185823Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSION y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI % VS LUTION— GEN ERA L FORM ADRIAN P. WINKEL /. / ,,.Tr JANUARY 17 1958 185823 Council File No. 185823 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas, In the matter of Comp- troller's Contract, L -5848 for the con ,.^ -tion of the DAYTON IDV TN WHEREAS, in the matter of Comptrollerts Contract, L -5848 for the construction of the DAYTON - CRETIN RELIEF SE'KER, Lametti & Sons, Inc., Contractor, the specified date for completion was AUGUST 15, 1957, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecuted. the work diligently, but due to delay in installing sheathing to support an existing water - main, an unforseen condition encountered and beyond the control of the Contractor, it was not possible to complete the Contract by said date for completion, now therefore be it R>JSOLVED, that the proper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time for completion to SEPTEIMER 20, 1957, provided however, that this Resolution shall have no force or effect unless the Sureties on the Contractor's Bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RILOLVEZ, that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged by the City on account of such extended period. C NC ILMENg�� Yeas %� � Holland i E1�4LL Ar. President, Dillon .;' 5M 6 -55�. `• 2 °.Stllt!f2: ,•..,:�1)Y1) J AN 171858 Adopted by the Council 195— ,SAN 171858 Approved 195 — In Favor u_ U Actinq Mayor Against YUi3LISHED Duplicate to Printer - !8 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM COMM SSDIO Y �lUIi N 7.. JAL DATE J!`il�UI -1 Y 17, 1958 ,,kik EAS, in the in Ater of Comptroller's Contract, L —E848 for the construction of the " tYTON— CFETIA N REUIE ' Sl ' i , La"- r,etti 2.r (?omF, Inc., Contr ,-.ctor, the specified date for completion ,as AUGUST 15, 1957, End 'AEE XkS-, t' e Contractor has prosecuted the -s.!orl{ r ligently, but hue to delay in installing sheathing to support an existing ;a.ter- iliain, Un w: >urWe�:n cun ition enciuntered and beyon the control o,O +..:.he ^ontractor, it was not _o;::sible to complete the Contract by said date for come )Iet on, nosy tLerefore be it RE IIN 4 ` tl:at the propFr C'ty Jfficir.ls be and they are hereby= suthor-:i.zt:d and directed to execute an ar,�iendment to .paid. contract extending the ticip for cotr�71r -tion to OE;PTIfYBEF 20, 1957, �)rovided however, V.a* this Resolut I.on shUl haave no force or effect unlFsr the Sureties on the Co it,ractorf s Bond con;:en thereto x nri N le such co e t la :�riting '.ith the City Comptroller. snd be it F°UE-ThitL JtL6Vj;i �.v, trat the City of -St. caul hercb,­ wives -ll claim .`or ?' c_uidatR'd ?. magus znc that no engineering a::nd in - > ection costz on this pro,; ect will be ch, -rgea by the City on ar count of ; uch extended ;period. CQ(UNCILMEN Ye � �i�abons 1=Tal ,o Holland Mortinson Air. President, Dillon 5M 6 -55 In Favor 0 Against Adopted by the Council JAN 17 1958 195— Approved 195— Mayor