185214• Original to CIty Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO-LUTION— GENERAL FORM COUNCILr - 1 FILE NO• Council File No. 185214 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the improve - merit described as Traffic Signals on E. 7th & Mounds, 7th & Maria, E. 7th & Hope and .- various other locations, Comptroller's Contract No. L -5757, Commonwealth Electric Company, Con - tractor, have been provided f,�r. ir_jll -- WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as Traffic Signals on E. 7th & Mounds, 7th & Maria, E. 7th & Hope and various other locations Comptroller's Contract'' No._L -57573, Commonwealth Electric Company, Contractor,,-have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, and WHEREAS., it has been found necessary to make the following Additions: (See attached sheet) WHEREAS', the total Net Addition is #260.92, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing addition in accordance with the specifica« tions in the sum of $260.92, said-sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L -5757, for the making of said improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $260.92 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.56 2 NOV 2 019571 Adopted by the Council 195— NOV 2 01967 Approved 195- . 7Tn Favor Mayor Against PUBLISH]EId/ - o Pl_ 5T DESCRIPTION, LOCATION, QUANTITIES, TERMS AND PRICES FOR ADDITIONAL WORK: Maria and Hope --- Credit Addition Omitted 3-10 ft. Pedestals - $68.00 ea. -20% 11320 a 3- Concrete foundations - $40.00 ea. -20% 96.00 Added 301 -14" Conduit on Trolley Pole 16.00 " 6-Pole-Clamps $10.00 ea. 60.00 Snelling Avenue Omitted 1041 -2 cell duct under sidewalk 03.70 ft. 384.80 Omitted 601-sidewalk patching ® .6o ft. — 36.00 Added 1381. 2 cell duct in street @ $5.70 ft. 786.60 n: 2 Pull boxes ® $55.00 ea. 110100 "< 341 - 5 cond.- #10 cable 0 .68 ft. 23.12 11, Conduit to traffic signal at N. E. corner Selby and Snelling 60.00 n Conduit at Snelling and Marshall 49.00 E. 7th and Mound Omitted 151 2111 conduit under street 0 $5.75 ft.20% 69.00 11 15! - 21" conduit in earth C 2.00.ft. 20% . 24.00 11 151 2j" conduit in sidewalk ® $3.35 ft. 20% 40.20 n 45! —12-cond. cond. #14 signal cable @.85 ft. 20%. 30.60 843.8o 1,104.72 843.80 Net amount of extra to contract 260.92 Duplicate to Printer '85914 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Adrian Po WInW., DATE X *Gr 19, 1957 WHMA% Additions which might prove to be necessarg in the improverant described as Traffic Signals on E. 7th & Mounds, 7th & Maria,. 9. '7th & dope and various other lotationjes CaVtrollerls .Contract xo. L-57572 Com=wealth Hleetric, Companyo Contractors have been pang rovided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated therein, MMFMS, it has been found necessarjr to mike the following Additions* (See attached. sheet) WHE Ws . the. total Not Addition, Is 4260.92s, am therefore,. be it RESOLVED, that the City-of St. ftul through its City Council approves the foregoing addition in accordance with the specifica- tions in the sum of $260.92„ said soul to be added to the lnmp sun .consideration named in the contract., 'knot+tn as Cosptroller's Contract t -5 ?57, for- the making of mid improvement. The Coma issioner of Public Work* has agreed vith the above named contractor that, -the am of $260.92 to the, torrect amount to be added to the above contract, i� oV 2 0195'7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy ®� ®1957 Holland Approv : - 195 - &M'jWl Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 6 -66 "2 , I!ot contradt. 209.92 .. DRISURnAmN. iWCAT.ION# QUOZE .'IJ TERM AND PRIORS F11,yR .ADDI LJ.ON&L ORK* Maria and R0 1xedit. Addition �.ttdd 3.10 fit, Pedd ots].o • �dB.E� e�. -2E� 163 RS f , nd 000dte ftbbdat.0 � ti .t�C1 . -2t 96 00 added `3of•.2 p Conduit 04 Trbney Pb, , 16600 6•. 010 ca,Va $14000 04, 6a *00 &ne13. AveX►ue ' . ( t,ted 164#4 cell; duct ubdsr tdo alk .60.10 ft-, 384060 Omitted 60! - sidewatt. pat hing, .O .60 ft: 3640 Added 1.38#,- .2 &Al duct in street 0 $5070 fit. 786..64 ft 2 Pull boxos Q $55.00 64, *' n 34f - 5 �cond: #10 colb 0 ..68 ft.' Conduit t0' traffic 8 17 O't N» '�v, 0orYler Soby aid Sne z 60:0 Goriduit at Sneer and :Marsb= 40.00 Be 7th 4nt1 Oad*4 h5-0- •• 2':te conduit under strdet'q $5.75 -ft. 90% 69.w 2 " conduit in i�th Gog.00 ft '?t: • �� Oonauit in i9.�ddv4i J.:77 �t. 20 4fii i 0., 12 t a ^ .$ ft. 23; . a .,.�. 843** $,U)4--7^ 8�S3.8g . I!ot contradt. 209.92