09-562CITY Presented by Council File # 09-562 Green Sheet # 3 � '] � RESOLUTION 41NT PAW�, MINNESOTA �� 1 WHEREAS, on January 20, 2009, JeffNicholson, d/b/a Quartersawn Design Build, on behalf of property 2 owner Jeff D. Babineau, duty made an application to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals (the `BZA"), under DSI 3 Zoning File No. 09-025229, for three variances from the strict application of the zoning code in order to 4 split an existing lot for the purpose of building a single-family dwelling with a detached garage which 5 would be located in the required front yard, on property commonly known as: 2376 Carter Avenue (PIN: 6 202923340099) and legally described as ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH LOT 28 BLK 41; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the said application sought the following variances: 1) 33-foot front yard required, 4-feet 9 proposed from the detached garage located in front yard for a variance of 29-feet; 2) 6-foot side-yard 10 setback required for garage, 3-feet proposed for a variance of 6-feet; and 3) 50-foot lot width at building 11 line required, 40-feet proposed for a variance of 10-feet; and 12 13 WHEREAS, on February 23, 2009, in accordance with the requirements of Leg. Code § 61.303, the BZA 14 conducted a public hearing on the application where all persons present were afforded an opportunity to be 15 heard;and 16 17 WHEREAS, at the condusion of the public hearing, the BZA, based upon all the files and the testimony 18 presented at the public hearing, moved to deny the requested variances finding that the application failed to 19 meet the requirements far granting variances under Leg. Code §§ 61.601(1), (4}, and (6), as set forth in 20 BZA Resolution No. 09-025229, which is incorporated herein by reference and reproduced below: 21 22 1. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2. 36 37 38 39 40 41 The property in question can be put to a Yeasonable use under the strzct pPOVisions of the code. The property owners currently live in the existing house on the western half of this parceL The existing parcel is about twice the size of the adjacent lots and each of the proposed new lots would exceed the minimum lot size requiremenYs for the dishict. They would like to split the parcel and build a retirement home on the vacant lot. At the front lot line the new 1ot would exceed the required 50 foot minimum lot width. However, because the lot narrows towards the rear, at the front setback line of the new house the lot is only 40 feet wide. Due to the slope of the property the owners are proposing to construct a garage in the front yard that would be attached to the house through an underground tunnel. Most of the garage would be below grade and it will have a grass roof that will blend in with the yard between the house and gazage. Tl�is property has been in its present condition since the existing house was built and is a reasonable use of the property. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property and these eiYCUmstances were noz created by the land owner. The steep slope and irregular shape of this parcel limit the practical options for developing the property. These are circumstances that were not created by the property owner. 09-562 42 3. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 4. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 5. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 6. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 The proposed var-iance is in keeping with the spiPit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Faul. The proposed new lot will be similaz in size to adjacent lots. The applicant has submitted an application for Site Plan Review and has received preliminary approval pending completion of a few items. Based on this it appears that the proposed new lot is buildable without adverse impact on the surrounding properties. The applicant has submitted a petition signed by several neighbors in support of this proposal and we have received three individual letters of support from nearby property owners. Provided that subdivision approval is obtained &om the Planning Administrator, the requested variances aze in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affectthe health or welfare of area residents. The proposed variance will impair an adequate supply of Zight and air to adjacent property, but will not alter the essential characteY of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The proposed new house will meet all of the setback and other dimensional standards for the district however the reduced setback of the garage will affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. There are several other homes with detached garages in the immediate area. The new home has received preliminary design approval, again subject to some conditions. This should ensure that the house will be compatible with other homes in the area. Provided that final site plan and design approval is obtained, requested variances will not change the character of the neighborhood ar have an adverse impact on surrounding properties. The variance, zf granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code foY the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district class�cation of the property. A single-family home is a permitted use in this district. The requested variances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. It appears that the primary desire oFthe applicant is to increase the value of the property by snbdividing the pazcel. WHEREAS, On or about March 31, 2009, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(a), Jeff D. Babineau duly filed an appeal from the BZA's decision, under DSI Zoning File No. 09-051883, and requested a public hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the BZA's decision; and WHEREAS, on May 6, 2009, the City Council, with notice to the affected parties, conducted a public hearing on the said appeal pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(b), where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and 09-562 88 WfIEREAS, The City Council, having heard the statements made and having considered the variance 89 application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and the resolution of the BZA: DOES, 90 91 HEREBY RESOLVE, That the BZA erred in its findings No's 1, 4, and 6, and the Council, pursuant to 92 Leg. Code § 61.704, hereby reverses the decision of the BZA in this matter and grants the appeal of Mr. 93 Babineau; AND, 94 95 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council, consistent with its decision to reverse the BZA, hereby 96 amends BZA Resolution No. 09-025229, findings Nds 1, 4, and 6, to read as Follows: 97 98 1. 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ill 112 4. 113 114 115 ll6 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 6. 127 128 The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. The existing lot is about twice the size of adjacent lots. The propeRy owners currently live in the existing house on the westem half of the lot. The owners would like to split the existing lot and build a retirement home on the newly created easterly lot. Each of the resulting lots would exceed minimum lot size requirements for the district. The front lot line of the new lot would exceed the required 50-foot minimum lot width. However, because the existing lot is irregular in shape as it narrows towards the reaz, the front setback line for the new house on the new lot is only 40 feet wide. Due to the slope of the property, the owners propose to construct a garage in the front yard that would be attached to the house through an underground tunnel. Most of the garage will be below grade and it will have a grass roof that wi11 blend in with the yard between the house and garage. The proposed lot split is reasonable and the new house is a permitted use of this property that cannot be accomplished under the strict provisions of the code. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor wall not alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The proposed new house meets all of the setback and other dimensional standards for the district. The majority of the proposed garage will be below grade. The requested setback variances will not significantly affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. There are several other homes with detached garages in the immediate area. The new home has received preliminary design approval, subj ect to conditions. These conditions should ensure that the new house will be compatible with existing homes in the area. Provided that final site plan and design approval is obtained, the requested variances will not change the charactex of the neighborhood or have an adverse impact on surrounding properties. The request for variance ds not based primaYily on a desiYe to increase tlae value or income potential of the parcel of land. 129 AND, BE IT FURIITER RESOLVED, That the Council, consistent with its decision in this matter, adopts 130 BZA Resolution No. 09-025229 findings No's 2, 3, and 5, as its own; AND, 131 132 BE IT F[.7RTHER RESOLVED, That the variances requested by Jeffrey D. Babineau are hereby approved; 133 AND, 09-562 134 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to appellant 7effrey 135 D. Babineau, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the BZA. 136 Requested epa entoE G�'D By: Apprwed by the Office of Financial Services By: Ado Ado By: App By: Approved b City Attorney BY � ..� Yvl.• (.T 2 00� pted by Council: Date 5 ��'��Q�/ Approv d y Mayc for bmis ' r� o C� mcil . ption Certified by Council Secretary gy _--___ e'�'LGL�J� f roved Date ,.3 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gree nShee� ( DepartmeMlOffice/COUncil: I Datelnitiated: , ca _���^�meY �,�-MAY-09 ' Green Sheet NO: 3070498 �; Confact Person & Phone: Peter Wamer , 266-8710 Must Be on Cour 27-MAY-09 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y DocumentContact: JulieKraus Contact Phone: 266-8776 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) �� 0 City Attornev ] C� Attornev Depar�ent INector i S-�Y� �, z �itvAttorney �!�� � 3 � avor's Office � � Mayor/Assisqnt . 4 ,Connc�l 5 �C� Clerk Gttv Clerk Action Requested: Memorializing City Council's May 6, 2009, morion to reverse the decision of the BZA in this matter under findings No's 1, 4& 6 and approve the variances requested by Jeffrey D. Babineau in order to spli[ an exiting lot for the purpose of building a single-family home with a deta.ched gazage on the properry commonly known as 2376 Carter Avenue in Saint Paul. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personai Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? C1B Committee Yes No Givil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirrn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No 5cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Council is required pursuant to City Charter to have its acfions reduced to writing either in the form of a resolutlon of an otdinance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it. The decision of Council in this matter required a written resolution in order to comply with the Chartet. Approving the attached resolution fulfills the Council's duty under the Charter. Advanpges If Approved: None DisadvanWges If Approved: Failure to appxove the resolurion violates the City's Charter zequirement. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Totai Amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: May 18, 2009 10:52 AM Page 1 CITY OF SAINT PATJL Chrrstopher B. Coleman, Mayor Apri16,2009 Council Research 310 City Hall St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mary Erickson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the Ciry Council is scheduled for Wednesday, May b, 2009, for the following zoning case: Appellant: 7effrey D. Babineau Zoning File #: 09-051883 Purpose: Location: Staff: District: Board: An appeal of a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals denying variances in order to subdivide a parcel and construct a new single family home. 2376 Carter Avenue Staff recommended approval with conditions Recommended approval of the lot split but took no position on the variances. Denied on a 6-0 vote. I have confirmed this date with the o£fice of Council Member Russ Stark My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Councal at your earliest Convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thank youl Sincerely, John Hardwick Zoning Specialist AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-562 ' DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS � Bob Kess[er, D�rector COM�JERCEBUlLDING Telephone� 651-266-9090 8 Fourth Street Eas{ Suue 200 Facs�mile 6i1-266-9124 SI Paul, M�nnesota >>I01-l024 Web w�»v smaul eovlds� PIO'tSCE OF PUBidC FIEARIDTG The Saint Pavi City Council will con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday. May 6, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. iri the City Counql Chambers, 1Aird Floor. City HaII ( Court- house, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN, to consider the appea1 of Jeffrey D. Babineau to�a decision oP the Board of Zoning Appeals daiytng vartances in order to suUdivide a parcel and consiruM a new single-family home, at 2376 Carter Ave- nue. [ZF 09-0518831 Mary �1�ickson Assis#ant City Council Secietary . Dated: Apr118, 2009 . (Apr1I13) 31:� PAI7E fEOXti iFd]Gffit 22199825 ' 09-562 DEPARTMENTOFSAFETY ANDINSPECTIONS Bob Kessler, Drrector .��I C� O�r B. C� anA �or Apri16, 2009 Council Research 310 City Hall St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mary Erickson: COMMERCEBUILDING Telephone: bil-26b-9090 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 100 Facsamile 65l-266-9124 St P¢ul, Minnesam 55701-1024 Web: wxav sroau! rov/dsi I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6, 2009, for the following zoning case: Appellant: Jeffrey D. Babineau Zoning File #: 09-051883 Purpose: i Location: Staff: District: Boazd: � An appeal of a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals denying variances in order to subdivide a parcel and construct a new single family home. 2376 Carter Avenue Staff recommended approval with conditions Recommended approval of the lot split but took no position on the vaziances. Denied on a 6-0 vote. I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Russ Stark. My understanding is that this public heazing request wiil appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest Convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega] Ledger. Zoning Specialist AA-ADA-EEO Employer Thank you! ���� Mareh 31, 2009 City Councit Memhers Sant Pnul City Counei4 Denr Councit members, My name is 7eff Babinenu aod I nm the property owner nt 2376 Cnrter Avenue. I have lived in my home for the pnst 22 years with my wife 7uti¢ cnd our three ehildren. 