185161 185161 Council File No _ <- ._ poundN'fle No'185161 ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i wreas A written prpporal.for the' C4...? v?Pf uthe 111inytA$]mpromemertr,' and n� A ,l� 4. 6 to ..4 ' :�r41 _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. � } Theu_ndersi nedhereb yproposesthemakingofthefol_low ln g A u biplm rovement b y the City of Saint Paul,viz.: ; ` ,'' r� •, , ;� � _ _.. _.__ ,fir -.r.,:X; .._ rt�+� '�`� •� ly 9,Perdri.gi. wid erring and extendin g the proposed Route.b Y . , condemaing and taking the following described lots and parcat of-Tandy--all-.in the City--O '--&tisPaul, Minnesota: „ .. U'thosie,.pait`ti -bf'.Lo't. 1 ..Black ?�;--Lot- 2 ..Block-3 ...Co• lSge-•Place Bast .Division; and Lots 1 and 2, Brown's Sub of Lots 1 and,h, Block 3, College 4'ace East Division, bounded by the following described Tines . . Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 2, Brown's I; s Subr of Lots 1 and , Block 3, College Place Bast Division; thence in a. northxeaterlr'direction on a_.__ straight line to the northileat f rrpr ,14.4.ot1• ,} ck 4, College Place $eat Division; thence!'east on the north lines off` said of i; P c Street,, Lot 2, Black 3, dMaiiiii,elattevitast prdsien,s oz t. en i eont o �+eYf a ,rl is Sub of Lots ] j r,s and: *' B:oek, 3, College Place Bast Division tote northeast corner of :said I,ot 1, r.- ' B r o w t :$ub;. thence south on the east' lines of Lots 1.;'and 2,, , is 3 xb to the. point'"tof beginning. a Ck , Ccll" $a 'lt "ice,eQ "r th8 ' .f thins`L 3 e f ” what I53.,i5l etath s `,>+,;" ng o the tt t, doisgrtim5i.vbxt40btrief .4 g �9ea�g eat the,noa t st`..carne oft;salidl til.2P;' eral n. ; . •' a r1.y. , cilia' iL tera point--On `the a. line Of.:the' $f lteaa'i.d•,LdtlZatA i1 , feet lortitiMI f„t1ie^"northeast co c:o sai»dliot: v:.Adxseasured along the ,said”east line 1.106 i tests .is±anbdi sid =of rh.s"x s oPose ee' + DivIs . a' r .p i:oyf�t r2i tBJosk tem ,, eater .bed 13. sa' f,'e ;dc :s aft l'Iii t,A '',4-1 1 l i"":gk"t' ,'„c€ !. t ;„ + i ,7.'._ +^l r,':= 4 , 1f x..13..lk :y `,d^' 7".0 fl..t 4411. y. .1,-+1 'P4 ilaSiiiediig fi °:•'rl dabithi a tLoo narvalf4satd et 2 `P: e l ! k am h 01 on t1* ast ,,, iDie' i ihtd iiitintiedistgileeriorlovteetitoa p i Attathence 2 r ;thesl9tte y't,", di.ightiiinbogignirtreight line to a point on the south ,line of said Lot 2,, that is 128 feet east of the aforesaid southwest corner; as measured along the said south 4nel ehee att onfthe" iouth-iIite2oV,Latgi Block 1e ,College Plitc+ex Vision, 411,0740intt Of bbtgiretli ilk$.' ,.A fit-.t, c•.. f), ,w.. i..•' ;4'2*, . ..,°D f Fis.1()Ili.n.I7 'Together vrith and subject to an easement for ingress and egress over the nort,1 � L r,t VOf%the4 so`ctht13 feet,.a.ths,,foflowingt ..- - ._ s J • ,,x3, - ,. . r ', +.u'''t art -04 .i t j • s L,» .,:.�t'- i ai .rtr x... , S . . r :' , ‘ ..a x el t=of1Lot 3;'°Block 1,z Genet tinotO Deetz vtlaie ,sa.=.the ' west ;f,',f�p0 01' the south 135 feet of Lot 3, Block' 2t College Place v si° ,•r,,t,k 4'1�(^y' Syy 'h,'-''': $ , , A} d., tr rk a S. SS East D �.i1Di� • ■ F , e �I -;J„ .M t .5•„-nL. a,.p ti _v;..: .:.d�, .5:V '':'' Mi 1 that part of Lot h, Block 1, College Place East �i ,sion,lying.south of the fo e t scribed straight,liner;,x a ``j ., x' ,.-, �..,,.. s=„;± a�."1 , . xr 1 Commencing at a point on the east line of the said Lot bp that 4.67,05 feet , x�tt ' tliiit inOSS t bof ,'of 'ea? d:'a. sic + :a t est eii e,ctd 'to a5ti ii iit Zr2Pitibatfritiltiliiiilet"iOf #aid:'L 't.,14.,"tothatP isl' 8y► l feat;northrOft.,thttabuthwes t ceiitek.iter it,heri a erie id Lbt �4', s pr, t .,- so...i 4 l� x v. f a ,FFn t „ e +: id ' <• •t ''•.k .: ' 1 ° F T j'l Y v3.:7, . C- s C..+_..j. .