09-571Council File # 09-571 Green Sheet # 3069930 RESO UTION � CITY OF�AIT P�UL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul was issued a federally mandated stormwater discharge permit from the 2 Minnesota Pollurion Conhol Agency (MPCA) on December l, 2000, and 4 WHEREAS, the stormwater permit requires the City to submit an annual report on June 1 st of year 5 including a stormwater management program, and 7 WHEREAS, in addition to the annual report the stormwater permit requires the City to submit public 8 comment, response to public comment and a council resolution adopting the annual report, and 9 10 WHEREAS, a public meeting was held on this report on May 5, 2009. 11 12 Now, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul is committed to meeting the stormwater 13 permit requirements, and be it, 14 15 FINALLY RESOLVEA, that the City of Saint Paul adopts the "June 2009 Stormwater Permit Annual 16 Report" as prepared by the Depariment of Public Works Sewer Utility for submittal to the MPCA along 17 with this council resohrtion. Request y Departml��!�� R By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by By —� Approv�d by Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary $y: BY i, , /_ Approv�yd � Date �✓ .�J By: Adopted by Council: Date 5��7�j�JG� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet GreenSh � DepartmentlOfficelCouncii: Date Initiated: Pw_P°b��°Wa�s z,_APR-�g Green Sheet NO; 3069930 Contact Person & Phone: Anne Weber 266-6245 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Nbt 8EFo2E MRY ��,��9 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocument Required: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) 1 2 3 CitY Attornev Citv Attomev 4 Mavor's Office Mavor/ASSisfant 5 CaunN CiN Couoctl 6 C��v Clerk Citv Clerk � Action Requested: ' Approve the attached resolution adopting the Ciry of Saint Paul's June 2009 Stormwa[er Pemtit Annual Report as required by the � City's federally mandated stormwater discharge permit. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (Rp Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: '; 7. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? I Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No ; 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No I Explain aii yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul was issued a stonnwater dischazge peanit from [he Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) on December 1, 2000. Under the conditions of this pennit, the City is required to submit an annual report on June 1 st of each year. A public meeting was held on this repoxt on May 5, 2009. The 2009 Annual Repod, comments received and the Ciry's response are attached. -� � 'AdvantageslfApproved: ����'� �' I Saint Paul will be m compliance with its federally mandated stormwater discharge pemilt. �g� I l� MAY a Disadvantages If Approved: �� �, None ������ �' Disadvantages If Not Approved: Requirements of the stormwater dischazge permit will not be met. Saint Paul will be subject to fines and open to citizen lawsuits. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: � ,.�._ . �. .�' MAY. � � 2�0� A-�? �_II_�� i�L� .. I � April 27, 2009 2:23 PM Page 1 09-571 City of Saint Paul's Stormwater Permit Annual Report Department of Public Works June 2009 Draft 4/22/09 09-571 Table of Contents Report Contact Informarion and Certificarion Stormwater Monitoring and Modeling Inventory Storm Sewer System Management Street Management Program Pesticides and Fertilizers Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal Public Education Program Coordinarion with Other Governmental Units Appendig Budget Watershed Inventory Storm Sewer Outfall Inventory NPDES Permitted Facilities Industrial Land Use Map Stormwater Ponding Area Inventory Pond Inspecrion Summaty Outfall Inspecrion Summary Water Quality Education Progrnm Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep it Clean Green up your lawn brochure Waterfest Flyer Map of Saint Paul's Watershed Orgaaizarions Monitoring Report Capitol Region Watershed District 2008 Water Monitoring Report 3 4 4 6 8 11 12 13 16 19 21 23 29 32 33 37 45 48 52 60 62 64 "s[v� 09-571 City of Saint Paul's Stormwater Permit Annual Report June 2009 The City of Saint Paul submits this report to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) in fulfiliment of the annual reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systerta (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit MN 0061263 issued to the City of Saint Paul on December 1, 2000. This permit expired on January 1, 2004. An applicarion for reissuance was submitted to the MPCA in July of 2003. As per federai and state law, the City is operating under the exisring pemut until the permit is reissued. Contact Information: Anne Weber City of St. Paul Department of Public Works 25 W. Fourth St., 700 CHA St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-6245 anne.weber@ci.stpaul.mn.us Certification: I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 23288 Anne M. Weber License Number Date John Maczko, City Engineer Date KZSY.Zf 09-571 Stormwater Monitoring and Modeling Joint Monitorine Proeram The Cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board participated in a joint stormwater monitoring program as required by the stormwater permit in 2001 through 2004. In 2005, the City began a parinership with the Capitol Region Watershed District to conduct the stormwater pemut monitoring program for St. Paul. The "Capitol Region Watershed District 2008 Monitoring Report" will be available in June of 2009 at www.capitolregionwd.org. Inventory Watershed and Storm Sewer Outfall Inventorv An inventory of Saint Paul's storm sewer outfalls is found in the Appendix. This inventory includes the outfall identification number, outfali name, watershed name, size of pipe and drainage azea. The following information is provided in the Outfall Inventory found in the Appendix for each of the 23 watersheds in St. Paul: drainage area, land use types and distriburion, popularion, percent impervious surface azea, and the runoff coefficient. The following table shows the total number of discharge points to each water body in Saint Paul. Dischar e oints to receivin waters Receiving Water Total Discharge Points Bridal Veil Creek 1 Mississippi River 59 Upper Lake 1 Crosby Lake 3 Fairview North Pond 2 Lake Como 11 Loeb Lake I Lake Phalen 5 _ Beaver Lake 4 � Suburban Pond 2 Little Pig's Eye Lake 1 Pig's Eye Lake 5 Battle Creek 11 Total Discharge Points 106 4 of 64 09-571 NPDES Permitted Facilities Facilities in Saint Paul that are issued NPDES permits by the MPCA are found in the Appendix. Industriai Land Use Industrial land uses may generate higher concentrations of hydrocazbons, trace metals, or toxicants than aze found in typical stormwater mnof£ A map showing the azeas of industrial land use in St. Paul is included in the Appendix. Stormwater Ponds Saint Paul's stormwater ponding areas are constructed to collect and detain flows from storm events. These ponds are designed to reduce peak flow rates in downstream storm sewers. A map showing the stormwater ponding areas in the City of Saint Paul is found in the Appendix. The Appendix also contains the tributary azea and design capacity for each City ponding area. A list of stormwater ponding areas by watershed is included in the Appendix. 5 of 64 09-571 Storm Sewer System Management Responsible Deparhnent: Public Works Sewer Utility Targeted Pollutants: Sediments, floatables and nutrients Performance Measures • Snmmary of new storm sewer constructed and types of controls measures used. • Number of flood control projects constructed and types of controls measures used. • Number of retrofits constructed. • Outlet inspecrion results an@ number ofrepaus made. • Pond inspection results and quanrity of material removed. • Quanriries of debris removed Permit Secrion 2.4 Structural Controls 2.5 Facilities Operarion and Quality Control 2.6 Removed Substances 2.7 Areas of New Development or Construction 2.9 Flood Control 2.12 Conshuction of Storm Sewers Outfall Inspection and Maintenance The City completes maintenance and repair of outfalls as necessary based on the outlet iaspection resulYs. Sewer Urility staff inspecYed all Mississippi River outlets iu the fall of 2008. Outfall inspection results are found in the appendix. Pond Inspection and Maintenance The CiCy's stormwater ponding azeas were inspected by Sewer Maintenance staff after major rainfall events in 2008. Minor maintenance was completed as needed based on the inspecrion results. The City's �stormwater ponding areas will be inspected after major rainfall events in 2009. Storm Sewer Construction and Maintenance Catch Basin Inventorv A consuttant was hired to conduct a field survey of the City's catch basins. Workers using GPS equipment located all city owned catch basins. The total number of catch basins inventoried was 26,096. Catch Basin Maintenance Catch basin sumps aze vactored prior to repair and as a resuit of ponding or plugging. Catch basin sumps, which are tributary to stormwater management pracfices aze inspected annually and cleaned as necessary to maintain function. In 2008, sewer maintenance crews inspected 243 catch basins, repaired 576 catch basins and cleaned 2583 catch basin sumps. 6 of 64 09-571 East Como Boulevard Structures Sediment control structures along East Como Boulevard and within Como Park were inspected and cieaned in November of 2008. A total of 7 stormceptors, 3 sump manholes and 23 catch basin sumps were cleaned. These structures will be inspected annuaIly and cleaned based on accumulation. Residential Street Vitalitv ProQram (RSVPI Projects Starting in 2007, RSVP projects within the Capitol Region Watershed District and the Ramsey- Washington Metro Watershed Disri were required to meet the watershed districts' rules. These projects must infiltrate one inch of stormwater from the projects impervious area and reduce total suspended solids by 90%. The City is complering the inventory of the BMP's installed with these projects and will be inspecring and performing maintenance in 2009. St. Peter Rondo Storm Tunnel Rehabilitation The project consists of concrete tunnel liner milling, reinforced concrete liner repair, contact grouting between concrete lining and undisturbed sandrock, and crack sealing on the St. Peter/Rondo Storm Tunnel in 2007 through 2009. Water Resource Coordinator Position The Deparhnents of Public Works and Safety and Inspections created a position that would support the implementation of the City's Local Surface Water Management Plan and municipal stormwater permit. This position is responsible for reviewing site plans and performing inspections, including sediment and erosion control enforcement on construction sites. The position was filled in December of 2007 with the new staff person starting work in January of 2008. 2008 Erosion and Sediment Control pro�ram : 1) Developed and implemenring city wide comprehensive erosion control review program for all significant projects in City including: • Working with University of Minnesota Erosion and Sediment Control Certification Program to conduct citywide staff training. • Development of Amanda process for tracking all erosion control plans and inspections in City • Develop handouts and worksheets to be distributed to all relevant applicants • Develop and implement inspector technical training. 