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Original to City Clerk 185036 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,r ���1 4 COMMISSIONER / DATF RESOLVED, that Anderson-Prichard Oil Corporation be permitted to install and operate a gasoline filling station adjacent to the northeast corner of West Seventh and View Streets, on Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 5, Clark's Addition, in accorlance with applicant's plans approved bctober 3, 1957, the installation to be under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council may determine that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. Said installation to be subject • the fuser condition that sidewalks abutting said premises s all be kept clean and free of ice and snow 11 File No. 185036—By Bernard olv and— a t all times • Sp solved, That Anderson-Prichard r 2orporation be permitted to install operate a gasoline filling station acent to the northeast corner of st Seventh and View Streets, on j its 10, 11 and 12, Block 5, Clark's; ddition, in accordance with ap-I dicant's plans approved October 3, 1957, the installation to be under the 1 direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Whenever the Council may determine that said station constitutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be re- voked. Said installation to be subject to the further condition that sidewalks' abutting said premises shall be kep• '1 clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Adopted by the Council November 1, 1957. Approved November 1, 1957. (November 9, 1957) 11957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays OV i 167 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195— 1 M Winkel r ,{�r Mortinson In Favor _ \\M., ,.V C (,�., won 1111 Mayor Rosen ( Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 IE ', OFFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota i ?507)6 October 31, 1957 Mr. Marshall F. Hurle Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council reau=sted that you prepare a resolution granting the application o ' Anders•.-Prichard Oil Corporation for permit to install and operate a filling sta'ion at the northeast corner of W. Seventh and View Sts., on Lots 10, 11, :nd 12, Block 5, Clark's Addition, in accordance with applicant's plan: approved October 3, 1957. Ver truly yours, i li (i)._ (p4„-, Lk..., i City Clerk E c„.„ OCT 31 thkr` C Rpour WY COmsa :Le\ , 11..11111 11 _ • • ° •• w• iNs •. •. l•t. ,:1 11 „ : �ii t . i1 '� rc I � _ r1 l I n T„ .... . I...r . 1 c. r):0_ ,,._,. 4 Iii i t1 , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA • P • OF ZONIN I-, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'i}>::1X?