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Original to City Clerk,, l• LESOLUTION—GENERAL OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 0' ' THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FORM PRESENTED BY // COMMISSIONER / DATE RESOLVED, that the proposed grant of a permit by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul to Saint Paul Police Pistol Club for the making of excavations thereon necessary to prepare certain portions of the Dale Street Reservoir Property described in the Resolution of said Board, dated the 26th day of December, 1957, hereby is authorized and approved, a certified copy of said Board Resolution being filed herewith and by reference hereby incorporated herein with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said Board Resolution were set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland May zi tefli In Favor Mortinson Peterson - ' Against Rosen j Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 ."- °.��"" 2 Council File No. 185591 —By Milton Rosen — Resolved, That the proposed grant of a permit by the Board of Water Com- missioners of the City of Saint Paul to Saint Paul Police Pistol Club for the making of excavations thereon neces- sary to prepare certain portions of the Dale Street Reservoir Property de- scribed in the Resolution of said Board, dated the 26th day of December, 1957, 'hereby is authorized and approved, a certified copy of said Board Resolu- tion being filed herewith and by ref- erence hereby incorporated herein with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said Board Resolution were set forth herein verbatim. Adopted by the Council December 27, 1957. Approved December 27, 1957. (January 4, 1957) ^FC 2 71%7 Adopted by the Council -- 195— Duplicate to Printer . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the proposed grant of a permit by the Board of Wate ^ Corxiissioners of the C.16y of Saint Paul to Saint Paul Police Pistol.. Club for the making; of excavations thereon necc3sary to prepare certai..lz portions of the Dale. Street Reservoir Propert-y descv-ibed in the Resolution of said Board, dated the 25th day of December, 1957, hereby is authorized and approved, a certified copy of said Board Resolution boin�; filed herewitix and by reference hereby incorporated Herein with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said Board Resolution were set forth ere, ve.batim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. Presiden !,Dillon 5M 2.57 qjP0,. 2 © �4 7167, Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195 — In Favor L Mayor A gainst �3 • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' No--- ------------- ----- - - - - -- OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM v C�L �n PRESENTED BY � rr (� n COMMISSIONER. ._""......° ...-,-- °_.'_'." -- -- --- --- ---- ------ -- -- -�- —z COMMISSIONER "-/� DATE -- -- Dec .em.be-r__.2---'"�._.175Z - - - - -- - RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Pistol Club, an unincorporated voluntary non profit organization, purs-aant to its request and upon the recommendation of the General manager of the %i.nt Paul. :'crater Department, in the premises, be and hereby is authorized, at said Club's own cost and expexzse, to make necessary excavations therefor and to prepare that certain portion of the Dale Street Reservoir property, situate in the County of Ramsey, State of "Minnesota, described as follows, to -grit: All those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Section 14, in T. 29 ia. of R. 23 W., vr,tich are more particularly described as follows, to wit: TRACT A) The west 3 acres of T,ot 10 of now vacated Asylum Outlots; also, TRACT B) The south 472.5 feet of the west 400 feet of the 1.7q of the S of the Nv1, of said Section 14; also TRACT C) The south 172.5 feet of the east 400 feet of the SEA of the %� of the NEa of said Section l4; and TRACT D) The north 377.5 feet of tine east 100 feet of the NEI of the rivf of the SE of said Section 14; for firearms target practice range purposes, according-, to plans and sneci.ficat_ions prepared therefor by the said Water Department Engineer and under the latter ' s supervision subject to the following conditions: (1) paid Pernittee shall comr -fiance such work on or before January 2, 1958 and conplete the same not later than TRarch 1, 1958, accordinf� to said plans and saecifications, under and sull ject to the supervision of said -,later Department Engineer and at its o-an cost and expense. (2) That said permittee shall be obligated so to do and. will "1i1ly ind'e-mnify and hold harmless the Board. of - ',later Comnssioners of the City of Saint ,?ail, the City of Saint T'aul, their respective officers, a -,ants and employees, anc said oroperty of saic' Board and said City against any and all elains on account of injury to person and/or property arising therefrom and against any and all loss, expense and liability aricin�-, therefrom and/or connected with such vaork hereunder. (3) That said permittee shall provide casualty ins-arance coverage by insurers authorized and licensed to do business in the State of °?innesota, i.ndemnifyin; said ?ermittee and said Board and said City and such officers, ar;ents, servants and employees of said ;oard and said City, respectively, against liability on account of any and all such claim arisint therefrom and /or connected with the subject work, in amunts and forma, to be approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City and deliver tiie policy or policies of insurance to said Board and said • CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER------------------ ------ ------- _------------- -------------------------------- -------- ---------------------- - -... DATE ................ . ... . -- ------ ------------ - ---.- ... City, prior to the commencement of such work. (4) That such work `:,y the "ermittee is anticipatory of its formal application to said Roard and said City for their necessary per-mit to said Club as permittee to maintain and operate such firearr.s target range on part of said Reservoir property which permit, in the event of its issuance shall be recoverable, at all times, at the will of said toard and said City, or either of them, without cause. (5) That nothing; hereunder shall be deemed a ,rant or conrnitment to grant any perrqit save that for the preparatory construction work aforesaid which will bpe done at the sole risk and expense of said Pernittee. (6) TILat said ; ?ernattee shall file its written acceptance hereof vdhcxreby, among other things, its shall apXee to abide by all of the provisions herein contained, within 20 days after the date hereof in the Office of the City Clerk of said City otherwise this Resolution shall not become operative. (7) The aforesaid hale Street Reservoir property and all ti-,.e swme is owned by said Board and said City. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) SS. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I, Joseph R. Okoneski, Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of a resolution adopted by said Board with the original thereof on file in the office of said Board of Water Commissioners, and that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original resolution. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS THIS 27th DAY OF DECEMBFR, 1957. Secretary Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays ------ - - - - -- --------------------- 1957 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In favor - -- . -- - - -- Opposed - - - - ------ -- - — C`- ---- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- C+