2) Responding and/or conducted site inspection of over 30 erosion and sediment control complaints and inquires. 3) Work to revised City grading and "drainage regulation language in City Zoning Code Chapter 33. r�r 09-571 Street Management Program Responsible de�artment: Public Works Street Maintenance. TarQeted Pollutants: Sediments, nutrients, oxygen-demanding substances, chlorides Performance Measures: Frequency of sweeping on each street type, quantity and breakdown of materials removed. Quantiry of deicing and anti-icing materials used. Pemut Section: 2.8 Roadways Street Sweeping and Maintenance Prog�am The City of Saint Paul conducts a street and alley cleaning program to promote the health and welfare of its citizens and to reduce the amount of pollutants to receiving waters from stormwater dischazges. Streets and alleys are divided into classes, each of which receives a different level of service as defined below: Class I-A & B Downtown or Loop streets Downtown or loop streets are within the following boundaries: Keliogg on the south, 12�' on the north, Broadway on the east and Main on the west. These streets are swept approximately two times per week during the spring, summer, fall and winter as weather allows. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, is performed on an as-needed basis. Class II- Outlying Commercial aud Arterial Streets These streets, which have business or commercial properties fronting on them, are the City's major arteries. They have heavy volumes of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Typical examples aze: University, Snelling, West "7�', East 7`�`, Rice, Payne, Arcade, Summit and Grand. Class II streets aze swept or cleaned eight to ten times annually on the following schedule: every two weeks in April, May, October, and November for spring and fall cleanup and every three weeks in June through September for litter, tree debris and sediment. Occasional winter sweepiug is also doae. All rouriae maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, is done on a scheduled or as-needed basis. Class III - Residenfial Streets In the spring, all residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, receive a thorough sweeping. Patching and repairing is done on a scheduled or as-needed basis. All existing paved and oiled slreets are on the 10-yeaz cycle chip seal list. Approximately 12 miles of oiled streets and 60 miles of paved streets were chip sealed in 2006. Oil and sand sealing of oiled streets is no longer done. The City recycles reclaimed sand and seal rock. These materials are no longer hauled to the lan�ll. In the fall, streets are swept for leaf pickup. All material swept up during the fall cleanup is hauled to a commercial composring facility. 8 of 64 09-571 Class IV - Oiled and Paved Alleys All oiled and paved alleys are swept during the late spring. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of the alley surfaces, is performed on a scheduled or as-needed basis. All existing paved and oiled alleys are on the 10-year cycle chip seal list. Oil and sand sealing of oiled alleys is no longer done. Class V and VI - Unimproved Streets and Alleys Unimproved streets and alleys aze right-of-ways that have not been developed. There are approximately 50 miles of unimproved streets and approximately 288 miles of unimproved assessed alleys in the City. Because they are Ciry right-of-ways, the City has the responsibiliry to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work on them to make them passable and to reduce hazards. The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys consists of patching, minor blading, and placing of crushed rock or other stabilized material. Street Sweeping Sweeping is a major operation for the Street Maintenance Division and is done every month of the year, day and night. Elgin Pelican mechanical sweepers handle the vast majority of the sweeping. An Elgin Crosswind Regenerative air sweeper is utilized downtown. A second Crosswind was purchased in 2005 and is now in use. In recent years, the tazget date for completion of spring sweeping has moved up from Memorial Day to May 15th. The primary material swept in the spring is debris from winter months. Fall sweeping is done during the last week of October and the first half of November. The fall sweep is timed so that a majority of the leaves aze down and enough time is allowed to sweep all St. Paul streets before the November snows. Currently, the wide variety of trees with varying leaf drop times makes it impossible to wait for ail of the leaves to drop. To compensate for this, touch up sweeping continues most years through November and early December. In the interest of continued improvement to our sweeping program, workers attend training and best management practices are implemented. In 2001, the sweepings collected from city streets and alleys were tested and found to be within EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) guidelines for recycling purposes afrer screening out waste and debris. Only 7 to 10% of swept up materiai is disposed of in a landfill. The following table shows the volumes removed from City streets in 2008. 2008 Street Sweeping Quantities Class General Debris Leaves- Fall Cleaning (Cubic Yards) (Cubic Yards I & II 4,368 3,878 III 4,984 20,146 Totals 9,352 24,024 9 of 64 09-571 Street Maintenance has a Hazardous Waste Disposal Pqlicy in place. Any hazardous materials collected from city streets are disposed of in environmentally acceptable means. Street Maintenance also services over 320 trash receptacles and disposes of refuse from neighborhood cleanups each year. Illegal dumping continues to be an increasing problem. Ice Control Onerarions Minnesota weather requires ice conh�ol from late September through early May. Frost forming on bridge decks is usually the first and last ice control event of the winter season. From early November through mid-April, the need for pavement treatment is determined by temperature and precipitation. Frequency of snow events through the winter season influences amounts of material used. The Ciry's foremost objective is to maintain safe roads for all users. The consequences of icy roads aze longer travel times, adverse economic impact, accidents and injuries. Salt is the priinary material used to melt snow and ice. Salt is theorerically effective to -6°F but factors such as darkness, continuing snow, temperatures below 10°F or type and quantity of precipitation all reduce melting performance. Sand is somerimes used in conjunction with salt to enhance traction; usually when temperatures aze below 10°F and snowfall amount is likely to be greater than 3 inches. Specific application rates are decided upon for each snow event and adjusted to the minimum amount necessary to achieve the desired results. Saint Paul has increased usage of treated salt for tower temperatures and eliminated the use of liquids. We have found the liquids create a slippery gel that required additional sanding to compensate. Another product of significant interest is salt treated with liquid magnesium chloride and agricukural byproducts. Potential benefits are better melting performance, residual value, and reduction in amount of salt used. Safelane bridge deck surface treahnent is being investigated. In 2007, the City's use of liquid products was put on hold because of too many instances of product causing unsafe conditions. The City is increasing the use of treated salt. Material Stora�e Salt is covered yeaz round to eluninate runoff. Mixed piles of sand and salt are no longer stored in the open. Storage faciliries are located at the following locations: 873 N. Dale Street (Increased storage was added at this location in 2006.) 510 East Sth Street 310 South Victoria Street Ice control materials ased as of March 12, 2009 for the 2008-2009 Winter Season 12,800 tons salt 2,000 tons sand 0 gallons Magnesium Chloride 4,000 tons treated salt ° 10of64 09-571 Em l�ovee Trainine St. Paul Public Works is an advocate of networking within the indushy for information and regularly attends events such as the American Public Works Association North American Snow Conference. Street Maintenance staff attended MnDOT's Circuit Training and Assistance Program in November of 2000 and 2003. A total of 70 employees attended the training session on Sensible Material Application for Snow and Ice Control. The main purpose of this session is to train employees to get the most out of every application, maintaining the safest roads possible in the most economical way, while protecting the environment. T'he session addressed the following: abrasives, salt, pre-wetting. anri-icing, equipment calibration and material storage. In November of 2004, ten newly hired workers attended a 90 minute ice control class and did an all day ride along with an experienced driver. Newly hired staff received in-house training in November of 2006. St. Paul hosted the 2007 North American Snow Conference. In November of 2007, the Minnesota Snow and Ice Control Handbook was distributed to all employees. One of our maintenance supervisors is among the first to have passed the environmental certification for snow and ice control best practices. All operators attended a Snow and Ice Control training session in November of 2008. Pesticides and Ferrilizers Resroonsible denartment: Public Works Sewer Utility and Parks and Recreation Targeted Pollutants: Pesticides and nutrients Performance Measures Public education measures Permit Sections 210 Pesticides and Fertilizer Fertilizer Ordinance and Education The City will continue to coordinate with existing education efforts, such as Water5hed Partners, to develop and distribute educational pieces. The Public Education and Outreach section contains additional information on educarion efforts. Pesticide and Fertilizer Use on City Facilities The City has strict requirements that are followed for applications on all City facilities. The Department of Public Works does not apply pesticides or fertilizers. All City programs for pesticide use shall be reviewed and approved by the city council prior to any application upon city property. Each use of pesticide or fertilizer is documented and reported to the City Clerk and to the District Council in which the application occurred. City policy was developed upon the recommendarions of a report done by the City Council Investigation & Research Center in May of 1990. In addition, all City staff that apply pesticides and fertilizers must be licensed in accordance the City Ordinance, which requires commercial applicators to be licensed by the City. The City will continue to apply pesticides and fertilizer and document and report use in accordance with these requirements. 