*NSIBN!231-232-253 1315 CITY MA L AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 2,MINNISOTA October 8, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter •f the application of Anderson-Prichard Oil Corp. for a permit to install and operate a new filling station on property located adjacent to th- northeast corner of W. 7th and View St. This property is described as Lots 10,11,12, Block 5, Clark's Add. The zoning is Commercial. The property is prese tly developed with a single family home and has a frontage of 147.9 ft. on W. 7th and 158 ft. on View St. The adjacent land uses are as folllws: There is a single family home to the east, warehouse for the Scheidt Brewing Co. is across alley to the north; High- land Recreation Cente is across View to the west, small retail store is across W. 7th to the outh. The applicant propose- to construct a new filling station on the property which would be establ shed in accordance with existing standards. Field investigation disclos-s no objection to this proposal from the standpoint of adjacent land use :nd the Traffic Engineer has approved the layout and operation of this pr• .osed facility. In consideration of 'hese factors the Zoning Board recommends that this permit be granted in accordance with the applicant's plans approved Oct. 3, 1957. :?1c;:/! )37' Plannin:i Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning CDL/RJK / enc. Iff-\ \ E Y C'ONTINccw !u WALL PCCTINIC, i 'f- f TYP F- T I t G A , t) `C%'L N*DAT 10 N LL V e• AL 1fr2 a. IL ma - • G E k;oA L CC NcTt c f?C N H C T; 1. THE EXiSTi N6 . T21)1 VV.. CSltov4N 47n'11-5t'ID pH. QLOT FLAW) °s To $E 'CEMOVED >SY OTt•t , TJ4E GENE1pAL C2;14TICI4CTOTr' SHALL. IS rES,PONSISLE FOIT Cj.EA1JtNG= trolINVATIOtJ ANt, IL'SMovtNG IJ Ntwvn o N WA:.,4 '4 0 W►.t' TO '2104 15 GL av,/ 101 NI S}} C':►tr' ', VAS E'sM E NT ArEEA S SHALL tiS e _• CL EAN C"v ©!+ LUMt'Sste/M5 IS, ETC. ANT, THEN ri L L I C Y1171+ CLE.AN ConA ACTEt' FI L1 12.1=aTm N G. **NtO FbUNpAr•i ON S soma. `6 11,15TALLEC, AS (Hov■N oN 'This °1. SZWEK UNE Wood IJE rv4 t5VILt7ING 514ALt. 8E colosiEGTEC7 Tc SEWEfz LINg. Fpo,v WXISTI)4 to 0UIL.t,I14e• A6 t4oTl t, oxi 'MOT #'LAN. l=X1STIt1c, SZ-We2 SHALL. 15E GLEANi3U ANZ) I✓LUSHEt: COT kNt7 ALL Wnglt cfALL 135 IN AcGCtrt,ANCE- WITH. CITY SO•IEtz t'EPr ANt, PLUMb14(.. G 1•s KR-GI1LATONS. CONMIZ ,CTG)FZ 54112.,L.t_ CONNECT To oME of THE 1:›EILL. HOLES SHoWN., 4,Nlmw WATEe SMALL. 15E raxT5312E7 'xISTINCv WATErZ. 5WKVICE I14 15011- 7iNC, Wflcff• IS To •! IrEMoVEC, ALL WOIZC SNAIL. 13P IN ACCO 'Z:ANC1r WITH N/ATE C pt=rT rent, L-, •ttot4S . SHALL. ?LUMBIt�i<,, NEATINC( ANT;' tLEC-rR1c. 1. ANC; 6"AS PIPD L AS WELL, AS GEEtJEi?AL c:,okISTIrOCTlotd 4rop,k r1Cgtre1•MED I-fElcE SHALL Col4Forlr1■ 111 Al-L t'ESPEGTS To TktE v.z<9. u1 OF ALL A'f•PLICAtSLS coDES ANt, ozprmaNcEs AFFECTING TI+E wor-r.. C. Apcon raDESTA L SIGN I COMPLEa.TE WITH ANG40iZ t5OLTS To 15E FUtt'NISHED Sy CWNE Z For C o N T'Ac TotZ T C INSTALL IN "7-41,' ( -$1.4 x S1-0" I P E EP CO N ctrETE 1 f>A S E.T o P To r L U S4 V4 I TFt -rOP -T. 1=1.e'DL.ILHT QoL6S ANT, FIXTU1'ES To 3E prur Nis4ED coMPLICTE pWNEM Fot3 GoN-r•Ac-rotc To I1I,TALL IN Ilu vIA-m, by 4'oh z'i✓GP C.ot4c ET[~ 15,45,5. 