7ut+e nnd I are empty nesters as our children are presently away nttending eotlege. We are seeking to split our property in order to build a smnl(er hane that meets our needs now and into the future while atlowing us to remuin io the Saint R�thocy pnrk (SAP) neighborhood. We are askis�g the Snint Paut City Council to approve our r¢qu¢st for a lot sptit with variances for the following reasons: 1. The eommunity, through the ComQr¢hensive District 12 Plan, suppoets the ndditio� of empty nester housing. See attached lett¢r from 7on Sehumacher dated February 10, 2009. 2. We have worked with the District Council and they support the lot split. � 3. 3he Board of Zoning Appeals Sfiaff Report fa+nd our variaoces to be reasonnbl¢ and eor�sistent with requests approved in the post. An examQle of this would be the house ct 2369 Cnrter directly ncross the street. o 4. After the lot sptit, both th¢ n¢w lots will be larger thnn the two tots to the east: 2366 a�sd 2362 Carter Avenue. 5. The Zoning Appeals Board denied our request to allow the District Ca�ncil to come up with n eompromise on varianee (garug¢ location) only affer Tom Gilt nnd Kelli 7ohnson expressed a grudging wi6lingn¢ss to conseder thnt option. That witlingness is not evidenfi in aesything else prasented or written by them. 5. The District Councii does not feei they have the legat authority required to decide on fihe vnriances and thgrefors do not feel they are the proper body to mediate a compromis�. 7. We feel we fiave dealt in good faith and with trar�parency nbout our pfans. Y first spoke to Tan in Oetober 2008. Bfis position then was thnt he was selling his Fause, so he had �o objecfions to a proposed tot split. Any delays in further information sharing w¢r¢ inndvertentiy caused by a lack of anders4nnding on our part as to the timeline and presentntion requirements of the proeess. Much of this was due to cha�g¢ in requirements initiated by City Councit. Zoning Soard Staff, Dishict Couneil staff and District Council hava afl indieated these new requirements were not welt understood and inadequatefy commuriicuted to us. 8. Tan and Kelii have not acted in good faith, initia!!y omitting their moving plans when app¢aring at the Land Use eommittee meeting o� prravviding misieading infmmntion in the language used on their petition. See ntfinched letter fran Ms. Hnns¢rr. They have pres¢nted themselves as concerned by the potential for emironmental degradation, when in faet their muin reasort for opposing our request has to da with argueble perceptiwu of temporary loss of • prop¢rty vQlue. They have publicly misrepresented the projeets impnct, neighborhood opposition and air aetions and intant. � APPL(CATION FOR APPEAL � DeparLmentof Safe[y and Inspeciions 375Jac1Fson Street, Suite 220 SaintPaul, MNSSIOI-1806 65I-26�9008 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCA710N Gity S 1- �[Zt) � St.� Zip �jl�b Daytime Name of owner (if different) Address ,�3�17 ���,C' '{��`�Y�V� Legal descrip6on: _ j� . Q� ��i�l,� Q(L�`� �Ot t� �t? ��� ��. `� � TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Board of Zoning Appeals (� City Council under the provisions of Chapter 61, Sectionld3.S0i, Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by the �fit .��' Zv V,:�c ���D.��.�5 on �— 200 � . File number: O� — �o���-a- GROUNDS FOR APPEAi.: Exptain why you feel there fias been an error in any requiremenf, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. Q1�-�. Se e �,�i�c(�. \��er additionalsheetif �--�-_ . Applicant's s+gnature Cityagent 09-562 09�562 � 9. W¢ huve the support of most neighbors nearby who aetually would hnve fiheir sightlines impaeted by our new hause. Sinee the outtine of the praposed haue woutd be shorter than our current home, nny neighbors to the east woutd not have their views affected. 10. Fnalty, Tom and K¢Ili's rensons for denying the request due to att¢ring essential neighborhood cfiaraet� ure simpty unfamded. There ar¢ marry euamples of lot sizes the same or smaller than our Qroposed sptifi aad varinnees for gnrage tocation up ns�d down Cnrter Avenue. Concerns of dnmage to their foundntion, trees, vegefetion, water drainage, loss of light, ventilation, views ete. are euaggerated at best. We wil[ be protecting our own trees, which lie cioser in proximifiy fio the new haue, while ineorporating th¢ (atest building technology to improve wnter drainage a� minimize em+irommentul impnct by utit'rcing recycinbte, sustannble and earth-friendly materials. In tonclusion, wa are asking the Saint Paul Cty Couneil members to approve our request for a lot sptit with requested variances. Thank you for your tim¢ and car�siderution. 5 neerel�� � , � , ���� eff and 7u1ie Babineau 2376 Carter Ave.nu¢ 5t. Pnul, MN 55108 Rt4achment � �j Feb 23 QS Q9:58a 3eff NichoIson 952 929 II57 p.4 Fe6t�t 10, � , _ ,,,. •� «. - Dearco�ea a�s, i am w�Hhg r�9 dre c�st � t� sp58�ng � vaa� s��ed 6y Je� utd Juie � (qrt�'spropea(y2t2378C,a�0erAv�mm. F� : Eevebe�en�fo�glysarsaaQiiaW�t��9�utbrtg.t�agtl�kUnelheyt� : �edtluee�atldds��en�y6a�din.a��grea�arrar�4l��r - a��d�_TFkyatBVaprodt�3of91.AnthanyPxkaMif�ela�da� ' peopla�st+adAagw�d���+�aig. - �Y ���'�4��edis�tltieiardt#�de�eaRedfot� ' Se�OnV < �m�eslhede�e(apeadROfnair,�i�AR...�t�etlfeaeWSOT�i�. = � e�I�and�qtler�e�e�_'Tlrsgwliak�tlrersuvnaieainB�etbmo203QPFart�me ; dihe5vart�aiaa������sfioloex I1ddf�ng�sQ�atr.a�'�yapy : kss�s, e�t� t�s ��ias �d8�at'nuez�se�rande otaRO�i � Bee r�o�roed•` Th�r.9�e'¢tiv�ei�eGpraposN�ccp�rea�+F�w�A6�esmle�dgmli+he�+t�oP : �v:oa�dals��6aeafssa��r�dandQia�Ta9�r�orit�gprope�r '. ana prapoud bt9�akistage� @renamny �tl�e�fnc�apldaae�eas�a� irt St A� Park asawnde ; Fi�M. e�eae� �e�a2ffi's'sa nei�oodr�&n'led sps�eara�hle f�ad�g � ��B �. ��R�t�eesa� � WAe 9re 81so aWaretlrat �g shwe ne�Ots 1� a��m aR� 1� �9i �� M1f �.9� �eg ofdot� to¢ � a�eotfieio�t 6epaetapboesa�e b as m teanxse� hend. ! Ip� Yquwiapprmve � �eqeeMA�p�stior� BaL�eal's �Eas are�rtp�� ottt�e samd. i��d'�9 �! �df� � C[OUr [�gi�OdlOOd pim►- th�d� for your �ne aad �oo, Ja�9chum� 2183Com�sWEau�IA Avenue - f [ .� � � 90Pl9Q4� 4006:IS 7atpD �z7�tOR SI£88yE6 8xe 4C�8 Oss;6Q08l6L/80 09�62 • March 26, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: Severai weeks ago, at the encouragement of an unknown neighbor, I signed a petition against a building project down the street Since then F have learned more about the project for which Jeff Babineau is requesring a variance and I have no objections. Sincerely, Brenda G. Hansen 2334 Carter Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 651-644-2561 � � �/ � � l 9�� APPLICATION FOR ZONING VARiANCE Depm(ment ofSafe[y and Inspec(ions 375Tackson Sireet Suite 220 Saint Pau� MN55101-1806 G�eral: 651-266-9008 F¢c (651) 266-9099 APPLICANT C'ity�QlA�.� St��Zip DaytrmePht Property Iaterest of Applicant �owner, contract parcLaser, efc} ��L Name of Owner (if differenY) ,�'�e� A��,�� AddresslTaratiou��� ('}}e'f��/ .�L� PROPERTY �Sal Descript[on �.Q3' �]� j?� ['�f.'( Si"`}y��f�N�l ���}� IlYFORN7ATION (atfaehod�tionalsheetifnecessmy) T.oY Size Present Zoning � Present Use GE.CQ.4L'�� Lt,(n. �� Proposed Use ���.���� Yariaace[s] requeste@: Snpporting Iuformation: Supply the necessary information that is applicabt8�cagour vaziance request, provide detaiLs regarding the project, and esplain why a variance is needed. Duplex/4iplex conversions may iequire a pro forma to be submitted. Atlzch additional sheets if necessary. Attachments as required: - Site Plan - Attachments - Pro Poima S 6P1 Zfln� LL' I � - �---_ I I � i ! , � i f I i --- ___.�,.,� I _ �___�� A I�' .tb. fY t �.1.._ .:.�. I ' I ....' . � .. ..". I�.r .' �i. ' � � .__ ` S. . � � i I � .` �.� � � � � � �.. � � � -- I .. � i i i 3 � I N N ` � ' j � I N �v N iv I I I � 3 �� J� (.J W N� IV� N NI N i.7V �. _'' C i N � � �p � V� W� W W 1 W W � y c7 � N I � � O Ol� � Ol Ul' .A -P � i O a � � ' � I ' I ; �N �, ; �� � I I I 1 I � � � T f I4] I I 1 I ' ' N ? � � � � j I � �, ' S � W I I I i I j ! i i � i � i ���,_, i � � � I ' � i ! I i I ! �` . � �� � I I � X-� � C4; ,� �N p� IV � i N N Q � , i , ; , I . g, iQ' 11 � wl O] W LA O� v, .NI 6li �f Vi w�, j�i '� O cri . i...,. �n ? F-.� � .� 1 l. _I � _I � { � i nl I � �o n tj 9 �-+ I� i I O, - - u � „ � � I �i �� W I � � �'�' I I I I � -- � I I � �i �' - � � i i � 1, i J; `�`' " � :,� �,. i � , , � N �; � � I , � , �., , . I �, � �, I� . � � � � � i + m, `f' � �Ivli1 � �`� � � � � �� � � .'_____ � __ � I � ��--�� ��- �.l ..,�.., i._ ,��', t.. i . � -.� _' I I N � - - . � r .: �-!,��, I j r - � ,D Feb il 09 03:36p Jeff hicholson 952 9Z9 1157 p.2 Variance Request for Continuance Board af Zoning Appeals GO John Eiazd,�ick . 47$4ce of L.LS.P. City of SaiatPaul CommerceBwld'mg 8 East 4th Street, Suate 2DU Saint Patil, MN. 55101 Re: ZoningFile# � " �Z�� � �: i I .� 1 wll � � � � � � ,,.� _� __ � .i I request Yhat the pt�blichearing scheduied f� . r ou therefesencedZoraing File be coFrtinaed for aperiod not to exceed K days. I am ware of the requiremeut that the City mt�st make a final decisionon this matfa withm sixty (60) days of zeceipt ofan applibation £or a zomng varlance ar an adxnimstrative review as stated in M'ina. Stat, 25.99 (199� aad hereby waive myrights to a fcnat decisianwithin the sixty (60} day pegod. Sincerely, *,���i//// ,.C;ii��. • �. ... � �.�'... -.:. �.� 1 _.������� �N� �. �, ��t Pffited name ofApplicanY DaEe ofrequesi , or z�.prese�ntative C� n U � � �-� ! �b� �--��� otia 9 Variance Request & Lot Split Application for: Jeff and Julie Babineau 2376 Carter Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 The homeowners at 2376 Carter Avenue, Jeff and Julie Babineau, aze seeking a lot split of their properiy. Their desire is to split their present lot, and construct a new home for themselves adjacent to their present home. They have lived in their present home in St. Anthony Pazk for twenty one years. Their present home was constructed in 1411 and requires a considerable amount of maintenance and upkeep. The Bahineau's three adult children have all recently gone off to college, leaving them in a terrific home perfectly suited for an active fanuly, but one unsuited to meet their present needs. The lot as it presently stands is 100 feet across as it borders Carter Avenue on the north and narrows to 50 feet, 250 feet to the south, where the lot abuts au utumproved a11ey. In dividing the lot, each parcel was given 50 feet of frontage on Carter Avenue. The e�sting lot, Parcel A, maintains its 50 feet of width to the front fa�ade of the existing � home, thereby narrowing the new lot Parcel B to 40 feet in width at this point. The new properiy line then angles back the additiona1201 feet, at an angle pernritting the present home to maintain a 6 foot setback from the new properly line. The home the Babineau's wish to construct on Parcel B is one that takes advanCages of the outstanding features of the lot. The lot rises up from street to a cluster of mature oak trees, gathered on the hill top. Locating the uiain living areas of their home on the upper level, the Babineaus will be able to step out of their kitchen and into a new patio tucked into the oak cluster. By locating the living areas on the upper level, the Babineau's will aiso get to enjoy tremendous evening sun and sunsets with their view to the West. With an uiumproved alley behind the properry,locating the gazage to the front is its only viable location. The Babineaus wish to build, what many on their street and in their neighborhood have already done, a gazage tucked into the hillside, very close to the front property line. Where most of the garages in the neighborhood appear in this manner to be detached, with the advantages of modern con.shucfion techniques, the Babineau's seek to connect their gazage to their home by means of an underground tunnel to the basement level of their home. This tunnel would be completely underground and invisible to anyone outside the home. Not only will the tunnel to the home be invisible, but also much of the garage. In an effort to m;n;m;ze water run off and erosion from the properiy, the garage will feature an earthen roof covered in grass. The garage roof will not only reduce rain runoff from the � • properiy, it will aiso reduce the visual effect of locating the gazage in front of the home. �``�` _�y � With the garage appearing detached from the home, the Babineau's ask the city to allow � the gazage tke 3 foot sideyard setback mandated for detached garages rathez then the 6 feet required €or attached ones. The new lot, Parcel B, slopes from back to front, and diagonally from southeast to northwest. Measuriug the slope diagonally thraugh the house yields a slope of 21%, however if ineasured along either the east or west facades or the home, the slope is at 16% or 14% respecfively. The present slope of the site has created basement moishue problems in the �isring home. Water runs down the hillside directly into the south east corner of the existing home placing great hydrostatic pressure on centuty old basement walls. A small retaining wall and gra�el pit was constructed to m;nim;�e these effects with some small success. The new home will include a substantial retaining watl fhat will redirect water to west and further away from the home. The consiruction of the new home will also allow iegrading of the ground direcfly to the east of the existing home and direct it to the north. The Babineaus propose con.structing a small rain garden to collect not only the runoff from grade, but also collect nmoff from the mof, and around and along the new retaiuing wall. This rain garden will minim��e the watar making its way to the city's sewers, and instead ailow tl�e water to be reabsorbed into the ground naturally. � t� � 09�562 2376 Carter Design Review and Site Plan Review •. Tom Beach 2J23109 Design Review Findings The house conforms to the Cit�s Design Standards except for iwo things: • Garage is in the front yard. Whether they can do this wdl depend on whether they can get a zoning variance. • Width of garage doors appears to be just over 60% of width of main house. However, given that this is a detached garage, this seems unavoidab{e. Staff has the authority to approve things like this if they are based on circumstances unique to the property and staff will approve this. Staff rscommendaUon Sfaff approves the design with two conditions: t. A variance for the garage setback must be approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. 2. Secause the garage door wi11 be visuatly prominent and close to the sidewalk, f recommend that they "upgrade" from the standard two-car garage door: • Use two single-stall garage doors (rather than one two-stall door) to visuatly break up the door. • Use a door with some detailinglcharacter. Idealiy the garage door coufd re{ate to some design detail of the house. Windows for the garage doors shoutd be considered too (unless windows are a security concern). Site plan review � Findings Here is a list of issues raised by the site and how the site pian addresses these issues: Grading Site has steep sfopes. Grading plan addresses these concerns. Drainage Drainage between proposed house and 2376 Carter looks like it will work. But it may need to be adjusted in the field. Otherwise drainage looks OK. Pian calis for a rain garden in the front yard. Setbacks �Detached garage needs setback variances for front and side setbacks. The setbacks for the house meets zaning standards Vegetation A few large trees must be removed to construct the house. The plan shows iwo existing oak trees near the house that witf be saved. {t is not ctear ff these trees, will survive because thy are so close to the new house and new retaining walis, The appiicant shouid hire a tree expert to evaluate the trees and make recommendations on measures to protect the trees during �nstruetion. Sediment control No information is shown on the plan. Sediment control measures must be shown on the plan. These should inGude silt fenCes, information on how disturbed areas wiil be stabilized. Staff recommendation Staff recommends approval subject fo these condftions 1. �ariances for sefback and /ot with musf be approved 2 An erosion/sediment contro! pfan must be submitted and approved by sife plan review staff. 3. The applicant must hire a tree expert to evaluate the trees on site, especially the two trees closest to the proposed house and make recommendations on measures to protect the trees during construction. These recommendations must be incorporated into the site � pfan. �\ 4. Stormwater must be handled in a way that does not increase run-off to adjacent properties. This may require some in-the-field adjustments not shown on the cument site plan. St Anthoay Pazk Community Council/Distria iz Sgo CmmweIl Avenue, Saint Paul, a�ar 55u4 6 5 1 � 6 49 - 599z Tec 6 5 1 � 6 49 - 5993 F^g �'w sapcc.or� February 17, 2008 John Hazdwick 375 Jackson St Suite 220 St Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Hazdwick, i� � �v, . � � r'� , .... -.�a saa� ST. ANTHO�� �� � : �, D �ti`� I am writing to express the support of the St. Anthony Park Community Council for the proposed lot split at 2375 Carter Ave. While the issue was controversial, the majority of the Boazd of Directors passed the following resolu6on on February 12th: SAPCC recommends that the request for a Iot split at 2376 Carter be approved On behalf of the SAPCC, I send thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, � ��'`� e� Renee Lepreau Community Organizer :_ : ., � a �: '.�.ay�._: e Cc: Panl Dubruiel _ ._ , :: ,•;:�.- . � ' � � 1�2/24%20� John Hardwick - variances 09-025229 �� ����� � ��'—� �� � �' Page 1 ' � From: John Hawkins yofinhawkins1026Qyahoo.com> To: yohn.hardwidc�a.stpauf.mn.us> Date: 2Y24/20091246 PM " Subjed variances 09-025229 Jofin HarclwiGc I have re�ived a letter notiying me of a hearing regarding 3 variances for 2376 Carter Ave. I Gve at 2390 Carter Ave. 2 houses away from the Babineau's ProP�� Prol� Jeff Babineau has shown me his proposed pian. I think his pian would fit well in the St Mthony park neighborhood. I ihink our neighborhood will feel the push fw population density increases, especiaily with the pending light-rail consfruction. I would prefer to see a lot split by someone who fias lived in ffis neighborhood fw years and wili move into the new home rafher than by a profit focused developec . I wholeheartedly suPPo� �e P�aPased Prol� John Hawkins 2390 Cartet Avenue St Paul • � } � Fe6 19 �9 03:58a Jeff hichoIson s�, ^� c�aR � s90 cxoa�rd[ Aemnc. �F�ul, aut 5�x{. �5��5�wT� ��475993�uc wvavsapccocg Felxuary 17, 2008 John Hardwidc 375 dac�;,pn St Suitc 2'LO 5tPaut, MA� 551�1 I�r �: iiar�vvick, �� a� �; � : 4 � �5 �aa� � ; S'r ANTHOI���AR$ a`�� ` y r � -j,2 ° 3•'a�` c I azu wuting to express the support afthe Sc Ant�saay Park Commuoity Ca�mci! for �e PTaP�ed lot split at 2396 Catier Ave. While the issae uas con�a�e�sisl, tLe majority of the Hoazd of D'sredors passed the foUowing iesolution am Febmary 12th: S�FCC recommeruls that rhe request for a lor split ot �376 Carter be anproved t?n behatfoFihe SAPCC, i send thaaks for yaur considerazioa Siacereiy, Rence Lepieau � Communiry Orgauizer : � . , - . - .. . �-�.: .. . _.. , ., . � ... . . .., .;_t.:.. • , . �=. . ... ... . ;'. . „ . .s�. ., . ..- . {..'C: �ffll� �tIbNIC� 952 9�9 1157 p.Z N I N . �� � eaclzaQ� � 'iCqeag �ayt6� m4'�zaa�et0� 5SE98oE6 aaa E4�8 naa,6Q0al6TlZO �eb 19 09 09:59a 3eff Nicholson • � 952 929 1157 � p.3 ,. :-`�, z _, F�-� a 4 �_' � 5� We do nat have stiy oh�ections to the lot spht and variance requests of Jeffand Julie Habineau, 2316 Carter Aveaue. We understandtttey are seeking ttr split their present 1ot and consh�uet s new home far Ehhemselves ecljacent to thea presart home. Zhey�are saeicing wariances ta allow far the constructian of the new home wt�re the width a€ tl►e lot is oniy 4d'-0" at t6e from fagade of the hom�. They axe also seeking variaaces to allow the consh�uctian af an attachee3 tvto car gardge, 4'-0" frem the fro�nt propetty 7'ure and 3'-Q" from the side property iine_ # Signatfae ' �us�mr w�a��-� Gsr6�171y3b l/3/ � �15i � 1 96C! 60�J n00HD9 'fiii0y 1!p't7839N0`t SiE889EQ �[B E4'8 tixxi6datt6i/LO Feb 19 09 �9:59a Jeff Nicholson 952 9Z9 1157 p.4 � • Fe�u�yr 1q 20U9 Board �BirecEws ais�ict 12 Comttumry Cou� $9I1 Crornwel! Sk P�I, MN 55974 DearCnu�a me�nhers, ! azn wr�rg re9ard'�rt8 tlie te¢uest inr ont spfitteg with variaxes sWrrteced 6y Jeff and .tu5e ���u i�H�r MopeAy at 2376 Carter Avanue. F'ast, i wau� I�e toofrer my Personaf support�rg�n as bng-fnne rr�ghbors ar� frrends. They t�ve deen �idenls for 22 years a�ni �ds f�abrqstQret bn9. U�g tliaFtune Grey t�ve raised tluee �kids aad been very involved n. m+d suppoetive oE. a variet�t ofaanmuoily agartiza�eus and'm�iives_ TF�ey are ve(ued rttembers of SL AsCio�ryt Pa[k aM �e lwd W people we aF�ld a11waM�2tain aa r�hbors. `�l1. ��ttlxir request h�e ais exact�r Nre tdnd of rt� density called 5cr in Se�On V, d. #a+r OGSU'ct 12Canprei�sive Pla(t wt�e itst�es'ihecpmaaneyr slso �coore9es uie aerelopment o! �r, welFdeslgneQ �...b meazfie neetls otvarious ineanes. : . ebaily tev�s and Gf�-cyde �._' 7'tas s�� rs fuNrerwDP��4 n 6�e Como?A36 Plan � or� = d tlre frvt main aeas ofinle;teyt � e�d ss foBars�,,: k�kl haus�9 � tlart ca�r to yoarcg la�niAes� pmPtY �aters aM seaicrs antl that e�asethe range of afford�T�lyln fl�e �� rn�a�y. �evx�-��a cmvosai is eanple�y eomp�tewm, tl� �d go� e� bon, p�ans ef : env:onmerdal � andereates a smadu�o�riref andpro5►e tfian naigh6oring proper6es ` � a proposed IW �atffi �r tt�n many otthealread9��01ots rn 9�eir sf�l and irt St Mthm�y Park as a w�ol� Feelh. we area9 aware 6ntmis is a crighhal,p� with &�ed sp�e ava�te tar �ag ���9 �9 �. esPecr��Y tor em�Aqatesteesand senias. We ate �so xaarC �2l ���ighbors hes a �e�ive �mPect an our cammuru'tr in maryr ways. ln my mir�Q, tAe spYhing oteouDteaited b1s's oneof �ebwe�t QrtpaetePti�nsa� b t�s !o reu�rse 6ds trend. I hcp� YW wdl apprcve tt�is reques! not justf� Ihe Ba�fS �+! as a�e�fsmatinn a�lhe sounC, tortvartl�&+� � ca�ee�sussYiven panaplesafar nei�hood P� Thanksforyour�neand�eratioo, Jon Sdwmachei 2183 Canm�ltl� Aveeue ; �� � 89Gl96Q� ....^ 'IQON�S 'WilQa m(Yl[•i88�Np7 SSE964£b g'ta 9p:8 n6,L;60QZl6ilZO Feb 19 09 09;59a Jeff Nicholson � Febmary 12,2oa9 To The Ss. Anthony Park Commuairy COUncil: 4- ; 3�Jyi� '�r{J -_ M ±4';^ ��a5aa9 ; Il�is is a ta�e €o letyou know dmt d haue semthe glaos aad tay4ws oFthe �rew home desigi for � t6e plot awned hp 7ulie a� Ieff Bsbitmav, my IIeXt door neighbprs, Aad I a�rove afhow we1l they have thought tl�rough the whola look af ti�r new house and gerage, on theis other haif of the plot It wilt fit in 6eautifulEy. So, beavse of the nead for a small vsriance, dsis is som�hing rhat needs m be approved by the city of St. Pau3, itseems. [ undeascaad that there's heen some eoncem ezprcsseA ahoat the plans, one being e�ressed by thels ather next daor nesgAboe who has tis8 his home up for saRe for several mar,chs now. Over $�e last ten Ye�, �Y home ieapmvemc�, landscape end desigo efFoct th� has been e�cnted by the &ebinesu.s has oniy helped tp i�7t�aove the vatueand look ofour neigltbo�haad, '1'6eY 1ea�e u[9uisiM taste, aod I em �re wi[t execarte wiShthe sazrn 54p1e on tttis ne,� house and garage• In f�t, I love the idea tha� the top af she garage wit! 6e covered with grass, And st,ey don't plan m mke down a large and v¢ry hapPY � . Fm me. the Babineaus repres�t the kind ofaeighbor yoo always waru [o have [iving next door. 1Y�ey ]rava 6een so �a,d a,ui ��, ��.�ave welcomed me w St, Anthcmy Patkwith open aims. 1 woutd just hate eo lose chan as ct,erished n«�bnrs d�[e to what seems to me ro be zriviat concems. Cn �ct, if they mQ�e, I wouW saiously consider moving myself. They wi0 cominue to improve rhe neigh6orhaed md oon[slbtue, by tlse way, with their coc+muniry voluMeet efforts, a� Seff has done over tl� years icing the hockey rink in y$Rg�OC� Patk I do appreciate the St Anthuny Park Cammuairi Council and how you are looking out to iceep the spirit and ffie a�the5c cha� of w�r neigh6orbood in tact You've doue sudi a nice job wah geeping downtown St Antheny Park as chazming as it is Eoday, sh�m�gtwut much ahange and devdopment, But in this psrtic¢Iar case, I cannot understand tlie basis of tne coneenc and emty bope you will a�law iho Beyineaus 4o proceed with their pluns, Al! af my nedghbors herq who are stayiag in thc acighiwrhood, ac far as I lmow. are in fuil suppoR of their plans. 3hank you fox your consdaation. Sint�ety, Mne Queenan (owner and next door aei�6or) 2380 Carter Avenuc St. Pnut, MAI SSt08 � 952 929 1157 �� p.5 �� 9aa/560� � zODe�9 ���:HdO �a0z�aa3�02 5iE96P£6 xva 9��H �naa �6pOZl6ilz0 � `- �� , � a �� Deparhner�t of Safety and inspections Attre John Hardwick 375 Jackson St, Suite 220 SaiM Paul, Minnesota 55101-1806 February 5, � Dear John Hardwick: Jeff Nichotson, of Quarfersawn, is our representative and has our petmission to work directly writh ihe aty as it concems our application fa a bt spNt and zoning variances ro our property at 2376 Carter Ave. SincereN, � ��� � Jeff and Julie Babi�au CI '\ MINOR SUB�INSION OF • LOT 28, B�OCK 47, ST. ANTHONY PARK NORTH 2376 CARTER AVSNUB —*--�{ CI1Y OP Sf. PAQL, RAMSEY CoUNTY. 1�INgSOTA � � . � �� �R����{I ��� ��� ..� � � � �j ' i �.l , . 7 ,E�� �: - �i�� . ��ii� � � �� 1�° a � �``.�� �r;�i` \ KEMPFR & ASSOCIATES INC. CERTIF[CATE QF SURVEY � ����� ` �o-.� j T. � ^ u ��� I/9-oasaa� °] F� t ��� M1 � e'm � m D6TNtlFr.v. tFStli@m! enwMR � Me xG x� PA�4Y�U IEEM RSL�1166 �e�n� a� n�„atl1 m��iM1+ s �'����� .m:^�: �..o �� ���r... �� � ��� M �� � m� _,..,,��'"���... � � R ,�,°m a memic wauwu�ons �"°'� � w �¢no =o � � �� �a : �_ ;� �:�:�_� �:�� �::�°- °` �°�:��_ � .o �� .t1���x � � 1 i� i � � ��� !�U �.� il � �� iii iii ' �� i���� z � w � w � z 3 � �J u � c� N �� • . . � tr (�;, --,,s. Z � Q � W J W � II L `� � " � � O� � N Z � Q > w J w K O � w u� �`; -�� ;`-"� `�'=� 0 9-�a5aay b u � w V N � � r�; -oas�y • • � � � �� w - � n ;o ��� 09-562 ��.��� 9- aSaa� • � • z O G > w J W � � � � _ � u � � � Q U W N �3 PROPERTY WITHIN 350 FEET OF PARCEL: 2376 CARTER AVENUE � 2$85 � � :o � ` � � 0 � -� `: \ � _, '' . �� p N W S CREATED BY DSI � `�� � � �� [)'; - .Cyi � � � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. �. s. 9. iQ. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. 17: SUNI2P.Y-73t1TTI.ECREEK-HICrHkTJOOD HAZEL PARK IIt#DEN-PIiOSE�ERTTY.T3ILLCREST . WEST SIDE ' 1]AYTON'S BLiJFF PA'iFNE-PLiAI.EN , . , NORTH END � THOMAS-3�ALE su��zrr-urnvEtt�rrx VJEST SEVEN"I'H � . COIvIO � I�.4MLINE-Iv1II}WAY ' ST. ANTIIOIV PARTC , MERRIr�ivi PARIC-LEXII�GTQN HP.MLINE-SNELIINC's T�AIvILINE MACALESTER GROVBL.ANll HIGH7.ArII3 � / SUIvfMTT HIL'L „ /; DOWN"t'OWN ���� , � ������ ���.� 09-�asa�; ---� CI'CIZEN PAl2T[CIPATCO�i PI..ANNtNCr DTS"FRIC�'S �� 6�--6aSa�i l��rett �, ?8� �� Zoning Boazd of Appeals Zoning Adminislration 3'#5 3ae�sa� �#r�zt, S�te ?2{# St. Paul, MN 55101-1&06 It�. Variaace Applicat3c�n€or 237G Carter Avenii� Your File No. 09-025229 Is..:, >,s, s ..fT�^"sa_� I am writing as the ne�-door neighbor of 7eff and 7ulie Babineau at 2376 Carter Avenue and as the co-owner of the house at 2366 Carter Avenue. As yau l�ow, tke Babineavs are curtenfly �ng a Iot�lit aud t�eesepaaate variaacestn huiitd a f�o�se audgaragek�etwe� thetr existing home and the home I currentiy own with Tom Gill. The Babineaus ]�ave been good neighbors. As teachers for Minneapolis Public Schools, T believe Jeff, 7utie and I shaze many of #�e sa�e c�re val�es. i� �s t�e�z:for� �itd3geat reg�t�at3 must oppuse�hair 1et sp� asd variance applications at this time. '�e �3ahiueaus cfitrre��}�roPasa�, i£appro��, wfluld resuk� � a�-sto� �nie �vluc� exe�ds city requirements for tot width by a factor of 20%. Its garage entrance would be located four feet • from the sidewalk, wluch we feel wouid negatively impact pedestrian safety, and reduce on street PaTkiag � an aiea�vitk� li�nited par3�g- �ri�g fi}�ecoast�uctio��etiod, �ve, or fi�e �ed�ate neighbors, could anticipate the obvious disruption such a project would create ia terms of noise, dust and debris from cons�truction and excavalion of the buitding site, as we1l as reduced e�3Fme��fl€� bac� y�t� vu�i+�Yta��s##�e�posed s�e�ae: �e�gt�vo-s�Eoryhoa� would reduce the light available to our home, back yazd, and to our estensive garden and landscaping. These things all add to the pleasure of our home and its ultimate market value and �i�ty'• The projecYs damaging effects on the value and salability of our properiy would be immediately appazent, as the home I own with Mr. Gill is currenfly on the markek We are legally and �y obligatec� tc�s�aze is€a�+at€c�a re1a� tc�€t�l�eeonstr+rction oniheaci3aeent icaEwitl; any interested buyer. We are reasonably concerned that the appeal of our home wouid be dimiaished by the prospect of close-proximity, long term consh�uction, and by the largely unl�own outcomes of ilraY const�on. Arth 1 it; 9 haa.