185558original to City Clerk , r CpUtN PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL lR'# OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � IL RE$ $QLUTION— GENERAL FORM —DATE 'ci File No 1 °5 "FR –By Bernard 1WHEREAS. the Corps of Engineers has under study a proposal for the construction of a small -boat harbor at the upper end of Harriet Island, Saint Paul; and ?WHEREAS, the proposal is satisfactory to the Cit; of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the City Coiincil understands that the following items of local cooperation Trill be recuired; a. Provide without coFt to the United States all necessary lands, easements and rights -of -way for the construction and maintenance of the project T, -hen and as recuired; b. Hold and save the United. States free from property damages that may result from the construction and maintenance of the project; c. Provide and mFintain without cost to the Un't.ed States access roads, parking and storage areas, mooring facilities and utilities including a public landing with suitable supply facilities open to all on equal and reasonable terms; d. Establish a competent and properly constituted public body empo,-ered to regulate the use, growth, and free development of th.r- harbor facilities with the un0erstaneing that said facilities will be open to all on equal terms; e. Puke s. cash contribution estims_ted on the basis of current price levels as 0,63,300, Tech' ch. is equivalent to 50 per cent of the fir:'t cost of dredging -.,nd bank protection; NO7, TFh=RF, BE IT RESOLVED, that if this project is authorized by Congress and funds are appro-,riated therefor, the City Council is of the opinion the.t the above requirements will be complied with; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is merely an indicn.tion of intent and does not in any w477 bins. or obligate the City -rith ut further action being taken by the Council of the Cite of Saint Paul. 19j COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counciltkt 195_ c"; Yeas Nays €,� �' ,1 DeCourcy Holland Approved — 195 - 941e14i_ v` In Favor Mortinson Petrrsan Mayor Against � ps n in Kel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 v _2 7 1.8 5 a SAMPLE RESOLUTION (5T. PAUL) WHEREAS, the Corps of r.ngineers has under study a proposal for the construction of a small -boat harbor at the upper end of Harriet Island, St. Paul, and WH]REAS, the proposal is satisfactory to the city of St. Paul, and WHEREAS, the city council understands that the following items of local cooperation will be required: a. Provide without cost to the United Mates all necessary lands, easements and rights -of -way for the construction and maintenance of the project when and as required. b. Hold and save the United States free from property dam- ages that may result from the construction and maintenance of the project. C. Provide and maintain without cost to the United States ac- cess roads, parking and storage areas, mooring facilities and utilities including a public landing with suitable supply facilities open to all on equal and reasonable terms. d. Establish a competent and properly constituted public body empowered to regulate the use, growth, and free development of the harbor facilities with the understanding that said facilities will be open to all on equal terms. e. Make a cash contribution estimated on the basis of cur- rent price levels as $63,300, which is equivalent to 50 percent of t e first cost of dredging and bank protection. NOW, THEREFORE, Bt: IT RESOLVED, that if this project is authorized by Congress anti funds ato appropriated therefor, tine city of the opinion that the above requirements will be complied (The indicated cash contribution bas been determined on the basis of the interpretation of the U. S. Array Engineer District, St. Paul, of current regulations and should be regarded as subject to change.) 2 ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER HERBERT S. WEST PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer December 13, 1957 Hon. Bernard T. Holland Commissioner parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. 545 City Hall Dear Commissioner Holland: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGRi RICHARD L. WHEELER BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH • PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICEK ISrz Attached is a copy of a letter and a proposed layout made by the Corps of Engineers for a Small Boat Harbor at the upper end of Harriet Island. You will note that the letter is addressed to Mr. Shepard by Colonel Desloge Brown, District Engineer, Corps of Engineers. I am sending this to you because I understand that this pro- ject is the result of the conference in 1955 between yourself and Senator Hubert H. Humphrey. You will note that Colonel Brown states that the cityts share of the improvement would amount to $63,300. This amount would be in addition to providing the necessary lands, grading and surfacing of parking areas, etc. Mr. Shepard informs me that it was not originally contem- plated that the cityts share would be as great as is indicated by Colonel Brown. Possibly you would like to have this matter brought to the attention of the Council and, if so, I have additional copies of the letter to Mr. Shepard and the proposed layout for this Small Boat Harbor which can be used for such distribution. A PW/rs enc. Sincerely yours, &4L ADRIAN P. L Commissioner of Public Works. U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ST. PAUL CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1217 U. S. POST OFFICE_" AND CUSTOM HOUSE ST. PAUL. 1. MINNESOTA N Kepi o R >.FFr -o. NCF1W 4 December I Y "y Mr. George M. Shepard Street and Higtaray Coordiruitor Engineer City Hall St. Paul., Minn. Dear Mr. Shepard: rrhe ir:restigations which are being pursued in tail office with re- spect to the proposed small-boat harbor on the upper end of Harriet IE- land have now progressed to the point where a draft of the resulting report is soon to be forwarded to the North Central J;ivision, Chicago, for initial review. A print shavir-g the present proposed lay-out for the project is inclosed. According to ciurrent regulations one -half of the initial cost for general navigation facilities (in this case the dredging and bank pro- tection) must be borne by local interests When the _dke-.rcor is to be uaed solely for recreation purposes. Therefore since these costs are esti- mated as $126,600, the share for the city mould be $63,3c(). This 1.8 in addition to the provision of necessary lands, grading and surfacing of parking areas, and the furnishing of mooring and laixnching facilities and utilities, the costs of Which are considered to ce sell- liquidating. "here is inclosed a copy of a sample resolution giving ail the a ;erlis of local cx)peration which are normally required. It will be noted tYhat the re6 _cation is merely an indication of intent and does not obligate the city it this time. If you should desire any additional Information on the harbor pro - posal, a representative of this office could meet with yc'i at your "e -- quest. In order to compiete our report it will. be neces y for the city council to take appropriate action. It would be aopreci€.ted if the council's action co'.1!..d be obtained at an early date. Incl 1. print 2. ,iample resolution Sincerely yours, DES1kAJ 'I HRJVN Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer