185145 Original to City Clerk 14 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 185145—By Bernard • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T. Holland—Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, The State Legislature in r 1957 des ion -I T = t. de- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— *�—_ ti-- /47-11-#12-7,7 DATE— WHEREAS, the State Legislature in the 1957 Session did pass an act described as Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, which law created new powers and duties in addition to those duties already possessed by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, said powers and duties consisting of the creation and development of industrial development districts within the City of Saint Paul by such Port Authority in line with the newly added duties and responsibilities referred to, and specifically granting authority to said Port Authority to make a budget for its operations in the industrial development field under said new Act, and granting the power to said Port ..2uthority to request the City Council to levy such taxes for such purposes , and WHEREAS, the Port ,authority of the City of Saint Paul has informed the Cancil that it has prepared and made its budget for operations in 1958, under and pursuant to the provisions of Laws of the State of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and that said budget is in the amount of $80,000.00, and WHEREAS, the said Port uthority has filed with this Council a certified copy of the resolution passed by said Port Authority requesting that under said law the City Council levy as taxes for the benefit of and expenditure by such Port Authority of said amount, and that there be imposed upon the property legally taxable in the City a levy sufficient to produce the amount of $80,000.00, but in no event to exceed 35/100 of one mill upon the dollar of such assessed valuation of all taxable property in said City, excluding money and credits, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that under and pursuant to said law referred to, Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and for the purpose of making available said sum of $80,000.00 for the support of the said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and subject to the maximum legal tax levy provided in said law, there be and is hereby levied for the support of said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul on all property taxable therefor in said City, a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195__ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- x1 Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon, 2 {{/ 5M 6-56 + Original to City Clerk . CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. _8 5 1 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE tax for the year 1957, collectible in 1958, sufficient to produce the amount of $80,000.00, but in no event to exceed 35/100 of one mill as provided by law, as set out in the budget of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and duly made of record in the minutes of the meeting of the said Port Authority of November 12, 1957. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax levy as aforesaid for the year 1957, collectible in the year 1958, to the County Auditor of Ramsey S/) \ County, immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. e 1'' I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci '5_ Yeas Nays NWT 157 D courcy ----flolland (-- Approved % / 1',_ Ntsuctitatx '//, o rtinson In Favor � + ..-Y�son Mayor /ttosen - ke 1 Against 1 Mr. President, Dillon \) 5M 6-56 . 3:,2 .-. i sLISHED /.o _4 � . va➢licate to r.-inter CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE I' HEREAS, the State Legislature in the 1957 Session did pass an act described as Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chanter 812, which law created new powers and duties in addition to those duties already possessed by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, said powers and duties consisting of the creation and development of industrial development districts ,f•ithin the City of Saint Paul by such Port Authority in line 4A.th the newly added duties and responsibilities referred to, and specifically granting authority to said Port Authority to make a budget for its operations in the industrial development field under said new Act, and granting the Hower to said Port Authority to request the City Council to levy such taxes for such purposes, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has informed the Council that it has prepared and made its budget for operations in 1958, under and pursuant to the provisions of Laws of the State of Minnesota 1957, Chanter 812, and that said budget is in the amount of "?80,000.00, and WHEREAS, the said Port Authority has filed with this Council a certified copy of the resolution passed by said Port Authority requesting that under said law the City Council levy as taxes for the benefit of and expenditure by such Port Authority of said amount, and that there be imposed upon the property legally tax- able in the City a levy sufficient to produce the amount of - 480,000.00, but in no event to exceed 35/100 of one mill upon the dollar of such assessed valuation of all taxable property in said City excluding money and credits, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that under and pursuant to said law referred to, Lava of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and for the purpose of making available said sum of 00,000.00 for the support of the said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and subject to the maximum legal tax levy provided in said law, there be and is hereby levied for the suonort of said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul on all property taxable therefor in said City, a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 C ,2 • V 'Duplicate to Printer COUNCIL 185145 y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF tax for the year 1957, collectible in 1958, sufficient to produce the amount of $8n,000.00, but" in no event to exceed 35/10n of one mill as provided by law, as set out in the budget of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and duly made of record in the minutes of the meeting of the said Port Authority of November 12, 1957. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to certify a cony of the tax levy as aforesaid for the year 1957, collectible in the year 1958, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council N t)V 195.1 COUNCILMEN Nays j DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 : '2 i� . 4 j Qua:-uplicate to Department CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Na OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - IER AS, the State L egielature in the 1957 Session did naee an aot described as Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chanter 812, which law created new powers And duties in addition to those duties already nosseased by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, said hovers and duties consisting of the creation and develo ment of industrial develorrent districts •.•ithin the City of Saint Paul by such Port Authority in line °'ith the newly added duties and reenonsibilities referred to, and speeitioaliy granting authority to said Port Authority to vats a budget for its operations in the industrial development field under said new Act, and rranting the lower to said Port Authority to request the City Council to levy such taxes for such ourraoses, and 'IN 'RTAR, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has informed the Council that it has prsoared and made its buds$ for operations in 1458, under and oursuant to the provisions of Laws of the St i.te of Minnesota 1957, Chanter 812, and th it said. budget is in the ~imtount of 280,00000, and WH:REAS, the said Port Authority has filed with this Council a certified co',y of the resolution passed by said Port Authority requesting th lt under said law the City Council levy as taxes for the benefit of and expenditure by such Port Authority of said amount, Ind th.It there be imposed upon the ^ro-)erty legally tax• able in the City a levy iuffioisnt to urod.uoe the amount of $8o,ocC.00, but in no event to exeeed 35/100 of one mill upon the dollar of such assessed valuation of all taxable nronerty in said City excluding money I.nd s dice, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that under and pursuant to said law referred to, Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chanter 812, and for the ournose of milking available said sum of $80,000.00 for the eupnort of the said Port Authority of the City of 'Saint Paul and subject to the Maximum legal tax levy provided in said law, there be and is hereby levied for the eun-ort of said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul on all pro' erty taxable therefor in said City, a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 6-56 " - . r quadruplicate to Department � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. !J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF tax ter the yeAr 1957, collectible in 1958, outfieient to produce the count of 80,,000.00, but in no event to emoted 55/10r of one till as provided by lair, as set out in the budget of the Port Authority of the City of Runt Paul And ouly wide of reoord in the minutes of the meeting of the said Port Authority of November 12, 1957. Tit IT ! !tTH 'R RE`OLVIT, thlt the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax levy as Aforesaid for the year 1957, 0011eetibie in the year 1958, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, immedi.ttely upon the adontion and an4'roval of this resolution. NOV 14 1257 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays ru 77 DeCourcy it Holland Approved 195- I $ agniX Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon &M 6-56 / �J t Commissioners PORT AUTHORITY ecretaryGeneral e`Manager IK OF THE �Q�X AQIliiM X-XXXICOMOVAXWOOOM CITY OF ST. PAUL mensucxxxscxxxamai City Hall and Court Hours ST. PAUL 2, MINN. FILE NO. { November 13, 1957 To the City Council of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, meeting on November 12, 1957, did take formal action to set up and approve, by a resolution duly passed, an operational budget for the Port Authority for 1958 in the amount of $80,000.00, in the field of operation encompassed by the legislation passed at the last session of the Legislature, said field of operation being commonly described as the creation of industrial development districts. This authority was con- tained in Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and such action was taken pursuant to Sec. 18 of said Act. Attached hereto is a certified copy of the resolution passed by the Port Authority. We request, therefore, that your honorable body take the necessary procedural action providing for the necessary levy to meet the needs of the budget described. You undoubtedly are aware that the Port Authority, un- der Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, is restricted to .35 mill for such purposes. The question arose as to whether or not, at this date, the Port Authority could, by formal action, provide for this budget and ask that the City Council pass the neces- sary resolution of tax levy for transmittal thereof to the County Auditor. The Port Authority inquired of Mr. Hurley on this point, asking for his opinion. A copy of his opinion is attached hereto. Yours very truly, *7*/-jam' Phi 4 W. F , Patrick Pre ident PWF:bl Attachments Duylicate to Printer i CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO E. • . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, the State Legislature in the 1957 Session did pass an act described as Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, which law created new powers and duties in addition to those duties already possessed by the Port authority of the City of Saint Paul, said powers and duties consisting of the creation and development of industrial development districts within the City of Saint Paul by such Port Authority in line with the newly added duties and responsibilities referred to, and specifically granting authority to said Port Authority to make a budget for its operations in the industrial development field under said new Act, and granting the power to said Port 'uthority to request the City Council to levy such taxes for such purposes, and HERES, the Port authority of the City of Saint Paul has informed the Cancil that it has prepared and made its budget for operations in 1958, under and pursuant to the provisions of Laws of the State of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and that said budget is in the amount of $80,000.00, and VHEREAS, the said Port "uthority has filed with this Council a certified copy of the resolution passed by said Port Authority requesting that under said law the City Council levy as taxes for the benefit of and expenditure by such Port Authority of said amount, and that there be imposed upon the property legally taxable in the City a levy sufficient to produce the amount of $80,000.00, but in no event to exceed 35/100 of one mill upon the dollar of such assessed valuation of all taxable property in s4i71 :ity, excluding money and credits, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that under and pursuant to said law referred to, Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and for the purpose of making available said sum of $80,000.00 for the support of the said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and subject to the maximum legal tax levy provided in said law, there be and is hereby levied for the support of said Port :authority of the City of Saint Paul on all property taxable therefor in said City, a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- ii006( Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Iinkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 `" Z Duplicate to Printer • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF tax for the year 1957, collectible in 1958, sufficient to produce the amount of $80,000.00, hut in no event to exceed 35/100 of one mill as provided by law, as set out in the budget of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and duly made of record in the minutes of the meeting of the said Port Authority of November 12, 1957. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax levy as aforesaid for the year 1957, collectible in the year 1958, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. NOV 14 1951 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy PT 1419-57 Holland d Approved 195— M Mortinson Tn Favor _ Peterson Mayor Rosen Winkel Against '' Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 `°rn 2 . cHjz 1gY . CITY OF SAINT PAUL TERRANCE S. O'TOOLE LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN THOMAS J. RYAN SPECIAL ASSISTANT ROBERT E. O'CONNELL MARSHALL F. HURLEY DONALD L. LAIS JOHN J. McNEIL CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANTS ',, 2 November 13, 1957 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk City Hall and Court House Dear Mr. Okoneski: The Port Authority in its meeting on November 12, 1957, made up its budget for 1958 operations in the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars 080,000.00) . Under the law it is limited to a tax levy of .35 of one mill. Tomorrow, November 14th, Mr. Fitzpatrick, President of the Port Authority, is transferring a certified copy of the action of the Port Authority to the City Council. I have ' prepared, and it will be ready for Council action tomorrow, a resolution of tax levy to be passed by the City Council, providing for a levy of the tax not to exceed .35 of one mill for the purpose designated. May I ask that your office transmit , immediately upon passage of this resolution of tax levy by the Council, a cer- tified copy of such resolution to the office of the County Auditor. I would appreciate this matter being done speedily, inasmuch as I have been informed by representatives of the County Auditor 's office that they desire to have such certi- fied copy not later than November 15, 1957, which appears to be a termination date on the part of that office to accept resolutions showing action by our Council in the matter of the levy of any taxes. I thought that I would write you this letter today so that you would be advised, in advance, of the necessity for speedy action in the event that the Council passes the tax levy resolution requested by the Port Authority. Yo 's ve y truly /4'1/ // arshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel MFH:mae v Mr. Philip W. Fitzpatrick Page 2 Nov. 12, 1957 of one mill upon the dollar of the assessed valuation thereof, upon all the taxable property in such city, excluding money and credits ; and any money levied for such purpose shall be paid over by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the port authority for expenditure by it as in its judgment best serves the public interest in the carrying on and the execution of its duties in the creation and