� x�w s#a�di�gvazant�ian�ly, �ii� housing market in the Twin Cities reflecting tlus hend, the sale of any home is obviously challenging. With so many homes auailable, iYs diffecuit to imagine tbat anyone wouid choose a praperty knowing tt�ai a�jo� �er�a �n�jeef, ca€�owatde Q�� fs �n�t on fhe other side of the property line. Given the choice as a home buyer, I know I would opt for a home where no such conshuctioa was planned, where I could make an informed decisio� about mY P�P�Y aud tl�e stc�sctu�es az+ound it As you know, tha� ��Y �Y� many choices. This makes the consfiruction of a ne►v home, with special permission by variance, �� seem pacticulazlg frivolous and ineoasistent vKith tt�e aims af the eity aonung code. � �i • The Babineaus' proposed project depends on the approval of a lot split and three separate vaziances, three separate exceptions to St Paul wning code reo These regulations exist to protect ttia interests of neighbors and communities against projects that maX detrimentaily aff'ect their properry values, safety, and comfort, while benefiting an individual homeowner. We live in neighborhoods. The things we do affect our neighbors. When exceptions aze granted to zoning regulations, their resutting projects should do no barm In the packet you have received, you will note that Mr. Gill and I are not alone in our objection to the Babineaus' proposed lot split and related variances. Attached you will find a petition signedbg neighbors whosa concerns range from ogposi#� #4 �eediess �g in a giutted real estate market, to concerns that such wnstruction would alter the character of the neighborhood, to comments that the Babineaus' circumstances are not unique and do not warrant a variance and �ewconstruot�c� �tters se�i � fi3�e S�, A�t�on3� �ark �3is2rict�unci� a�d �,a�dUse Cammmi'�ee expressed similar concerns. Note that the Babineans' application for a lot split was denied by the Land Use Committee on 2!5l2009. Minutes from that meeting should be approved on 3/5/2009, and u�i� be a�ailable ta the Board o€�flni�g Appea�s at the i�e a�fi� �eazi�g c� �re� 9t1�. Your cazeful consideration of these concerns, and of the information contained in this packet is greatly appreciated. I feel confident tbat you will uphold the City V ariance Provisions as it pertai�s.ta fi�s�atEer_ � �e ��, C i ��� ' � �_ Kelli 3Q3ttnson � (1 � C7 Thomas E. Gill � March 2, 2009 Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Administration 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55101-1806 RE: Variance Application for 2376 Carter Avenue Your File No. 09-025229 Dear Board Members: If my understanding is correct, the zoning code is designed to serve the public interest, while variances have been created to relieve individuals of hardship or plight that the provisions might cause — but only if that relief does no harm to a neighbor or a neighborhood. fn this (etter I propose to make the wse that the Babineaus' "hardship" is trivial, at best, while the potential damage posed bygraniing the variances is immense and irrepareble. In this case, what "plighY' do the Babineaus suffer? The couple has expressed a need to "downsize" by wedging a large home and garage into a small lot (hence the necessity of three variances) with the advantage of realizing financial savings —or even profit � —when they ultimately self their existing fibme and move into the proposed dwelling. Even if i set aside the possible violation af 61.601(�("The request for variartce is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land"), close inspection of the architectural plan reveals that the supposedly "downsized" house is, in fact, nearly identical, in square feet, to the existing house, and far more damaging to the neighbors' quality of life: it cuts deeply into the IoYs south side, obstruding western sightlines for 2366 Carter, 2362 Carter, and pro6ably 2356 Carter as welf. The Babineaus further acknowledge that the impetus for their plan was the departure of their coilege- aged children, and the resulting need "to have a home that'works' for us". Buttens ofthousands of "empty-nesters" face the same predicament annuaf(y; a�d solve tfie problem respeclfully—by remodeling, or simply buying another home. !t is a solation that realtors and city planners endorse, with 11% of houses currently lying vacant— and 14 houses for sale in Saint Anthony Park alone. Instead, the eabineaus propose to create ariother invasive footprint that damages the property value of both their neigfibor and their neigfiborhood. In stark contrast to this trnrial need or "plighY' is the irreparable and possibly catastrophic damage that the Babineaus' plan would cause in at least four areas: i) The construction of a dweiling on the proposed site would destroy the iast undevetoped green space between Gordon Place and #280, and, with it, a treasured asset that contributes immeasurably to propertyvalue and quality of life in the community as a whole. Neighbors might argue about the importance of losing the site's ancient oaks— a Saint Anthony Park trademark that is fast disappearing— but there is tittie disagreement fhat a farge-sca(e dwelling wedged into the modest fot � available would be a visual eyesore no maYter how se�sitive the design mighY strive to be. A short walk � down Carter Avenue from Doswell to Gordon reveals that "breathing space" is a core element of the p;� :�y� � neighborhood's character; the proposed project, with its major variances, would violate that norm. Many area residents emphatically agree with my position, and several have been willing to risk alienating their neighbor by signing the enclosed petition that states as much: "we believe that any dwelling wedged into the smal{ but treasured space in question wouid be aesthetically injurious to neighborhood charecter, property value, and quality of life:' Significantly, five of the neighbors most affected by the proposai have recorded their opposition: Crowley, Swartz, and Crawshaw, who face the site from the northeast, and Currie and Canright, whose sightlines are afFected from due east; 2) The construction of a dweiling and garage on the proposed site would cause great risk of damage to my home, to its landscaping, and to its drainage. The set-back psoposed for the gasage — a 50% variance, from six feet to an imprudent three — combined with the momentous earth-moving associated with excavating a garage and an 1100+ square foot house, will surely threaten the ancient spruce in my front yard, as well as an oak in my 6ack yard, and 5� feet of yews 6etween. Most concerning, in view of the questionable set-backs, is the threat to my foundation, whose most vulnerable section is the west wall facing the Babineaus' proposed dweiling. Previous owners soived drainage problems by instatling a drain tile system on that perimeter; woufd it be overwhelmed by the effects of my neighbor's new dwelling, which amounts to an 1100 square foot dom?; 3� The construction of a dwelling on the proposed site wouid cause disastrous injury to the enjoyment and financial worth of my home, whose property value resides largely in the open setting that it enjoys. indeed, Ms. Johnson and I expressfy chose this property for the expansiveness and sightlines it offers, which are remarkable by urban standards; records indicate that previous owners � were similarly moved —and Ms. Johnson and I speculated that future buyers would be, as well, when we first invested in our home. That expectation seemed reasonable, given that our neighbors could not impose a large dwelling upon us without substantial variances, and, according to 61.601(d), variances would not be granted if they altered "the essential charecter of the surrounding area". Construction on any terms wouid do grievous and irreversibie damage to our sightlines, and the variances sought could only exacerbate the harm; in the words of a neighbor, "your dwelling would become a townhouse, not a house:' Most tragic would be the loss of western light and sightlines, whose beauty moved us to invest thousands of dollars in the living room, master 6edroom, and other west- exposed portions of our home. Tonight, as I enjoyed watching the sun set behind the IDS Tower, I reflected that i share that heritage with the woman who first occupied our house in 1922 — before the Foshay Tower, let alone the IDS, was an element of tfie skyline. We have no idea what financial or emotional value can be placed on the loss of a su�set, but we challenge the right of any property owner to casually sever that 86-year skein for nothing more than a Fnancially advantageous "downsizing" scheme. Here the code speaks with absolute clarity, and I implore the board to enforce its requirements: acCOrding to 61.601(d), "The proposed variance wili not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor wili it a(ter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish estabiished property values within Che surrounding area:' That provision might have been written with my property as a model; 4) The construction of a dwelling on the proposed site is a chiliing proposition, but even more disastrous would be the lot spiit and variances that precede construction. No sensible buyer would give serious consideretion to a house that faced construction next door— at some indeterminate date — � which would culminate in a house of unknown character and impact. In the opinion of local real estate expert Steve Townley (document enclosed), " If the variance is approved, any prudent buyer, when � made fully aware of the situation, would probably not buy your home, at least until such time as the � new house and garage were completed, all the landscaping was finished, and the effect of the loss of � light, ventilation and views could be fully determined. The effect of this situation on the salability of your home is to efFectively render your home not salable until such time as the situation is fuliy resolved one way or the other." In essence, to grent variances and a Iot split is to issue a death sentence for both the sale of our fiouse and its vatue: our property would be at the mercy oftfie eabineaus' home-buifding schedule, which — by Mr. Babineau's own admission—would lie years in the future. On February 5, 2009, the Saint Anthorty Park Land Use Committee rejected the 8abineaus' petition for a lot split. I implore the Zoning Board of Appeals to do Iikewise, recognizing that the Babineaus' "plighY' is frivolous compared to the grievous harm that their proposal would cause, as outlined above. I urge you to rejeck the three variances— and prevent the damage that they would produce. Sin erely, /G ��� �� � Thomas E. Gill � � � )� v 09-562 � Re: Land Split Resolution on 2376 Carter Avenue Dear Zo nina Soazd Members, Thank you for soliciting input on this resolution. I request that you deny the variances for the lot split for the foilowing reasons: 1. The proposed house would considerably block light to my house. My house is on a hillside, so I ha.ve no view Yo the east. C�ntlp I can see Yhe sunset through mp wsndows looldng west; the proposed house would entirely block that view. I bought this house 22 years ago for the open feel of the back azea Given that there were akeacly 3arge houses on the neigkbortng lvts, I had a reasonab�e expeetatioa that the open vistas would remain. Removing tlus unique feature would significanfly affect the value of my house, Z. Addi�g a}�ouse � the praposed space woutd cha�ge �e cl�ax'acter of the block, w�ich has lots of open space. There are currentiy two split lots on the block. Adding this split wouid make four split lots in a row. Higher densiTy housing is not necessarily a bad idea, buf i� �s to be done tfiro�ig33 a del�erate Taad use p3a�t and not piecemeal. 3. Given the size and appearance of the current house on the lot, it is hazd for me to envision that the houses would not look cramined in with another house there. The � current houses are nofi row styte houses; t3�ey were designed to �ave iand around Yhem. 4. The community council approvai, after only 20 minates of discussion, was only for the loY sp1iL IY was ciearly stated at the meeting that the variance issues were nnt to being considered by the Council. Thus tbe issues of tbe affect on neighbors house values, sight lines, and personal space was not addressed_ Neighbors had oniy learned of ttris proposal9 days before #he Cc>uncil rueetiri� and hcjuse plaus were no# availabie �1 a few days before the meeting — not enough time to research the impact it would have. 5. The lot split is promoted as a way for the Babineaus to downsize and remain in the �igh8or�oQd. But t1� pmpasad hovse has the sau� uuiuber �f stori�s and nearly the same footprint square footage. What is being presented is misleading. This plan has obviously been in development for a numbex of months. Yet neighbors whose hotise vaiues and qrxa3ity of 3i�e eouid be affeetzd werenat asked fvr �put �vr aven trrt'o-raterl unfil two days before the Dishict 12 Land Use Committee meeting, faz short of the required ten days notice. This pmcess has not gone forwazd in an appropriate manner; certainly not one w�ich witl buiId community, wtaic3� is aTl we $ave in tough tvmes. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, , ���, � Kit C c- l��� � 236� Garter A�e. �j � To Whom Et May Concern: It bas come to our attention that 7effNicholson of QUARTERSAWN DESIGN BUII.D, acting for owner Jeffrey D. Babineau, 2376 Carter Avenue, is applying for thr� variances of the zoniIl� code in order to split a lot for the pmpose of construcfing a new single-family dwelling and detached garage in the front yazd. The undersigned strongly oppase granting the three vaziances described in fiIe #09-Q25229. Further, we believe that any dwelling wedged into the small but ireasured space in question would be aesthetically inj�sious fo neighborhood chara,cter, pro vaiue, and � qualityoflife� / f �L%I n �/������. "� �3GG C� �.11 - i� a 5 �-�/' ��� C�rf��/���- c����� �`^-- a35c� CG-��' K.:-���ee� �Qvt►'� �+ a3 �� C car� - � ��� ���� ° �,3bS G�r��2C ��,_ 0� ���1� �,� � ,'v�, ►v �- � t �� 23�� Can ler ¢�1e S� � tV\h � � � �� �� �i���1 �N ssz�s z� ��c�.