Council File No.-.. ...... ............
Council File No. 185713—
Whereas, A written proposal for the
making of the following improvement,
viz,: _ ..8..,.�..
The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:
Improving St. Clair Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Cleveland Avenue by re-
moving the existing wood block wearing course and surfacing with asphaltic con-
crete the present concrete base built up to sub -grade of the new asphaltic con-
crete surfacing with concrete from Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue; by sur-
facing the present track area with asphaltic concrete from Pleasant Avenue to
Cleveland Avenue; by surfacing the present concrete paving with asphaltic con-
crete from Pleasant Avenue to Snelling Avenue; by surfacing the present asphalt
paving with asphaltic concrete from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; by
paving alley and driveway returns where necessary; by constructing new curbs
and sidewalks where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and side-
walks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by
constructing storm water facilities and by doing all other work which is neces-
sary and incidental to said improvement.
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
Improving St. Clair Avenue from Plasamt Avows to Clov. land Av wm by rep►
raav i ng the existing rood block wooer i ng course and surfas i ng with asphaltic con-
crete the present concrete base built up to sub- grade of the new asphaltic con,-
croto surfacing witi. concrete from Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue; by Sur-
facing the present track area with asphaltic concrete from Piossent Avenue to
Cleveland Avenue; by surfacing the prosont concrete paving with asphaltic corr-
a:rote from Pleasant Avenue to Snelling Avonus; by surfacing the present asphalt
Paving with asphaltic concrete from F&I rview Avg to C l even 1 and ppvenule by
pav i nag alloy alind driveway roturn+s whoft misery; by comtr�wt l ng now acurbs
and sidewalks where, necessary; by raconstruect i ng the paving, curbing and side-
walks on intersecting streets where nat In awrnfe>,rslty with said I voment; by
constructing storm rater fac i l i t i are► and by dal ag all other work *614 iir Is neces-
sary and Incidental to said Improvement.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
Adopted by the Council ----------------------- __________________-
-------- - IJ-- --- - -- - --
Councilman DeCourcy
Holland Approved --------
3(xx2b&Wk W i nke 1
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Mr. President, Dillon
J Ali 8 8
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