184918 f • Original to City Clerk (i !. �* � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIDE NCIL NO { . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —ES ED BY .141: •� R �/ _ DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Hamline University froo. the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, a ten foot building line is hereby established on the north side of Englewood Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Simpson Street, all in accordance with the statements and conditions conveyed in applicant's appeal of June 21, 1957, and plans filed June 24, 1957. Council File No. 184918—By Severin A. Mortinson, by request— Resolved, That upon appeal of Ham- +line University from tkte decision of the Commissioner Par.})ccss,playgrounds and Public Buildis g � t2n foot build- ing line is hereby .e�5tablisheS on the north side of Entlewod l Avenue be- tween Snelling Avenue. and Simpson Street,all in accordance with the state- ments and conditions conveyed in ap- plicant's appeal of June 21, 1957, and plans filed June 24, 1957. Adopted by the Council October 22, 1957. Approved October 22, 1957. (October 26,1957) OCT 2 2 195 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195- Yeas Nays 1957 DeCourcy OCT 2 Approved 195- Mal LACllt `fV Mortinson In Favor � Peterson ® Mayor Rosen `Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 2 1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ` � z' JOSEPH R. OKONESKI ''`� City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota October 17, 1957 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Hamlin University for a new building line as described in the attached letter of C. D. Loeks. Very y you s(? :41, City Jerk r IICXI,E OCT 17 coluvitittioN COussa 1 I. � IIIIHN111. v s'.r��. Ft;1 11.1 1 '1 ... ,•••1 • I - ► �• _, • 11111.. ,1 -,;,q , •/x A.. .1 IN ' ,•r Pf f"inrr rIt-nr-r ), CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA • ................................................ . .............................. < < O; R D OF F ZONING, CITY OF S AI N T PAUL "'..:.:.:.:.:.:.01401#11:.251-252-252 1215 CITY HALL AND COURT NOUSI SAINT PAUL 2,MINNISOTA September 27, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of the Hamline University to establish a new building line on the north side of Englewood Ave. between Snelling Ave. and Simpson. The property under consideration is described as follows: All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Englewood as opened and established by the City of St. Paul, said point being 200 feet East of the point of intersection of the East line of North Snelling Ave. and the North line of said Englewood Ave; thence North at right angles to the North line of said Englewood Ave. 180.0 feet, thence East and parallel to the North line of said Englewood Ave. 250.0 feet, thence South 180.0 feet to a point on the North line of said Englewood Ave. 250.0 feet East on the place of beginning, thence West on the North line of said Englewood Ave. 250.0 feet to the place of beginning, all in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The Zoning is '.'A':` Residence. Applicant owns the entire frontage a distance of some 784.64 ft. on the north side of Englewood Ave. between Snelliing and Simpson St. Applicant is constructing a womens dormitory some 50 ft. west from the present women' s dormitory on their main campus and fronting on Englewood. This appeal, if granted, would allow the con- struction of a covered service area 80 ft. wide and 50 ft . deep to the proposed women's dormitory and located some 10 ft. north of the north line of Englewood Ave. commencing some 216 ft. east from Snelling Ave. The layout and operation of the proposed service area has been approved by the Traffic Engineer and will not affect property other then that owned by the University. The need for this building line change is occassioned by the desirability of applicant to separate the service area activity incident to the dormitory from the building's entrance and from the remainder of the campus. The Plans submitted by applicant call for brick facing along the south, east and west wall of the service area which will comport with the appearance of other campus buildings. It is the opinion of the Zoning Board that the needs of the University will be best facilitated by a relaxation of the front yard on Englewood. The Board is also mindful of the general desirability of permitting colleges to expand their services to the community in a manner consistent with the public interest. In consideration of these factors, the Zoning Board finds the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance would be substantially achieved under these circumstances and j , /0 PUBLTSHEI - ' .. -`,5 Mr. Joseph Okoneski Page 2 September 27, 1957 that therefore the establishment of a 10 ft. buiding line on Englewood may properly be established in this instance, all in accordance with the statements and conditions conveyed in applicant's appeal of June 21, 1957 and plans filed June 24, 1957. 4ncere C. D. As Planning Dire tor Executive Secretary Board of Zoning CDL:RJK enc. HAMLINE UNIVERSITY 74,e1°' . 3680 SAINT PAUL 4. MINNESOTA '" • b• 4ZIX 4' June 21, 1957 Honorable Mayor and City Council City Clerk's Office 386 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Hemline University intends to construct on its campus, located on the north side of Englewood Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Simpson Street, a new women's dormitory. The dormitory will be located to face Englewood Avenue adjacent to and approximately in line with the existing Manor House Dormitory, with which it is connected by tunnel. Plans for the building have been filed with the St. Paul Building Inspection Department and approved by the Department subject to one condition. The service court for the dormitory faces Englewood Avenue and is surrounded by a masonry wall approximately 9'-9" high. This wall has been designed to be attractive in appearance and to shield the street and the neighborhood from the service court. In order to align the new dormitory with Manor House and in order to provide sufficient truck space within the court, however, it is necessary that the court and its surrounding wall project beyond the established building line on Englewood Avenue. We respectfully request, therefore, that permission be granted to establish a new building line 10 feet north of the property line in the block between Snelling Avenue and Simpson Street on the north side of Englewood Avenue. Hamline University is the sole owner of the block in question. The legal description of this property, appropriate building plans, and a photostat of the architect's rendering of the new dormitory as seen from Englewood Avenue and showing the wall are enclosed with this letter. Re eectfully - emitted, Ii, - - H. V. Neece Business Manager HVN:ea enc. } 1 p \,. 1:// / -' AAA7 „ 0 * / I