184905 •Original to City Clerk
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed extension
of the waterworks of said City for the purpose of furnishing a full supply of water to
its inhabitants, as provided by that certain resolution of its Board of Water Commissioners,
adopted September 11, 1957, a certified copy whereof is filed herewith, be and such exten-
sion of said waterworks is hereby approved and authorized together with proceedings in
eminent domain therefor provided to be taken, conducted, and completed under and pursuant
to said resolution of said Board, for the condemnation and taking by said Board of the
following described lands, to wit;
All that certain tract of land situate in the east half (E2) of the southwest quarter
(svr ) of Section 18, in Township 30 North of Range 22 lest, in the County of Ramsey,
Minnesota, which is more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Commencing at the South Quarter (S4) corner of said Section 18, thence west
396-31/100 feet, more or less, to a point of beginning in the south line of said
Section 18; thence, deflecting 960 38* in counterclockwise direction from south
to north, 1535-80/100 feet northwesterly along a line which lies 80 feet north-
easterly at right angles from centerline or extended centerline of southmost
60 foot wide portion of that certain strip of land, one portion of which is
100 feet in width and the other portions of which are 60 feet in width, in, upon,
over and across the Southeast Quarter (SE*) of the Southwest Quarter (Sff ) and
Government Lot 3 of said Section 18, all as described in deed filed and recorded
on the 26th day of January 1935 in Book 9118 of Deeds at page 208 in the office of
the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, which said strip of land
comprises Lot Q of Registered Lard. Survey No. 39, Ramsey County, also Lots S and
V of Registered Land Survey No. 60, Ramsey County, also other lands, and is here-
inafter called 60 INCH CONDUIT TRACT; thence, deflecting 90° right, 20 feet in
easterly direction, to a point; thence, deflecting 90° left, 170-56/100 feet in
approximately northerly direction along and to a point in the line which lies
100 feet easterly at right angles from and parallel to centerline first above
described or said centerline extended; thence, deflecting 22° 251 left, 3116-35/100
feet, more or less, in northwesterly direction along and to the point of inter-
section of the line which Iii 100 feet northeasterly at right angles from that
y portion of thi centerline of said 60 INCH CONDUIT TRACT which is situate in
Government Lot 3 of said Section 18 and which extends between and lies tangent
to each one of two curves in said centerline, one which curve comprises 220 10
of arc to a radius of 287-939/1000 feet and the other of which comprises 28° 161
of arc, also to a radius of 287-939/1000 feet, with the easterly line of the
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195_
In Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 2-57 . ,,.2
Original to City Clerk
sixty-six (66) feet wide portion of that certain strip of land, one portion of
which is thirty-three (33) feet in width and the other portion of which is
sixty-six (66) feet in width, in, upon, over and across the Southeast One-quarter
(SE4) of said Section Eighteen (18), all as set forth and described on and as said
certain strip of land is shown colored in pink upon plat entitled "Modification of
Alignment in Sec. 18, T. 30 N., R. 22 W.", filed in the office of the Register of
Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, on the 8th day of October 1898
and recorded in Book 1 of Right of Way Maps at page 12 and now bound in Book of
"RIGHT OF WAY MAPS FROM 1883" at page 12, in said office, which said portion of
said strip of land comprises part of what is now known as Lot 0 of Registered Land
Survey No. 60, Ramsey County, or said easterly line extended; thence, northerly
along last said easterly line or said easterly line extended, approximately 550 feet
to the low water line of Pleasant Lake; thence, in generally westerly direction
along the low water line of Pleasant Lake to an intersection with the easterly
line of said 60 INCH CONDUIT TRACT; thence in generally southerly and southeasterly
directions along said easterly- line of said 60 INCH CONDUIT TRACT or said easterly
line extended, to the south line of said Section 18; thence, east along last said
south line, 50.34 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; excepting there-
from and exclusive of all that much of said Lot 0 of Registered Land Survey- No. 60,