11 of 64 09-571 Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal Responsible Department: Public Works Targeted Pollutants: AIl pollutants Perfoimance Measures: Detecfion and enforcement measures, public education measures. Permit Secrions: 211 Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal Non-stormwater DischarQes The following tton-stormwater discharges aze not a significant source ofpollutants and no additional control measures aze needed forthese discharges: • NPDES pernutted non-stormwater dischazges • Water line flushing and other discharges from potable water distribution system • Landscape irrigarion and lawn watering • Irrigarion water • Diverted stream flows • Rising ground water • Foundation and footing drains • Water from basement sump pumps - Air conditioning condensarion • Springs • Individual residential and fund raising car washings • Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands • Swimming pool dischazges • Flows from fire fighting Field Screenin� Pro�ram The field screening pro�am was completed in 2004, which was one yeaz ahead of schedule, The permit requirement was to conduct the program throughout the entire city in a five-yeaz period. The field screening inspection program was conducted in conjuncrion with the outfall and pond inspecrion program. Inspections are done during dry weather in order to determine if there is any non-stormwater dischazges in the storm sewer system. A LaMotte Storm Drain Pollution Detecrion kit is used to test the samples. The kit includes tests for pH, phenols, chlorine, copper and detergents. Starting in 2005, the City continued to check for dry weather flow during the annual inspections of outfalls and ponds. The ongoing field screening program will be in conjuncrion with otfier inspection acriviries.. Education Protram The education program for non-stormwater discharges is a component of the Public Education Program found in the next section of this report. 12of64 09-571 Public Education and Outreach Program Res�onsible Deoartment: Public Works Sewer Utility. Tar2eted Pollutants: All pollutants Performance Measures: Number of educarional items distributed, number of storm drains stenciled, number of volunteers, number of workshops, number of events, partnership acrivities. Permit Sections 2.10 Pesticides and Fertilizers 2.11 Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal 2.13 Public Education Program Storm Drain Stenciling Education Pro�ram The City of Saint Paul has been conducting a successful storm drain stenciling education program since 1993. For the past several years the Friends of the Mississippi River (F"MR) has coordinated this program. FMR is the leading citizens' organization working to protect the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities area. The 2008 Stenciling Program Report and a copy of the door hanger aze provided in the Appendix. The storm-drain stencilingproject is desiened to meet the following three objectives: • To stencil storm drains with the message "Please Don't Pollute Drains to River," and distribute multi-lingual educational door-hangers to residents and businesses in the stenciled neighborhoods within the City of Saint Paul. • To involve community residents in hands-on learning experiences about urban runoff pollution and ways to prevent it. • To facilitate school service leaming initiatives that include storm drain stenciling as a key component. The 2008 proeram objectives will be implemented throueh the following activities: • Identify and organize approximately 1,368 students and other community volunteers to cany out 2,799 volunteer hours of work on the program. Volunteers will stencil 2,951 storm drains and distribute 10,953 educational door hangers within the Ciry of St. Paul. • Provide a 30 to 60 minute educational orientation to each volunteer group that participates. • Provide educational programming and outreach on urban runoff pollution with volunteers, classrooms and other community members. • Coordinate 1 to 2litter clean-ups with school and /or community groups. • Present 3 to 4 community workshops on urban runoff pollution and ways to prevent it around the yard and home. • Present 2 community workshops and 1 tour on small site rain gardens. • Coordinate the purchase, maintenance and storage of all stenciling and warkshop supplies. 13of64 09-571 The annual number of door hangers distributed, storm drains stenciled and volunteers involved in this program is found in the following table. The number of volunteers was not tracked every year of the program. Stenciling Program Quanfifies Year poor Storm Volunteers Han ers Drains 1993-1997 21,439 4913 --- 1998 12,359 2,653 1,303 1999 15,259 2,951 880 2000 12,454 3,153 1,318 2001 10,564 3,236 1,215 2002 6,880 2,760 1,300 2003 8,332 2,272 1,328 2004 9,192 2,431 925 2005 6,386 2,795 1,073 2006 10,216 2,524 1,349 2007 10,169 2,926 1,223 2008 10,953 2,951 2,799 Total 134,203 35,565 14,813 CostlBenefit Analysis It is difficult to do a cost/benefit analysis on a public education project such as storm drain stenciling. We can track the number of door hangers distributed, the number of storm drains stenciled and the number of volunteers involved. For each storm drain that is stenciled, the message is going out to the volunteers doing the project and the residents in that azea. As the program develops, the emphasis is'moving away from maximizing the number of storm drains stenciled to education of the volunteers participating in the program. 14 ot 64 09-571 Metro WaterShed Partners Saint Paul has been an active Metro WaterShed Partners since 1997. Metro WaterShed Partners is an innovative, dynamic coalirion of over 40 public, private and non-profit organizations in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan azea that, through collaborarive educarional outreach, teaches residents how to care for area waters. This partnership has leveraged grant dollars and staff time to develop educarional literature and a nationally recognized interactive display. The WaterShed e�ibit was at schools and events in and around Saint Paul in 2008. The WaterShed is also at the Minnesota State Fair in the Department of Natural Resources Building each year. The Partners staff it during this rime. Metro Clean Water Campaign To assist cities with educational efforts, Metro WaterShed Partners is conducting the Metro Clean Water Campaign. This type of collaboration allows for the development of a consistent message, which is distributed cost effectively. A City of Saint Paul staffperson is a member of this committee. The campaign was funded in 2008 with money raised from local units of govemment. St. Paul contributed $5,000 in 2008 and plans to contribute $5,000 in 2009. The 2008 report for the Metro Clean Water Campaign is found in the appendix. Storm Sewer Service Charge Mailing In July of 2008, the "Green Up your Lawn not Your Lakes and Rivers" brochure was mailed out with the Storm Sewer Service Charge. Brochures went out to 80,000 households and businesses. The City plans to do a similar mailing in 2009. The brochure is included in the Appendix. Annual SprinQ Parks Clean-Un and Neighborhood Litter Campai�n St. Paul Parks and Recreation hosts an Annual Spring Parks Clean-Up every year during the month of April. The City provides clean-up supplies, trash removal, recycling services and a "thank you" celebration. During this event volunteers remove litter from Saint Paul's Parks and Recreation Centers. Without the help of volunteers during the cleanup, trash accumulates in these natural areas hanning wildlife, polluting lakes and rivers and detracting from the beauty of our community. This event is a fun and effective way to improve the environment in our community. Waterfest The City of Saint Paul is a sponsor of Waterfest, which is a family festival put on each May at Lake Phalen by the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District. The Watershed District estimates that 1000 people attend this free family festival. The Parks Department assists in coordinating this event. The Public Works Deparhnent provides a street sweeper to be on display for this event. A flyer far the event is included in the Appendix. 15 of fi4 09-571 Coordination with Other Governmental Entities Resroonsible deparhnent: Public Works Sewer Utility Tareeted Pollutants: All pollutants Performance Measures: Report the ongoing coordinated acriviries and status of cooperative efforts in each annual report. Permit Sections 216 Coordinarion with Other Govemmental Entiries As stated in each section of ihis report, the City of Saint Paul coordinates with many entities in all aspects of managing stormwater. Each project, event or activity listed involves numerous entiries. By its nature, water does not follow political boundaries therefore it is necessary to cooperate with other entities in order to effectively resolve these issues. The limited resources that are available must be usad efficiently with m;nimal duplicarion of efforts. The main area of coordinarion on these issues is with Saint Paul's watershed management organizations. Saint Paul Local Surface Water Mana�ement Plan The City of Saint Paul issued a request for proposals in April of 2004 to hire a consulting engineering firm to complete its Local Surface Water Management Plan. A consultant was selected in May of2004. This plan will be developed to meet the requuements ofMinnesota Statue 103B235 and Minnesota rules 8410.00160 and 8410.0170. The plan must also be in conformance with the Watershed Management Plan's of Saint Paul's watershed management organizations. The Metropolitan Council also reviews the local water plans in the Metro Area. The plan was approved by the Capitol Region WD, Ramsey-Washington Metro WD, Lower Mississippi River WMO and Mississippi WMO. The City Council adopted the plan in December of 2006. Water Chavter of the Citv's Comprehensive Plan The City is working on an update to its Comprehensive Plan as required by the Metropolitan Council. This update includes a water chapter, which addresses municipal water supply, surface water management and the sanitary sewer system. The plan was sent to the Met Council in April of 2009. Minnesota Cities Stormwater Coalition Saint Paul is a member of the Minnesota Ciries Stormwater Coalition (MCSC), which was formed in 2006. A city staff person serves on the steering committee for this organization. The mission of the MCSC is to protect Minnesota's water resources by ensuring that the policies, permits, procedures, rules, and legislation adopted by state water resource management agencies and other regulatory enrities are both meaningful and manageable from the perspective of the regulated parties. �[:n[:� 09-571 Watershed Or¢anizations The following briefly describes each organization and provides some of the cooperative efforts between the City and its watershed management organizarion. Many examples of coordinarion can be found throughout this report. The City provides a staff person to coordinate efforts with each of its watershed organizations. A map of St. Paul's watershed management organizations is found in the Appendix. Mississippi Watershed Mana¢ement OrEanizarion (MWMO) The MWMO is a joint powers organization which lies mainly in Minneapolis. Members include the Minneapolis Park and Recrearion Boazd, Minneapolis, St. Anthony Pazk, Lauderdale and St. Paul. A small area in the northwest comer of St. Paul is within the MWMO boundary. Lower Mississinui River Watershed ManaEement Oreanizafion (LMWMO) The LMWMO is a joint powers organization. Members include St. Paul, West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Inver Grove Heights, South St. Paul, Lilydale and Sunfish Lake. The West Side of St. Paul lies within the LMWMO boundary. Ramsev-Washin¢ton Metro Watershed District (RWMWDI The Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District is located in eastem Ramsey and western Washington County. The watershed district is approximately 53 square miles and includes parts of White Beaz Lake, Vadnais Heights, Gem Lake, Little Canada, Maplewood, Landfall, North St. Paul, St. Paul, Oakdale and Woodbury. The following is some of RWMWD's projects with City involvement: • Ciry participates in the Districts Public Works Forum . City is a sponsor of Waterfest each year • City participates in the joint RWMWD and CRWD Technical Advisory Committee for the watershed districts' rule implementation. Caaitol Reeion Watershed District (CRWD) The Capitol Region Watershed District was formed in 1998. The watershed includes parts of St. Paul, Roseville, Maplewood, Lauderdale, Falcon Heights, the State Fairgrounds and the University of Minnesota. The watershed is considered urban and the majority of the area drains to the Mississippi River through storm sewer systems. The following is some of CRWD's projects with City involvement: . Joint monitoring project, which began in 2005 • Arlington/Pascal Stormwater Improvement Project • City participates in the joint RWNIWD and CRWD Technical Advisory Committee for the watershed districts' rule implementation. • The City has a contract with CRWD to provide maintenance and Gopher State locating for the Troutbrook storm sewer system. 