185959 • H. lr,j Original to City Clerk S 1 9; l • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. YIIIYYY:J J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1CMnCDeCOi1U eyo l e9rnL— Traaon 'd Severin A. Mortinson — Robert F. PRESENTED BY Peterson—Milton Rosen—Adrian P. COMMISSIONER -- DATF Winkel, Joseph E. Dillon, mayor- ',Vh"- as,The Citizens'Advisory Corn- -! •;q vdc.. L' ra- WHEREAS, the Citizens' Advisory Committee on the Second United Improvement Bond Issue, after study and consultation with the City Technical Committee, has made reports to the Council recommending the projects for School Improvement and General Improvement for the year 1958 under the 1953 United Improvement Bond Issue program and has recommended the amount of funds that should be allocated to each such project ; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has con- sidered such recommendations and is in agreement with the Advisory Committee in the matter; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the projects to be given priority for the year 1958, together with the sums of bond moneys appropriated for each such project and the bond funds from which such appropria- tions are made are hereby designated as follows : STREETS AND BRIDGES - BOND FUND 200 Project Number Project Amount ST-3 Como Ave.-Hamline to West City Limits (Supplemental) $ 54, 000 ST-4 Shepard Road (Balance) 155,000 ST-9 Short Line Route (Supplemental ) 200, 000 ST-10 Northern Route (Balance 165,000 ST-23 Arch St.-Rice to Mississippi (Balance 41,000 ST-24 Dale St. -Lincoln to Front (Supplemental) 180, 000 ST-27 Cretin Ave.-Highland Pkwy to St. Anthony 497, 000 ST-28 Snelling Ave. -Montreal to Edgecumbe 85, 000 ST-29 Hamline Bridge over Milwaukee Short Line Tracks 50, 000 ST-30 Ramsey St. -W. 7th to Exchange 37,000 ST-31 Cliff St. -St . Clair to Smith 40, 000 ST-32 Pennsylvania-Minnehaha Bridge 2,000 Total Fund 200 $1,506, 000 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson - Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 yam; •:.2 • • 185959 -2- SEWERS - BOND FUND 210 Project Number Pro ect Amount SE-4 West Side Sewers-Riverview Supplemental) $ 140,000 SE-15 Nebraska-Hoyt Storm Sewer Balance) , 60,000 SE-16 Battle Creek Outfall Sewe€ Balance) . 583,000 SE-17 St. Anthony Hill Outfall Sewer Supplemental) , 150,000 Total Fund 210 $ 933,000 SCHOOL ACQUISITION - BOND FUND 300 Project Number Project Amount EA-12 Equipment-New Schools. (Balance) ! $ 60,000 EA-17 Deane Elementary-Addition 150,000 EA-18 Humboldt High-Addition 325,000 Unallocated and Encumbered Reserve .110 000 Total Fund 300 (Balance) $ 645,000 SCHOOL REHABILITATION - BOND FUND 310 Project Number Project, Amount ER-1 Rehabilitation of Existing Schools (Balance) $1,255,000 Total Fund 310 (Balance) $1,255,000 LIBRARY--- BOND FUND 400 Project Number Project Amount L-14 Film and Equipment-Main Library (Balance) $ 4,000 Total Fund 400 $ 4,000 PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS & PUB. BLDGS. - BOND FUND 500 Project Number Project Amount PL-16 10 Shelter Houses (Balance➢ $ 40,000 Total Fund 500 $., 40,000 Total 1958 Allocations $4,383,000 • Original to City Clerk 1.85959 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE r),`ki)'G D -3- " RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the proper City offic rs and bureaus proceed immediately to prepare the necessa, y resolutions ands. lny other necessary documents for the sale of School Improvement Bonds in the amount of $1, 255-4-000 par value, and for the sale f `$3Te2ava $ par value of General Improvement Bonds to finance the above projects , all as provided in Ordinance No. 10135, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September 9, 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul on November 3, 1953. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN 29 1958 195 Yeas Nays DeCourcy JAN 2 9 1958 Holland Approved 195- i#e]1L In Favor Mortinson -- Peterson Mayor Against Rosen i C-1 Mr. President, Dillon PUBi,ISHE.D ca 5M 2-57 2 OFFICE Of CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House it St. Paul 2, Minnesota ----9 f;: COUNSEL January 28, 1958 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution approving the ' Second United Improvement Bond Program for the year 1958 as set out in the attached letters and schedule. Very truly you/r)s,f . n • f'j 1 y-,_,2/1 4, , r CLr �.lJ(2_ . City Clerk _`3 1" I \I 0:1. , Irfof a. �4q1� � se. .. .r v ri.p_)tI , A CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA EXECUTIVE SECRETARY COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 24, 1958 Dear Mr. Riordan; Please present attached recommendation at Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 28, 1958. It contains report of Technical and Council Advisory Committees on bond fund requirements for 1958. A resolution will be prepared by Corporation Counsel ' s office, if Council approves. Your: , 4-R ve secretary Council Advisory Committee Mr. Harold J. Riordan, c/o City Clerk, Saint Paul 379 COURT HOUSE R CAPITAL 4-4612 COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOND FUND EXPENDITURES CApital 4-4612 379 Court House Ext. 277 SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 24, 1958 ryPa�urll A. Schilling T 1�1L��c1AIRMAN YlSR. CHAIRMAN ARCHIE GINGOLD MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGE Honorable Mayor and Members RICHARD C. RADMAN, JR. of the City Council, LAWRENCE RYLANDER Saint Paul, Minnesota, PAUL A. SCHILLING FRANK WIDERSKI Your Council Advisory Committee on Da z ett Bond Fund Expenditures, pursuant to FRANK L. MADDEN C F 166124, recommends capital im- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY -qM8 provement projects to be financed from bonds to be issued under the Second United Improvement Program inaugurated in 1953 ; for the year 1958. Your Committee, following meetings with the City Technical Committee and Commissioners heading various city departments, recommends that projects hereinafter referred to, together with appropriations for each project, be approved by your honorable body; as follows, SCHOOLS, new. . . Bond Fund #300 (Details attached) $ 645, 000 SCHOOLS, rehabilitation. . . . Bond Fund #310 1, 255, 000 (Details attached) PUBLIS WORKS, Bond Fund #200 (Streets & Bridges ) 1506, 000 Bond Fund #210 (Sewers ) 933,000 Details attached PARKS-PLAYGROUNDS, Bond Fund#500 (Details attached) 40, 000 LIBRARIES, I Bond Fund #400 (Details attached) 4,000. . • Total 1958 allocations 4, 383, 000, Is!, - • COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOND FUND EXPENDITURES CApital 4-4612 379 Court House Ext. 277 SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 24, 1958 Paul A.. o Schilling v ARCHIE GINGOLD Hon• Mayor and Members City Council. . MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGE RICHARD C. RADMAN, JR. Page 2. LAWRENCE RYLANDER PAUL A. SCHILLING FRANK WIDERSKI A. H. D Sett It is further recommended that proper city FRANK SECRETARY MADDEN officers and bureaus roceed to p prepare the 8 necessary resolutions therefor, and complete all necessary proceedings requisite for the sale of General Improvement and School Bonds to finance above recommended projects. The amount originally approved in the Bond Issue of 1953, X38, 956, 000. Allocations approved to December 31, 1957 123,363, 000. The 1958 recommendations totaling ?'4, 383, 6OO if approved by the Council, will bring the fund allocations to 127, 746, 000. A balance of 111, 210, 000. remains for future allocation. Respectfully submitted, CST CIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE . . . 1 ' Cha , 0 \ ' G1i Approved by Committee Members, Executive Secretary Albert H. Daggett Frank Widerski • H/ Richard C. Badman, Jr, _ �'` Mrs. A. W. Partridge ° Lawrence Rylander , , Archie Gingold . , .PROPOSED 1958 UNITED IMPROVEMENT BOND ALLOCATIONS AS APPROVED BY TECHNICAL COMMITJE Strand Bridge;, - Bond Fund 200 ST-3 Coma Ave.-Nadine to West City Limits (Supplemental) $ 54,000 ST-4 Shepard Road (Balance) 155,000 ST-9 Short Line Route (Supplemental) 200,000 ST-l0 Northern Route (Balance) 165,000 ST-23 Arch St.-Rice to Mississippi (Balance) 41,000 ST-24 Dale St.-Lincoln to Front (Supplemental) 180,000 ST-27 Cretin Ave.-Highland Pkwy to St. Anthony 497,000 ST-28 Snelling Ave.-Montreal to Edgecumbe 85,000 ST-29 Hamlin Bridge over Milwaukee Short Line Tracks 50,000 ST-30 Ramsey St.