185958 Original to City Clerk d/` • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SO TIO . GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Council File No. 185958—By Severin A. Mortinson- COMMISSIONER —_ _/, /L - �/ DATE _ Whereas, Heretofore, on the 16th day • of May, 1956, by Council File No. WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 16th day of May, 1956, by Council File No. 177832, this Council did create a Commission denominated as the Civic. Education Center Building Commission of the City of Saint Paul, authorizing the said Commission to make a study and recommendation of every matter concerning the selection of site, appointment of architect, awarding of construction and equipment contracts, etc., and operation of the proposed Civic Education Center Building, said recommendations in all matters to be subject to approval and ultimate action by this Council; and WHEREAS, the said Commission has now made a full and complete report to this Council concerning selection of site and has by --ay of conclusion in its report recommended the selection of the particular site described specifically in said report; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it does hereby favorably receive the report of said Commission; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby express its approval of the recommendation of the site specifically described in said report and by this resolution concurs in the said selection and hereby approves the said site for the future location of the proposed Civic Education Center Building; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that it hereby authorizes the purchase of the land included in said site or the condemnation thereof for the publi c nurpose described, and hereby instructs and authorizes the departments of the City government whose work relates to the purchase or condemnation of property for public purposes immediately to initiate steps for the acquisition of the property as the site of the proposed Civic Education Center Building. JAN 2 9 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ____ _195___ Yeas Nays JAN 2 9 1958 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 Mortinsoi �� LL.9---Q-fers■-‘ Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor PU t. ISHEDo1- Rosen l'Tinkel Against - � , Mr. Presi^^dent, Dillon AS004 SM 6-56 L I i CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE - 2 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, STADIUM AND MUSEUMS SEVERIN A. MORTINSON, COMMISSIONER GEORGE L. HAGNEY, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER O \ vf 1' 0 .r-"' January 29, 1958 I TO: The Mayor and Members of The City Council FROM: Civic Educational Center Building Commission iete SUBJECT: Site of Civic Educational Center 4- y „, -.,, The Civic Education Building Commission was appointed by t the City Council on May 16, 1956, and was authorized to proceed with `` selection of architects and a site and otherwise to plan for the I construction, and operation, of this building. The Commission at '` this time is prepared to make its recommendation on a site for the structure. ij 4 When this Commission was established preliminary studies .‘ Y had already been made on the question of site by preceding agencies '' . -.4. and committees running back to the planning of the bond issue of 1953. These studies were continued down to the present by this t Commission. A number of possible sites were carefully considered . "' before a final decision was reached. The recommendation is for the so-called Site No. 2 which 40, _ is directly across from the Auditorium and is bounded by Kellogg , Boulevard, Auditorium Street, Fourth Street, and the property of '',1* the Minnesota Club. This Site was also recommended by the City , Planning Engineer, the Council of Arts and Sciences, which comprises all the agencies to be housed in this structure, and most particularly F by the architects who have been retained by the Commission and 4 g City Council for the designing and planning of the project. t ,,.41 ' -'f*-C ` w Two sites had foremost desirability, the one above mentioned ., ` ' and another on the Capitol Approach area. The selected Site No.2 ,„ 04-, 1-� P PP { . was chosen bekcause great advantages would accrue through its proximity to the Auditorium and the Public Library, City planning studies available to the Commission have strongly recommended that the Capitol Area be reserved for p governmental agencies, and that the lands available in the vicinity of the Auditorium be developed as a cultural and institutional center. Our selection of Site No. 2 is therefore in harmony with this overall planning. The Commission is also aware of the movement for the revitalizing of downtown St.Paul and believes that the location of this new building on Site No. 2 will be in full conformity with such plans and indeed, as opposed to the Capitol Area Site, will contribute to its success. A second great advantage of Site No. 2 is the fact that available and presently unused space in the Auditorium can be made an integral part of operation of the Civic Education building BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM-STADIUM BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES EDWARD A. FURN1, SUPERINTENDENT J. ARCHER EGGEN, DIRECTOR . Site- for Civic Educational Center page 2 January 29, 1958 through construction of a tunnel under Fourth Street. There is now available 7200 square feet of such space which can be used by the cultural agencies for purposes which otherwise would have to be served within the new building itself. This additional space can be made available at practically no cost. Furthermore, there is a possibility that additional large areas the Auditorium will become available for these cultural uses in the future. A further source of large economy in the use of Site No. 2 arises from the availability of central heat from Northern States Power company. This would not have been possible in any other site under consideration. It eliminates the expense of providing the equipment and space for a heating plant within the new building itself. These and other factors tend to neutralize the difference in costs of acquiring the downtown site versus the land on the Capitol Approach Area which is city-owned. The Commission was also impressed by testimony from cultural agencies that Site No. 2 was definitely more accessible to the public than the Capitol Approach area and allowed for future horizontal expansion if necessary. The Commission also considered the fact that the location of this structure on Site No. 2 would to some degree intensify the parking problem in the neighborhood of the Auditorium. The Commission has come to the conclusion, after consultations with civic leaders who are making plans for the solution of this problem, that locating the building on this site would actually accelerate the construction of parking facilities by increasing their economic potential. The parking problem there now exists and will continue to exist, whether or not Site No. 2 is used, until parking facilities are provided. The Commission is convinced that their recommendation will advance parking projects now under consideration in that neighborhood. The Commission is also impressed by the opinion of its architects that the recommended site will lend itself above all the others to the designing of a building which will not only be functionally superior but architecturally a credit to St.Paul and a major improvement to the downtown area. This building will be the first of its kind in the United States. The Commission is mindful of its obligation to construct a building which will bring great credit to the city of St. Paul and believes its location at the recommended site will contribute to that purpose. This site recommendation is made approximately five years after the people of St. Paul, by their vote on the bond issue of 1953, gave their approval of this project. The Commission has worked with utmost deliberation and is now prepared, with the approval of the City Council, to proceed with the task of construction. The members of this Commission unanimously recommend the selection and acquisition of the so-called Site No. 2. Respectfully subm'tted, 9+ Severin A. Mortinson, Chairman John M. Budd `�/ _ / William F. Davidson ',�'T�_Q\� , Carl P. Herbert t _ Herbert L. Lewis `_e Neil C. Sherburne Note: Prior to his retirement from the Commis on Mr. Julian B.:air. participated in the consideration of the various sites and concurred • the s Becton of Site No. 2. %