185086 Original to City Clerk
COMMISSIONE' / -d Arty -/ �� /I.y ■/ -i DATF — — --
'T 12j I17UA ,
WHEREAS, The Commissioner, the Chief Engineer, and the Street and Highway
Engineering Coordinator of the Department of Public Works have selected and
recommended for approval a system of State Aid Streets for the City of St. Paul;
WHEREAS, It appears to the City Council of the City of St. Paul that the
streets recommended and hereinafter described should be designated as "Municipal
State Aid Streets" under the provisions of Minnesota Laws of 1957, Chapter 943;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul
that the streets numbered and described as follows, to—wit:
be, and hereby are designated as "Municipal State Aid Streets" of said City,
subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner
of Highways for his consideration, that upon his approval of the designation of
said streets, or portions thereof, such approved streets or portions thereof
shall comprise the Municipal State Aid Street System of the City of St. Paul,
and that same be constructed, improved and maintained in accordance with the
rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Highways, and the provisions of
Minnesota Laws of 1957, Chapter 943.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council QV 6 '951195—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195_
gl* '
n. :.tiee In Favor
Rosen Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 6-56 2
PUBLISH 1' "�"
1 of 5 .* t . ..
(105) Acker St. & Service Road from Jackson St. to Cayuga St.
(106) Airport Road from Airport to Robert St. thence on Fil]more Atre.fram Robert St.
to Daniel St.
(107) Arcade St. from Sixth St. to Seventh St.
(109) Arlington Ave. from Dale St. to Arcade St.
(225) Aurora Ave. from Western Ave. to Marion St.
(110) Berry St. from Pearl St. to University Ave.
(111) Broadway from Seventh St. to Kellogg Blvd.
(112) Burns Ave. from Earl St. to White Bear Ave.
(113) Burr St. from Case Ave. to Collins St. thence on Collins St. from Burr St. to
Lafayette Road thence on Lafayette Road from Collins St. to E. Seventh St.
(114) Carroll Ave. from Dale St. to Virginia St.
(115) Case Ave. from Westminster St. to Earl St.
(116) Case Ave. from Johnson Pkwr. to Hazel St.
(117) Cedar St. from Kellogg Blvd. to Ccmo Ave. thence on Como Ave. from Cedar St. to
Park Ave.
(118) Central Ave. E. fran Wabasha St. to Cedar St.
(126) Chestnut St. from Smith Ave. to Shepard Road
(120) Cleveland Ave. from St. Anthony Ave.•,to University Ave.
(121) Caro Ave. from W. City Limits to Lexington Pkwy.
(122) Cano Park (North of Workhouse) from Ccmo Ave. and Hemline Ave. to Lexington Pkwy.
thence on Van Slyke from Lexington Pkwy. to Horton Ave. thence on Horton Ave.
from Van Slyke to W. Como Blvd. thence along W. Como Blvd. from Horton to E. Como
Blvd. (T.H. 10)
(123) Como Park (Midway Pkwy. Connection) from Hemline Ave. to Como Park (No. of Workhouse)
(124) Cretin Ave. from St. Anthony Ave. to Ford Pkwy.
(125) Dale St. from Lincoln Ave. to Front Ave.
t i 2of5
(119) Dodd Road from Stryker Ave. to So. City Limits
(127) Duke St. from Shepard Road to Jefferson Ave.
(128) Earl St. from Burns Ave. to Maryland Ave.
(129) East Shore Drive (Lake Phalen) from Larpenteur Ave. to Johnson Pkwy. thence on
Johnson Pkwy. from E. Shore Drive to Burns Ave.
(130) Etna St. from Warner Road to Burns Ave.
(131) Fairfield Ave. from Belle St. to State St.
(132) Fairview Ave. (Edgectambe Road) from W. Seventh St. to Minnehaha Ave.
(133) Fifth St. from Broadway to John St.
(134) Fifth St. from Pleasant Ave. to Broadway
(135) Forest St. from Hudson Road to Maryland Ave.
(136) Fourth St. from Seven Corners to Broadway
(137) Fourteenth St. from Jackson St. to Lafayette Road
(138) Front Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to Rice St.
(139) George St. from Smith Ave. to Concord St.
(140) Goodhue St. from W. Seventh St. to Cliff St.
(141) Grand Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Oakland Ave.
(143) Grotto St. from Summit Ave. to Osceola St. thence on Osceola St. from Grotto St.
to W. Seventh St.
(144) Grove St. from Jackson St. to Broadway
(145) Hamlin Ave. from Montreal Ave. to Larpenteur Ave.
(146) Hampden Ave. from Raymond Ave. to Wabash Ave.
(147) Hazel St. from Minnehaha Ave. to E. Seventh St. thence along Street Railway
Right of Way from E. Seventh St. to Larpenteur Ave.
(148) Hazelwood St. from Arlington Ave. to Third St.
(149) Highland Parkway from Ha*line Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd.
(142) Hoyt Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Grotto St. thence along Grotto St. from Hoyt Ave.
to Iowa Ave. thence along Iowa Ave. from Grotto St. to Dale St.
(150) Hudson Road(N. Service Drive) fram Maria Ave. to Earl St.
