1856540,A..1 to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS COUNCIL 'j 6 t� FILE NO. Council File No. 185654 —By Bernard T. Holland — Whereas, The City Architect having �— requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any com -' WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints abort the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 967 Rondo Avenue, Saint Paul, more par- ticularly described as Lot 12, Block 1, Donnelly's Addition to City of Saint Paul, the City Council held a public hearing on December 27, 1957, to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File No. 181996, approved March 19, 1957, published March 23, 1957, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the City Council by Council File No. 182429, approved April 23, 1957, published April 27, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant or other person in control thereof, and the City Council by Council File No. 182866, approved May 16, 1957, published May 18, 1957, directed the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon, and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $204.32 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that Anna E. Conter, c/o Martha A. Monleif, 1823 Robbins Avenue, Minneapolis 2, E. A. Conter, M. B. Conter and Wm. A. Conter (Shakopee Lime 8 Cement Mfg. Company, Saint Paul 2), are the owners of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Ray 1N. Allard, Attorney, 510 -2 Endicott Building, Saint Paul 1, Attorney General of the State of Minnesota, 107 State Capitol, Saint Paul 1, Commissioner of Taxation, 209 State Office Building Saint Paul 1, Leonard Seamer, Land Commissioner's Office, 286 City Hall, Saint Paul 2, and Mrs. D. D. Decourcy, Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, Saint Paul 2; be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $204.32 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— —195— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland AkXz bddic Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 -,� . 2 Approved 195 — In Favor Mayor Against f iiginal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION dangerous structure; and be it FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statement of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland 1 wXi*01 k Mortinson e" - Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon MEN 2.57 r„ 2 JAN 31958 Adopted by the Council— 195 — JAN 31958 Approver] 195- /� In Favor ••GG�,�� +-- L Acting Mayor Against PUBLISHED �`1. L-_=5U - Dupl;tate to Printer - � �?- � .•+ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.- NO. _' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI, WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 967 Rondo Avanue, Saint Paul, more par- ticularly described as Lot 12, Block 1, Donnelly's Addition to City of Saint Paul, the City Council held a public hearing on Dece,:ber 27, 1957, to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File No. 151996, approved March 19, 1957, published March 23, 1957, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the City Council by Council File No. 182429, approved April 23, 1957, published April 27, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant or other person in control thereof, and the City Council by Council File No. 162666, approved j4;ay 16, 1957, published May 18, 1957, directed the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premise:. and wreck and remove the building thereon, and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of 1204.32 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that Anna E. Conter, c/o Martha A. Nionleif, 1€323 Robbins Avenue, Minneapolis 2, r. A. Conter, M. B. Conter and Wm. A. Conter (Shakopee Lime 8 Cement Mfg. Company, Saint Uaul 2), are the owners of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to 'day W. Allard, Attorney, 510 -2 Endicott Building, Saint Paul 1, Attorney General of the State of Minnesota, 107 State Capitol, Saint Paul 1, Commissioner of Taxation, 2G9 State Office Building Saint Paul 1, Leonard Seamer, Land Commissioner's Office, 206 City Hall, Saint Paul 2, and Mgrs. D. D. Decourcy, Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, Saint Paul 2; be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of paint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $204.32 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ —195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ MargstedX x x In Favor Mortinson — Peterson Mayor Against Rosen 4 1nkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.57_, 2 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL :b'��,,� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA dangerous structure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statemert of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland M ,rRiW . In Favor Mortinson Dr' ttf&i7r _ Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 2 Adopted by the Council JAN 3 195 &95 — JAN 3 9958 Approved—_ 195— Mayor OFFICE OF. CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Marshall Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: -v JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder December 27, 1957 The City Council requested that you draw a resolution confirming the amount of expense incurred by the City in connection with the condemnation and removal of a dangerous building at 967 Rondo Ave., in the amount of $204.32, and directing the City Clerk to file a lien against the property. Very rely yours, 1"e'l' - City' Clerk �/►� C MINNESOTA W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks ROBERT A. LOBDELL Director of Public Recreation CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner November 25, 1957 Mr. Joseph Okoneski Office of City Clerk Dear Sir: ALFRED H. SCHROEDER City Architect Please file a statement of expense in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the proper- ty known as 967 Rondo Avenue, described as Lot 12, Block 1, Donnelly's Addition, City of St. Paul. The property was list- ed in the names of: Anna E. Conter, c/o Martha A. Monleif, 1823 Robbins Ave., Mpls. 2 E. A. Conter ) M. B. Conter ) Shakopee Lime Cmt. Mfg. Co., St. Paul 2 Wm. A. Conter ) Ray W. Allard, Atty., 510 -2 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul 1 Atty. -Gen., State of Minnesota, 107 State Capitol, St. Paul 2 Commr. of Taxation, 209 State Office Bldg., St. Paul 2 Len Seamer, Land Commrs' Office, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2 Mrs. D. D. DeCourcy, Land Commr , 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2 The expense was incurred by virtue of the wrecking and removal of the dangerous barn therefrom. Following is an itemized statement of the expenses as Per Reg. Bill No. 4 -1587, dated October 22, 1957, copy attached. Expenses of Dept. of P.P.