17 of 64 09-571 City of Saint Paul's Stormwater Permit Annual Report Department of Public Works June 2008 Appendix 18of64 � 0 N N O N O N O O N T O O N m 0 0 N d � � � m 09-571 V � O m M r O N N O N � � O N O O N W O O N W O O N N m � 3 m � 0 � c � c' c m `o a m � N 09-571 V 0 O O N 09-571 Watershed Inventory Area Population Percent Runoff Watershed WS# (acres) (2000 Census) Impervious Coefficient Beaver Lake 1 278 2,070 31 o.33 Belt Line 2 2,882 30,994 56 0.55 Lake Phalen 3 995 7,626 41 0.42 Trout Brook 4 3,959 37,665 63 0.62 Lake Como 5 1,240 9,753 47 0.47 St. Anthony Park 6 2,467 T3,T40 70 0.68 Phalen Creek 7 1,406 18,418 64 0.62 St. Anthony Hiil 8 2,542 36,410 66 0.64 Griffith/Pt. Douglas 9 458 5,264 63 0.61 W. Kittsondale 10 847 7,732 69 0.67 Urban 11 339 4,491 58 0.57 Battle Creek 12 1,089 8,201 54 0.54 Downtown 13 669 6,097 78 0.75 E. Kittsondale 14 1,870 18,353 64 0.62 Mississippi River Blvd. 15 2,373 27,251 59 0.58 Goodrich/Western 16 424 5,010 64 0.63 Pigs Eye 17 2,995 913 39 �.40 Riverview 18 2,658 14,860 5S 0.57 Highwood 19 1,139 5,216 50 0.50 W. Seventh 20 450 2,543 61 0.60 Crosby 21 1,446 8,804 45 0.45 Davern 22 1,277 6,628 56 0.55 Hidden Falls 23 237 1,263 56 0.55 Total 34,040 278,706 22 of 64 09-571 OutFal I Inventory Outfatl Location Watershed Pipe Size Acres Bridal Veil Creek 005 South of Buford Bridal Veil 42" Mississippi River 010 Eustis St. Anthony Park tunnel 2467 020 Lotus Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 31 030 Marshall Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 121 040 West Kittsondale West Kittsondale tunnel 977 050 Otis Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 14 060 Portland Ave Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 508 070 Summit Miss. River Blvd. 16" cast iron 30 O80 Goodrich Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 456 090 Princetan Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 150 095 Berkeley Miss. River Blvd. 24" 100 Jefferson Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 139 110 Randolph Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 39 115 Hartford Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 580 120 Scheffer Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 8 130 Highland Parkway Miss. River Blvd. tunnel 165 135 Hidden Falls Hidden Falls 48" 269 140 Sheridan Davern tunnel 145 145 West 7th Davern 30" 30 150 Davern Davern tunnel 963 151 Watergate Marina Crosby 21" 23 of 64 09-571 OutFall inventory OutFall Location Watershed Pipe Size Acres 156 Elway Crosby 60" 158 Elway Crosby 90" 820 160 Otto E. Kittsondale tunnel 177 170 Bay E. Kittsondale tunnel 1699 180 Sumac West 7th tunnel 8 190 Drake West 7th tunnel 158 195 Fountain Cave West 7th 42" 39 200 Richmond West 7th 20" 142 201 Richmond West 7th 42" 206 Westem West 7th 30" 98 210 Smith -1992 Good/West tunnel 424 220 Sherman Downtown 48" 41 230 Chestnut Downtown 27" 82 240 Eagle Downtown 3'x5' brick 77 258 9ataFi� abandoned sewwtewa �4 260 Market Downtown 24" 270 St. Peter St. Anthony Hill tunnel 2653 280 Cedar powntown tunnel 290 Minnesota Downtown tunnel 115 295 Robert Downtown tunnel 5 300 Jackson Downtown 36" 27 310 Sibley Downtown 48" 10 3�5 a4laseeta 9ewatewa a-�"- a8 24 of 64 09-571 Outfali Inventory Outfall Location Watershed Pipe Size Acres 320 Broadway Downtown 7'x8' concrete 115 325 Troutbrook Troutbrook dua110' 4025 330 Plum Phalen Creek tunnel 1406 340 Urban Urban 48" brick 328 343 Warner and Childs Pig's Eye 24" 346 Warner and Childs Pig's Eye 18" 350 Beltline (RWMWD's) Beltline 9' 3524 35� eff-6krild's-Read PaQ's-€ye � �54 e#-SMi4d'sReacl P-ig's Eye � � e#�iil�'s Read R+Q's-€�e � 360 Battle Creek Pig's Eye 36" 365 ' Wyoming Riverview 30" culvert 8 380 Page and Barge Ch Rd Riverview 42" 69 385 Robie and Witham Riverview 54" 390 Robie and Kansas Riverview 42" 264 400 Airport Riverview 12" 405 Chester St Riverview tunnel 326 407 Eva St Riverview 36" 410 Custer St Riverview tunnel 188 420 Moses St Riverview 5'6" 95 430 Belle Riverview 2-36"x40" 37 440 Riverview Riverview 2-77"x121" 801 460 Chippewa and Baker Riverview 16" 71 25 of 64 09-571 OutFall Inventory OutFall Location Watershed Pipe Size Acres UpperLake � 152 Springfield Crosby 15" Crosby Lake 153 Rankin Crosby 27" 154 Homer Crosby 30" 155 Leland Crosby 30" Fairview North Pond 500 Tatum & Pierce Butler St. Anthony Park 6' 510 Pierce Butler 8 Aldine St. Anthony Park 54" Lake Como 520 Adington & Chelsea Como 60" 3'10 530 Chatsworth North Como 36" 201 540 Milton North Como 36" 79 550 Parkview East Como 18" 17 560 Ivy East Como 18" 24 570 Wheelock Pkwy East Como 24" 23 580 Rose East Como 36" 30 590 Victoria South Como 30" 49 600 Chatsworth South Como 24" 75 610 Horton West Como 15" ' 311 620 Park West Como 36" 50 26 of 64 09-571 Outfall Inventory Outfail Location Watershed Pipe Size Acres Loeb Lake 630 Jessamine Troutbrook 36" Lake Phalen 680 A�ington West Phalen 72" 380 690 Blomquist South Phalen 36" 71 700 Arlington East Phalen 42" 209 710 between Hoyt & Neb. Phalen 42" 69 720 LarpenteurEast Phalen 84" 17 BeaverLake 726 Lacrosse Beaver 15" 728 Ames Beaver 15" 730 Rose North Beaver 42" 67 740 McKnight North Beaver 21" 22 Suburban Pond --- Suburban & VanDyke (RWMWD's) Battle Creek 102" 750 Suburban & WB Ave Battle Creek 27" 760 Suburban & Hazel Battle Creek 54" Little Pig's Eye Lake 770 near fish hatchery Griffith/Pt. Douglas 72" Pig's Eye Lake 780 Burlington Highwood 66" 784 Winthroo Ca) Lower Afton Hiqhwood 30" 27 of 64 09-571 OutFall Inventory OutFall Location Watershed Pipe Size Acres 786 Mominqsidena LowerAfton Hiahwood 18" 790 Springside Drive Highwood 33" 791 Hiqhwood Hiahwood 48" Battle Creek �g ni o...�� n�..�s c�� $�yy.�yBl 3� 808 Sandralee Battle Creek 24" 810 Ruth Battle Creek 42"&73-1/2" arch 812 Warren Battle Creek 18" 814 Cutler Battle Creek 24" 816 Nelson Battle Creek 24" 818 Winthroo & Larrv Ho Battle Creek 30" 820 Winthrop & N. Park Dr Battle Creek 36" 825 Michael N Battle Creek 33" 826 Michael S Battle Creek 30" 830 McKnight & N. Park Dr Battle Creek 36" 836 A Street Battle Creek 18" 28 of 64 09-571 N d � � t V N a L d ♦+ R 3 E ` N � Q z � � a a � Z N W H J U Q LL � W {� G � {L a � 0 � � W � a Z d m � � R o 3 3 3 t�,7 E rn m o� c c c N R o o �o � m o o � O � U U U m m m m � m m m m m m y � � � c � � c c � c Q fq (q N N � tll N N U � V � � � D 9 � � C C Z Z Z N N C "O � C C � 9 N 0 01 (0 N � N d N L N � � ti t0 N UI � � � R � O � U E ° a U p C �` V 6 N U U � � 3 N � N (0 N N N N N ti U U � m - o c > m � n n � ° C� =' c o � °' £ s o 0 y �e� x o� m m m a�i °—' o � m o 0 7 � � � a c� c9 a �S � ¢ E � � �o o � s L � � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N N N N N iA N y 3 � � � � � � � � � � � N a N C1 N N 1� N � � V m tD 1� � tD s. o 0 0 o Q o o co � � . o 0 9 � � �n d in in i� in s �n u� m in ? in °> � j �n � u� '6 Q �n > � � � r � a � �n N �n 2 u� m �n Q �n m �n Q .- Z Q Z � Z N Z o Z t/7 Z � Z y Z 0 Z -o Z j Z � E � � � � � o � � � s � � � �n � � g c � m � = � 3 � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � � a 3 � � U 3 � � .� � a � a � d � a � a o a m p d � a � a �,.� a o 0. LL N (/J M (n N � M � � (n (h (/J d (n � fn n [n � !n � (/J � � h c -N O U �n U O O �! Q U o N (� L Ol � N G � N L n U O N U � d N y�i V ~ 2 U � Y d E TS � � � L N L 9 G O 3 9 N � O � C - � � F -> I- C L a � t6 y ..@. 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O a N � U � � � 0 .a o f ? � � � � � � cc � � � � O N N M 41 tn ul N N Vl F � � � � � � � � � N N M � � o o � o o ai � o o � o d � � > � � o -� n �i � a' � � N � � Q � � � � m � Q V � � Z W Z O Z � Z N Z (n Z ' Z N O Z � � E � � N � N C G � � L � N � N (6 `L _ � �n - � � m - � - m - �n - � - o� a - •� � '� Z m N ' m > 'm li ' m � m LLj ' " 'm � �yj ' m o w m a o d � d ^ d � d � d ti a a � a �L m a' C (n � (n (O (�7 N� fn N fn .� (/J M (/J 0] M (n m c a d �o� ,� �o a c � a y � � J � m O a� a @ - `o � � �� � @ a d m �y > o m °- � � a � + � � � � y ¢ o U U `o � c � - o p � m � m o m � � � d E a � c� ��' = � --° a�' d in � . 'c U] o N W N � � m a in > > c> > z > � in c.� ni M � rn m o m r v m m � � N (O N O 1+ OJ M O � !_' � N O (O � W N � � � C o O o o O o 0 0 o N i O O O O O O O O O U m z z z z z z z z z z a � � � � � � � � � � 09-571 � 0 M � _ _ _ _- - �' _. � ..N ' 2 u�l % .__. . , �._�____ �__. _ __ � .�o' . '- _` �, o- ' - - - - �°. a , g° - N 5 � u d r.--*' _ _ ' r__I� __..__ �____ .�_' __. >_.:_.`__ �. � _. Q_ -� yq..�. W--� Y W _. .. � - O '—.. .. . .Q - � V -O . . __ q � ..._ .._. . . _ � � -- ; .; _ _� i -_" N�a___ . � - _� F. —_ �- -- ---'S =" �&---- � � � . � ,,.. _ .� -- - --" ," - - 3 -�- �� - ---'-- --- — a - m - � _� __..u_.➢ e� '_ " � m '- - _ ._ .. _ o _ o___ -___..._ o _ "LL .�,--' �' _ a _ �' _ _ a' - _. -.-Q__, _ - � .-�_ - __ _�__ __.". - J_, w o �d ,_. - _-� ��. _ t C.__ ___ -_._Q_- -_-Z'.1 {Z I . ._'� . . _ _ _ _ _ .2_2. _ � , " � a z. = =`: ' _� -, �d'� , _.a ' - - - � � � 2 -��.�- , m - - -- ;.' � V . �� k a o z u$ - .- z� _ a� > p'.i W : � . .� N�e u a Y r u F� � i ' l� C ' �� x � :; � � s- r v Q w t- �x i C � > �, r = ' � � '� C `� �'+�1 i C � �k } i : . rc ' "� "�aT 4 „ ��� , , < _. , ;, � ��. s .:.D" _' . �"a_. `, , �, _ � � � i j v N W Q � � .�. 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Q � � � � � ..:_ - � ._,'. . � -, � _ .-� ;, J . . ,�' = LL.' , .... . . . .. � . � �_ . � � O �" '._ . ...:_ _ . ._ - _. , �:.. � �......��� , v.. .. � O G 4 a N , Y : a' a � J � � � a ` � f L N n. a 0 r a 2 01 � O � o a � t7 � a t� .'� � ) w v � � o � c ° m � o a c� a ti � W o � E � S:E Ea +° - m o � o Q mt]m ti z��. 