09-579Council File # 09-579 Green Sheet # �Q�( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLUTION CI OF PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by � L� RESOLUTION APPROVING FUNDING FOR ROiJND ONE OF CYCLE 15 (20U9) OF THE CULTURAL STAR PROGRAM WHEREAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul esta6lished the Cultural Capital (Cultural STAR) Investment Program, and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales tac on sales transactions that occur within the City, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec. 46, and WHEREAS, the purpose ofthe Cultural STAR Program is to promote economic growth in Saint Paul by strengthening the arts and cultural sector and by supporting Downtown as a vital cultural center, and WHEREAS, pursuant to 1998 Minnesota Laws Chapter 389, Article 8, SS 37, Subdivision 1, a citizen review panel, commonly known as the Cultural STAR Board, has completed its biannual review of all proposals for the expenditure of funds in round one of Cycle 15 of the Cultural STAR Program and has made recommendations regarding the proposed expenditures, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has reviewed the applications for funds in round one of Cycle 15 of the Cultural STAR Program and has made recommendations, which are listed in Attachment B attached to this resolution, and WHEREAS, the projects listed in AtCachment B are consistent with all Guidelines for the Cultural STAR Program, and WHEREAS, none of the recommended grants listed in Attachment B require a pub{ic hearing under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter ll6J, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the projects and amounts Visted in Attachment B attached hereto for funding in round one of Cycle 15 of the Cultural STAR Program, and be it FURTHbR RESOLVED, that the Council approves the budget amendment listed in Attachment A that reflects projects and amounts, and be it 09-579 35 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council extends its gratitude to the members of the Cultural STAR Boazd for their 36 hard work in reviewing the proposals and making recommendations to the Mayor and City Counci] in this first round 37 of 2009. BOSt7 Cdi[CC Yeas I N Requested Depa m o. lanning and Economic De�elopmen[ / �—`� By: Cecile Bedor � / Adopted by Council: Date � 2"7, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY // /l�lrG✓ �i��i/lSnn _ Approved by May : Date (� 7/,(� q BY� �hr < �✓ = z�n Q �- ;,1,•�—� � Q Form Approved by ity �P ey B Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY GZn� ;�z,�.W� Approved by t ffic Fi� �cial Serv' e By: 09-579 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Csseen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUOffice/Council: � Date Initiated: PE - Planning & Economic Zp_MAY-09 Green Sheet NO: 3070596 Contact Person ffi Pho�e: . � K�rt s�n�ir� 66590 - - -- Assign Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 27-MAY-09 For -- -- - -- ---- Routing Ooc. Type: RESOLUTION Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Laura Eckert Contact Phone: Financial Services Mavor's Office C ouncil C itv Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AU Locations for Signature) � Action Requested: � Approval of the attached Council Resolut�on, wh�ch adopts the 2009 Round One Cultural STAR recommendations from the Mayor Recommendations Approve (A) or Reject (R). Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 7 Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2 Has this person/frm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. �oes this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. — _ ___. __ —______.—_.— Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � , Approval of the attached Council Resolution and attachments will allocate funding for the 2009 Round One Cultura] STAR projects. AdvantageslfApproved: Cultural STAR funds will be made available for pxojects as identified in Attachment B. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount nf Transaction: Funain9 source: Cultural STAR Program Fi nancia l Information: (Explain) Cosf/Revenue Budgeted: Activiry Numher: P7-930-90399-0547-77999 May 20, 2009 132 PM Page 1 09-579 2009 CULTURAL STAR - Round 15 ATTACHMENT A FINANCING PLAN - Cultural STAR Tax Revenue CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET Loan Program - Repayment of Loan P7-930-90309-6922-00000 24,000 0 24,000 Interest Income P7-930-90304-6602-06000 735 Q 735 P7-930-90309-6602-00000 5,020 5,020 P7-930-90310-6602-00000 76,245 0 76,245 P7-930-90309-6604-00000 27,000 27,000 Trans4er from HRA Debt Service Eund {Sales Tax) 09 budget 1,348,000 1,348,000 P7-930-90304-7304-00000 prioryears 634,835 0 634,835 TOTAL FINANCING PLAN 2,1'�5,835 0 2,115,835 SPENDING PLAN - 2009 Cultural STAR Cycle 15, Round 1 CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax P7-930-90399-0547-77999(2009) 1,481,000 (750,561) 730,439 Direct Project Costs: P7-930-90310-0547-77000 190,507 21,470 211,977 P7-930-90310-0299-77000 444,328 74,000 518,328 C cle 15 Recommendaiians: 09-500 Actors Theater of Minnesota / Gay Pride Tony n' Tina's Wedding P7-930-90310-0547-71809 0 12,600 12,600 09-501 American Composers Forum / Healing and Hope through Songs P7-930-90310-0547-71810 0 6,300 6,300 09-502 Arcata Press / 2010 Saint Paul Almanac P7-930-90310-0547-71811 0 21,000 21,000 09 Artspace Projects, Inc. / Northem Warehouse ArtisYs Cooperative P7-930-90310-0547-71812 0 21,000 21,400 09-506 Asian Media Access / All in the Miz P7-930-90310-0547-71513 0 29,400 29,400 09 Czech and Slovak Sokol Minnesota ! CSPS Hall Fire Protection P7-930-90310-0547-71814 0 18,480 18,480 09-508 District 6 Planning Council / A Place to Be P7-930-90310-0547-71815 0 6,30p 6,300 09-510 Forecast Public Art i Spontaneous Storefronts 2009 P7-930-90310-0547-71816 0 6,72� 6,72a 09-511 Forecast Public Art / Speaking of Home P7-930-90310-0547-71517 0 16,800 16,800 09 The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library / 09 MN Book Awards P7-930-90310-0547-71818 0 11,340 11,340 09-513 Great Northern Events, Inc. / River Rocks Festival P7-930-90310-0547-71819 0 8,400 8,400 09-515 Highland Business Association / 09 Highland Fest P7-930-90310-0547-71820 0 5,460 5,460 H:\word\PED\Cultural STAR\2009\Round 1�Resolution\ 2009 Round IS GSTAR Attachment A.xls 5/20/2009 132 PM 09-579 2009 CULTURA� STAR - Round 15 ATTACHMENT A 09-517 History Theatre, inc. / Buddy Holly Story P7-930-90310-0547-71821 0 21,000 21,000 09-518 Hot Summer Jazz Festival / 09 Jaa Festival P7-930-90310-0547-71822 0 33,600 33,600 09-519 IFP Minnesota/IFP MN Programs P7-930-96310-0547-71823 0 8,46o S,40o 09-520 Irish Fair of Minnesota, lnc 1 River Stage Enhancement P7-930-90310-0547-71524 0 4,578 4,578 09-522 Minnesota Boychoir / MN Boychoir2enon Dance P7-930-90310-0547-71825 0 11,760 11,760 09-525 One Yoice Mixed Chorus ! Lavender Green P7-930-90310-0547-71826 0 15,989 15,989 09-529 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts � 09 Ordway Marketing P7-930-90310-0547-71827 0 16,380 16,380 09 Penumbra Theatre Company, Inc. / Penumbra Theatre Renovation P7-930-90310-0547-71828 0 21,000 21,000 09-533 Public Art Saint Paul / Public Artist in Residence P7-930-90310-0547-71829 � 35,70� 35,700 09-534 Remke Corporation / Lowertown Performance Space P7-930-90310-0547-71830 0 8,400 8,400 09-535 Riverview Econ Development Assoc / 09 Music & Movies in Dist tlel Sol P7-930-90310-0547-71831 0 10,584 10,584 09-537 The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society / Stravinsky Festival P7-930-90310-0547-71832 0 25,200 25,200 09 Saint Paul Public Librery Agency / Library Progrems and Services P7-936-90310-0547-71833 0 178,000 178,000 09-540 09 Sample Night Live 1 Marketing, Staffing & Rental P7-930-90310-0547-71834 0 10,920 10,920 09-541 Schubert Club, Inc. / Schubert Museum P7-930-90310-0547-71835 0 21,000 21,000 09-542 Selby Area CDG I 09 Selby JazzFest P7-930-90310-0547-71836 0 6,300 6,300 09-545 Springboardforthe ArtslSpringboardlncubatorExpansion P7-930-9031D-0547-71837 0 16,800 16,800 09-546 SteppingStone 7heatre / Stuart Pimsler Dance Theater P7-930-90310-0547-71838 0 10,080 10,080 09-547 Teatro del Pueblo / Political Theatre Festiva12010 P7-930-90310-�547-71839 a 12,60� 12,6�� 09-552 TU Dance/2009 Pertormance atthe O'Shaughnessy P7-930-90310-0547-71840 0 4,200 4,200 09-553 Capitol River Council / 09 Music in Mears P7-930-9Q310-0547-71841 0 16,800 16,800 09-554 Culture Inc. / Sister City Support of Park Design P7-930-90310-0547-71842 0 2,000 2,000 TOTAL SPENDING PLAN 2,115,835 0 2,115,835 H:\wordU'ED\Cultural STAR�20Q9\Round 1\Resolution\ 2009 Round 15 C-STAR Attachment Axls 5/20J2009 1:32 PM 09-579 09-579