185046 1 RI51 V1.6 • Original to City Clerk s_ {i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES¢LUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY Adrian P. Winkel .,( DATA__ October 31, 1957 COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, in the matter of Comptroller' s Contract L-5880 for curbing the South side of Idaho from Grotto to Avon, Eugene Bulach, contractor, the specified date of completion was July 28, 1957, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but due to delay caus d by a shortage of available skilled labor, it was not possible t complete the contract by said date of completion, therefore be it RESOLVED, tha the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending th time of completion to August 8, 1957, provided however, tha this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sur ties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller and be it • FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged by the City on account of such extended period. Council File No. 185046—By Adrian P. Winkel— I Whereas, tn. the matter of Comp-, troller's Co ract L-5880 for curbing 1 the South si.e of Idaho from Grotto to Avon, E gene Bulach, contractor, the specified date of completion was July 28, 1957, and Whereas, I e Contractor has prose- cuted the w.rk diligently, but due to delay caused .y a shortage of available i skilled labor it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion, t erefore, be it Resolved, I hat the proper city offi- cials be and they are hereby author- ized and dire ted to execute an amend- ment to sai. contract extending the time of corn letion to August 8, 1937, provided ho ever, that this resolution; Ishall have . force or effect unless] the sureties n the Contractor's bond consent ther.to and file such consent in writing th the City Comptroller and be it Further Resolved, That the City of St. Paul her by waives all claim for, liquidated da ages and that no engi- neering and inspection costs on this I . 1957 project will be charged by the City NOV 1 on account •f such extended period. COUNCILMEN 1957.dopted b the Council November 1,I Adopted by the Council_ 195_ Approved ovember 1, 1957. Yeas Nays (N. ember 9, 1957) DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 ,,.„.„,„9„,...... rte' Mortinson In Favor _ -4k. �� (9 k... 0,v Peterso .... Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon &M G-,. ,. -, 2 Duplicate to Printer - , 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Na OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Adrian P. '.Dinkel COMMISSIONER DATF October 31, 1957 WHEREAS, in the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-5880 for curbing the South side of Idaho from Grotto to Avon, Eugene Bulach, contractor, the specified d 'te of completion was July 28, 1957, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecuted the work dili Eently, but due to delay caused by a shortage of available skilled labor, i it was not possible t complete the contract by said date of completion, therefore be it RESOLVED, tha the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to August 8, 1957, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Cornptrcller and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged by the City on account of such extended period. I OV 1 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays { DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- . .T/f - teiti-.n...,— 1 Mortinson In Favor Peterson- Mayor Rosen Against Mr. Presiden illon �;.-D' 2 5M 6-56 �"