09-652Council File # 09-652 Green Sheet#3069300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Presented by _ CITY OF RESOLUTION �f� --- WI�EREAS, the Wacouta Commons Lighting project has been completed and assessments have been made to the affected property owners, and WHEREAS, during the CouncIl phase of the 2008 budget process $17,698.94 of the Capital Improvement Bonds that were budgeted in the 2005 Citywide Lighting Program and specifically for the Wacouta Commons Lighting project were appropriated to balance the 2008 budget, and WHEREAS, this left the Wacouta Commons Lighting project with a deficit funding of CIB in the amount of $10,96738, and WHEREAS, the Deparhnent of Public Works is reconunending using CIB funding from the 2008 Citywide Lighting program to resolve this situation, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendafion of the Mayor and advice of the I,ong Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $1 Q96738 is available for appropriation in the Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby fiuther amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: Cunent Financing Citywide Lighting Improvements Co5-2T42s CIB Assessments $12,301.06 $25.000.00 $37,301.06 Pioposed Change $1Q96738 -$10,96738 $0.00 Amended Financing $23,268.44 $14.032.62 $37,301.06 Amended Spending $23,268.44 $25,032.62 $37,301.06 Balance $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 The Wacouta Commons Lighting project was constructed and assessed to property owrsers with the assumption that $30,000 of CIB funding would be available for this project, resulting in an assessment of $14,032.62. The actual amount of CIB available for funding was $12,301.06 after $17,698.94 was taken to balance the 2008 budget. 09-652 52 Citywide Lighting Improvements 53 COS=2T4T5 54 55 CIB $93.000.00 56 $93,000.00 57 58 -$10,96738 $82,032.62 -$10,96738 $82,032.62 $77,886.50 $77,886.50 $4,146.12 $4,146.12 59 Transfer of CIB to the 2005 Cftywide Lighfing Improvements Program to cover the funding deficu in the Wacouta Commons 60 Lighting projeM. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 �2 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 :'he St. Paui Zona - Range Cagital Ianp�oaemen; $udget Commit�ee receiaed this request on datel � � � - _ � and recamr,�eav. a ��e� ,�,..�. -- ��. �2 i �. � Bostrom Cartet ��i � � � 2 I Adopted by Council: Date �CS `�- �:�j -�� Ado ' Ce tifie oun il Secretary By: Approve y D ` � BY: (�U�'���C�P,G� Requested by Deparhnent of: Public Works ,. . Form By: Form By: � co cu,�noii 09-652 � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � rcronc,noncs — , pW- -- , --�-- CoMaetPerson&Phone: Paul Kurtz 266-6203 Must Be on Council Agenda bY (�e): � Assign Number FOf Routing Order � btic Works tic works �mnciat Services City At[oroey p�_ T PUBLIC HEARING �f11 (RESOLUTION) E-Document Required: N DocumeM Contaet: P�� Kurtr ConWM Phone: 266-6203 Total p of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Approval of attached resolufion to amend the speuding and £mancing plans of the Wacouta Commons Lighting project by hansferring $10,96738 of CIB from the 2008 Citywide LighHng Improvements program. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee _ Civii Service Commission Personal Servlce Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this personMrm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes Pla Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Wacouta Commons Lighting project has been completed and assessments have been made to the affected property owners. During [he Council phase of the 2008 budget process $17,698.94 of the Capitat Improvement Bonds that were budgeted far in the 2005 Citywide Lighting Program and specifically for the Wacouta Commons Ligh6ng project were appropriated to balance the 2008 budget. This lefr the Wacouta Commons Lighting project with a deficit funding of CIB in the amount of $1Q96738. The Department of Public Works is recommending using CIB Funding from the 2008 Citywide Lighting prograiri to resolve this situation. AdveMages If Approved: The $10,96738 deficit in CIB funding in the 2005 Cirywide Lighting Program will be resolved. ��c�ivE� DisadvanWges If Approvetl: Thexe will be less CIB available in 2008 for other lighting projects. ��� :i_ ;�...'� � .t -. :ii DisadvaMages If Not Approved: There will be a deficit of $10,967.38 in the 2005 Citywide Lighting Progam that will need to be resolved. Total Amount of $� 0,967.38 Trenuction: Funding Source: C�B Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Acciviry Number: CO5-2T428 and C08-2T415 April 6, 20091:07 PM Page 7 09-652 sn � n's PhVL I� ARIt City of Saint Paul Memerandum To: Margaret Kelly From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst Subject: GS #3069300 - 2008 Citywide Lighting Program Date: May 8, 2009 Attached is a budget resolution from Public Works seeking approval to amend the spending and financing plan of the Wacouta Commons Lighting project by transferring $10,96738 in CIB dollazs from the 2008 Citywide Lighting Program. During development of the 2008 budget, the City Council redirected CIB funding from the Wacouta Commons Lighting project before it was completed. Public Works is proposing to transfer money from the Citywide Lighting annual program in order to complete the Wacouta li„uhting project. OK to sign. Follow-Up: Public Works originally intended to pay for the Wacouta Commons lighting project out of the 2005 Citywide Lighting annual program. The City Council redirected the unspent balance in the 2005 lighting annual program. Public Works is now proposing to transfer 2008 Citywide Lighting program revenue into the 2005 Citywide Lighting program in order to complete the Wacouta Lighting project. � !` G • (i