185031 Original to City Clerk • l CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fOUN2L RES OLUTION-GENERAL FORM E / �v`,m- r<L',; 7 4''-0 •MMISSIONER / DATE it Fil By Milton 0 i I RESOLVED, that this Council, being duly advised in the premises, finds that unforeseen and additional legislation enacted by the Minnesota State Legislature at its 1957 Session, affecting the Municipal and Conciliation Courts of the City of (Saint Paul, increasing the jurisdiction of said Courts, increasing the number of the Judges of the same, and occasioning necessary increases in the number of Clerks, Deputy and Assistant Clerks, and Stenographer-Reporters therein, has resulted in the creation of an existing sudden and unforeseen emergency wherein the City funds appropriated therefor have become and are inadequate to properly protect the public interests; that to meet said emergency it has become and is necessary that, pursuant to Sec. 206 of the City Charter, the City borrow, temporarily, the aggregate sum of, 16,551.88, to be distributed and credited as follows: 714k . .0, $15,203.30 thereof to City Fund, Salaries-Municipal Court, 31-B1 $674.29 thereof to City Fund, Salaries-Traffic Violations Bureau, 31-B2 •74.29 thereof to City Fund, Salaries-Juvenile Court, 31-133; that the Mayor and the Comptroller be and hereby are authorized and directed, for the purposes aforesaid, to borrow, in the City' s behalf, the said aggregate sum ofi "l6,551.88, and to execute and deliver, to the party or Parties making such loan, the promissory note of the City in the same principal sum payable 0 ' ' to such party or parties, bearing interest not to e--ceed 4 per cent per annum, and payable within one year after the date of such loan; and that upon the making of such loan, the said aggregate sum thereof shall be distributed and credited as aforesaid to-wit: $15,203.30 to City Fund, Salaries-Municipal Court, 31-B1 $674.29 to City Fund, Salaries-Traffic Violations Bureau, 31-B2 1•74.29 to City Fund, Salaries-Juvenile Court, 31-B3 subject to disbursement for the aforesaid purposes of said emergency and the particular purposes of the designated Fund in each case. Countersigned and Approved: -ity Comp roller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— OCT 3119 5- Yeas Nays DeCourcy " Holland Approved Iluixxfflix ix In Favor �Q , Mortinson I —_ Peterson Mayor Rosen I Against 1 Wi ke J Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED i1" -__-, 7 5M 2-57 „*”7 ..2 Duplicate to Printer • - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER i DATF P.FSOLVFD, that this Council, being duly advised in the premises, finds that unforeseen eve additional le_°islati_gin enacted by the yinnesota State Legislature at ite 1957 Session, affecting the Municipal enr' Conci?iation Court: of the City of Saint Paul, increasing the juris(i.ction of said Courts, increasing the number of the Judges of the same, and occa-ioning necessary increases in the number of Clerke, Deputy €Ind Assistant Clerks, and Stenographer-Feporters there =n, has resulted in the creation of an cxi sti rag sudden and unforeseen emergency wherein the City funds ap;ropriated therefor have become and are inadequate to pro .erly protect the public interest.; that to meet said emergency it has become and is necessary thet, pursuant to Sec. 206 of the City Charter, he City borrow, temporarily, the aggregste sum (EelF,551.88, to be di: tributed and credited as follows: t ,, x15,203.30 thereof to City Fund, S tlariez-Muni cipel Court, 31-B1 674.29 thereof to City Fund, Seiariee-Traffic ViolatI ns Bureau, 31-B2 74.29 thereof to Citar Fund, Salaries-Juvenile Court, 31—B3; '} that, the Mayor and the Comptroller be and hereby ere authorized and directed, for the purposes aforesaid, to borrow, in the City': behFlf, the said a.ggreg to jet; sum ofi 116,551.X38, and to execute tend deliver, to the pe.rty or ocrties making such loan, the promissory note of the City in the same erincipal sum payable to such party or partie , bearing interest not to e coed 4 per cent per annum, and payable within one year after the date of such loan; and thFt upon the making of such loan, the said aggregate sum thereof shall be distributed and credited as aforesaid to-wit: x'15,203.30 to City Fund, Salaries-Municipal Court, 31-B1 tt67b.299 to City Fund, Selariek--Trryffic Violatiens Bureau, 31-B2 $674.29 to City rune, Salaries-Juvenile Court, 31-B3 subject to disbursement for the aforesaid purposes of said emergency and the particular purposes of the designated Fund in each case. Countersigned and Aeeroved: City Comptroller OCT 3 11957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195- Yeas Nays DeCourcy ,, " �:, i= E�o-..,0 Holland Approved 195— , ? 3 Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson ( � Mayor Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 ° -,2