09-572Council File # 09-572 Green Sheet #3070390 RESOLUTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MINNESOTA �� BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant ro Minnesota Stat. Sec. 16136, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as Agent of the City of Saint Paul, to accept as its agent, federal aid funds which may be made available for eligible transportation related projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor and the Clerk aze hereby authorized and d'uected for and on behalf of the City to execute and enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of said federal aid participation as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement Number 94653", a copy of which said agreement was before the City Council and which is made a part hereof by reference. Bostrom �. Yeas Requested Departmeet o . �Public �\ ks By: d � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � �?fi Adoprion Certified by Counc' Secretary BY� �r , � I,, .� Approv�d,lf� yo : Date (.� BY- �( �Jt Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attorney BY� �fcSGC! (�1 � ��� Approved b ayor or Submissi i to Council By: � 09-572 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �� Departrnent/Office/Councii: Date initiated: PW_PublicWorks ,2_�,Y-09 Green Sheet NO; 3070390 Contact Person & Phone: Denartme�H Sent To Person InitiaUDate Elizabeth Stiffler o &c works I Paul St Msrtin (�t5 S-t?-tfj 2ss-s2io 1 blicWOrks nuooaav� �c � "�D� ��g 2 blicWorks De arimentD'ueMOr ?�� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 27•MAY-09 For 3 " Atiorue Lisa Veith Routirig 4 ur's Office Ma urlAssistant Doc. Order 5 Coancil ' Conncil 6 ' Cf¢rk Cti Clerk E-Oocument Required: Y Documei�t CoMact: Elizabeth Stiifler Contact Phone: 266-6210 Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip AII Loptions for Sigt�ature) Actio� Requested: - Approve Council xesolution authorizing propex City officials to enter into an ageement with the Minnesota Deparbnent of Transportarion for Federal aid garticiparion for Safe Routes to School pl8nnina and safety education for five schools. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracks Must Answer the Following Questions: Planmrn� Commission ' 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depariment? CIB Commiftee Yes No Civil Service Commission - 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saim Paul has received a Federal Safer Routes to School (SRTS) grant for $50,000. The grant is administered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT). ' To get reimbursement for project costs, an agreement between the Ciry and MNDOT must be executed. Said agreement must include a certified copy of the Council resolu6on authorizing the City to enter into the ageement. Advantages 19 Approved: . City takes advantage of Fedezal funding to benefit our Safer Routes to School Pi�ogam. � Disadvantages If Approved: None. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Project will not be 'vnplemented. Total Amount of ' Transaction: $d'�� CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Np' Activity Number: Firrancial Information: (6cplain) . May 12, 2009 4:46 PM Page 1