184917 / . Original to City Clerk 11 (*Z191 1'4,/ CITY OF ST. PAUL COLE NcyC NO. -4_` . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / _COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM '.��.JS 0 E >"41'''14.11‘4. 1"."--- DATE REST' VED, That the request of North Centr: Contruction, Inc., 1960 Pinehurst A -., fol. permission to withdraw t it appeal for the establish- ment of a building l\ne on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Bloc 4, Bisanz Riverwood Terrace, be granted, and that a refund of the filing -e in the amount of $20.00 be made to them. `� j r%.,q\i p i I 9-1, . . / / `d,s 4rit9147/ OCT2 '1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays _ DeCourcy 0 7 1257 -Hrita - - Approved ► 195— Marzfitel�i �' In Favor Mortinson 7-'3 Mayor Peterson Against os n inkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 _ 2 , 1 Duplicate it Printer a 7 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the request of North Central Contruction, Inc., 1960 Pinehurst Ave., for permission to withdraw thEir appeal for the establish- ment of a building line on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1+, Bisanz Rivezvood Terrace, be granted, and that a refund of the filing fee in the amount of $20.00 be made to them. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy } -- Approved 195_ If tarn In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. PrefeDillon 5M 2-57 „Isp,,2 Triplicate to the Comptroller 'a ,#1 F ti.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. :r d- ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED: That the :c equest of North Cent_al Co tructic* , Inc., 1960 Pinehurst Ave., fe. permission to vithiraw their appeal for the establish- ment of a building has on Iota 1, and 3, Block l+, Bisanz Ri se_.vocxi Terrace, be ,gunted, and th::.t 2efund of the filit ; fee in the mount of saci.00 be aide to them. f22 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays FA 'MP DeCourcy ITaralrer Approved 195_ Marzitelli 7 In Favor Mortinson Peterson J Mayor Rosen Against Mr. Prek4419.Dillon 5M 2-57 2 Quadruplicate to Department 84! Y� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL " 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE /MOWED, Th,.t the request of Vo Lh Cr nt u.1 Contruetion, Inc., 1960 Pinehurst / ., fo • -, arnii.ssior to vithi .v their appeal al for the establish- ment of . buildinG 1.:.:e ou Lots 10 2 and 3, Block 4, Bisanz ive vood Teimce, be n v 1, amd that s. ,.+fora of the Mina, fee the z : t of 420.00 node '4 them. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council OCT 2 2 195...; • . Yeas Nays DeCourcy OCT 2 2 "Sy ficrilanel— Approved 195 Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor !?' Rosen Against Mr. Pr dditifil4D i11on 5M 2-57 . -.2 _ I�i