+s 4 aL { ".c vt L:i'Jg; a ttl 9 *'F,� sou th .s ''ra 10, Block 3,'.gersey= ooleey Addition•.to:St Pau1 w e �w' , , a : iAlP f'Slots �t o 5 d 6, Block •2,°'Hersey-0olee Auditi fh� aStit? r0, . },'E.'. ,.,"+ ¢,ts 17•' ,.d'19, Pease Bros.ReArrangement of Block,1, Hersey-Woolsey it p �F .''�` C� u ) Tom{,' iT' ,1 �P 4i �4�1, h ... - c { of :- 4 `} owl a ., 4 ,.y -r+ i ' t�. y "v 0.r ���4 � '” 4 y�rx : a 1 �'-� 4 S dd Y � t X , 5 i�, x,•. �'.': , ,i .t ; ,„, /Y�je ''.rt 1. ,�qy a.t(, ,t:;,. 7 \.'w 1' w3$f z3 ''4:+.1i P 'tit[' +a, i,« ,,,* ,, e` of Z S J 'pw' , y,- F `"# r J''1'; Y§' 4y.-„�,f > i r�4.,,,,4 . "."P 4 r '�� ,�� �A'+T"�'I�: i I r`e rMY b Nt ti �Ji. �� )`,Ox'l'�'�y r"'lq � �t'��''�•x mss. ;� a€ nt o fr .74'''344,'.: -Wool , ," oPk ' .': lw . # cx. (4 1 �` *« x' :"7 ,the ,.Harr ,..4., r � � ,�d 4 po . d:, ,1 04�to a lout West trier t e/��o�,p th ne/ye� no e _ _ F ! Y t ra�L; VL7. ,�or #✓$ tale west line„.-- sa. -;t a distance of 13 feet to a point; thence in a south- Sastekllgis di F, Won ya straight a' - t1 t�.of',.b $n ' -..2.!.., .s.t'e1- ,7d.{ rn�a A'�K..i�. '..� x,." t ". 'l, Regi e'ts 'e�L Land Survey No.. 84, wept Lexington gton:„.1„4,,.. .4. way.L©t 2, and all...o f.Lois 3,1i, 6,7.,and 10, Block 1, ckilbSiVis rJ, r),z.�l r c s+:?zq--T� s ,, � .Y., +.�, .. , x^xf c?-�,r.: 1 _ . one-'halt o " t ,l, Bone Walsh *dditio . f�" . oz �- ,;1x - i cr t. 2ttAXTa i',e ,ltd{" y; kJ:C ck y;.14�r, . ),- ,.r , Ao a ,re, ;c., se14sP: 1.32•3' and ;, �.s""C1 1 .;= inter+ 4:dditi on;"a`b" deli by the following described lines a - s+wlwi 1L.� �._.....►. ♦ e. Y e N"." L .. _�m ... `i :.r: ." e 4, '* A c __ g l . #.d4 t e" i e, Oa a "t t i ;0 feet F t.R4 � t sm o P All 45161 1 ',','' 441 '..t c , 44444,A ilhe-410104., ins* .0g,„Alitito, ^ b " TT° f < T daY '' o . Lot 6, Wetzel t s Subdivision of Lot•h,''Blook<2, °College Place East Division. That part of Lot 2, Block 1, College Place East 'Division ;bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at the southwest corner of° said'Lot 2; thence north on the west line of Maid lot a distance of 40 feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction 'on a straight line to a point on the south line of said Lot 2, that is 128 feet east of the aforesaid southwest corner; as measured along the said south line; thence west on the south line of .Lot 2, Block 1, College:Place:East Division, to the point of beginning. Together with and subject to an easement for ingress and egress over the north 10 feet of the south 135 feet, the followings The east 43' feet of Lot 3, Block 1, College Place East Division,and the west 43 feet of the south 135 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, College Place East Division. All that part of Lot 4, Block 1, College Place East Division,lying south of the following described straight liner; Commencing at a point on the east line of the said Lot 4, that is 67.05 feet north of the southeast corner of said lot; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point on the west line of said Lot 4, that is'136.41 feet north of, the southwest corner of the aforesaid Lot 4. Lots 9 and` 10, Block 3,, Hersey-Woolsey'Addition to St.Paul,• except, tie` east:: 45 feet of said lots. Lots 4 5 and 6, Block 2, Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St.Paul Lots 17,18apd.19, Pease Bros.ReLrrangement of Block 1, Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St.Paul, The south 90 feet of .Lot$ ,U, , l 4 and b, � 0 � l2 13 �:�. ancc� 'that'> ` af"`�5; Pease Bros. Be rra ement of Block 1 Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St.Paul, bounded'* the following ,described lines: Qommer c Lng at the southeast corner of said Lot 5, thence west on the south line of the aforesa Lot to the southwest corner thereof; thence north on the west line of said Let 5, a distance of 13 feet to a point; thence in a south- easterly direction on a straight line to the point of beginning. ., Lot "B", Registered. Land Survey No.98, Except Lexington Parkway Lot 2, and all of Lots 3,4,5,6,7 and 10, Block 1, Gilbert's Addition. The north one-half of Lot 1, Rose Walsh Addition. 