9 09-571 City of Saint Paul Storm Water Ponding Area Iaventory Ponding Area Drainage Population Pond Storage Area 2000 Area Capacity (acres) Census (acres) (Acre-feet Arlington/Arkwrigfit 3023 4001 5 20.4 Arlington/Jackson 699.4 6562 14.5 75.6 Atwater/Western 1273 1230 2.7 13.3 Birminghaw/Minnehaha 41.0 457 0.9 2.5 Birminghaw/York 146.5 2050 22 9.5 Crosby Business Pazk 39.6 198 1 5.52 Crosby Ouflet 866.0 6295 5.5 40.6 Etna/Third 244.0 2457 4.7 25.1 Flandrau/Case 95.2 1331 0.7 3 Flandrau/Hoyt 479.5 4582 1.9 20.8 HazellNokomis 73.0 511 23 63 HazeURoss 67.8 949 4 3.8 Pleasant View 164.5 2053 23 14.5 Sims/Agate 174.6 1357 5.3 12.8 Sylvan/Acker 376.9 3617 2.1 119 Terrace Ct./Whitall 4.7 28 0.5 0.5 Westminister/Mississippi 123.4 1912 22 10.1 WheelockPazkway I 19.0 265 13 1.7 Wildview/T.enox 193 111 0.73 2.2 Willow Reserve 372.1 3669 203 42.6 Total 44362 43633.6 Drainage area only includes azea in St. Paul. Storage capacity is for a 100 year storm in acre-feet. _ _ Cc_ll�,a•� 09-571 Storm Water Ponding Areas by Wate�shed Area BeaverLake None Beit Line Birmingham/Minnehaha Birmingham/York EtnalThird Flandrau/Hoyt Flandrau/Case HazellNokomis Hazel/Ross Hillcrest Knoll (Hoyt/Montana) Lake Phalen Arlington/English Phalen Golf Course Pond Trout Brook Arlington/Jackson Arlington/Arkwright AtwaterlVUestern Sims/Agate Sylvan/Acker Terrace Ct./Whitall Westmi nster/Mississippi Wheelock Parkway Willow Reserve Lake Como Como Golf Course Ponds St. Anthony Fairvew/North Park Highway 280 SnellinglMnDOT Phalen Creek None St. Anthony Hili None Griffith/ None Pt. Douglas W, Kittsondale None Urban None Battle Creek Battle Creek Surburban Avenue Downtown None 35 of 64 09-571 E. Kittsondale Mississippi River Blvd. Goodrich/ Westem Pigs Eye Riverview Highwood W.Seventh Crosby Davern Hidden Falls Pleasant View None None None None Totem Town Wildview/Lenox None Crosby Business Park Crosby Outlet None None 36 of 64 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets City of Saint Paul Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets Search Parameters Start Date: O1/Ol/2008 End Date: 12/3112008 Results Asset Description Id 0495610 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Arkwright 0495610 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Arkwright 0495610 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Arkwright 0495610 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Arkwright 0495610 0495610 04956ll Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 0495611 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 0495611 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 0495611 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 04956ll Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 04956ll Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 0495611 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 0495611 Stormwater Pond - Arlington / Jackson 04956ll 0495611 Service Request No 0810695 0818272 0818909 0826751 0810705 0812792 0814489 0818273 Created Problem Description 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/06/2008 CHECK POND 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 08/13/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS & OUTLETS 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/22/2008 CLEAN GRATES OS/06/2008 CHECK POND 06/06/2008 CHECK POND 0818907 06/11/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS & OUTLETS 0824472 07/24/2008 CLEAN GRATES 0830090 09J11l2008 CLEAI�3 POND INLETS & OUTLETS 0833566 10l1312008 CLEAN INLETS AND OUTLETS 0495612 Stormwater Pond - 0810709 Atwater 1 Western 0495612 Stormwater Pond - 0819021 Atwater ( Western 0495612 Stormwater Pond - 0827144 Atwater / Western 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/ll/2008 CLEAN GRATES 09 P�1 of 8 08/15/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 37 of 6A Amount 91.71 160.88 45.74 102.53 400.86 137.57 109.66 96.38 80.44 149.88 188.67 102.53 137.20 1002.33 36.56 40.23 99.51 http;ilcmms.ci.sipaul.mn.uslreports/utillcgi-binlrunReport.pl?start_date=01%2F01 %2F200... 4I10/2009 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets 0495612 0495612 0495613 Stormwater Pond - Benson / Springfield 0495613 Stormwater Pond - Benson / Springfield 0495613 0495613 0495614 Stormwater Pond - Biimingham / Minnehaha 0495614 Stormwater Pond - Birmingham / Minnehaha 0495614 Stormwater Pond - Binniugham / Minnehaha 0495614 Stormwater Pond - Birmingham / Minnehaha 0495614 Stormwater Pond - Binningham / Minnehaha 0495614 0495614 0495615 Stormwater Pond - Binningham / York 0495615 Stormwater Pond - Bumingham / York 0495615 Stormwater Pond - Birmingham / York 0495615 Stormwater Pond - Birmingham / York 0495615 0495615 0495616 Stormwater Pond - Burg / E of Stinchfield 0495616 Stormwater Pond - Burg / E of Stinchfield 0495616 Stormwater Pond - Burg / E of Stinchfield 0445616 Stormwater Pond - Burg / E of Stinchfield 0495616 0495616 0495617 Stormwater Pond - Bush / Desoto 0495617 Stormwater Pond - Bush / Desoto 0495617 Stormwater Pond - Bush / Desoto 0810712 0819039 0810720 0813372 1: :.. 0826975 0833590 0810722 1: :.. 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRAT'ES 04/25/2008 CHECK POND 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 0 ��� of 8 176.30 36.56 80.44 117.00 36.56 53.96 120.67 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND IlVLETS AND OUTLETS 10/13/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/ll/2008 CLEAN GRATES 0826972 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUT'LETS 0833588 10/13/2008 CLEAN GRATES 0810725 1: •111 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 0826993 OS/14/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 0836585 11/10/2008 CLEAN GRATES. 0810729 0819013 0827002 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CL$AN GRATES 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 38 af 64 102.53 44.27 357.99 36.56 69.44 153.80 28.70 288.50 73.10 92.42 51.27 99.51 31630 73:10 40.23 102.53 http://cmms.ci.stpaul.mn.us/reports/utiUcgi-bin/zuuReport.pl?start_date=01 %2F01 %2F200... 4l10/2009 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets 0495617 0495617 0495618 Stormwater Pond - Crosby Business Park 0495618 Stormwater Pond - Crosby Business Park 0495618 0495618 0495619 Stormwater Pond - Crosby Outlets 0495619 Stormwater Pond - Crosby Outlets 0495619 0495619 0495620 Stormwater Pond - Etna ! Third 0495620 Stormwater Pond - Etna I Third 0495620 Stormwater Pond - Etna / Third 0495620 Stormwatez Pond - Etna / Third 0495620 Stormwater Pond - Etna / Third 0495620 0495620 0495621 Stormwater Pond - Fairview North 0495621 Stormwater Pond - Fairview North 0495621 0495621 0495622 Stormwater Pond - Flandrau Case 0495622 Stormwater Pond - Flandrau Case 4495622 Stormwater Pond - Flandrau Case 0495622 0495622 0495623 Stormwater Pond - Fumess Pkwy / Hoyt 0495623 Stormwater Pond - Fumess Pkwy / Hoyt 0495623 Stormwater Pond - Fumess Pkwy / Hoyt 0495623 0495623 0495624 Stormwater Pond - Hazel / Nokomis 0495624 Stormwater Pond - Hazel / Nokomis 0810732 0819036 0810733 1: '1 0810734 1: :�. 0 ��3 of 8 215.86 73.10 80.44 153.54 73.10 80.44 153.54 36.56 243.89 0826615 08/12/2008 GARBAGE DUMPED IN OR NEAR DETENTION POND Q826980 08(14(2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 0833592 1Of1312008 CLEAN GRATES 0810735 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES FOR HOLDING POND 0819040 06f11f2008 CLEAN GRATES FOR HOLDING POND 0810737 0818930 0833570 0810756 0818278 081892b 0810758 0818931 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/1I/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 10/13l2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/06/2008 CHECK POND 06/11l2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06f l ll2008 CLEAI3 GRATES 39 of 64 75.12 102.53 99.51 557.61 7310 80.44 153.54 91.�1 31291 91.46 496.08 45.86 120.67 91.46 257.99 73.10 149.88 http:!/cmms.ci.stpaulmn.us/reportsfutil(cgi-bin/runReport.pl?start_date=� 1 %2F01%2F2�0... 4(10/2�09 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets 0495624 Stormwater Pond - Hazel / Nokomis 0495624 0495624 0495625 Stormwater Pond - Hazel / Ross 0495625 Stormwater Pond - Hazet / Ross 0495625 Stormwater Pond - Hazei ( Ross 0495625 Stormwater Pond - Hazel / Ross 0495625 Stormwater Pond - Hazel / Ross 0495625 Stormwater Pond - Hazel ! Ross 0495625 0495625 0495626 Stormwater Pond - High Bridge - East 0495626 Stormwater Pond - High Bridge - East 0495526 Stormwater Pond - High Bridge - East 0833571 08I0759 1' :'1' 0818933 10/13l2008 CLEAN GRATES 0495626 0495626 0495627 Stormwater Pond - High $ridge - West 0495627 Stormwater Pond - High Bridge - West 0495627 Stormwater Pond - High Bridge - West 0495627 0495627 0495628 Stormwater Pond - Hillcrest Knoll 0495628 Stormwater Pond - Hillcrest Knoll 0495628 Stormw$ter Pond - Hillcrest Knoll 0495628 0495628 0495629 Stormwater Pond - $unting Valley / Doswell 0495629 Stormwater Pond - Hunting Valley / Doswell 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06l10/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11l2008 CLEAN GRATES 0820493 06/23/2008 RESET MH FRAME ON STRUCTL7RE. IN POND 0826789 08/13/2008 CLEAN GRATES 0833572 0810761 10/13/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES O Rag�� of 8 y3 91.46 314.44 36.56 172.68 80.44 32.35 153.80 88.51 56434 36.56 0819026 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES EAST/WEST 0827146 08/15/2008 CLEAN BOTH PONDS EAST / WEST, INLETS AND OUTLETS 0810762 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRAT'ES 0819026 06/] 1/2008 CI.EAN GRATES EAST/WEST 0827146 08/15/2008 CLEAN BOTH PONDS EAST / WEST, INLETS AND OUTLETS 0810763 0818277 1: :� . 0810765 08190,43 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/06/2008 CHECK POND 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 40 of 64 4022 49.76 126.54 36.56 40.22 49.76 126.54 45.86 126.17 91.46 263.49 73.10 104.17 http://cinms.ci.stpaul.mn.us/reports/uril/cgi-bin/runReport.pl?start_date=01 %2F01 %2F200... 4/10/2009 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets 0495629 0495629 0495630 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - East 0495630 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - East 0495630 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - East 0495630 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Slvd / Burz - East 0810775 1: 'II$ 1: .... 0836595 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES TWO PONDS 08/14/2008 CLEAN BOTH PONDS INLETS A1�SD OUTLETS ll/10/2008 CLEAN GRATES. 0495630 0495630 0495631 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - West 0495631 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - West 0495631 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - West 0495631 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Burr - West 0495631 0495631 0495632 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Earl 0495632 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Eazl 0495632 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Earl 0495632 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Earl 0495632 0495632 0495634 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Johnson Pkwy 0495634 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Jolmson Pkwy 0495634 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Johnson Pkwy 0495634 Stormwater Pond - 0810776 0819006 1: .... 0836595 0810784 0819003 � '-:� " � 1' 0826993 08J1412008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 0836592 11/10/2008 CLEAN GRATE5. 0810785 0819002 1: .". 0836590 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/ll/2008 CLEAN GRATES TWO PONDS 08/14/2008 CLEAN BOTH PONDS INLETS AND OUTLETS 11I1012008 CLEAN GRATES. 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06111l2008 CLEAN GRATES 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND OUTLETS ANA INLETS 11/10/2008 CLEAN GRATES. A1 of 64 177.27 36.56 20.12 56.77 46.23 159.67 36.56 20.12 56.77 46.23 159.67 36.56 40.23 51.27 70.63 198.69 36.56 40.23 51.27 36.32 http://cmms.ci.stpaul.mn.us/reports/utiUcgi-bin/runReport.pl?start_date=01%2F01 %2F200... 4/10/2009 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets Phalen Blvd / Johnson Pkwy 0495634 Q495634 0495635 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Karl Neid 0495635 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Karl Neid 0495635 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Kazl Neid 0495635 Stormwater Pond - Phalen Blvd / Karl Neid 0495635 0495635 0495636 Stormwater Pond - Pleasant/ View 0495636 Stormwater Pond - Pleasant / View 0495636 Stormwater Pond - Pleasant / View 0495636 0495636 0495637 Stormwater Pond - Puchreiter Pond 049563� Stormwater Pond - Puchreiter Pond 0495637 Stormwater Pond - Puchreiter Pond 0495637 Stormwater Pond - Puchreiter Pond 0495637 Stormwater Pond - 0830093 Puchreiter Pond 0495637 Stormwater Pond - Puchreiter Pond 0495637 0495637 0495638 Stormwater Pond - Sims / Agate 0495638 Stormwater Pond - Sims / Agate 0495638 Stormwater Pond - Snns / Agate 0495638 0495638 0495639 Stormwater Pond - 0810790 Sylvan / Acker 09P�� 6 of 8 0810786 0819004 0826998 0836594 0810787 0819023 0827145 0810788 0812796 0818906 0826756 0833569 0810789 0819017 0827142 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRA1'ES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 11/10/2008 CLEAN GRATES. 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/20Q8 CLEAN GRATES 08/15/2008 CLEAN POND IlVLETS AND OUTLETS 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/22/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 PUCHREITER POND CLEAN INLETS AND OUTLETS 08/13/2008 PUCHREITER POND CLEAN INLETS AND OUTLETS 09/11/2008 PUCHREITER POND CLEAN INLETS AND OUTLETS 10/13/2008 PUCHREITER POND CLEAN INLETS AND OUTLETS 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 08f15/2008 CLEAN POND IlVLETS t1ND OUTLETS 04/04/2008 CLEAN GRATES 164.38 36.56 40.23 102.53 3532 214.64 7310 92.42 244.77 41029 91.71 279.04 ll5.17 102.53 205.05 4024 833.74 36_56 40.23 102.53 17932 73.10 a2 of 64 hrip://cmms.ci.stpaul.mn.us/reports/utiUcgi-bin/runReport.pl?start date=01%2F01%2F200... 4/10/2009 Cost of Work performed on storm pond assets 0495639 Stormwater Pond - Sylvan / Acker 0495639 Stormwater Pond - Sylvan / Acker 0495639 Stormwater Pond - Sylvan I Acker 0445639 0445634 0495640 Stormwater Pond - Terrace Ct / Whitall 0495640 Stormwater Pond - Terrace Ct 1 Whitall 0495640 Stormwater Pond - Terrace Ct / Whitall 0495640 Stonnwater Pond - Terrace Ct ! Whitall 0495640 0495640 0495641 Stormwater Pond - Westminster 1 Mississippi 0495641 Stormwater Pond - Weshninsterl Mississippi 0495641 Stormwater Pond - Westminster / Mississippi 0495641 Stormwater Pond - Westminster / Mississippi 0495641 0445641 0495642 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - Lower 0445642 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - Lower 0495642 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - Lower 0495642 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - Lower 0495642 0495642 0495643 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - 0819018 0820754 0827143 0811012 0819010 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES O , Y P�e 1 7 of 8 y-J / 120.67 06/24/2008 MEET EXEL AND MOVE CONCRETE CASTINGS OFF GATE BOX. 08/15/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRAT'ES 06/I 1/2008 CLEAN GRAT'ES 0827000 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 0830557 09/16/2008 REPAIR HOLE IN CHAIN LINK FENCE AT TERRACE CT. POND 0811014 0818275 0818915 0826754 0811015 0818274 1: :. . 0826757 0811016 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/06/2008 CHECK POND 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 08/13/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06l06l2008 CHECK POND Ob11112008 CLEAN GRATES 08/13/2008 UPPER & L,OWER----CLEAN POND INLETS & OUTLETS 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRATES 43 of 64 250.18 99.51 543.46 36.56 74.94 102.53 112.68 326.71 45.86 80.44 45.74 51.27 223.31 45.86 40.22 45.74 51.27 183.09 45.86 http://cmms.ci.stpaul.mn.us/reports/utiUcgi-bin/runReport.pl?start_date=01 %2F01 %2F200... 4/10/2009 Cost of Work perfomic� on storm pond assets Upper 0495643 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - Upper 0495643 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy - Upper 0495643 Stormwater Pond - Wheelock Pkwy ; Upper 0495643 0495643 0495644 Stormwater Pond - Wildview / Lenox 0495644 Stormwater Pond - Wildview / Lenox 0495644 Stormwater Pond - Wildview / Lenox 0495644 Stormwater Pond - Wildview / Lenox 0495644 Stormwater Pond - Wildview / Lenox 0495644 0495644 0495645 Stormwater Pond - Willow Reserve 0495645 Stormwater Pond - Willow Reserve 0495645 0495645 0496004 Stormwater Pond - Highwood / Oak Bluff 0496004 Stormwater Pond - Highwood / Oak BIuff 0496004 Starmwater Pond - Highwood / Oak Bluff 0496004 0496004 Grand Total Number Of Rows: 169 0818274 0818911 0826757 0811017 0812826 /: :•'. 0826992 08/14/2008 CLEAN POND INLETS AND OUTLETS 0836582 11/10/2008 CLEAN GRATES. 0811018 0819045 0811019 0827091 08/15/2008 CLEAN POND INLET AND OUTLET 0836583 11/10/2008 CLEAN GRATES. 06/06/2008 CHECK POND 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRAT'ES 0���/� afs 08/13/2008 UPPER & LOWER----CLEAN POND INLETS & OUTLETS 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/22/2008 INSTALL SIGN 06/11l2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRATES 06/11/2008 CLEAN GRATES 04/08/2008 CLEAN GRATES View as Excel Printed On: 04/10/2009 «sc:n 4022 45.74 5127 183.09 7310 4638 92.44 14830 105.01 514.23 73.10 104.17 177.27 73.10 153.80 156.90 383.80 11075.39 http://cmms.ci.stpaul.mn.us/reports/uriUcgi-bin/runReport.pl?start_date=01 %2F01 %2F200... 4/10/2009 09-571 2008 OutFall Inspection Summary Date Watershed Outfall # Outfall Location Narrative 10/2008 Miss. R. 010 Eustis No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 020 Lotus No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 030 Marshall Needs riprap. 10/2008 Miss. R. 040 West Kittsondale No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 050 Otis End off of outlet. 10/2008 Miss. R. 060 Portland Ave Six feet of bottom gone. 10/2008 Miss. R. 070 Summit No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 080 Goodrich Repaired in 2005. 10/2008 Miss. R. 090 Princeton Repaired in 2005. 10/2008 Miss. R. 095 Berkeley Rebar exposed. 10/2008 Miss. R. 100 Jefferson Repaired in 2005. 10/2008 Miss. R. 110 Randolph No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 115 Hartford No maintenance required. 10/2005 Miss. R. 120 Scheffer Repaired in 2005. 10l2008 Miss. R. 130 Highland Parkway 8 feet undermined. 10l2008 Miss. R. 135 Hidden Falls No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 140 Sheridan No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 145 West 7th (MnDOT) No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 150 Davem No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 151 Watergate Marina No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 156 Elway No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 158 Elway No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 160 Ot10 No maintenance required. 1�l2008 Miss. R. 17� Bay No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 180 Sumac No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 190 Drake No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 195 Fountain Cave Undermined, needs riprap. 10/2008 Miss. R. 200 Richmond No maintenance required. 10/2005 Miss. R. 201 Richmond No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 206 Westem No maintenance required. 45 of 64 09-571 2008 Outfall Inspection Summary Date Watershed Outfall # Outfall Location Narrative 10/2008 Miss. R. 210 Smith No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 220 Sherman No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 230 Chestnut No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 240 Eagle No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 260 Market No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 270 St. Peter Reconstructed in 2003. 10/2008 Miss. R. 280 Cedar Reconstructed in 2003. 10/2008 Miss. R. 290 Minnesota Reconstructed in 2003. 10/2008 Miss. R. 295 Robert Gate gone. 10/2008 Miss. R. 300 Jackson No mainfenance required. 10l2008 Miss. R. 310 Sibtey No maintenance required. 10/200 Miss. R. 320 Broadway No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 325 Troutbrook No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 330 Phalen Creek No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 340 Urban Needs repair both sides. 10/2008 Miss. R. 343 Wamer and Childs No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 346 Wamer and Childs No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 350 Beltline (RWMWD) No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 360 Battle Creek No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 365 Wyoming No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 380 Page and Barge Ch Rd No maintenance required. 1Q/2008 Miss. R. 385 Concord (MnDOT) Rerouted in 2006. 10/2008 Miss. R. 387 Concord New in 2006. 70/2008 Miss. R. 390 Robie Rerouted in 2006. 10/2008 Miss. R. 400 Airport No maintenance required. t0/2005 Miss. R. 405 Chester St No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 407 Eva St No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 410 Custer St No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 420 Moses St No maintenance required. 10/2008 Miss. R. 430 Belle No maintenance required. 