09-636Council File # 09-636 Green Sheet# 1 2 , � 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLUTION _PAUL, .MI�IN€SOTA � WHEREAS, this event requires a lazge number of City staffto run and maintain the event site on both day and evening shifts; and WHEREAS, haffic at the event is very congested, making it difficult for City staff to leave the work site for meals and return in a tunely manner; and WHEI2EA5, the weather is historical3y very hot and humid and requires staff to have and consume plenty of t7uids to sustain themselves; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has historically spent up to $7Q0 to purchase and provide refreshments and meals for 1he employees assigned to work tha event; and VJHEREAS, the Lao Family, as budgeted in the 2009 adopted budget, will reimburse the Ciry up to $35,000 toward the City's costs incurred for the event; and WHEREAS, the Deparhnent of Pazks and Recreation finds it necessary to staff this event because since it s inception in Saint Paul, t6e event has been extraordinarily lazge for its site, compazed to othex similar eveuts, and has had such a large impact on Como Park and surrounding neighborhoods, therefore by providing staff for the event, there has now been reduction in complaints regarding vash and congestion that were originally reported before City staffing began; a�ct no c,c� THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Parks and Recreation is authorized to expend up to $700 of City funds on food and beverage purchases for staff who are working at the 2009 Hmong Sports Tournament. Yeas Nays Absent Reque �6 by epa e of , � Bosq .f Carter ,/ �� � Q Harris _ _ _ _ �/ By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services Adoption By: � Date By: Approved by Cit}vAttomey � BY� // , Approved by for �bmissio to Council By: � WHEREAS, the 2009 Hmong Intemational Freedom Ce]ebtation is an annual event held at McMurray Field in Saint Paul, this year on July 4'�, and 5�', with an additional cleanup day on July 6"', and Adopted by Council: Date � r �� ��G � 09-636 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet n�ar��uoff��coW;��i: -- -- � PR -- Parks and f2ecreafan � . �; CoMact Person 8 Phone: Karin Misiewicz ; 632-2413 � Must Be on Council Aganda by (Date�: 24JUN-09 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocomeM Required: Y ' Document Contact: Bev Meissner I � ' Assign � Number � For � Rovtfi9 i Order Personal Service Contrscts Must Answer Me Following Quesfions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a coniract fw this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoN�rtn ever 6ee� a city employee? Yes No 3. Oces this personlfirm possess a sltill not rrormally possessed by any curzent cily empbyee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separafe sheM and attaeh to grean sheei a 7 2 3 a 5 Contact Phone: 632-2405 Total A of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Lxatiuns for Signature) Approve money to be spent to purchase food and beverage for staff working the Hmong Sports Toumament on the 4th of July weekend. Recommendatlons: Appmve (A) or Reject (R): Pfanrrfg Commission _ CIB Committee , Civii Serrice Commission �� Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Very large event for [he site. Typically congested, making it difficult to leave the site for meals and retum in a timeLy fashiun. With over 60 employees assigned to this event each day, it is necessary to consume plenty oF fluids to sustain themselves during the event which is typically very hot and humid. AdvanWges 1f Approved: Keeping staff on site allows us to provide better service reduoing the number of complaints from the community suaounding Como Pazk. Disadvanqges If Approved: None DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Staff would get caught up in the congestion and traffic. Service would suffer and it would be difficult to keep irack of sTaff. Total Amount of $700.00 Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Sudgeted: Y Activity Number. 001-03132 � �M�� June 4, 2009 10:5'I AM Page 1 � �� � _