09-677Amended 6/24/09 Council File # 09-677 Green Sheet # 3071729 RESOLUTION OF SA(NT PAUL, 11�INNESOTA Presented WHEREAS, a petirion for a proposed amendment to the Saint Paul City Charter has been presented to the City Clerk for verification; and WHEREAS, said peririon has pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 41012, subd. 3, been certified by the City Clerk as sufficient; and VJHEREAS, said proposed amendment would change the procedure for the election of the Mayor and City Councilmembers to a system lmown as instarn run-off voring as hereinafter more specifically described; and WHEREAS, it is requued by law that the City Council fix the form of the ballot and publish the proposed amendment as required by law; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed Charter amendment relative to changing the pcocedure of the elecrion of the Mayor and City Councilmembers to the instant run-off voting method shall be submitted to the electorate as required by law at the general election to be held Novembei 3, 2009; and BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to take the necessary steps for publication of the proposed amendment as may be requued by law; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that pursuant to law the Council hereby fixes the form of the quesrion to be submitted to the electorate in accordance with this amendment to read as follows: INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING CHARTER AMENDMENT Shall Chapter 7 of the City Charter be amended to require that the method for elecring the Mayor and the City Councilmembers be by Single Transferable Voring, sometimes laiown as Ranked Choice Voting or Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), wluch is a method without a sepazate prunary elecriog;�by which voters te rank candidates for an office in order of preference on a single ballot: first, second, third, fourth, fifth sixth, and so on €extk:; and votes aze then counted in rounds unril one candidate emerges with a majority of votes cast; and with ballot forxnat and rules for counting votes adopted by ordinance? YES NO � Requested by Department o£ By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date ������ �' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certifie by�cil Secretary gy: BY- �"ll,r /l.%l�Siisr i Approved by Ma r: Date � B y' '�l�/2 g '�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green. Sheet � �� i —� — 1 DepartmentlOfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: � v � `° � � ' co_�°°°°�' 17_JUN-09 Green Sheet NO: 3071729 Contact Person 8 Phone: � Department Sent To Person Initial/Date I Samantha Henninpson y o ounci� I � i i ouncit I � Assign 2 �ty Clerk Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 24JUN-09 For 3 Routing 4 Doc. Order 5 E-DocumentRequired: Y Document Contact: ContactPhone: 266-8641 7ota1 # of Signature Pages _(C�ip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of resolution authorizing City Clerk to take necessary steps to publicize proposed Instant Runoff Voting Charter Amendment. Said proposed amendment would change the procedure for the election of the Mayor and City Councilmembers to a sytem known as instant run-off voting. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person(firm ever worked under a contract for this depariment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Fi nancial Information: (Explain) June 17. 20Q9 11:28 AM par,P � Council File # �Q �" �� � Green Sheet # 3071729 RESOLUTION �INT PAUL, MIN � ./ WHEREAS,Sd,petition for a proposed amendment to the Saint Paul City Charter has been presented to tbe City Clerk for verification; an� WHEREAS, said p'tion has pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 410.12, subd. 3, been certified by the Ciry Clerk as sufficient; and WHEREAS, said propose amendment would change the procedure for the election of the Mayor and City Councilmembers to a system nown as instant ru�-off voting as hereinafter more specifically described; and WHEREAS, it is required by la at the City Council fix the form of the ballot and publish the proposed amendment as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL D that the proposed Charter amendme�t relative to changing the procedure of the election of the Mayor and City Councilme ers to the instant run-off voting method shall be submitted to the electorate as required by law at the genera] election to be Id November 3, 2009; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City ame�dment as may be reqaired by law; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that pursuant to law the electorate in accordance with this amendment to r is directed to ta7ce the necessary steps for publication of the proposed Council hereby fixes the forzn of the question to be submitted to �s follows: Shall Chapter 7 of the City Charter be amended to require t t the method for electing the Mayor and the City Councilmembers be by Single Transferable Voting, sometim known as Ranked Choice Voting or Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), which is a method without a separate pri ry election; by which voters to ranlc candidates for an office in order of preference on a single ballot: st, second third and so forth.; and votes aze then counted in rounds until one candidate emerges with a majoriry f votes cast; and with ballot format and rules for counting votes adopted by ordinance? YES NO Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen Lantry Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department By: Approved by the Office of L•3� Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: \ . � `t