185689Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f -� C UNCIL SOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, that St. Paul Seminary be permitted to install and operate a sixteen car garage in the basement of the new addition to the Administration Building of said Seminary situated on the west side of Cretin Avenue between Snelling and Goodrich, also described as that part of Government Lot 3, easterly of Mississippi River Boulevard, exclusive of streets, Section 5, Township 29, Range 23, in accordance with plans approved December 51 1957. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland In Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 'ir„ 2 Council File No. 185689 —By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That St. Paul Seminary be permitted to in and operate a sixteen car garage in the basement of the i addition e trat on Budi gof said Seminary situ- ated on the west side of Cretin Avenue oI' between Snelling and described as that of parM osl s PPir River Lot 3, easterly Boulevard, exclusive of streets, Sec- tion 5, Township 29, Range 23, in accordance with plans approved De- cember 5, 1957. Adopted by the Council January 1958. 1954 Approved January 7, (January 11. 1958) Adopted by the Council____ 195— Approved JAN 71958 —195 — Mayor O F*R I C E OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota IkA.' 1 j January 2, 1958 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the application of St. Paul Seminary for a permit to install and operate a new garage addition to their Administration Building situated on the west side of Cretin between Snelling and Goodrich, as more fully described in the attached letter of C. D. Loeks. Your jvery trul , I / t City Clerk GENE JDV JAN CORPORATION COUNSEL CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA ,. ?RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL :4#014f164: 331- 131 -253 1315 CITY HAIL AND COURT HOUSR SAINT PAUL S, MINNiSOTA December 9, 1957 Mr. Joseph Gkoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of the St. Paul Seminary for a permit to construct a 16 car garage which is to be located in the new addition to the Administration Building. The property is described as that part of Govt. Lot 3 easterly of Mississippi River Blvd, exclusive of streets, Section 5, Township 29, Range 23. The zoning is 11A11 Res. The garage is to be located in the basement of the Administration Bldg. addition and will be served by existing driveways from Summit and Cretin. The plans are in accordance with existing design standards and the layout and operation of this facility have been approved by the Traffic Engineer. Field investigation discloses no objection from the standpoint of adjacent land use or traffic. In consideration of these factors the Board of ;mooning recommends that this permit to construct a 16 car garage be granted in accordance with the plans approved Dec. 5, 1957. S nce , 1 D. )oe ks Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning CDL:RJK Enc. F� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICA.1110.tj bVR SPECIAL 0"ItIrINCIL USE PEPWIT (Pleaa4e type or print) C) TO TILE 110NOWILE MAYOR 41ND CITY WUNCIL rn 7o the City Clerk C) City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlement Application Ui, hereby made to 4notoll and op�°-rT" � nc;�r (cross one out STATION Xor of iiilanda and pmmpa -4c:4, of tank and capacityo. 10T for (custorzers) (empluy,.:ea) (private uce) (public use) (other) (indicv,te type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in co=-ectio'n witbs Garage Addition te type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car it 0 DD_ Cleaning Pick-up Station, lee Vendor, etc,) Capacity of parking azvu: West side of Cretin Ave. between Summit Ave. OLocation and Goodrich Ave. Legal Descriptiou 8 ' lx�'� Block Addti, Govt. Lot 3. Except Streets.-Part easterly of Mississippi Blvd. Govt. Lot 3 See. 5, T29, R23. .1 Applicant9a Na MCI P St. Paul Seminary Home or Office Addresst. 2200 Grand Avenue Phone No, I. IVII 9-2428 Foa/mmm Appuazn, 11122 3. g 6 at, e . Moss Addres Eller b4p & Co., 505 E. lst Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Noas CA 2-6601 When completed; file thm�e copies of this application form and three Prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk., Room 386, City Hall wnd Court House, Saint Pauly Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 ()F-XkMPLE*. 1, SE, co-impr of Main St, and F.Irst St, 2, Soutb side of Main St. between Fir5t and Second St,