185650Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES0LI_fflg1 — GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED BY Adrian P. Winkel �. D Janu �n�niiccinNFa .� �.r� Council Pile No. 185650 Adrian. ikel - - 3erea3, Additions and deductions whit fight prove to be necessary tl'e WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Dale - Nebraska Sewer System, Comptroller's Contract L -5832, Peter Lametti Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the follow- ing additions and deductions: (See attached sheet) WHEREAS, the total net addition is $194.60, now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul, through its City Council approve the foregoing addition made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of 4194,60, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Co- mptrollerts Contract L -5832, for the making of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public above named contractor that the amount to be added to the above COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays xntrm-""-- 1 Holland .I RYa 4e1 -., In Favor Mortinson f 1 ( �! Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6 -55 2 Works has agreed with the sum of $194,60 is the correct contract. Adopted by the Council J 3 19 195— IAN 3195P Approved 195— PUBLISHED./7 // -. SAS Acting Mayor Quantity Description Rate Amount ADDITIONS Remove manhole on sewer service to church at Arlington & Dale 37.18 DEDUCTIONS 1 Manhole extension, Grotto & Hoyt 80.00 1 Manhole extension, Grotto & Idaho 80.00 59.68 Cu. Yd. Crushed rock subbase material 6.00 358.08 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 518.08 TOTAL NET ADDITIONS $194.60 (This additional amount to be financed from Fund 31 -E -1) Changes made due to a shift in the sewer alignment on Grotto St. from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho to avoid a water main: 12 Lin. Ft. Manhole at Grotto & Hoyt 15.00 180.00 Castings "A" and "B" 45.00 14 Lin. Ft. Manhole at Grotto & Idaho 15.00 210.00 Castings "A" and "B" 45.00 164 Sq. Yd. sod & Boulevard restoration Grotto .50 82.00 227 Sq. Yd. sod & Boulevard restoration Hoyt .50 113.50 TOTAL ADDITIONS 712.68 DEDUCTIONS 1 Manhole extension, Grotto & Hoyt 80.00 1 Manhole extension, Grotto & Idaho 80.00 59.68 Cu. Yd. Crushed rock subbase material 6.00 358.08 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 518.08 TOTAL NET ADDITIONS $194.60 (This additional amount to be financed from Fund 31 -E -1) DuplicN_e to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Adrian P. !Minkel COMMISSIONER DATE January 2, 1958 WU,REAS, adtdit. ions and deduct Ions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement de•� >cri' ,ed as the Dale - Nebraska �S'exer System, Comptroller's Contract L -5832, Peter Lametti Construction Company, Contractor, havc been provided for in the specifications, and TAINF'?FAS, It h?.s i`F: en found necesspry to make the follow - ing additl ons and deductions: ("ee attached sheet) 4JHFF1~,AS, thF total net addition is 4194.60, now, there- fore, be it RXSGLVED. that the City of ` t. Paul, throur n its City Council approve the foreEoing addition made in aecordenee with the specifications in the sure of 1194.60, said amount to be a-dded to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L -5832, for tre making of the above Improvement. The Commi, stoner of Public 'dorks has afreed with the above npmed contractor that the sum of X194.60 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `2 $a"'ICai'SeYt -�- Holland -M zi e =1 l Mortinson Mr. President, Dillon 5M 1-55"' 55 V ` ' JAN 3 X95$ Adopted by the Council 195— 3 9 Approved JAN ` In Favor ! i j Mayor Against AiVIT10113, Hera manhole on setter eory ee to soh at Arlington & Hale 39.15 Changes erode d to a *Wt In the **WW aligmrrWt an Grotte, St. from Vert . Aro. to k =&he to avoid a water mains 12 Lin:. Ft.. manhole at Grotto d " Casr,mw "A* am Rm- 43.8 14 Lin. Ft. Mambale at Grotto d Abe 25.00 218.08 Castings •A" and *810 x.00 164 Sq. U. sod i lkwl,* hard restoratien Grotto .So 92 :00 227 Sq. Td.- sod d Boulevard) restoration Hoyt TOTAL Aim ', ONS VRMWVWV GIANS 1 Manhole extension's to d Ro t 1 mole extension, Witte & Idaho .59.40 Cu. Yd. Crash" rook subbase material y�� �6. oo WTAL VWXIMONS 88 318. f ftis ads itiunsl amount to bo fInansed from Funds 31 -H-1j I i