� ���4�- ��y`� C�trfer� � � �'�, z�� �-�,�.4,�� �-P�.( � �N S�1 � �� r,.�, - �, _I � " - ° j � � ' � ,. —, t ':a,s=. � Y J L���ti t j. : f [:It i.��14�� St MthOny Park: 219Q Como Avenue #100, St Paul, MN 55108 • 651 �-..: :3��7 a Fac: 651�44-0897 Highland Park: 2100 Ford Parkway #201, Sf. Paul, MN 55116 • 65189&1000 • Fax: 651-69&7686 March 2, 2009 Thomas Gifl Kelli Johnson 2366 CarterAvenue St. Paul, MN 55108 RE: Proposed Variances for 2376 Carter Avenue Ms. Johnson and Mr. Gill, As you may be aware, I am a Realtor a�d a St. Anthony Park real property owner. I have been in the residential real estate business for nearly 36 years, and have been specializing in St. Anthony Park for nearly 29 of those years. I have an office in St. Anthony Park at 2190 Como Avenue, and own other residential property here in St. Anthony Park. I have sold nearly 400 houses, condominiums, � townhouses and duplexes in St. Anthony Park since 1980. You have asked me to comment an the proposed variances and resulting construction of a new single family home and iwo car garage on the lot immediately to the west of and adjacent to your property. You have indicated to me that you some concems about the efiFect that these variances and the resulting new construction might have on the potential sa{e value of your home I have seen the survey work done by Kemper and Associates on which the surveyor showed your property at 2366 Carter, the existing home at 2376 Carter, and the proposed new two story home and two car garage which may be buiit in between these two existing structures 'rf the variances requested are approved. First let me point out, although it shouid be obvious, I am not an attomey and therefore I must restrict my comments to those issues effecting the value and salability of your home. Further, 1 have no contract with you with regard to any real estate related activities. It is my opinion that the proposed variances and subsequent new construction are a material fact which may affect a new owner's use and enjoyment of your home should you be successful in selling it. Therefore, it is my opinion that you must disclose the potential for these variances and subsequent new construction, even though they have not yet been approved. � Naturally, you would be obligated to disclose the existence of the variances and potential� � new construction if the measures were approved by the relevant goveming bodies. (continued) March 1, 2009 Thomas Gill and Kelli Johnson 2366 CarterAvenue St. Paul, MN 55108 RE; Proposed Variance for 2376 Carter Avenue Page finro I have not seen specfic plans and specfications for the proposed new construction. However I have reviewed fhe surveyor's work and it appears that fhe new consfrucfion woutd be a fairly large two story house wF►ich would be buift within approximafely 10 —15 feet of your current home, and would have the etfect of blocking some light, �entilation and views that you currently have. During the construction period, there wouid obviously be a significant amount of noise, construction debris, dirt and dust emanating from the site. The required excavation is likety to affect the hea(fh of the trees and plant maferiats on your property that immediately abut the new canstruction site. ❑ Once the new construction was compiete, there wouid be at least finro fewer on-street parking spaces available on the street due to the proposed driveway to the proposed new garage. This may be a fairly significarrt issue because there is already a shortage of on- street parking due all the e�dsting driveways on the street. � Unti! the proposed new home and garage are actually buiit, there is no way to accurately determine the effect this new construction will have on your use and enjoyment of your home, nor is there a way for any potential buyer to determine the effect this new construction will have on their use and enjoyment of your home if they purchase it. In my experience, less light, reduced views and more crowding on the site will decrease the perceived vafue of your home, but there is no way to determine the extent to which the vatue is reduced untii the construcfion is compiefe. If the variance is voted down, then obviously the need for disclosure goes away. If the variance is approved, any prudent buyer, when made fully aware of the situation, wou(d probably nof buy your fiome, at least until such time as the new house and garage were completed, all the landscaping was finished, and the eifiect of the loss of fight, ventilation and views could be fully determined. In my opinion, the effect of this situation on the salability of your home is to effectively render your home not salable until such time as the situation is fully resolved one way or the other, Please feel free to caA with comments, questions or concems. Sincerely, �] �.lkJ���\_ Steve Townley Re/Max Results C: 651�08-8827 r� `l � HELTZER 2'a' BURG March 4, 2009 Zoning Boazd of Appeals Zoning Admiuistration 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55101-1806 RE: Variance Application for 2376 Carter Avenue Your File No. 09-025229 Deaz Board Members: Our fum represents the owners of the real property located at 2366 Carter Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, Thomas Gill and Kelli Johnson. My clients' properry adjoins the properiy whose owner is seeking tluee (3) variances to construct a single family home. The three requested variances would ktave a significant and detrimental impact on the value, use and enjoyment of Mr. Gill and Ms. Johnson's property as well as the entire neighborhood. My clients assert that the applicant fails to meet the standards upon which a variance can be granted pursuant to Article VIII, Chapter 61.600, 5ection 61.601 of the St. Paul Zoning Code. In the present case, the standards must be reviewed and applied sepazately as to each variance requested. As you weli know, Section 61.601 states: Sec.61.601. Variances. The board of zoning appeals sha11 haue the power to grant variances from the strict enforcement of the pxovisions of this code upon a finding that: (a) The property in quesfion cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code; (b} The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the ptoperiy, and these circusnstances were not created by the landowner; (c) The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfaze of the inhabitants of the city; (d) The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding azea or unreasonably dixninish established property values within the surrounding azea; � � Heltzer ¢'r Burg, P.L.C. A[torneys at Law z5o Thitd Avenue North, Suite 650, Minneapolis, MN ggqot Tel. 6iz-333-485$ Fax 6 iz-334-9344 www heltzerandburg.com Boazd of Zoning Appeals March 4, 2Q09 Page 2 (e) The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not pernutted nnder the provisions of the code for the pmperty in tlze dislrict where the affected land is locatec3, nor would it alter or change the zoning dishict classification of the property; and (fl The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. In granting a variance, the boazd sball state the grounds upon which it justifies the granting of a variance. Hardship as described in the finding set out in subsection (a) above shaIl include the need for access to direct sunlight for solaz energy systems. My clients assert that as to each of these standards, the applicant has failed to meet his burden. Tracking the language of the ordinance, my clients' voice the following objections: (a) The first requirement has not been met in that the property subject to the variance request can be used. The applicant is seeking to wedge a large structure in a small space. The only way the applicant can wedge tlus home onto the proposed lot is by seeking significant deparhires from the zoning code by way of the tiuee requested variances. (b) The second reqnirement fails zs there aze no unique circumstances of the properly warranting the requested variances. It is the size and location of the proposed home, not the lot configuration oz physical chacacteristics of the lot that aze the basis for the requested variances. (c) The third requirement fails as the three variances would result in a direct contradiction of the intent and spirit of the zoning code and actually may jeopazdize the heaith, safety and comfort of the neighbors. The part of the block on Carter Avenue where my clients' home is located and the proposed wedged-in house is to be consiructed currently has a pazk-like setiing. The variances would ailow an unacceptable level of density. Further, the proposed location of the gazage, a mere four feet from the sidewalk, inevitably will result in cazs blocldng the driveway forcing pedestrians to scramble azound a blocked sidewalk onto yards and the street. In addition, building more impermeable structures will result in additional water run off onto a street that already suffers from ice buitd up in the winter months. (d) The three variances would negatively altex the essential character of the surrounding azea and the property values of the adjoining property which currently enjoys a pazk-like � Carter Avenue at this location is a hill with the downwazd sIope to the west of the proposed project. � � � �� �I ' .i � Board of Zoning Appeals Mazch 4, 2009 Page 3 � view to the west. This part of Carter Avenue enjoys lower density housing and attractive green spaces. My clients believe that the proposed construction of a large house on a small lot would detrimentally affect the value of their property particulazly in as much as the close proxnnity of the proposed dwelling and gazage would eliminate existing sightlines and deprive light to the western side of my clients' home. Further, it would devalue both the monetary aud aesthetic qualities of the current neighborhood. (e) Perhaps this is the only requirement where the applicant may meet the staudard. If the applicant builds a single family home, it would appeaz to be an allowable use under the zoning code if the three variances were granted, assuming he builds a single family home. (� It would appear as though the variances requested aze indeed based upon a desire to increase the value of the parcel to be created as it would go from a pazk-like vacant lot to a high densiry single family residence. The proposed project wouid increase the value of the applicant's lot at the expense of my clients' investxnent in their home. In summary, the applicant is seeking significant depamtre from the zoning code in his three variance requests that are unsupportable. The request of a 29 foot front yard variance and 3 foot side lot variance so that a garage can be built snug along the � boundary line with my clients' property, and deviation of ten feet from the 50' requirement at the building line is simply untenable and not allowable following the standazds that must be met for a variance. My clients' nnpress upon you the need to enforce the variance requirements, which in turn should result in a denial of the applicanYs petition for three variances. Sincer ly, Rebecca Heltzer RJHls cc: clients The Honorable Russell Stark s � � From: Renee Lepreau <renee@sapcc.org> To: <john.hardwidc(�,ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3J9200914:14 AM Subject: 2376 Carter Hi John, The land use committee wanted me fo make R clear in wrTrirg that the SAPCC did not comment on fhe variances for 2376 Carter - nof bepuse we are de facFO approving fhem, 6uf because we �d not gef the needed infortnation in time, due to the snafu with the interim design guidelines. Thanks, Renee Lepreau CommuniFy Organizer St Anthony Park Commun'dy Council, Distrid 12 890 Cromwelt Ave, Saint Pau155704 651-6495992 w�vw.sapcc.org ��;z �: / n ,',°�- /_ - � --- - .._..n � ` J � �� 09�62 i BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT TYPE OF APPLICATION: Ma}or Variance FiLE #09-025229 APPLICANT: HEARING DAT'E: LOCATION: LEGAL DE5CRIPTION: PLANNING DISTRICT: PRESENT ZOIVING: REPORT DATE: DEADLINE FOR ACTION: Jeff Nichoison Mazch 9, 2009 2376 CARTER AVENUE ST ANI'HONY PARK NORTH LOT 28 BLK 41 12 R3 ZONIlVG CODE RE�ERENCE: 63.501 & 69304 Saint Anthony Sign Dishict Febniary 24, 2009 Mazch 22, 2009 BX: John Hardwick DATE RECEIVED: February 10, 2009 � A. PURPOSE: Three variances of the zoning code in order to split a lot for the purpose of' consiructing a new single-family dwelling and detached gazage in the front yard. 1) There is a 33 foot required front yard, 4 feet is proposed from the garage for a variance of 29 feet. 2) A lot width of 50 feet at the building line is required, 40 feet is proposed for a variance of 10 feet. 3) A 6-foot side yard setback is required for the garage, 3 feet is proposed for a variance of 3 feet. B. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: This is an irregular shaped parcel of about 18,OOQ square feet. The properiy slopes down to the street and down to the east. There is no alley access to the property. Surrounding Land Use: Primarily singie-family homes. C. BACKGROUND: The properiy owners aze proposing to spfit this pazcel and consiruct a new single fanuly home. D. FINDINGS: �J 1. The property in question cannot be put to a seasonable use undet- the strict provisions of the code. �� Page 7 of 3 F�e #09-025229 Staff Report The property owners cunently live in tite e2sisting house on the eastern half of this parceI. The eausting pazcel is about twice the size of the adjacent lots and each of the proposed new lots would exceed the nrinimum lot size requirements for the district. They woutd tike to split the pazcel and build a retirement home on the vacant lot. At the front lot line tke new lot would exceed the required 50 foot miuimum Iot width. However, because the lot narrows towards tke rear, at the fivnt setback lina of the new house the lot is only 40 feet wide. Due to the slope of the property the owners are proposing to construct a garage in the front yard thax wo�zld be attached to the house through an underground tunnel. Most of the garage would be below grade and it will have a grass mof that wi11 blend in with the yard between the house and garage. The proposed lot split and new development is a reasonable and permitted use of the property that cannot be accomplished under the strict provisions of the code. 2. The plight ofthe Zand owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. � The steep slope and inegular shape of this parcel limit the practical options for developing the property. These are circvmstances that were not created by the P�P�'h' owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is � consistent with the health, safety, comfon, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The pmposed ttew lot will be simiIaz in size to adjacent lots. The applicant has subinitted au application for Site Plan Review and has received preliminary approval pending completion of a few items. Based on ttus it appears that the proposed new lot is buildable without adverse impact on the surrounding properties. The appficant has submitted a petition signed by several neigtzbors in support of tlus pmposal and we have received three individual letters of support from neazby property owners. Ptovided that subdivision approval is obtained from the Planning Administrator, the requested variances aze in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affect the health or welfare of area residents. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor wilT it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property va(ues within the suf-rounding area. The proposed new house will meet all of the setback and other dimensional standards for the district. The majorify of the proposed garage will be be2ow gade and the requested setback variances will not sigoificanfly affect the supply of light or air to adjacentproperties. � n � V Page 2 of 3 /� ,.�/ � File #04-025229 Staff Report There are several other homes with detached gazages in the immediate area. The new home has received prelimuiary design approval, again subject to some conditions. This should ensure that the house will be compatible with other homes in the area. Provided that final site plan and design approval is obta3ned, the requested variances will not change the character of the neighborhood or have an adverse unpact on surrounding properties. S. The variance, ifgi-anted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is Zocated, nor would it alter or change the zoning district cZassification of the property. A single-family home is a pernutted use in this disirict. The requested variances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. . E. DISTRICT COT7NCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 12 Community Council recommends approvai of the variances. F. CORRESPONDENCE: Other than the conespondence mentioned above, staff has not received any coxnments regarding this matter. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of the variances subject to the following conditions: 1) That Final Site Plan Review and Design Review are obtained; and 2) That subdivision approvai is obtained from the Plazmnig Adnunistrator. � � � Page 3 of 3 MINUTES OF TFIE MEETING OF TF� BOARD OF ZON]NG APPEALS � CITY COUNCII. CHAMBERS, 330 CTTY HALL SI' PAUL, MINNBSOTA, FEBRUARY 23, 2009 PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox, and Linden ; Messrs. Couriney, Faricy, VJazd, and Wilson of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Warner, City Attorney; Mr. Hazdwick and Ms. Crippen of the . beparhuent of Safery and Inspections. ABSENT: Gladys Morton*, Gloria Bogen* *Excused The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddox, Chair. Jeff Nicholson for owner Jeff Babubeau (#09-0252291 2376 Carter Avenue: Three variances of the zonmg code m order to spfit a lot for fhe purpose of constructing a new single-family dwelling and detacfled gazage in the front yazd. 1) There is a 33 foot required front yazd, 4 feet is proposed from the garage for a variance oF 29 feet. 2) A lot wi@th of 50 feet at the building line is required, 40 feet is proposed for a variance of 10 feet. 3) A 6-foot side yard setback is required for the garage, 3 feet is proposed for a variance of 3 feet. Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendaflon for approval, subject to tfie foIlowing conditions: 1) That Final Site Plan Review and Design Review aze obtained; and 2) That subdivision appmvai is obtained from the Planning Administrator. Tv✓o letters were received opgosing the variance request. One letter was ceceived from District 12 supporting the lot split but taking no position on the variance request. The applicant JEFF NTC$OLSON, Quartersawn Dasign Build - 5617 Beazd Avenue South, was present with the owner Jeff Babineau. Mr. $abineau, 2376 Carter Avenue, stated his intent is to build a retirement home next to his existiug home that is more accessffile and better suited to empfy nesters, that would better fit their existing needs now. Ms. Maddox questioned whether Mr. Babineau bad seen the letters in opposition? A1r. Babineau replied yes, he has seen the letters in support he dces not know weather there aze more, Ms. Maddox replied that there aze several that aze not in the packet. Staff passed a copy of the letters in opposition to the applicant. Ms. Maddox questioned whether he wanted to respond to the letters? Mr. Babineau read the letters. Ms. Maddox stated that he woutd Ytave a cf�ance to speak after the testimony so you can respond at that time to the letters, at�r he gets a cfiance to read tfiem. C� John Schumacker, 2183 CommonweaIth, stated he is not an immediate neighbor but has been a friend of the Babineaus for over 2A years_ He stated he wrote a letter in snpport. He would like ro reiterate a couple of points. First of all, these aze great people and have gone about Uus in a very open way and he feels that the people that aze here in opposition would agree with that. They have spoken with their neigh6ors and tried to make them awaze of what their wishes aze. They want to stay in the neighborhood and tiiey are tfie kind of neigfibors that would be great to have staying in our neighborLood. Saint � Anthony Park dces not have a Iot of options for empty nesters or seniors. We have one complex in 2� � U AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09-562 � File #09-025229 Minutes March 9, 2009 Page'I�vo • � North Saint Anthony Pazk and there is really not much more.than that. The District 12 Comprehensive Plan which has been approved by the City, supported and encouraged the development of new well designed infill to meet the needs of various incomes and building levels and life cycle needs. It also encouraged the addition of housing units that catered to young fauulies, empty nesters, and seniors and that inccease the range of affordability in the neighborhood. This is really a part of a very small impact of a way to increase that kind of housing and to prevent our neighboLhood from flattening out generafionally and economically. He ttiuiks this is exacfly the kind of thing needed in the area. Although he is sympathetic to fhe neighbors that would like to have the empty lot to gaze at he ffiinks that this is important to the community to have this kind of support and for other neighborhoods that struggle with these kinds of housing needs. Tim 7essen, 2369 Cater Avenue, stated he lives across the street from the Ba6ineaus and has lived in his home for 8 years, he is in support of the right of the land owner who meets the zoning requirements to be able to do with their property what they will. He feels that the style is consistent with what is e�sting in the neighborhood. He stated that he would also be supportive of more oprions in their area as he is also an empty nester. There was opposition present at the heazing. Kelli Johnson, 2366 Carter Avenue stated she is a neighbor to the east of the Babineaus. Her objections to this are that the District Council L,and Use Committee did not give sufficient notice of the initial meeting to the neighbors most affected by the proposed consiruction, they got two days notice. At the Land Use Committee at that time, the applicaflon for the lot split was denied. There were several points made at the end of the meeting that lot splits like this have been approved in the past. Construction had gone up and now those neighbors were no longer there, their vacant houses aze setting for sale on those lots, Because it was not a unazilmous vote it went on to the full District Council and the lot split was opposed by a vote of 8-5 with a lot of those votes being members of the Saint Anthony Park Business community and not the residential community. Ms. Johnson further objects to the catastrophic unpact this project would have on the value and salability of her home which is cunenfly on rhe market, Construction of the Babineaus proposed two story house and detached gazage would result in an nndefined petiod of noise, dust, debris, and general ciaos to be endured by their immediate neighbors to the east, which would be us or the gossible tesident of our house. The impact of the full sized siructure which is not eniirely predictable by us or any interested buyer, It would certainly hlock sight lines from our yazd and dinunish the light available to our home and extensive landscaping. The view and gazden contribute enormously to the pazk like feel of our home and these factors were primary in our decision to buy it. We as the sellers would be obligated to inform any prospecrive buyer fhat this construction was immiuent on the other side of the pcoperty line and it is kind of unthinkable to her that such a buyer would not be inIIuenced by flus information. In a glutted real-estate market with a wide array of options it is hard to believe tfiat a buyez would choose this house over a known quantiiy where no major conshucdon threatened the enjoyment of their new home. Perhaps the more important quesrion is with such a surplus of houses on the market what is the logic of building an additional home in the city where such conshucrion neither benefits the neighborfiood as a whole nor conforms to current zoning requirements without vaziances. Because they aze requesting three sepazate variances in order to proceed `1� AA-ADA-EEO EmpIoyer Rile #09-025229 Minutes Mazch 9, 2009 Page Three with this project there must be three separate excepdons to the City Zoning iegtilations. Tfie zoning code states that the approval of vari2nces by the BZA should be based on strict enforcement of the provisions which includes pzeserving the comfort and safety of the City's inhabifants, protecting property values in tha surrounding area, assuring suf&cient fight to adjacant properties and upholding the specific chazacter of individual neighborhoods. A vaziance should not be approved when the interests of one household aze injurious to aII tfiose azound tfiem. � Mr_ Wazd questioned that Ms. Johnson stated that they ouly received taro days notice of the variance? Ms. Johnson replied yes, they said it was because the regularions have racenfly been changecl and they were waiting to get word on how to proceed on this. She stated that they received nodce on Tuesday for a mealing taking place on Thursday, Mr. Wazd questioned whether she ]�ew what iegulations were changed and what those regulations were? Ms. Johnson replied she assumed that the Boazd would I�ow as they came from the Ciry. Mr. Hazdwick stated fhat fle could answer that, the ordinance that the appficant alluded to was the Inf ll Housing Design Standards, wkich became effective just about the time the applicant submitted this application orig9nally. Those design stauclards have to do with the design of the house and in order to ensure that the proposed house was going to meet those design standards it was prudent of the applicant to provide the City with mote detailed building elevations so we could determine that befoLe we pLOCeeded wirh the variance hearing. Therefore, the applicant agreed to a continuance of tha arigmat hearing date for an additional two weeks. So when the District Council zeceived their � original not9ficadon for the hearing it was scheduled for about three weeks prior to their actual hearing. So t}�at was extended out at the applicanYs and the City's request in order to complete the complete the design review of the proposed house. If you look in the packets you will see a memo from Tom Bcech, who is a Design $eview person, and his findings indicate that the proposed house and this proposed development is a feasible use of the properly. It was based on those InSll Aouse Design Standards. Mr. Ward further questioned Ms. 7ohnson tfiat she had said that there is a surplus of housing in the housing in the City and the applicant should seek out some of those propetties in the Saint Anthony azea. He questioned, is tfiere a surplus that would &t empty nesters, floor pIan, needs? Ms. Johnson stated that according to their real-estate agent theie a couple of smaller more modest sized honses available in the tavo to threz block azea, she thinlcs fluee or four there alone. It is also curious to her that one could not buy a more modest house tY�at already exists and modify it appropriately and stay in the neighborhood that way. Mr. Wazd quesfioned if you were property owner and you had a properiy where you had two lots. Ms. Johnson intert¢pted but they don't, Mr. Wazd continued well ]arge enough, it meets the guidelines of two lots according Yo the City, and you didn't have to go out and make tfiat expense and finance and you want to sfay in the neighborhood and you have a design that works wfiat would you do? Ms. 7ohnson stated that sfie and the co-owner Tom chose Saint Anthony Park to live in because it is pazk like and when we have talked about putting their house on the mazket in the past before the mazket became so abysmal they talked about things like wanting a member of the Audubon Society to buy it. No ske does not see that happening and she cerfainiy dces not see tbat happening when many people in the neighborhood do noY see it as a good idea. Mr. Courtney stated he is not unsympathetic to Ms. Johnsons concerns, however, he does not know whether it fits under any of the Boards criteria. 