development of such industrial development districts. The levy herein provided shall be in addition to that provided for in Minnesota Statutes 1953, Section 458.14." The only question involved in this matter before us is whether or not the requested appropriation by an autonomous body, such as the Port Authority, would be limited by the time provision in the Charter relating to the closing of the City budget and the levying of the tax. This, as you know, must be done by Charter, in City operations, not later than October 15th. I do not see any applicability of the Charter provisions referred to to the operations of tie Port Authority under and pursuant to the above quoted section of the Port Authority Act. I do believe that in the future it might be well for the Port Authority to have its request in at the time that the City budget is being made up solthat the Comptroller and the City Council would at that time have an over-all picture of what the financial needs of the City would be for the ensuing year. I suggest this only as a type of procedure to gear the Port Authority's operation with that of the City in making up the whole budget. There is, I repeat, in my opinion, no barrier or limi- tation upon the Port Authority's requesting this appropriation and the City levying it. Yours very truly, Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel MFH-S C E R T I F I C A T E November 13, 1957 I, Philip W. Fitzpatrick, President and Chairman of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do' hereby certify that the attached copy of a resolution is a true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Port Authority of Saint Paul at its regular meeting held on the 12th day of November, 1957. Phi ip W. Fitzpatrick President and Chairman • Port Authority of Saint Paul RESOLVED, by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby respectfully requests the City Council of the City of Saint Paul to levy as taxes for the benefit of and expenditure for its 1958 Budget, by such Port Authority, an amount of Eighty Thousand dollars, or such amount as will not exceed 35/100 of one mill upon the dollar of the assessed valua- tion of all taxable property in said City, excluding money and credits; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council is hereby ad- vised by the Port Authority that the moneys to be obtained from the levy of such authorized tax (Laws of the State of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, Sec. 18) are to enable the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul efficiently and in the public interest to carry out the aims and purposes of said new Act in the creation and development of industrial development districts as in the Act provided, a new and added function imposed by said law on said Port Authority in addition to powers herebefore possessed. • • • 4 l-_ r` . ' ri '`'" - S ,'• x.. }i TM . .:•'� s ;; 3' = s i y,ic3y`- "'+ ', F a `�` uHS'.S .:_�. t `,��'��';'i ,Sa»•:y 4�.sr'i�•P�'.*:'i NS<7,�`4q�4 »#...: #`�<•�:"i T _ii. ..$..CV� ]. 1 ��Y�y 4 1:t� � �°• yy-2C• P y�y ��yy,,�� u4•:. � .: '64..r i�4u..:- ��:,i••�' �b -4 'i.YT . t ST.caF•%qq.'. a• .!•f:, i` T yS ��"yM,A3`:, t'-F,$f.L •9 1' r+7 *}.i. .`t.rf �1Xb'r R "' '' tfoLL an j . ,�t,„Ppy-;�t� :. v k F !a .c - _-�rywsu ga :� "i�^^ Y.f"?i�..r �iy�'V'K�k.'�' :�'"'r� .`...a:�.`'",:;�'%:?':'S?p-'i:,"."",�•'`�'iyk' i �, '* r v P ilip. ..-. i:Q;it i!t§i `. 3 '- 1 yF ,•'F ,T-',r4 a �" o M lit=patri�k >;- �� t t r a $ r Psesident - �uu '�6 �hYt -<'•A4 Iutho:it •of city of•a 4•.,. , ,*., - Post int Paul' ` •`,x .,:;...�';'.:...: .. .:.:y....,. =M� /�� p��lav _ F' '"�.r�t'� �?::Sri i. �-d3 F::4 - 2W Mho so �,. q,.at n f` 7' S�] �'n ."�!'�r+- i` .,: ;:° r Paul . Mlnuasota Nri: . =,.; zi . : :`w : 5_.�p. } • cy} o- � int �" t,,,A..r`t_ `a:'' a( .} .s,,'. tie• � � . , Dear Ms. Pitspatricks Yau• hays asked foe our, opinion ss to 4 `' td : ; Whether Os not the tax authorised for. Port A uthorit - y•`� .� ., = operations under and pursuant to Lams of Stet* �t itia e ota 1957 Cha iss 813, S . 18. s at this tins be • r p say• u 'requastsd by the Pert- "u thority of the City Council and a rssolutton passed bbl that governing body levying the � �' authorised tax auf flaiient to•most the purposes for which the Port �cnthsrit sacks .such 'appropriation. : y•, . . > a In •inion the answer is that the MY op •Port -AuthoozIity �aan now ask• that, such aopropsi+tioa be•s. . ;;:; r ; : ,ads` to it and that the City Council has the power,'.even < ; to 1 the tax authorised by ]r w, i.s. . , ,•. ,, .at this dat0, evy c 100 of soa um for •the puspas.s sought oot to ex cad` th/ ' Thia authorisation coar�FFs in • by rho Post Aythoxit�I. " 7 : law reading as follorst SaCtioA 1$ .the 19� ' 7 r ¢ "'to enable such suthOrity` S+ yi ` f s, .5 `�{ i i' 1 .,,,. is iptereat `o• i. `modd;. 7,•;';; Y. .!' _'�><.offisfeatly •'and-' i0 the pub t: ±.� 'j'xY j f.• , � r �kk:% carry out the ai�s� and purposes of this -, �,x < ' : sot in the c:satioo sad develoPiwnt of r ° t ,industrial •dwelop�nt districts as herein •' ` ided, an such cit of the first class s TM1sti k x e �rw y y . in which such port authority has bNO : .ccreatod and is axistin9 shall have the poMrerr -i upon requert of such port authority and in P !�;. additiO to all other pacers now possessed ' �....- f , :thereby, and in addition to and in excess of T �' ` `b any limitation u the amount it is other,. A' I 4'-: ay `:�. x rise permitted lam to levy as taxes, to K µ; . .M� <=r}: •s;°.� ::' 1 �y banal it of and for axpon- d =, .�:,: F -s: •vy taxes for tf� ��` ditt •by' such .2'ort, authority,• not aoeedinfl + -, r ae�y, one year n aaount equal to• /100 „ ': a a� ES ••t er"- 'r`;rj'..5; 'a•i".'ti nt<- �r , j�.;rC i':