1J. isLAtqv LIGHTS FIXTURES ALIP FbLEs To ge FUR'kusH ED ,y oWNiare. hNC IN STALL,ED 13'1 CONTrCAC Tort. Co7•vTi:. To t UIe.. NISM t INSziN,t_.L, 2:-0" PIPE EX'T'ENSIONS For— -j— LIGHTS, Q•,acCL W)RINca , CGNVUIT, SWIT4.4-1ES, ETc. NEcESSA=Y 1•"crz \HI, .u- G ,4klt' cc11.114EGTtCNS Te ISLAN¢ t7ISPEENSSIZS, >'EMoTE PUMPING tJNl75 i.I.Mi 7 LIGHTS, Fl- 7t7LIC.44TS/ "APCO" PFDESTkL SIGN AS WELL AS 13Uil2I1,14w WI1;1 R ANt7 F-If(TUKE WotrK SHALL 1S>r Ir4CLUvED AS PArcT of Toy s coNT/CACT, 1e..a,47rAGToTL SMAL(.. tNSTML. )/mow MC LINE TO ISLAND AS ?4OT7- 1I• ALL GAs LINES TO ptAVie M10 , $UXy = 124-P, ALL GAS .t if To WANG AT LEAST 2 SW1146, Je1NTS tsETWE1tJ TANL<S AtIt, TeremiWAL YaltdTS . ALL L►JES SHALL SLePE ToWArpS TAANks Ja.ALL Tit LI' IESCGkS, WATEtz, 3L-NNEtz AMC) wL1:CT1m cot L.) SHALL tar NSTAI.I-Et7 AS -PArT 6F - 1141S CONTRACT. COM-11zAcTotz SHALL VERIFY 1ocATlon{ s AI4t) V PTbi$ of ,ALL UTILt7IES .4•N.t..7- ALL aNNECT1O11 FEES A$Jt, t MITS A1'!t= TO t3JE 1 I LUtiSt) 1I�1 'j}Hc, ecNTP AcT. Ib.INTEel nntIS11 To J s/fs° onTWALL TA?Et7 AN17 F1taisoas, IM AGGeTZt71kt4CE WITx+ isEST AccE?Tta17 STkMVA'2S, Toll.5T WALLS To 43E t'A►NTer, -LoorrTo cEILINC, WITEt ArN IMPEtZJIoO s TYPE MASot1/417?Y TAINT, 4.$LACKTOP sUkFAC,I t)E InLSTAI..CED coMraC.ETE Wirt# SEAL. COAT Int •4cC.00D, J 1 `1.1 bt-- r ACCEPT-ED STA,N1bAR.DS, KY gYr, J. PRot=£R41'-Y UTILITIES NOT S `;...;` 6,145 LINES SHOWN THUS A sr. 6,u 8<aLa■4 C rAO CA• PK©X--) v,14.7rrz' PhiES SNowt' MOS _+ -71, D$ t3 EL oW GKACJ E CAPP V.0 X`) SEW51 ' L;NES St+o J Ti{US DE V-1 I4 AS N oTEL7 LEGAL. E CR\ F el— - LOr5 . #0 I I 4 iZ �LOGk,, g Is5t) STorAGI: alAS TA AK I P2- Cv - S i FG,D. CRAM-LE 1 , .b IT I C:9 T .._._.P4.UL. M i hi N E50 s C.E sr,^),T IC) s Fc- . ANDERSQN - PR;:r4;XRD • OIL CORP. LOG\T LT AT NEST 54 F. IA 4- .. V I • Ir▪ 't S; T T. F, UG - AA. l NN a SC)TIC_ �^y DRAY 1 tJ ,-O1T f ft!1\1 s-011v ZHOWN THUS__ :�. • CIVIL. EtvG+tJ:: �K \T\O14 ZHO 1 here certify that this plan, specification, or :),.1, t�cD by y � �-, 4„ .�{_—�C.�.� S_T, PJ�U 1. �U l L DING. report vas prepared by me or under rry.direct GV S. p superii;inn and that I am a duly Registered � ST, /1'c��. .r's. sl� l/S Professional Fr.giacor und.c,r :he laws of the t)A,75 SH E 7 NS Sta clE Minacsota. � _w..• �,.._ .�.r ,►.a.. P-2.8'57 CF I SHEETS • Date I,-2.S-5 "'e¢. ado. 331 / ._ I - .' 4 N. A 9 ?t.1.-N0, 9 AS Q9-1v cN/ CICC ,e 3 Q -_— - — �h x $zn, ..3No, dad ., I � IN- it if 1i b ;� f act 1 �" ,a4 FAQ 7,�� -, 0 d aJ Ot S. ©h� u- ul g"� _ _'o- i1 {ate�. v ,-- ,� tJl iQ j ... ; d -4' =~ \ �cs- 1 '0_D_ ma, VII_w W i ,., -*N a `�j � 1- ri, s !# �f :il a< ,„ lei , w i S.0 01 7.-0 , ii, '-d- , r-1 el 1 .) z k"Z .. ` {I .wa o r 1 K ,d. --.4.9k--/--:- t 4 t ,D ■ ' • --— - -.- T r ter — - -- - -- . . _ ` --” ,_ ' 6'P' I 'I2-1 '); °''N I Z - 1 1 - IN -1:,` IND , ' g 11, --1 - - ran- '''' I .. ■ /e\ . \ '\ <9 , e', i i__. 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