46 of 64 47 of 64 09-571 2008 OutFall Inspection Summary 09-571 St. Paul Water Quality Education Project 2008 Final Report Submitted by Friends of the Mississippi River November 30, 2008 Storm Drain Stenciline In 2008 Friends of the Mississippi River coordinated the stencilittg of 2,951 storm drains and the distribution of 10,953 door hangers in partnership with 1,368 volunteers from school groups, community groups, and residents ofthe City of St. Paul, conh 2,799 hours of volunteer work. A list of groups and event dates with goals achieved is attached to this report. Storm drain stenciling was promoted using the following means: • Recruitment through Saint Paul Public School (SPPS) Community Resource Specialists • Spring flyer and email communication to St. Paul schools in FMR database • Presentation to teachers attending spring 2008 NPS Big River Journey teacher workshop • Presentation to teachers attending fall 2008 NPS Big River Joumey teacher workshop • Posting on FMR's website, and announcements in FMR's email newsletter Mississippi Messages • Brochures available at tabled events: Gorge Stewards Kickoff Event, Target Environmental Fair, Earth Day Cleanup, Lake Pflalen Water Festival, FMR-sponsored workshops FMR staff coordinated the purchase, storage and maintenance of storm drain stenciling supplies and door hangers for the 2008 season. Educarional Proeramming FMR staff provided a 20-60 minute educarional progran�/orientarion on urban runoff pollution to each of the 52 St. Paui stenciling groups. Staff atso made 11 exira education presentaUons to 338 students from 1] schools in order to provide lessons designed to enhance the educarional impact of the stenciling activity. Extended water quality lessons are group-specific and classroom-driven, but may include demonstrations, experimentations, or discussions about any of the foltowing: the water cycle; wastewater; storm water management; non-point source pollution prevenfion; urban lawn and gazden care; or the role of plants in water quality. Students may observe and trace the movement of water on land and pavement or learn about innovative approaches to managing storm water runoff. Presentations were made to the following groups: • Lake Phalen Water Festival (approacimately 100 participants) • Children's Water Festival (9 classrooms of 5`�' graders, 7 presentations, 225 students) ' • St Paul Academy Service Leamers (1 classroom, 26 students) • Humboldt h HS, with Eco Educarion (3 classraoms of 7�' graders, 3 presentations, 87 students) 2008 Water Quality Education Project Report Page 1 of 3 48 of s4 09-571 Litter Pick-uu FMR staff coordinated 2 litter pick-up events, one in spring and one in fall, with the Public Interest Research Crroup from Macalester College. FMR provided gloves and bags, and coordinated trash collection through the City of St Paul Pazks and Recreation Department. A third cleanup that was scheduled with Twin Ciries Academy in October was cancelled due to weather. • May 3, 2008 - Macalester College Public Interest Research Group, and FMR volunteers - Mississippi Blvd, north of Lake St (12 participants) • October 11, 2008 - Macalester College Public Interest Research Group — Mississippi Blvd & Summit Ave (10 participants) Communitv Workshons FMR staff presented the watershed protection workshop Gardening for a Rainy Day: Native Plants, Rain Gardens, & Lawncare for Water Qualiry. Karen Solas, River Stewazdship Coordinator, Karen Schik, Restoration Ecologist, and Sara Muchowski, Program Assistant, co- presented workshops focusing on urban homeowner education. Alternative lawncare practices, landscaping with native plant species, the proper use of lawn fertilizer, rain barrels, backyard composting, and soil testing were discussed using a powerpoint presentation. Staff also introduced the concept of zain gardens and provided information about resources for homeowners interested in exploring this as an innovative stormwater management technique. A variety of printed materials and resource information was made available to participants to take home. For the first time this year, PMR partnered with MWMO and Fortin Consulting to present a Winter Watershed Workshop with which emphasized environmental impacts of various winter home and yard maintenance options, including de-icer selection, application rates and snow removal methods, plus some spring planning for raingardens. The content was presented to 64 community members at three workshops in 5t. Paul: • St. Anthony Pazk Library, March 13, 2008 (28 participants) • Mississippi Mazket Co-op, Selby location, 7une 11, 2008 (22 participants) • Como Park Senior High School, through St Paul Community Ed, October 1, 2008 (14 participants) Additionally, one workshop was presented to 25 employees of Twin Cities United Way at the Minneapolis Headquarters on June 18, 2008. Planning for the workshops included reseazch on city stormwater permitting; site selection and soil excavation for rain gazdens; and biological control in residential gardens. Staff also compiled a host of printed materials to be distributed at the workshops. Participants for the workshop were recruited using the following means: • Announcement on the Current Mississippi River Forum online posting • Emailing to all St. Paul neighborhood contacts 2008 Water Quality Education Project Report Page 2 of 3 49 of 64 09-571 • Emailing to all St. Paui FMR contacts • Emailing to gazden clubs • Emailing to West Side gardeners and community advocates via Commuttiry Neighborhood Housing Services and West Side Safe • Emailing to all St. Pau1 city council members and planning dishicts • Posting on FMR's website and announcements in FMR's Mississippi Messages • Press releases via fax and/or email to one daily an@ two non-daily newspapers • Flyers and reminder slips in Mississippi Mazket locations, coffee shops and libraries. • Announcements on various online event calendars: Mississippi National River and Recreation Area/National Pazk Service, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, MNOEA's Next Step, Mississippi Market online. Rain Garden Workshous FMR staff planned and coordinated two rain garden workshops for community members, Putting Down Roots: Rain Gardens in Residenrial Settings. Landscape ecologist Shawn Tracy from the Associarion of Metropolitan Soil and Water Conservation Districts led the workshops. The preseutarion included information on where a rain garden should be placed, soil preparation, plant selecrion, and other nuances of rain garden construction. Printed materials about rain gardens and other related topics were made available for participants to talce home. Rain garden workshops were presented to 46 community members at two St. Paul locations: • Battle Creek Community Recreation Center, November 12, 2008 (18 participants) • Hallie Q. Brown Community Center, November 20, 2008 (28 participants) FMR also hosted a tour of St. Paul rain gazdens on September 14, 2008, co-led by Elizabeth Storey of Capitol Region Watershed District and Shawn Tracy of the Association of Metropolitan Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The tour featured rain garclens constntcted in a subwatershed of Como Lake as part of the Arlington Pascai Stormwater Improvement Project, as well as the demonstrafion rain gazden outside the Eco Experience building on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. 40 community members attended the tour, and a handmade rain barrel donated by Capitol Region Watershed District was raffled and given to one attendee. 2008 Water Quality Education Project Report Page 3 of 3 50 of 64 09-571 � �/ PLE.�SE I}t)h `T POEGUTE �: ll&�IIS TO »= �tISSISSIPPI BI{'ER Have you seen this message neara storm drain? Co�wtirywlunr�en 6xve pa:tad dus no on sami �++f� m yrnu:�ei¢fibo�haoci to m�ri;dpau tn keeFyo➢u�sus Mtinc sveeG, dmreways and stidewa6:s znd uut ofsin[m dra3ss. Smrxm tlrainz aee part af tim storm sewar eys Yem wfiici+ cariiss waYe iram rairdyl arxl s�ow- me�c aFrecNy s.«n your rre;ga,nornooa en our locai siven, Iakes, sYreams and weQands. T.tiswazecbeivme pdiwai whenit gicks uP� thalg� Lke grass rliPVL'ffi, kaves,Fe i.dde. motmsil,�a�za3pM rdneax�itlwahes i themiMOHOandcwu .� JO w, �#L'mem@IeP ... Navor d�mtp ar�ytkaing inta a smrm tlearnC Stoiar-vater 553ZM ireate3 bpziwsteavxfen ma {merti p1an5, aau711resclomiiis � dimt xmile fra p¢1lutanieio /, GR1IC3 011(1�2ltlia'8V6. �du. �#58t �OE7 ��[7 ... Rise zaro.,pfiospFtqess fa-R}➢zer atv� faRow propzr aW#iaax3wr yracmtlunes. Swesp sprAle<i fen5kiaer off of F'ved swfaaas. Avo-id ¢esiici+ies ancF n2ixer tavm d�smicafe or xiae ihem x.esyonsitNy- kceg ikem aEf o4 paved sur:ases. Xe.up teavas s�W grass cYipp7ngs v�R ot the sYmex - aomposi ar ttrem for dispcsat. Kaep �wtiv vaAi+�ae 4�msd tip znd ctnars u{r asrV n51 (eaks ar spi;ts bam graved s�rfaces YOash ypart csr aa xhe le�i w ac a canaraskx--.tao€ in xt:e driveway or x�rcet ��� FSak up pei vaastes Dm�3 tnsee i}ESpuse oC pacnz and aNrec 4auxaimtd kaaaaMaeu svss¢es praperty . N€V£R dotm a s.wm draint Yae nwre ivommfiw'� on i.oav w 8is]wse Nox xecrde ynrd Msms�uix3 hzazrdmis•HZqry- ca�a �s�alsaa-e�sv T. volimterr fo� !hr sta�.m ctrzin si�suiling pc� undi Fricrc3saf fne hfissi:�ppi Ri��e� G'dl`1 #i5"EI`,C2�a-r''��93 c7o-sfoxsm-a inj ore Cl710* St. PazxC PxLlfc'+4nr`.� rs i h�6vice[s oj Nie, i�3ists:s'#�}.i 32;uer. .. ,,.r....,,.....� _..s, a �.<_.,_..x � _ o.a. �:e,�..as �+: �+pxr� 5 I of 64 09-571 The ��Minnesota Water - Let's Keep It Clean!" Media Campaign Z008 Program Report h5tnvrSa�lrh tcAtcF LE7`S Si£EP CT CL£AN ., .i'F'c_..,..�'-b's_,. - .�,.. ' d' , ""....,. Lia;x ',._ - .. � _ � , _ ,- -- � -� ..._, . ;tf F F9[S[K1 09-571 The ��Minnesota Water — Let's Keep It Clean!" 2008 Media Campaign Report Introduction The "Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep It Clean!" campaig� is a stormwater education collaboration of citles, counties, and water management organizations. By working together we have developed and delivered innovative stormwater educational materials to a broad audience. Our collaboration has allowed us the opportuniry to use a variety of inedia, including television and billboards, more effectively and extensively than would not be possible for any of us individually. Metro WaterShed Partners M i�� ESOTA �VATf R LET'S KEEP IT CLEAN The "Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep It Clean!" campaign is a sub-committee of the Metro WaterShed Parmers. Metro WaterShed Partners is a coalition of more than fifty public, private and non-profit organizations in the Twin Cities metro area. Through collaborative educational outreach, the Partnexs promote public understanding that inspires people to take action to protect and improve their local water resources. Since 1996, the Partners have cooperated through educational pxojects, networking, and resource sharing. More information is available on the Metro WaterShed Partners website at: httn://www.hamline.edu/education/ceee site/WaterShedPartners/index.html Media Campaign Leadership Friends of ihe Mississippi River and Hamline University's Centei for Global Envixonsnental Education (CGEE) partnered to manage the 2008 "Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep It Clean!" campaign. Lead staff were Trevor Russell, Watershed Program Director with Friends of the Mississippi River; and Jana Larson with the Center for Global Environmental Education. The woxk of the "Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep It Clean!" campaign is guided by a subcommittee of Metro WaterShed Partners. The 2008 campaign sub-committee includes a diverse mix of stormwatec education professional from cities, wateisheds, non-profit organlzations, and govemment agencies: John Bilotta - Northland NEMO (Non-Point Education for Municipal Officials) Jen Dullum - City of Farmington Angie Hong - Washington Conservatian District Jana Lazson - Hamline University (adrninistrator) Carrie Mack - Ramsey-Washington Metro Wat�rshed District Tcevot Russell - Friends of the Mississippi Rivex (coordinator) Elizabeth Storey - Capitol Region Watershed District Lyndon Torstenson - National Park Service, Mississippi National River & Recreation Area Mazgie Vigoren - City of Plymouth Anne Weber - City of St. Paul ; ., _� .. 53 of 64 09-571 2008 Aceomplishments In 2008, the "Minnesota Water — Let's Keep It Clean!"