186075 18 )75 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COM.IIlTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , y, / COMMISSIONER �/G2-�Y� /d7�/�//`" f-yv�,�,� fir` ' DATF February 6, 1958 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, Nick Bongiovanni & Anthony Stefom 705 E. Third Bkkery App. 6076 Renewal Ace Auto Co. , Inc. 7511 Rice 2nd Hd. Auto Pts. Dlr. App. 7092 n Norbert W. Freier 1999 Ford Pkwy. Beauty Shop II 7363 " Y. L C. A. 123 W. Fifth Cigarette Il 7377 I' American Bakeries Inc. 97 E. Twelfth V.M. Loc. 11 7382 II Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha. By. 275 E. Fourth V.M. Loc. II 7383 " Northern Pacific Ry. Co. 322 Pine V.M. Loc. II 7386 II T. H. Barber 7147 Upper Levee -3v.lk Oil Stge, I' 71'00 " Richard C. Noack & Donald '7alseth 296 W. Seventh Gas Sta. 4 p. It 7401+ " " 11 Gen. Rep. Gar. " o II Merit Chevrolet Co. 7911-1 E. Seventh Dir. Rep. Gar. " 7409 1' John J. White 588 Selby Cig. V.I . Oper." 71+15 " Council T HollFand S ii ever186075—By A.Mort Bernard Mortinson—, I Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is, instructed to issue such licenses upon FEB 1953 the payment into the City treasury of, the required fees. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council February 6, Adopted by the Council 1958. _ 195_ Approved February 6, 1958. Yeas Nays (February 8, 1958) DeCourcy FEB 6 1933 Holland - Approved— 195_ —itclk `, Mortinson In Favor AVL . tai\ Peterson Mayor Rosen ____ `.e Against Mr. President, Dil on 5M G-56 ot— --- ?