Ramsey County, which is comprised thereby; and, subject to easement for public
highway purposes in the southerly 75 feet of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter
(S2 SW4) of said Section 18, also subject to an easement for that certain 60 feet
wide road, presently known as East Oaks Road and which comprises the southerly
30 feet of Lot T and the northerly 30 feet of Lot AA of said Registered Land Survey
No. 60, containing 3-62/100 acres, more or less, of which 1-44/100 acres, more or
less, comprises that certain 50 feet wide portion of Lot B of Registered Land
Survey- No. 39, Ramsey County, which lies on the easterly side of, adjacent and
parallel to and abutting on that certain 60 feet wide strip of land comprised by
Lot Q of Registered Land Survey- No. 39, Ramsey County; and, of which the following
are portions of the lands comprised by Registered Land Survey No. 60, Ramsey County,
to wit:
59/100 acres, more or less, out of the westerly part of Lot Y; also, 87/100
acres, more or less, out of the westerly- part of Lot Z; also, 44/100 acres,
more or less, comprised by Lot AA inclusive of the roadway therein; also,
17/100 acres, more or less, comprised by Lot T inclusive of the roadway
therein; and 11/100 acres, more or less, of the lands lying between said
Lot T and the low water line of Pleasant Lake, inclusive of the roadway
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— _195—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195-
In Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen .Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M 2-57 ..2
Original to,City Clerk 4849U5
RESOLVED FURTHER, that said resolution of said Board shall be deemed to have
been incorporated herein by reference and made part hereof with the same intent, purpose,
and effect as if said resolution of said Board were set forth herein verbatim, and that
the same and the action of said Board thereby represented hereby are in all things
approved, authorized, and confirmed.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved— 195-
In Favor �
Peterson Mayor
Rosen (/ • I •
Mr. President, illon POLISHED =
5M 2-57 ,.2
. ,11419115`
PRESENTED BY Septeabiar 11. 1957 411
WtiHEREA.S, for the purpose of furnishing an adequate supply of c ire water
to the inhabitants of the City of taint Paul it is necessary to extend
the water o erks sister of said city by the building of an additional
conduit to convey raw water between r'leasant Lake and Sucker Lake; and
' PRIH' .AS, said conduit will be located within certain below described
lands which are not now possessed by the Board, NW:, TUE'.tVeRR", be it
R }LV 'D, that steps be taken forthwith to acquire by condemnation or A
otherwise, for the purpose aforesaid, all that certain tract and parcels
of land more narti.cularly described as follows, to wits
All that certain tract of land situate in the east half (El) of tie
lout'•:tie st quarter (S" !;) of Section 18, in Township 30 North of �°.ange
22 ' est, i:i the C eunty of Ramsey,y, Minnesota, which is more particular-
ly bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Comriencine at the South 'faartor (SO corner of said Section 18, thence
west 396-31/100 feet, more or less, to a. point of bogin.nin ; in the
south line of said Section 18; thence, deflecting 960 381 in counter-
clockwise direction from south to north, 1535-80/100 feet northwesterly
along a line which lies 80 feet northeasterly at right angles from
centerline or extended centerline of southnost 60 foot wide portion
of that certain strip of land, one oortion of which is 100 feet in
width and the other portions of which are 60 feet in width, in, upon,
over and across the Southeast Quarter (S E1) of the Southwest Quarter 1
(S';' ) and Governrent Lot 3 of said. Section 18, all as described in deed
filed and recorded on the 26th day of January 1935 in Book 914.8 of Deeds \
at nag;o 208 in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County
of Ramsey, which said strip of land comprises Lot Q of Registered Land
'Survey No. 39, Ramsey County, also Lots S and V of Registered Land Survey
No. 60, Ramsey County, also other lands, and is hereinafter called
6d INCH CONDUIT TRACT; thence, deflecting 900 right, 20 feet in easterly
direction, to a point; thence,deflecting 900 left, 170-56/100 feet in
approximately northerly- direction along and to a point in the line which
lies 100 feet easterly at ri;-ht angles from and parallel to centerline
first above described or said centerline extended; thence, deflecting
CITY OF ST. PAUL No. triliktilly- trj
Page 2.