'I�vo of the variances focus on this gazage he requested' • tbat she expand on the three feet for the gazage side yazd setback that direcfly affecLS her home. If she �� AA-ADA-EEO Emptoyer 1. . • FIle #09-025229 Minutes Mazch 9, 2A09 Page Four could addtess how this gazage specifically affects the use of her proper[y specifically "I can't see this" "I can't see thaY' pazking etcetera. Ms. Sohnson stated as faz as sight lines she is thinldng more about the fact that they will have a two-story house ne�t doot. The gazage is a sepaiate issue that they aze requesting variances for but she would say that the construcdon of the house in that space is a much bigger concern for her. Mr. Courtney questioned what won't you be able to see? Ms. Johnson replied if you set in our back yard right now you can see all the way to downtown Minneapolis through the IDS Towet you Have a view of beaurifiil oaks and plant life all the way up to the horizon and it is a view that has been available since 1922 when the house was built and what you saw was the Foshay Tower. Mr. Courtney quesfioned wfiether Ms. Johnson could point to any way that the gazage might adversely affect her property? Ms. Johnson stated that the garage will go all the way down to the street, not all the way down to the street she thinks that the limit is four f�t from the sidewalk. It will be an eyesore from the street level. The house that is being proposed is going to go deep and wilI go from the front of our yard all the way to our back yazd so when we are setting outside we will not be looking at gazdens and greenery we will be looking at somebody else's roof top. The whole issue of salability people aze looking at these houses and what we have to say in our disclosure statement is that our neighbor is building a full sized house next door sometime in the future and we l�ow that it is going to be two- sWries. It is supposed to be downsized and the rest is sort of nebulous. So given all the choices that you have in this market we hope you don't mind that this is going to be going on. She has no doubt that this would cause any prospective buyer to stap in their tracks she would be affected by that. It wouid be � different if it was the old days when people were clamoring to get housing in the cities but that is not the case. Ms. Linden requested that the photos be brought back up so the Boazd couid get a look at the property again. Mr. Hardwick pointed out in the photos if the other gazages on the block down from the applicant's properry stating that the proposed gazage would be in the same location as these other gazages. He stated that if it were not foi the steep slopes like aze the case here we would encourage people to set them back far enough so a car could be parked in front without blocking the sidewalk. But in this case going back fiuther is going to disturb more of the slopes so we allow exceptions and aliow people to put gazages closer to the sidewalk simply to preserve the damage to the slopes. The further back they go the steeper the slopes the more possibiliry of erosion and so fourth is going to occur. Mr. Gill, 2366 Carter Avenue, stated he is the co-owner of 2366 with Kelli 7ohnson. He stated he is going to read a lengthy piece to the Boud and they could cut him off if they feit it was necessary. Ms. Maddox stated that they were reading it so she would ask the Boazd members if they had read through or if they want him to read it. Boazd members sfated that they had read it. Mr. Gill stated that they have read nothing that he has brought with him today. He had prepazed a letter to go in the packet last GVednesday, but that is not what he is prepazed to present today. Ms. Maddox questioned what he is going to address today? Lf he addresses the variances we are fine with his reading that. Mr. Johnson stated he thinks he will do so. Regazding the vaziances specifically we no longer have the photo up on the screen but he would azgue that one of his core groblems is that anyone that would stand in front of these iwo properties and look at the site in beriveen is that we aze looldng at a extraordinaty modest site that is going to attempC to accommodate a relarively lazge foot grint of a house. A resulting situadon of • what he thinks will be an eyesoza. He iealizes tfiat an eyesore is a word that would make an �� AA-ADA-BEO P.mployer F�e #09-025229 Minutes March 9, 2009 Page Five azchitect wince but it is franktp the very word that he has heazd from twenty different people tl�at have signed a petition to supplement one alrea@y given to the Board. It is a word tiiat he has heard fram coundess more people who have Iooked at this, all kinds of people, who look at this site and wonder aad marvel at ffie nofion of somehow shoehoming a groperiy on fha site tLat will have hortibly deleterious effects on the value of our ptoperty, He thinks that it speaks volumes in that there aze three variances necessary W some how make this project function and the iruth of this matter is that it would require a magician and not an azcfiitect fo matce sometfiing physically presentable with a 1,116 square foot fooiprint on that site. Those are the t3�ings �at he has to say about the variances but he would I�ce to speak to other issues if he is allowed. Ms. Maddox stated that if he covld jast address the variances and the findings tUat is what the Boazd is asking him to do, She does not mind what he wants to read as long as it addresses the Sndings and the variances. Mr. Gill questioned whether it would be ok if he addressed the Article 661.601 the iss¢e of vatiances and the various pmvisions tfiat were discussed there, would that be acceptable? Ms. Maddox replied that he should proceed. • Mr. Gill stated that he would like to begin that this projece was given the green light by the Saint Anthony Pazk Community Council on the concept that it was going to be a down sizing. That the Babineaus were in a si�ation of pfight, being empty nesters with their children in coi2ege and they somehow suddenly needed to downsize. In point of fact they are downsizing from an existing 2l55 squaze feet to one of 1116 squaze feet. Which is 39 square feet or the size of a closet and is a liberal � interpretation of the word downsizing. Most importanfly the prceess of downsi�no is going to abut a very Iarge fiouse on the most valuable asset that we have as home owners. S�iecifically a variance that will bring this home within 10-IS feef of their westem site line, the site line that Kelly made reference to, �t ��P��Y ��a8e ���ns of tkousands of dollars the vaiue of out fiouse in tfie estimation of anY realtor in the twwin cities who you wouId solicit for their opinion, Mr. Gill azgued that die building of the hovse would block sight lines for several neighbors as well as his home and that their property values would be gutted, As for building the gazage he thinks it is fool hardy to bring the site of excavadon three feet &om his pmperty line rather than six feet. Noting that he has a considerable amount of landscaping and vegetation as everybody in the Saint Anthony Pazk area bas. A large and defining spruce, coungess other trees that are very sensitive to excavafion and we aze talking about appzoximately 16-18 hundred cubic feet of axcavation to put both a garage and hoase mto this site. Mr. Wilson questioned Mr. Gill whethet if a more modest house were built on the site would he object W that? Mr. Gill stated that given his expectation that certain variances would be needed to build any house on that site and given that a eritical part of their reason and the only reason that they choose their modest fittle fiome is the expansive sigfit lines that they had, he would be reluctant but he would certainly would ba willing ta entertain ffie possibility and wouId I�ave all along. He would like to amend the remark that they were apprised of everyttting that was going on and was done in a sensitive and appropriate manor. Wliat ullimatelY occurred was that Mr. Babineau had very generally suggested months ago that he was thinking of a pipedream passibility of putting a house in fl�at spot it was not literally until the day we went to the land use committee meeting that he was informed that he was wanting to do it and had plamc to @o it and he wanted to show him the plans with that in mind. That was the day of the committee meeting that was addressing tfie issue of his house wluch is an insu�cient amount of time for anyone to pemse � this. So in answer to your question in general no, but he �( tQ AA-ADw-EFA E�Ioyer 09-562 • Fi1e #09-025229 Minutes March 9, 2009 Page Six absolutely would if someone were taking some modicum of concem about a house, that in his view is being insensitively being designed with no regazd to the dinunishment and value of his house. He would be happy to Iook at an alternative. He thinks that the way things have preceded has been inappropriate, Mr. Wilson (could not heaz comment.) Mr. Gill submitted photos taken from the second floor of his house showing the sight lines that would be blocked but the construction of the new house. Mr. Wazd stated "the site plans he is looking at shows that Mr. Gill's house sets higher that the current house of the Babineau's house. Mr. Gill also spoke of erosion and a tree at the end of his property and looking at the survey he cannot find the oak tree at the end of the driveway?" Mr. Gill stated that there is a oak tree he would estimate to be 2A to 30 yeazs old that is neaz the south of where they are building. Mr. Wazd questioned it is on your properry? Towazd the back of your lot? Mr, Gill repIied not towazd the very back of his lot bnt towazd where theu intended site would be. Mr. Wazd questioned if he moved the garage over and didn't need a vaziance, and he apparenUy does not need a vaziance for the side yazd setback for the house, then what? Mr. Gill replied that he did not come to this meeting with the e�ectation of entertaiuing alternatives with a new house, a new plan or a revised house. F3e stated that he is certainly aznenable to looking at other options that he would think would be less tor.ic than dus particulaz oprion looks. Mr. Wazd questioned whether Mr. Gill would agree that a new home in the azea wouid help stabilize values bq setting a new standazd rather than going on the existing values of homes • which have plummeted. Mr. Gill stated he does not he frankly believes that azguing that this is an appropriate way to downsize is at risk of being impolite he thinks it is a smoke screen. He stated as of the wtiting of his lettec thece aze 14 properties in Saint Anthony Pazk alone that were on the market. Ae thinks it is a transpazent fact and part of our daily news that we aze now in a counhy that is overbuilt and we have an 11 % vacancy rate in housing as a consequence he thinks we have to balance some things here. He azgued that lot splits have not been an overall positive for Saint AnYhony Pazk. Ms. Maddox quesfioned whether there were sidewalks in &ont of the houses? Mr. Gill replied yes. Ae argued that the garage that is in question presents several problems not the least of which is adding more and more impermeahle structures to the hillside has the effect of complicating drainage and contributing to, especially on the hillside, ice build up problems that aze already rather serious on that chunk of Carter Avenue. Andrew Crowley, 2365 Catter Avenue, stated he owns the tri-plex across the street from the applicant. He thinks most of the things he has thought about have been covered he was not contacted about this until he received a letter for the hearing. He tlunks that the demolition of any green space in the twin cities is unacceptable. He azgued with the over abundance of homes in the city he cannot see why someone would not consider purchasing one of them and possibly retro fitting them and this is a fantastic time to do it. Thece are plenty of places that would accommodate and help build the city and community up that probably be purchased for a lot less. Mr. Jeff Nicolson, 5617 Beazd Avenue South, stated that Mr. Babineau found them, tfiey had built a home in the azea a few years ago and that is how the Babineau's found him, they did not go out looking � '" l � an-nDn-�o �,myer File #09-025224 Minutes March 9, 2009 Page Sevan i for him. He stated that Mr. Gill stated thaY we were sqaeezing a new kome onto this lot but this new lot is the exact same lot that Mr. Gill and Ms. Johnson own, there is no difference in size between ffieir lot and the proposed lot so the talk about squeezing a home onto a nartow lot seems kind of profoun@. As to the view to the West Mr. Babineau could build an addition W within 10 feet of the eastem property line if he so chose. Ae stated that he tells clients all the time that the fact that you have a terrific view from the side or back of your house at a certain angle, dces not prohibit the neighboring pmperty owner from cfianging. Certain neighborhoods az8 more prolifillic in the amount of additions and eacpansions that aze going on, He constantiy warns clients to not fall in love with a view that is not yours, Appazenfly the tremendous care that Julie and Jeff Babineau have paid tn theit extended yard for the last 21 yeazs the �ighborhood has conne to love and appreciate. With their kids now gone they not appreciate the extra maintenance. One of the oaks is in serious fieaFtfi problems, it is hollow and it is a risk to their present home and needs w be taken down. They see tbis as a great way to stay in the tteighborhood. In terms of down sizing he dces not know whether they have ever ase,d the teim down sizing but it is going to be a no maintenancs home, it is going Yo be a home of fabutous features that aze all up to date, there won't be flaking paint on the outside, there won't be gaIvanized piuutbing, there won't be issaes with clogging gutters and things for tham worry about in the pears to come. So they can spend their time visiting tfieir ldds and spending time with their fawily rather than maintaining their home on their weekends. Mr, Babineau ran out yesterday and took note of 17 gazages that aze detacheQ and are between 1 to 8 feet of the sidewalk on both Carter Avenue and Bounne Aveaue one block to the north has , similaz chatacteristics. The reason for pushing the gazage to the east side of the properiy just a Mr. Gill spoke the Babineaus would like to maxi,,;i�P their front yazd and the amount of land they can landscape so by widening that three feet to six feet, that space beriveen the gazage and the side properry Iine becomes dead space and tfiey want to m;nim;�� �at. Also by moving that garage farther to the east properry line there is an oak txee on tfie boutevazd tttat hy moving the gazage to the east maintains this nice old oak. He stated that there is some irony in tkis that Ms. Johnson and Mr. Gill expLess theu love of this view aad how