 40 4 li s i-" ' 'if-a ida • , i j°'. ' 411 1 . ■ 4.... ____ 617( Ki • 1 Al 4...:-4_ .44... 44 ....1._..4 ' ' 4, i I -joarri," A • Ot i IUMAII WE ....ita.:■ ly•• -....i__e _ • . --iii. _:Hr„.....L.- -...4 E .....„,g...".,.....t ,-,--i-:- .. y.., _ 4 A kor ' • g I-0 c / , _ . -4 Zit) d .• ' op' do, II 19 - IffriffarliffirAVF - dr>"0 \ iri kola JA52 401002 %) 4 4x‘4, Date ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES [ DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP • 13K OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE September 30 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1817�5 approved February 28, 57 constructin a sewer in Nevada Ave. from 19 , relative to 9 the existing sewer easement on the westerly 30 ft. of Lot 12, Block 8, Morton's Addition to the City of St. Paul , to Westminster St. ; in Westminster St. from Nevada Ave. to 30 ft. south of Larpenteur Ave. ; in Hoyt Ave. from Westminster St. to Sloan St. ; and in Sloan St. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave. - all of which is to be known as the NEVADA- WESTMINSTER SEWER SYSTEM. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 132, 116.00 , and the total cost thereof (See letter attached) is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cb A 1/41';0 OnT��� y Commissioner of Public Works. CiY OFFICE ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S. WEST JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota • BRIDGE ENGINEER 7MAURICE W. HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANITATION ADRIAN P W I N KE L JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FgADtlfXI XMARZ BUJ* Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR H. KOCH • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN BUREAU OF CORRECTION 'g JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. September 30, 1957 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the con- struction of the NEVADA-WESTMINSTER SEWER SYSTEM under Preliminary Order C. F. 181725, approved February 28, 1957. Estimated Cost $132, 116. ��1 12. 14,0 Engineering & Inspection 12,010.60 Estimated Assessment 25,200.00 City Share 31-El 106,916.60 Frontage 4200 L.F. Cost per front foot 6.00 Yours very truly, 'or . Ar hur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to . he Comm i ss of one Finance /1:244.4.--," 7 Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works i'° l