220 251 left, 3I6-35/100 feet, more or less, in northwesterly direction along
and to the point of intersection of the line which lies 100 feet northeasterly
at right angles from that portion of the centerline of said b0 INCH CONDUIT TRACT
which is situate in Government Lot 3 of said Section 18 and which extends between
and lies tangent to each one of two curves in said centerline, one which curve
comprises 22° 111 of arc to a radius of 287-939/1000 feet and the other of which
comprises 280 161 of arc, also to a radius of 287-939/1000 feet, with the easterly
line of the sixty-six (66) feet wide portion of that certain strip of land, one
portion of which is thirty-three (33) feet in width and the other portion of which
is sixty-six (66) feet in width, in, upon, over and across the Southeast One-quarter
(SE :-) of said Section Eighteen (18), all as set forth and described on and as said
certain strip of land is shown colored in pink upon plat entitled "Modification of
Alignment in Sec. 18, T. 30 N., R. 22 W.", filed in the office of the Register of
Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, Uinnesota, on the 8th day of October 1898
and recorded in Book 1 of Right of ':Jay Maps at page 12 and now bound in '-Book of
"RICP.T ( aJAY gSAPS FROM 1883" at page 12, in said office, which said portion of
said strip of land comprises part of what is now known as Lot 0 of Registered
Land Survey No. 60, Ramsey County, or said easterly line extended; thence,
northerly along last said easterly line or said easterly line extended, approx-
imately 550 feet to the law -rater line of Pleasant Lake; thence, in generally
westerly direction along the low water line of Pleasant Lake to an intersection
with the easterly line of said 60 INCH CONDUIT TRACT; thence in generally
southerly and southeasterly directionsalong said easterly line of said 60 INCH
CONDUIT TRACT or said easterly line extended, to the south line of said Section 18;
thence, east along last said south line, 50.34 feet, more or less, to the point
of beginning; excepting therefrom and exclusive of all that much of said Lot 0
of Registered Land Survey- No. 60, Ramsey County, which is comprised thereby; and,
sabject to easement for public highway purposes in the southerly 75 feet of the
South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1 SCO of said Section 18, also subject to
an easement for that certain 60 feet wide road, presently mown as East Oaks Road
and which comprises the southerly 30 feet of Lot T and the northerly 30 feet of
Lot AA of said Registered Land Survey No. 60, containing 3-62/100 acres, ::yore or
less, of which 1-1111/100 acres, more or less, comprises that certain 50 feet wide
portion of Lot B of Registered Land Survey No. 39, Ramsey County, which lies on
the easterly side of, adjacent and parallel to and abutting an that certain
60 feet wide strip of land c wiprised by Lot Q of Registered Land Survey- No. 39,
Ramsey County; and, of which the following are portions of the lands comprised
by Registered Land. Survey Noe 60, Ramsey County, to wit:
• CITY OF ST. PAUL No. 4( L _r
PRESENTED BY September 114 1957
RE5 LV, Page 3.
59/100 acres, more or loss, out of the westerly part of Lot Y; also,
87/100 acres, more or less, out of the westerly part of Lot Z; also,
1111/100 acres, more or less, comprised. by Lot AA inclusive of the roadway
therein; also, 17/100 acres, more or less, comprised by Lot T inclusive
of the roadway- therein; and 11/100 acres, more or less, of the lands
lying between said Lot T and the low water line of !:'leasant Lake,
inclusive of the roadway therein.
State of Minnesota )
County of Ramsey ) s s
City of Saint Paul )
I, C. A. Flack, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners
of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above
typed copy of a resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on
September 11, 1957, with the original thereof on file in my office and that
said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof.
Witness the seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of
Saint Paul this 17th day of October A.B. 1957
J Assistant Secretary
Water Commissioners
Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners
Yeas Nays
„eCourcy // 195
In favor__3 Opposed None 7,'� C: et- (
' `l C. A. Flack, ASST.SECY.