09-618Council File # �" �f� Green Sheet # 307115b RESOLUTION L►a � MINNESOTA � 6 WI�EREAS, the Metropolitan Council is soliciting projects to be funded under STP, CMAQ, and TEP and 7 tl�e Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mi�JDOT) is soliciting projects for funding through BIR 8 funds; and 9 10 WHEREAS, this solicitation will award Federal funds fox projects or programs for Federal Fiscal Years 11 2013 or 2014: and 12 13 VJHEREAS, projects approved for SAFETEA-LU funding will require the submitting agency to provide a 14 local match of at least twenty percent; and 1� 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS the Department of Parks and Recreation, Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have reviewed the qualifying and ranking criteria for the STP, CMAQ, TEP and BIR programs, and based on the qualifying criteria, city programs, plans and needs, submit the projects or programs on ATTACHMENT °A" for submittal to the Metropolitan Council or MniDOT for review, rating and recommendation for SAFETEA-LU funding. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council has reviewed the proposed projects or programs, lasted on ATTACHMENT "A", and approves that they be submitted to the Metropolitan Council and MrilDOT for review and possible funding. Yeas Navs Absent Bostrom / Carter � H2Yfls Helgen Lanhy � Stazk Thune ,/ n G Adopted by Council: Date ��/���' Requested by Dep nent of: � Public Works -r By: Bruce E. Beese, Director Form Approved by City Attomey , BY� �/ c�/tit.ZJ • �� ' j Adoption Certified by Couycil Secretary Form Approved by Mayor for , ubmission to Council BY� _____!i !!„r' , °� �'J � .r/ . �� BY� �lJ,,,� �a� � �" J' �� �� �O 1! ����� Approve by ay ate � By: WHEREAS, the Twin Cities region has been allocated Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion MitigationlAir Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ}, Transportation Enhancement Prob am (TEP) and Bridge Replacement (BIR) funds under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Tssers (SAFETEA-LU}; and � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet nG1-/o /SZ � � �, DepartmentfO�celCOUnciS: Dafe Initiated: PW-PublicWorks 02 _���,- 09 Green Sheet NO: 3071156 Contact Person & Phone: ( Oepartment Sent To Person InitiallDafe Mike KIaSSen { � 0 b4c Works De artment Aecounta¢t lCi - 266-6208 � 1 �ublicWorks De➢armfent Assign Director I Must Be on Coundl Agenda by (Date); Num6er Z Ltih' Attornev 1� i 10-JUN-09 For 3� a or's OfECe Ma ortAssistaat Routing 4 ouncil � �oa Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 �L}ty Clerk C' Clerk E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Mike Klassen Contact Phone: 266-6209 Total # of Sig�ature Pages _(Ciip Ait Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to approve projects and/or programs for submittal to the Metropotitan Council and Minnesota Department of Transportation for review, rating and possible Federal Tzansportarion Pmjed funding. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Perso�al Service Cantracts Must Answer the Following Quest7ons: Planning Commission �, Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? GB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever treen a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not norcnally possessed by any current city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Twin Ciries rea on has been allocated funding for Federal Fiscal years 2013 and 2014 under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transporta$on Equity Act: A Legacy foz Users (SAFETEA-LU). The City of Saint Pau1 has idenfified the projects and/or programs eligible for funding. Advantages If Approved: The City of Saint Paul couid receive Federal funding for projects andlor programs necessary for communiry transportakon, access and safety. Disadvantages IfApproved; None known. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: The Ciry of Saint Paul would miss the opportunity to receive Federal funding for needed community transportation, access, and safery unprovements. Total Amount of Transaction: CasVRevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial fnfortnation: (Explain) � June 2, 2009 4:15 PM Page 1 Pa�e 1 of 2 Council File # ��- ��� Green Sheet # 3071156 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ATTACHMENT "A" 6l10l09 List of Projects andlor Programs to be submitted for Federal Transportation Project Funding: Transportation Enhancements- TE Central Corridor Streetscape: Federal Request: $1, 000, 000.00. In conjunction wiYh street nnprovements and LRT construction, installarion of 1600 trees in tree pits with structural soil & irrigation to ensure longevity. This partially implements the Development Strategy, which ca11s for planting up to 5,000 trees along the length of Central Corridor. Project limits are the West City Limits to Rice Street. 2. Trout Brook Regional Trail Acquisition: Federal Request: �'1,000,000.00 Acquisition of a 1.6 acre pazcel at the corner of Jackson St. and Maryland Ave. to provide a trailhead facility for the Trout Brook Regional Trail. 3. Trout Brook Regional Trail Expansion - Federal Request: $575, Q00.00 Expansion of the Trout Brook Regional Trail by converting an abandoned railroad right-of- way to a 12' wide bituminous trail from Jackson St. to Cayuga. Work includes asphalt trail, benches, signage, information kiosk, related landscaping, local connections to the trail, parking, and restroom facility. 4, Raymond Avenue Pedestrian Streetscape ImArovements Phase II: Federal Request $1, 000, 000.00. This Phase I project will install traffic calming and pedestrian safety improvements, strengthen on-street bicycle facilities, install street lighting and landscaping on Raymond Avenue between Hampden Avenue and Energy Park Drive. This project also improves pedestrian and bicycle access to the Central Corridor. 5. Ravmond Avenue Pedestrian Streetscape Improvements Phase III: Federal Request $I,000,000.00. This Phase III project will install traffic calming and pedestrian safety improvements, strengthen on-street bicycle facilities, install street lighting and landscaping on Raymond Avenue between Energy Pazk Drive and Como Avenue. This project also improves pedestrian and hicycie access to the Central Conidor. 6. Pavne Avenue Pedestrian Streetscape Improvements: Federal Request $1, D00, ODD. 00. (Transportation Enhancement - TE) This project will make improvements to the sidewalklboulevard area on Payne Avenue between East Seventh Street and Edgerton Street. The project will improve, access to transit, pedestrian safety, and enhance the walkability to existing and new businesses by replacing deficient sidewalks, installing center medians where possible and outdated street lighting. P�e2of2 Bridge Replacement —BIR 7. Hamliue BridQe (62502) Reconstruction: Federal Request $3,800, 000.00. (Bridge Replacement - BIR) Reconstruct the Hamline Avenue Bridge over the Canadian, Pacific Raikoad and Ayd Mill Road. The existing bridge is deficient and needs to be replaced. Surface Transportaiion Program - STP 8. Ayd Mill Road Regional Trail Extension: Federal Request: $2, 000, 000.00. (Bikeway/Walkway Projects) Extending the existing I-35E Trail to the e�usting Su.mmit Avenue on Street Bike Lanes and off- street sidewalks in Saint Paul. 9. Pierce Butler Phase I: Federal Request: .�7, 000, 000.00. ("A" Minor Augmentor) Phase I will e�end Pierce Butler from Grotto (2 blocks west of Dale) to tlruudel (3 blocks east of Dale). This is the first phase to extending Pierce Butler to connect with Phalen Blvd at 35E.