185803Original to City Clerk 185803 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1-, COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION vv�Il�REAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 1 to 15, 1958, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in A tl f 11 k• oing ie o owing wor . Council File No 185803 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That the proper City of- ,xhediting the services of the City ficials are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Architect's office. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings for extra employment as described in the resolution. Adopted by the Counc* January 16, And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the 1958. 16, 1958. following facts and circumstances: Approve(Januaryy18, 1958) xtraordinary, heavy demand for the development of bond issue projects. THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLV:iL, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed. such work in accordance with the pro- visions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland maxZA61ii- Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.56 2 Adopted by the Council JAN 16 i958 195_. JAN 16 1958 Approvedr 195 — In Favor Mayor Against 0