-W. 7th to Exchange 37,000 ST-31 Cliff St.-St. Clair to Smith 40,000 ST-32 Pennsylvania-Minnehaha Bridge- 2.000 Total Fund 200 $10506,000 Sewers - Boed Fund 210 SE-4 We: t Side Sewers-Riverview (Supplemental) $ 140,000 SE-15 Nebrseka-Hoyt Storm Sewer (Balance) 60,000 SE-16 Battle Creek Outfall Sewer (Balance) 583,000 SE-17 St. k thony Hill Outfall Sewer (Supplemental) 150.000 Total Fund 210 $ 933X000 School Acquieition - Bond Fund 300 EA-12 Equipment-New Schools (Bai.sauce) $ 60,000 EA-17 Deans Elementary-Addition 150,000 EA-18 Humboldt High-Addition 325,000 Unallocated and Encumbered Reserve i!10 000 Total Fund 300 (Balance) $ 6450000 School ehabilitation - Bond Fund 310 ER-1 Rehabilitation of Existing Schools (Balance) $1.255.000 Total Fund 310 (Balance) $11255000 Library - Bend Fund 400 L-14 Film and Equipment-Main Library (Balance) 1_21_1000 Total Fund 400 $ 4.000 Parka. Playgrounds 8 . Blda - B. Pub s _til Fund 500 PL-16 10 Shelter Houses (Balance) 1_40,000 Total Fund 500 $ 409000 Total 1958 Allocations $4,3000 January 22, 1958 Council Advisory Committee Mr. Paul Schilling, Chairman St. Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Frank Madden Gentlemen: After consideration of the requests of the various city departments, the Technical Committee in accordance with procedure established under the United Bond Issue Program herewith submits the attached list of projects showing alloca- tions of bond funds approved by this committee for the year 1958 totaling $4,383,000. The committee wishes to call to your attention the fact that while the rum of $110,000 is allocated to the School Department under the title of *Uncommitted and Encumbered Reserve,' the most recent estimates indicate that after a4lowing for deficiencies eristing in present projects, there will remain only the sum of $24,000 in th: s allocation which is not excessive for the purpose of completing the entire school bond program. Respeetfully submitted, TECHNICAL COMMITTE Leo C. Seamer, ,�,.n Lso and N. Thompson Va- ation & Mae 1r i Engineer General- Managers Water Departmy t ---7---- AL....,A ,,,-- — ei JPAAk41-A-Ar- .y, -cz,_Edwin F. Jones, S cretary Carl P. Herbert.4..„,/Utilities Engi r Director Bureau • /' nicipal Resetreh _.- - Ai,/ _ - __„,_ r----,e . .' �d Alf. .�• � P d H. Sc roe�er / 8 H hway En.;. ,._ •ri, oord.inator /Io r A hitect er G 0 . M shall F. Hurley /ohn J.Fi ricy I Corporation ammesel l Chief Accountant e‘ „ .rthur W. Tews ief Engineer, Public Works Department EFJ:ew w PROPOSED 1958 UNITED IMPROVEMENT BOND ALLOCATIONS AS APPROVED BY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Streets and Bridges - Bond Fund 200 ST-3 Como Ave.-Hamlin to West City Limits (Supplemental) $ 549000 ST-4 Shepard Road (Balance) 155,000 ST-9 Short Line Route (Supplemental) 200,000 ST-1O Northern Route (Balance) 165,000 ST-23 Arch St.-Rice to Mississippi (Balance) 41,000 ST-24 Dale St.-Lincoln to Front (Supplemental) 1809000 ST-27 Cretin Ave.-Highland Pkwy to St. Anthony 497,000 ST-28 Snelling Ave.-Montreal to Edgecumbe 857000 ST-29 Hamlin Bridge over Milwaukee Short Line Tracks 50,000 ST-30 Ramsey St.-W. 7th to Exchange 37,000 ST-31 Cliff St.-St. Clair to Smith 40,000 ST-32 Pennsylvania-Minnehaha Bridge 2.000 Total Fund 200 $1!,59699Q0 Sewers - Bond■F uns+l 210 SE-4 Weet Side Sewers-Riverview (Supplementf0 $ 140,000 SE-I5 Nebraska-Hoyt Storm Sewer (Balance) 60,000 SE-16 Battle Creek Outfall Sewer (Balance ) 583,000 SE-17 St. Anthony Hill Outfall Sewer (Supplemental) 150Q000 Total Fund 210 $ 933x000 SheroLAcauiition - Bond Fund 300 EA-12 Equipment-New Schools (Balance) $ 60,000 EA-17 Deane Elementary-Addition 150,000 EA-18 Humboldt High-Addition 325,000 Unallocated and Encumbered Reserve 1.10.000 Total Fund 300 (Balance) $ 6457000 School Rehabilitate _ Band Furl 31.0 ER-1 Rehabilitation of Existing Schools (Balanc(9) fit;,•,,? 5 ,000 Total Fund 310 (Balance) „255 000 ,Library - ,Bond Fund 400 L-14 Film and Equipment-Main Library (Balance) $ 4p000 Total Fund 400 1_11000 Parks. Playcrounds 8ld4:x - Bond Fund 500 PL-16 10 Shelter Houses (Balanc: ) $ 40,000 Total Fund 500 $ 409000 Total 1958 Allocations $4x383,000