- campaign conducted a variety of stormwater pollution prevention educarion and outreach activities. From our TV, radio and billboard campaigns to Yhe completion of phase I of the www.cleanwatermn.ore redesign, our 2008 campaign has been a great success! Throughout the yeaz the "Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep It Ciean!" campaign created an estimated 11;368,340 total impressions across multiple media formats, in addition to our PSAs at the Minnesota State Fair and our www.cleanwaterma.org online activities. Radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Twins Radio Network Dates: Apri129�' to July 6�", 2008 Ptacements: 115 in-gazne ads, along wiih in-game scoreboard messages during all May home games in 2008. Total Investment: $16,900.00 �� ,, �;� +., �' Altemating between a male and female voice for each announcement, the following ad played daring Minnesota Twins baseball games: 'Rummmmm (lawnmowersound) Wherr mowingkeepgrars clippings offofstreets cmd ozrt ofstorm drains. Clippings contain phosphorus and that turns lakes and rivers green with algae. Cleaner streets mean cleaner water for all Minnesotans. Yisit "clean-water-m-n-dot-org' The ad played during aIl NIN twins baseball games from Aprit 29` to July 6" in 2008. These radio ads made an estimated 2,681,300 impzessions during the campaign. 1VIN Public Radio Dates: May 2008 Placements: 26 fifteen-second ads on Minnesota Public Radio News (KNOW 91.1FM) & streaming online `gateway' ads on KNO W and 89.3 The Cturent. Total Investment: $7,700.00 , � r t]17k�l�'io7A �� �a�-���=� s� p�7etiCRAiSKf � Twenty-six 15-second ads were aired on Minnesota Public Radio News during the following programs: • 4 PSAs: Moming Edition (Monday tbrough Friday - 6:OOam — 9:OOam) • 6 PSAs: Midmorning with Carrie Miller (Monday through Friday - 9:OOam-11:OOam) • 6 PSAs: Midday with Gary Eichten (Monday tkuough Friday - 11:OOam — 3:OOpm) • 3 PSAs: All Things Considered (Monday througJi Friday - 3:OOpm — 7:OOpm) • 7 PSAs: Evening program (Monday — Sunday — 8:OOpm to 10:00pm An estimated 200,000 listeners heazd these messages, during May. In addition, ow streaming online `gateway' ads on T'he C�crent (893) MPS and Windows Media Piayer formats reached an estimated 103,400 impressions. Our online `gateway' ads on KNOW (91.1) produced an additiona132,920 impressions. Total impressions for our May 2008 MPR campaign were 336,320. l �fi�7.._.r.., .... �c� .. .._._. _., �..�. *i':.: , r �' "; ,e �,.:�; ���� 54 of 64 09-571 Television Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Comcast Cable Television PSAs Dates: Septembez 22"'to October 26�' 2008 Placemenu: Multiple Total Inveshnent: $19,996.00 �omcast SP :�TLIGHT Our 2008 Comcast Spodight campaign made an estimated 1,964,000 impressions with viewers 18-yeazs of age and older. We ran more than 200 30-seconds ads on the following networks: The Discovery Channel, Home & Garden Televislon, The History Channel, The Bravo Netwark, CNN, ESPN, The Food Network, Comedy Central, TLC, Fox Sports, USA Network, Hallmazk Television, The Food Network, T'NT and the Lifetime Network. Specific program ads were placed on high-profile prime-time programs to maximize overall pmgram outreach. These programs included The Colbert Report, The Daily Show with John Stewart, The Minnesota Wild Hockey home opener and MN Gophers Men's Hockey home opener. Our 2008 television campaign featured the following public service announcements. "Plop" Fish Bowl PSA — 30 seconds Adapted from a PSA produced by the City of Austin, Texas, "Plop" features a fish bowl that becomes increasingly contaminated from common sYOrmwater pollutants. "Curbsdde storm drafns connect ta our lakes and rivers. Ifyour car drips oid or ant�eeze on the ground- it washes into storm drains ... and into our lakes and rivers. Ifyou spread dawn fertilizer into the street— or are not careful with yard and garden pesticides - they wash into storm drains too. And when you don't pick up after your pet ..... well you get the picture. Cleaner streets mean cZeaner water for all Minnesotans. Visit www-clean-water-m-n- dot-org." "Fowl Water" Rubber Duckv PSA — 30 seconds �� � ��=" Adapted from a PSA produced by the City of San Diego, California, the "Fowl Water" PSA uses a flock of rubber duckies to dramatize how stormwater pollutants move from our neighborhoods into our water. Voiced by outdoor journalist Ron Shara, the PSA was produced and aired by the "Mirmesota Water —Let's Keep It CZean!" campaign in 2006 and re-broadcast in 2007 and 2008. 'Ifstormwaterpollution was simply rubber duckies, it wouldn't matter what went down our storm drains. But it does! Because stormwater pollution is not rubber duckies. It's trash, oid, cigarette butts, and pet waste flowing untreated to the sea our lakes and rivers. That's not good for any of us. So take a minute for clean water — rake up, sweep up and pick up. CZeaner streets means cleaner water—for ald Minnesotans. Visit www-clean-water-m-n-doX-org." 55 of 64 09-571 Distribution of "Fowl Water" and "Plop" DVDs Copies of the "Plop° and "Fowl Wate�" DVDs were disiributed to 28 municipaliues and other MS4s. The DVDs were made available to be played on community cable television starions, on television monitors in public buildings, and at educational events. Print Publication PSA's The SCOOP Dates: January, Mazch, April, June, September and October issues. Placements: 6 ads in the Scoop Magazine Total Inveshnent: $1,620.00 The Scoop Magazine is the o�cial hade magazine of the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association. Ads with a"If iYs in our street, iYs in our water" message rau in six issues of The Scoop Magazine during the months of January, Mazch, April, June, September and October. ,�� ��-,���R�.�, �,�.�..�.�:..�,.�..��.s. � : w..,�ee�.,..-=aa�+�+,.,�,:a�.� i=u�e:wuz�+er� i' 'z.°xx..s.r.Q�n��� s> �u°�a�+viu Tazget audiences are those in the landscaping and yazd caze industry, who azea able to modify landscaping, fertilizing and pest management practice's to min;mize stormwater runoffpollurion. Regulaz magazine circulation is 1,900 with "double issues" in January and September reaching 4,000 readers. Outdoor Billboards ClearChannel Ontdoor Billboards Dates: Apri121st to May 18th 2008 Placements: 16 outdoor billboazds placed throughout the Twin Cities metro azea Total Investment: $16,900.00 The billboazd campaign featured distinct billboazds, focusing on three urban stormwater pollution sources; pet waste, car washing and lawn care. The images for each billboazd were used with permission from Cities of Seattle, Bellevue andTacoma, Washington. The ads ran at multiple locations in Anoka, Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota and Scott Counties, and were targeted to ma�cimize total overall exposure tlu'oughout the Meuo area. Tlus campaign resulted in an estimated 227,540 nnpressions per day during the 4-week campaign. _.�` =:c-^-�_.a 56 of 64 09-571 NIN State Fair Print PSA's � �� � a-.,, Brite Media State Fair Stall Ads ��"'� ` �- Dates: August 21 to September 1�` 2008 4 �� Placements: 22 bathroom stall posters ads during the 2008 MN State Fair Total Investment: 51, 500.00 The bathroom stall poster ad campaign featured poster images snnilaz to our 2008 billboard campaign unages, used with permission &om the Cities of Seattle, Bellewe and Tacoma, Washington Ads were placed in restroom facilities located neazby the Eco-Experience and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources buildings and ran for the duratlon of the 2008 MN State Fair. Attendance at this yeaz's MN State Fair was 1,693,533. Online Stormwater Pollution Prevention Education at www.cleanwatermn.or¢. Annual website hosting = $579 Phase I Website renovation completion =$1,590 Website address: www.cleanwatermn.ora In 2008, the "Minnesota Water — LeYs Keep It Clean!" media campaign completed the renovation of our www.cleanwatermn.ora website. The website was redesigned to include stormwater pollution prevention education and outreach messages tazgeted specifically for four different audiences: the general public, municipal/watershed stormwater educators, teachers, and students The website features unique pages tailored for the needs of students, teachers and the general public. The site also features a"Tools" section, with a range of stormwater educauon outreach resources for cities and other local units of government requued to conduct education campaigns thzough their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans. The website is hosted by ExpertHost at an annual cost of $579. — �. ,� �� .. ��: ,�-�.n„rcr> i��_ e r ��'rmr:..�.. n�. ; .. _. _ - � ew r �- ySjj� maana 4n�cFREM,-•�v �,,,�...n. e�-,.-_. cervx�:t �ac.,°rW�,mxc ..-«,:';. :..:,..,.tx e,muc s . - �+�v+-�� � seche.� �r,u4mm _u:�:.a.,=. . __�.i.:_. _---,,.- ._ .,. .,.� � �:,._.-.:,. �� � :xi .:. < _ ..,..,._ ,,..:.r,.... � ,a. .. -�. �n�-�' ', -�.�e......,,�-..a..«,. _ ' ...r..� ' .,o� Cli , .v.....,c.i.. ...� , �_ 57 of 64 � 09-571 The next phase of the website renovation begins in Spring 2009. It will include the new Minnesota M54 Toolkit. This online resource for municipal stormwater pollution prevention educators is designed to help MS4 stormwater educatocs 'vnprove tfieir stormwater pollution prevention educafion campaigns across Minuesota. Clean Water MN will also develop a quarterly electronic newsletter that will be delivered to program members. Each newsletter will feature a suite of season-specific stormwater educarion materials, including press releases, brochures, photos, print ads and other educarion products. These will be free for use in member publications, websites and other public educaUOn efforts. In the future, the website will utclude a comptehensive digital photogfaph library, online `webinaz' functions and an ever-expanding library of stormwater pollution prevention education materials. Program Contact Trevor Russelt Watetshed Program Director Friends of the Mississippi River 360 North Robert Street, Saint Paul, MN SA01 Phone: 651-222-2193, ext. 18 Email: hussell@fmt.org _,...,�_�.,.�',°�.:.k ..�<<f: - ,..`'.c�,... ,�,:.c ..�: (fl�a.._L. . o � - �. �. t __.,. - „� v F1:33[Y! 09-571 2008 Program Budget 2008 "Minnesnta Water —LeYs %eep It Cleant " Membership Support Bloomington, City of S5,000 Columbia Heights, Ciry of S 1,500 Eagan, City of 55,000 Eden Prairie 53,500 Farmington, City of 51,000 Municipalities Hilltop, City of $750 Minnetonka, City of $2,000 North Saint Pau1, City of 51,000 Plymouth, City of $3,000 Spring Lake, City of $300 SL Paul, City of $5,000 Woodbu , Ci of �5,000 Bassett Creek Wa[ershed District $5,000 Counties, Capitol Region Watershed Disirict �4,000 WaterManagement CarverWMO $1,50� Organizations (WMOs), & Lower Mississippi River WMO $].500 Watershed Districts p�or Lal:e Spring Lake Watershed Dis[ric[ $1,000 Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District �10,000 Rice Creek Watershed District $5,000 Public Service Announcement DVD purchase revenue $250 TOTAL $61,30U.00 Total Program Revenue: 2008 Program Expenses: Carry over: "Minnesota Water—Let's Kee It C]eanP' 2009 c -over funds $9,150.2b .. .. .. ,. ,. ._ - r:�� .: _ ,. .. 59 of 64 1+J 3f � � � L ' fl ` � � � � � � i � N ` V ��"� 0 Y N � � � / � J � � � N � m � C R --� _ 3 � o = v b n N � 7 W C � 4 O a � V c V � m � � L � n � o '� W 2 y m c `" C � y c m c Pi O L" v 0 C _ C C LL C � �. 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