& P. B. for Investigations, notifications, and condemnation $25.00 Photos 8.07 Specifications 21.25 Truck Crane Service Co., Contract G 843, Formal Bid No. 6495, C. F. 183886 150.00 $204.32 We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hear- ing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. Yours truly, ,- Alfred H. Schroeder City architect 0 Quadruplicate to Department PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM DATE �GI( 84 �:a,GE609 COUNCIL NO FILE ViliE -REf S, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complAints Pboat the expense Inc irrod by the City of paint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 967 Rondo Avenue, Saint Paul, more par - ticularly da4cribed as Lot 12, Block 1, Donnelly'si �kdjIfjoil to City of Saint Paul, the City Council held a public nearing on aecembor 27, 1957p to conai hex the experi ie and to corif i.�ia �;he Amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, purzuant to Council File No. 161996, approved March 19, 13379 published March 23, 1957, zet a public hearing to consider removing + -he dangerous structure, and the City Council. by Council Fila a,c. 1�.- approved April 23, 1957, publi4hed April 271, 1957, o.Ldered the wrecking by and at the zeparat.e co:t and expense of the ownero occunarit or other person in control thereof, and the City Council by Council File No. 162666, approved A -ay 16, 1957, published May 18, 1957, directed the Cormissioner of xlares, 71layjround4 and Public -sui ldingy 1"o ar:tar upon tl:e Pre :isles and S,-.,reck and remove the building thereon, and do any and all things therein necessary for the p.roiaction of Life, 11:;b and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incur:od the expense of ;.20'%32 in xamioving ::aid structure; and NE1EAS, it appears that Pnra E. Center, c/o Martha A. M,onleif. 1823 Robbins Avenue, Minneapolis 2. L`. A. Center, M. B. Conterr and 'gym. A. Contetr (Shakopee Lima ;, Cement Mfg. Company, Saint Paul 2 ), are the owners of V%p prairizes, copies of proceedings herein having� boon sent t ?+ o lay 1, ". ' } ard, ,attorney, 510 -2 ndicott 3ui l.ding, :paint Maul 1, Pttoxney General of the State of Minnesota, 307 State Cppltol, Saint Paul 1 C:omri.svioner of Taxation, 20, State Uffice Duiidin Saint Paul 1. Leonard Seamer, i.and Commissioner's Offico. 2&6 City", ::paint Paul 2, and Mrs. 0. 0. Decourcy, Land "' Com. a :ioner, I1v City Nall, Saint Paul 2; be it RESOWES, that the C3 ty Council of the City of Paint Paul hoveby confi.rziy the amount of *'_214 .32 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount far such services irtcuxred in removing the COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland "A "?k Mortinson Peterson Rosen 0 nkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 ;..2 In Favor A gainst Approved— 195— Mayor ij (,I1 84 FmAlo Qbadruplicate to Department CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE dangoroa� Q;: ucture; and be it 18z("4 J, FU­ ThER t hat tho City Clara b,, dlrectGd to file in the office of the R*glater of Deeds for the County of Raxi4ey, { Ltatement of expenao incurred by the CLIC4 for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JAN 3 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— DeCourcy JAN 3 9958 Holland Approved 195 — In Favor Mortinson r Mayor Against Rosen Winkel Mr. Preslident,i1$ sM iv F; ,t r ra �Petersan) Filed for record on the 6 day of Jan. A.D.10581 at 2:15 o'clock P.M. 1446150 STATEMENT OF EXPENSE ON PART OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INCURRED IN THE WRECKING OF A BUILDING AT 967 Hondo Avenue Lot 12, Block 1, Donnelly's Addition to City of Saint Paul That I, Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul 1g�bC� in the removal and wreckage of a building at 967 Rondo Avenue; described as Lot 12, Block 1, Donnelly's Addition to the City of Saint Paul. STATP1,1ENT OF EXPENSE Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on October 22. 1957, for wrecking and removal of building at 967 Rondo Avenue: Expenses of Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for investigations, notifi- cations, and condemnation $25.00 Photos 8.07 Specifications 21.25 To Truck Crane Service Co., for wrecking, in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid No. 6495, as per Council File No. 183886, Contract G 843 150.00 $204.32 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, Taas incurred by the City of Saint Paul on October 22, 1957. The authorization for this statement is given in Council File No. 185654, passed by the Council of the City of Saint. Paul on January 3, 1958, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of Saint Paul, as amended, Section 107, for the purpose of registering a lien in favor of the said City of Saint. Paul on the land described herein. Dated January 6, 1958• City Clerk " i:. STATE OF JJINNESOTA ) SS . County of Ramsey ) On the 6th day of January, 1958, before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Joseph R. Okoneski, to me known to be the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, and who executed the foregoing statement of expense in his capacity as City Clerk of the City of Saint. Paul under and pursuant, to authorization given him to execute said instrument contained in Council File No. 185654, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on January 3, 1958, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, as amended, Section 107. H rold J. Riordan Notary Public, amsey County, Minn. My commission expires Nov. 22, 1961.