185871 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CU CL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � i January 22, 1958 COMMISSIONS' DATE In the matter of constructing the sanitary siphon sewer under Trunk Highway No. 61 near the entrance to Battle Creek Park as a part of the BATTLE CREEK TRUNK SEWER AND BRANCHES, it is necessary to obtain a Public Utility Permit from the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota. The Special Provisions of said permit requiring a check in the amount of $4,000.00 payable to the Com- missioner of Highways, "for any expense incurred in repairing of damage to any portion of the Trunk Highway Right-of-Way caused by work performed under this permit. Any portion remaining over and above such expense, or liquidated damages, shall be returned to the applicant." Such amount of $4,000.00 is to be paid from the PIR Fund 300 - L-5957 and any portion remaining should be credited to the above mentioned fund. Council File No. 185871—By Adrian P. Winkel— In the matter of constructing the sanitary siphon sewer under Trunk' Highway No. 61 near the entrance to Battle Creek Park as a part of the BATTLE CREEK TRUNK SEWER AND BRANCHES, it is necessary to obtain a Public Utility Permit from the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota. The Special Provisions of said permit requiring a check in the amount of $4,000.00 payable to the Commissioner of Highways, "for any expense incurred in repairing of dam- age to any portion of the Trunk High- way Right-of-Day caused by work performed under this permit. Any por- tion remaining over and above such expense, or liquidated damages, shall be returned to the applicant." Such amount of $4,000.00 is to be paid from the PIR Fund 300—L-5957 and any portion remaining should be credited to the above mentioned fund. Adopted by the Council January 23,� 1958. Approved January 22, 1958. �7� �� (January 25, 1958) ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc&AN 22 1958 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy JAN 2 21958 Holland App-roved_ 195— ➢ E lE14AiX Winkel \ [` Mortinson In Favor _ p Peterson /1 Mayor Rosen / Against Mr.�P�resident, Dillon 5M 6_` Duplicate to Printer ' l 1- /- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..�l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 22, 1958 COMMISSIONER DATE In the matter of constructing the sanitary siphon sewer under Trunk highway No. 61 n r the entrance to Battle Creek Park as a part of the BATTLE CREEK TRUNK SEWER AND BRANCHES, it is necessary to obtain a Public Utility Permit from the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota. The Special Provisions of said permit requiring a check in the amount of $4,000.00 payable to the Com- missioner of Highways, "for any expense incurred in repairing of damage to any portion of the Trunk Highway Right-of-Way caused by work performed under this permit. Any portion remaining over and above such expense, or liquidated damages, shall be returned to the applicant." Such amount of $4,000.00 is to be paid from the PIR Fund 300 - L-5957 and any portion remaining should be credited to the above mentioned fund. JAN 221958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays JAN N 22 1958 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- DiD6ltlt iK Winkel Mortinson ) In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56