D001890�pproved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Dirision - Requecting Dept C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR = � u��.� r: : ru • : � : no: �o / 9� Date: �. —a _ Q � ADI�IINISTRAI'IVE ORDER, Pursuant to the 2000 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to remit payment for workshop eapenses, not to exceed $4,000.00. This will pay For all costs incurred by the Department of Fire and Safety Services to hold a"Domestic Preparedness" Chemical Incident Tabletop Eaercise for federal, state and locai response agencies. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. Account Code: 001-05100 • �L�,�%c �a��o Requestedby: DepartmentDirector Date �, 5 ��-crv App�oved b: City Attocney Date �(yV�GI �( i•jl•N Approved by: Director of Financial Services Date n_ _ i o4» DEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INfTIATED W V U � O� V v � Fire and Safety Services 5/24/00 GREEN SHEET No 10319d CONTACTPERSON&PHONE fiwuDA7E INfTIAUDAYE AI Bat2glia 228$212 1 o�amr�Q.nmRCC�oe cmcouxci� MUSiBEONCOUNCILAGEN�ABY(DAT� ❑ m.�� I t, � 2 crtrn„orsr�r J� r� 4«rrarn�c �FINANCIALSQNIC6D� ❑FIIlANCIRLSFAV/ACI;TG ❑MAYOR�ORASSIS�Pll� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES f (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESiED pprovai of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to pay for ail costs incurred to hold a"Domestic Preparedness" Chemical Incident Tabletop Exercise designed for federal, state and local response agencies. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRACiS MUSTANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for fhis tlepartrnent? PLANNING COMMISSION YES nl0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces Nis pereonKrtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrtent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targetetl vendof� YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to 9reen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� Department of Fire and Safety Services will be holding a"Domestic Preparedness" Chemical lncident Tabletop Exercise on June 9, 2000, at the RiverCentre in the upper meeting rooms 1-2. This is the second phase of the Domestic Preparedness program training requirement. This exercise is designed to increase the awareness and sharpen the skills of city managers, federal, state and local response agencies in the area of domestic terrorism. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED City officials will be better prepared to respond effectively to a potential incident involving weapons of mass destruction if if they receive this training which has been developed by the Federal Govemment for state and locai first responders. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The Department of Fire and Safety Services wili not be able to hold the "Domestic Preparedness" Chemicai Incident Tabletop Exercise for federal, state and local response agencies. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 4,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE General Fund ACTMN NUMBER 05100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � � _II IAI " � �nnn ... �. � � wn„n w�• e �vuv �qT �- � cvvv ClTY CLERK T� A�T�R�E