4,-4461-16 to .24 inclusive,, Block 18; "al'ter's. Addition . those parts of Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 18, Winter's Addition,bounded` by the following described lines : Commencing at a point on the west line of Chatsworth Street, that is 84.03 feet north of the Southeast corner of lot 1, Block 18, Winter a s Addition; thence east on the north lines of Lots 4,_ 3, 2 and 1, Block 18, Winter's Addition, to a point on the west line of Chatsworth Street; thence south on the said west line to the point of bwginning. All those parts of Lots 25 to 34 inclusive, Block 11, Winter's Addition, bounded, by- the following described lines: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 32,, Rleck 11, Winter's Addition; thence north on the east line of Chatsworth Street, a distance of 183.23 feet to a point;: thence at angle to the right of 1220141 30" on a straight line to a point on the north line of Hubbard Avenue; thence west on the said north line to the point of beginning. A strip of land in the SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 26, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, 40 feet -wida lying south of and adjacent to Seminary Avenue and extending from Alton Street to Victoria Street. The north 40 feet of Lots 16 to 23 inclusive, and all of Lou s. 24 to 30 inclusive" Block 6, Winter's Addition. The following -described lots and parts of lots in Block 2, Joseph R. Weideas ReArrangement of Block 3 and north one.-half of Block 2, Winter's Addition T The.west 7.6 feet of Lot 3 and all of Los 4 to 8 inclusive; also the east 0,6 feet. of Lot 9; Lot 11, except the ,east 19.8 feet thereof; Lot .1:2,,, except the west 0.6 feet thereof; Lot 15, except the ,east l8, 6 feet thereat; all of Lots 16 and 17; Lot 18, except the wrest 22.2 feet thereof. ,.+ ►in .i.fw, v0V 1o1ULZ 41 , ,vnuoU .);r L/ Norm, Range 23 West, 40 feet wide lying south of and adjacent to Seminary Avenue and extending from Milton Street to Victoria Street. The north 40 feet of Lots 16 to 23 inclusive, and all of Lots 24 to 30. inclusive, Block 6, Winter's Addition. The following described lots and parts of lots in Block 2., Joseph R, Weidets ReArrangement of Block 3 and north one-half of Block 2, Winter's Addition V The west 7.6 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4 to 8 inclusive; also the east 0.6 feet of Lot 9; Lot 11, except the east 19.8 feet thereof; Lot 12, except the west 0.6_feet thereof; Lot 15, except the east 18.6 feet thereof! Al, of Block 3, College Place East Division; thence in a northwesterly direction on a straight line to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 4, College Place East Division; thence east on the north lines of said Lot 1, Pascal Street, Lot 2, Block 3, College Place East Division, north and south alley and Lot 1, Brawn's Sub of Lots 1 and 4, Block 3, College Place East Division to the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Brown=s Sub; thence south on the east lines of Lots 1 and 2, Brown's Sub to the point of beginning. All that part of Lot 2, Block 2, College Place East Division, except the south 10 feet of the west 153.51 feet thereof, lying south of the following described straight line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on the east line of the aforesaid Lot 2, that is 69.8 feet south of the northeast corner of said Lot 2, as measured along the said east line . Lot 6, Wetzel's Subdivsion of Lot 4, Block 2, College Place East Division. That part of Lot 2, Block 1, College Place East Division bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence north on the west line of said lot a distance of 40 feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction on a straight line to a point on the south line of said Lot 2, that is 128 feet east of the aforesaid southwest corner, as measured along the said south line; thence west on the south line of Lot 2, Block 1, College Place East.Division, to the point of beginning. Together with and subject to an easement for ingress and egress over the north 10 feet of the south 135 feet, the following: The east 43 feet of Lot 39 Block 1, College Place East Division,and the west 43 feet of the south 135 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, College Place East Division. All that part of Lot 4, Block 1, College Place East Division,lying south of the following described straight line : Commencing at a point on the east line of the said Lot 4, that is 67.05 feet north of the southeast corner of said lot; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point on the west line of said Lot 4, that is 138.41 feet north of the southwest corner of the aforesaid Lot 4. Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, Herseys.Woolsey Addition to St.Paul, except the east 45 feet of said lots. Lots 4,5 and 6, Block 2, Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St.Paul. Lots 17,18 and 19, Pease Bros.ReArrangement of Block 1, Hersey- Woolsey Addition to St,Peul. The south 90 feet ofd Lots-10i11,12„13,14 and that part of Lot 5, Pease Bros, ReArrangement of Block 1, Herseyoolsey Addition to St.Paul, bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Lot 5, thence west on the south line of the aforesaid lot to the southwest corner thereof; thence north on the west line of said Lot 5, a distance of 13 feet to a point; thence in a south- easterly direction on a straight line to the point of beginning, Lot "B", Registered Land Survey No.98. Except Lexington Parkway Lot 2, and all of Lots 3,4,5,6,7 and 10, Block 1, Gilbert's Addition. The north one-half of Lot 1, Rose Walsh Addition. Lots 16 to 24 inclusive, Block 18, Winter's Addition. All those parts of Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 18, Winter's Addition,bounded by the following described lines : Commencing at a point on the west line of Chatsworth Street, that is 84.03 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 18, Winter's Addition; thence east on the north lines of Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 18, Winter's Addition, to a point on the west line of Chatsworth Street; thence south on the said west line to the point of beginning. All those parts of Lots 25 to 34 inclusive, Block 11, Winter's Addition, bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 32, Block 119 Winter's Addition; thence north on the east line of Chatsworth Street, a distance of 183,23 feet to a point; thence at angle to the right of 122°14' 30" on a straight line to a point on the north line of Hubbard Avenue; thence west on the said north line to the point of beginning. A strip of land in the SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 26, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, 40 feet wide lying south of and adjacent to Semin extending from Milton Street to Victoria Street, Avenue and The north 40 feet of Lots 16 to 23 inclusive, and all of Lots 24 to 30 inclusive, Block 6, Winter's Addition. The following described lots and parts of lots in Block 2, Joseph R. Weide's ReArrangement of Block 3 and north one-half of Block 2, Winter's Addition V The west 7.6 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4 to 8 inclusive; also the east 0.6 feet of Lot 9; Lot 11, except the east 19.8 feet thereof; Lot 12, except the west 0.6 feet thereof; Lot 15, except the east 18.6 feet thereof; all of Lots 16 and 17; Lot 18, except the west 22.2 fApt tharnnf•