(151) Hudson Road (Old) from White Bear Ave. to Clarence St.
t 3 of 5
(152) Humboldt Ave. (Wabasha) So. Wabasha St. to Winifred St. and from Winifred St.
to George St.
(153) Iglehart Ave. from Dale St. to Cathedral Place
(154) Ireland Blvd. from Capitol Circle to Summit Ave.
(155) Jackson St. from Kellogg Blvd. to Shepard Road
(156) Jefferson Ave. fran Cleveland Ave. to Duke St.
(157) Kasota Ave. from Eustis St. to Lexington Pkwy.
(158) Kellogg Blvd. from Washington St. to Summit Ave.
(108) Lafond Ave. from Como Ave. to Rice St. thence along Arch St. from Rice St. to
Jackson St. thence along Pennsylvania Ave. from Jackson St. to Arkwright St.
thence along E. Minnehaha Ave. from Arkwright St. to E. Seventh St.
(159) Lexington Pkwy. from W. Seventh St. to Van Slyke Ave. - thence extended in
Como Park to T.H. #10
(160) Louis St. (Marion) from Dayton Ave. to University Ave.
(161) Main St. from Seven Corners to Tenth St.
(162) Maria Ave. from E. Seventh St. to Hudson Road
(163) Maryland Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel St.
(164) Minnehaha Ave. W. from Prior Ave. to Como Ave.
(165) Minnesota St. from Kellogg Blvd. to Eleventh St. thence along Eleventh St.
from Minnesota St. to Cedar St.
(166) Mississippi River Blvd. from Cretin Ave. (near Summit) to City Limits
(168) Montreal Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave.
(169) Montreal Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Elway St. thence So. to Shepard Road
(170) Mounds Blvd. from Hudson Road to Burns Ave.
(171) Mount Curve Blvd. fran Randolph Ave. to Ford Pkwy.
(172) Myrtle Ave. from Eustis St. to Cleveland Ave. N.
(173) Ninth St. from Wabasha St. to Broadway
(174) Northern Route from Prior Ave. N. to Dale St.
(175) Oakdale Ave. from State St. to Annapolis St. E.
(176) Oakland Ave. from Summit Ave. to Ramsey St.
(177) Ohio St. from George St. to Winifred St. thence on Winifred St. from Ohio St.
to Humboldt Ave.
• N.
• 1 lb
(178) Parkway Drive from Wheelock Pkwy to. No. City Limits
(179) Payne Ave. from Larpenteur Ave. to Edgerton St.
" (180) Pelham Blvd. from St. Anthony Ave. to University Ave.
(167) Pine St. from Eighth St. to Grove St. thence along Mississippi St. from Grove St.
to York Ave. thence along York Ave. from Mississippi St. to Westminster St. thence
along Westminster St. from York Ave. to Maryland Ave.
(181) Prior Ave. from Summit Ave. to Northern Route
(182) Ramsey St. from Summit Ave. to W. Seventh St.
(183) Randolph Ave. from Mississippi River Blvd. to Snelling Ave.
(184) Randolph Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Shepard Road
(185) Raymond Ave. from University Ave. to Wabash:.Ave.
(186) Rondo Ave. front Western Ave. to Rice St. thence along Twelfth St. from Rice St.
to Wabasha
(215) Ruth St. from Hudson Road to E. Minnehaha Ave.
(187) St. Albans St. S. from Pleasant Ave. to Summit Ave.
(188) St. Clair Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Cliff St. thence on Cliff St. from St. Clair
Ave. to the High Bridge.
(189) St. Paul Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to W. Seventh St.
(190) St. Peter St. from Tenth St. to Twelfth St.
(191) Selby Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Summit Ave.
(192) Seventh St. W. from Auditorium St. to Sibley St.
(193) Seventh St. E. from Minnehaha Ave. to Hazel St.
(194) Shepard Road from Otto Ave. to W. Seventh St. (Youngman Ave.)
(195) Shortline Road from Selby Ave. to Jefferson Ave.
(196) Sibley St. from Eighth St. to Shepard Road
(197) Sixth St. from Mounds Blvd. to Johnson Pkwy.
(198) Sixth St. from Louis St. to Broadway
(199) :kith Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Sixth St.
(200) Snelling Ave. from Montreal Ave. to Edgecumbe Road
(201) State St. from Fillmore Ave. to Robert St.
(202) Stryker Ave. from Annapolis St. to Winifred St.
42. e
5 of 5—
(203) Summit Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Kellogg Blvd.
(204) Tenth St. from Broadway to WMbasha St.
(205) Territorial Road from W. City Units to Hampden Ave.
(206) Third St. E. from Mounds Blvd. to McKnight Road
(207) Thomas Ave. frail Fairview Ave. to Como Ave.
(208) University Ave. fran Robert St. to Jackson St.
(209) Vandalia St. fran Ellis Ave. to University Ave.
(210) Vtototial8t.ffmom'.U'ihClairtaviWtorNattherneRoute
(311) Wabasha St. from Tenth St. to University Ave.
(212) Wabasha Bridge Connection from Wabasha St. to Navy Island Bridge
(213) Wabash Ave. from Eustis St. to Cleveland Ave.
(214) Western Ave. from Summit Ave. to Maryland Ave.
. •