much it means to them and yet tfiey aze seIling tfleir home and moving. They aze build'mg this new home so it fits into the cascade of homes down ffie avenue. Mr. Ward stated that it seems that there aze two points to this issue one is the view, which only Mr. Babineau owns as he owns the properry and can take filll control of what he puts on that Iot. The otfier thing is would there be some room for some negotiation, we are only talldug about three feet, If the garage were pusfied over three feet he does not think it would destroy Fhe intent of the original design and would still miss the tree and would just encmach the front stairway just a flftle bit. We are here trying to 6nd a ftappy medium here for both the neighbors, the properly owner and ffie City. The City sets precedance by passing ordinances saying what you can and cannot do and the variances aze set fourth so tfiey aze not severe, it is up to us to heaz all the information and decide what can be done. Would you entertam moving it tbree feet. Mr. Nicholson stated he would defer to Mr. Babineau as he draws the P1ans under his direc6on. He tfiinks that the three feet came from, he requested that Mr. Hardwick correct hizn if he is wrong, he befieves that a 3 foot setback is required for a detached gatage on a 50 foot lot? Mr. Hazdwick replied in a reaz yard, Mr. Nicholson stated that this garage is attached through an undergronnd tannet but no one witl be awaze of that wilt be the home owners since all of it will be underground. Whether tizere is a compromise there he wouid let Mr. $abineau speak to that, the � unfortunate thing is that i£ we do move the garage over those six feet become lost space in Saint Anthony � � AA-ADA-EEA Employer �-� � File #09-025229 Minutes March 9, 7A09 Page Eigfit Pazk. If you went along these other 17 gazages that the space hetween these gazages and the property Iine is the least manicured, the least attended space, so it is a tough space to get at access wise so we would like to m;nin,;�� �at and max;m,�P the amount of green space on the side. Mr. VJazd continued Mr. Babineau does not have an open check book and there was a comment eazlier that we do not know how long this construction is going to last, it could be open ended. What is your conshuction schedule is theie an anticipated beginning point, is there an anticipated ending point? Mr. Nicholson stated that the house that they built at 925 Cromwell, which was considerably lazget in ovetall squaze feet took just under seven months from start to finish. In that one, we did a ten foot deep basement four feet from a right of way alley and we had a permit to close it for one week but we had it back up with access through it in three days. We aze familiar and capable of handling large excavations in tight quarters; this is the type of project that we speciaiize in, Seven months give or take, but he would actually say less than that in a home of this size. Mr. Wazd further questioned whethec there would be a huge impact of erosion on the site? One of the real benefits of this home is the impact to the erosion of the current home at 2376 Carter. Currently they have taken some measures to alleviate the run-off down the hill Chat has nnpacted their home for yeazs. By bu$ding this home and doing a new retaining wall, drain tile and things, gutters on the new home it should elinunate a lot of the water issues that has caused havoc on their current home. We aze taking other steps also we have a rain garden in the . front yard, a grass roof on the gazage for both aesthetic and for zun-off reasons. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting. Mr. Courtney stated that in the Mazch 9, letter from the District Council, his reading between the lines the Distiict Council is begging to have input into this and his motion is to delay this until the Board can get a report back from the District Council. Mr. Courtney moved to continue Che variance and resolution in order to take this before the Dish�ict Council and hy to work this out with the neighbors. Mr. Faricy seconded the motion. Mr. Hardwick stated he would just like tA remind foll;s that took time out of their busy schedule to come here today, and ihe Board, ffie issue here is not the house. The house that is being proposed to be built does not require any vaziances, it meets all the City ordinances for setbacks, height, lot coverage everyfliing else. The house does not need variances, the issue is the garage so if the folks ffiat cazne down here, and he thinks Mr. Couriney tried to get to that eazlier, need to focus on the gazage. If the gazage is going to somehow adversely affect theu property that is the issue, it is not the house. Is the gazage going to affect their sight lines? It is not whether the house is going to affect their sight lines. The lot split, the properry meets all the required width requirements and can be subdivided with out any need for variances. The only issue here before you is the gazage and if it does get laid over and goes back to the District Council you nvght want to focus your attention on the gazage instead of the house. Mr• Courmey stated that tfiere are three variances and one of the vaziances talks about where this is built, • he is for the lot splits but it seems if they do vote for the variances they have taken away the negotiating power of the neighbors here to ultimately give in to the house being built, at least they can have some �� AA-ADA-EFA Employer File #09-025229 Minutes Mazcfi 9, 2009 Page Nine input into what znay actually be built and to the extent that we grant them the variances here today, we have given carte blanche and taken away theu input and we have not allowed them their day with the District CounciI. Ms. Linden stated she would like to reiterate that, she thinks that the District Council and the neighbors need to be able to work together on this. Ms. Maddox questioned the rimeline here and when it would be brought back. Mr, Hardwick siated tfiat the deadline for action was e�ended by the applicant for an additiona145 days. He has no idea when die Saint Anthony Pazk Community Council meets they only meet once a month. (TJnheard comment from tfie audience about the District Council hearing dates,) Mr_ Warner and Mr. Hazdwick discussed the timeline. Mr. Warner instructed that tfie timeline is e�xemely critical because if the timeline is missed the application is approved by operafion of law and you have no say in the matter. Mr. Hardwick encouraged the Boazd to take into considerarion the applicaaYs scheduiing here also. Mr. Courtney stated he thinks that they should amend the moflon and deny it and waive the fee the next time ffiey come back and have them come back once they have talked to the Disirict Council. � Mr. Hardwick aske@ for clarification once there is a motion and a second, doesn't the Boazd have to rule on that before they entertain anq fitrther motion? The original motion was to ]ay the matter over and it was seconded, doesn't the Boazd have to resolve that before they can entertain a motion W deny. Mr. • watner stated that is coRect. Mr. Ward stated according to Roberts Rules of order says that once a motion is on the floor and a second that takes precedence over any other order on the floor. So we need to move on that originaI motion. Eitfier it succeeds or it dies and another motion can be made. The amendment Yo the motion is in itseif a moiion. Mr. Courtney stated or he wuid withdraw it. Ms. Maddox stated that they aze all prepazed to vote on the modon. The motion is to delay until Apri120, 2A09. Ms, Maddox clarified the motion before the vote. This is a motion to lay this over unffi the 20`� of April so everyone gets a chance to go back to the District Council and come back here. Mr. Faricy seconded the motion, which fai2ed on a roll catl vote of 2-4{I,inden, Courtney, Wazd, Maddox). Mr. Cour�ey moved to deny the vaziance and when they reapply we waive the fee and all this with tha uuderstanding �at they get a report from tfie District Council before coming back. Mr. Wazner reminded the Board fliat staff recommended approval of the variance and 25.99 requires tfiat �eY state theu reasons on the record, so each person when the vote has to state their af6rmafions of their reasons and fhey can add additional reasons for the denial. " Mr. Couctney stated that fie fhinks they can go with findings 1, 4& 6. 1. It is already put to a reasonabla use; 4. It is going to iutpair the adequate suppty of ligfit to the azea; 6. Desire to increase the income or value of the pazcel of land. � � AA-ADA EEO �loyer 09�562 � • C File #09-025229 Minutes Mazch 9, 2009 Page Ten Ms. Linden seconded the motion, which passed on a ioll call vote of 5-i(Ward), Board members cited findings 1, 4, & 6 as their reason to deny the motion. S�bmi by: Jo , Hazd ck J Approved by: Glona ogen, 5ecretary 5� � AA-ADA-EEO Employer CITY OF SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMBER: 09-025229 DATE: March 23, 2009 WFIEREAS, JeffNichotson has applied for a variance from the shict application of the provisians of Section 63.501 & 69304 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to three variances ia order to split the lot to build a new single fa�mily dwelling with a detached garage in the frottt yard in the R3 wning district at 2376 Carter Avenue. PIN: 202923340099; and WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public heating on March 23, 2009 pursuant to said applicatian in accordance with the requirements of Secrion 64203 of the Leaslative Code; and WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substaniially reflected in the minutes, made the followmg findings of fact: 1. The proper[y in ques�ion can be put to a reasonable use under the strict prouisions of the code. i The praperty owners ciurently live in the existing house on the western half of this parcel. The eusting pazcel is about twice the size of the adjacent lots and each of the proposed new lots would exceed the minim„m lot size requiremenfs for the dislrict They would like to split the parcel and • build a retirement home on the vacant lot AY the front loY line the new lot would exceed the required 50 foot m;n;m,,,» lot width. $owever, because the lot nazrows towards the rear, at the front setback Iine ofthe new house tfie Iot is only 40 feet wide. Due to the slope of the properiy the owners aze proposing to conshuct a garage in the front yard 8�at would be attached to the house thmugh an imderground tunnel. Most of the gazage would be below gade and it will have a grass mof that will . blend in witli the yard between the house and garage. This property has been in its present condition since Yhe existing house was built and is a reasonable use of the property. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were nof created by the land owner. 'The steep slope and 'uregulaz shape of ttris pazcel linnt the practical options for developing the property. These aze circumstances thaY were not created by the property owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and interet of the code, and is consistenf with the health, safety, comfon, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. Page 1 of 3 5� 04-562 File #09-025229 • Resolution The proposed new lot will be similar in size to adjacent lots. The applicant has submitted an application for Site Plan Review and has received preliminary approval pending complerion of a few items. Based on this it agpears that the proposed new lot is buildable without adverse impact on the sunouuding properties. The applicant has submitted a petition signed by several neighbors in support of this proposal and we have received three individual letters of support from nearby property owners. Provided that subdivision approval is obtained from the Planning Administrator, the requested variances are in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code and will not adversely affect the health or welfare of azea residents. 4, The proposed variance wi11 impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacenf property, but wi11 not aZter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonabZy diminish estabZished property values within the surrounding area. The proposed new house will meet all of the setback and other dimensional standards for the district however the reduced setback of the garage will affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. There aze several other homes with detached garages in the immediate area. The new home has received preliminary design approval, again subject to some condirions. This should ensure that the house will be compatible with other homes in the azea. Provided that final site plan and design approval is obtained, the requested variances will not change the character of the neighborhood or have an adverse impact on sucrounding properties. • 5. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit any use that is not permifted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alt� or change the zoning district classification of the property. A single-family home is a pemutted use in this district. The requested variances would not change or alter the zoning classification of the properiy. 6. The request for variance is based primarily on a desire to increase the value ar income potential of the parcel of land. It appears that the primary desire of the applicant is increase the value of the properiy by subdividing the pazcei. NOW, Tf�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the request to waive the provisions of Secrion 63.501 & 69.304 to ailow 1) a front yazd setback of 4 feet, 2) a minimum lot width of 40 feet; and 3) a 3 foot east side yard setback, in order to split the lot and construct a new single-family home with an attached garage in the front yard on property located at 2376 Carter Avenue; and legally described as St Anthony Pazk North I.ot 28 Bik 41; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Adminis�ator, IS HERESYDENIED. • Page 2 of 3 � 09-562 File #09-Q25229 Resoluiion MOVED BY: so�en SECONDED BY: w�a IN FAVOR: 6 AGAINST: o MAILED: Mazch 24, 2009 TIME LIMiT: No decision of the zoning or planning administrator, planning wmmission, board of zoning appeals or city council approving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer than two (2) yeats, unless a bnilding permit is obtained within snch period and the erection or alteration of a bnilding is proeeeding nnder the ferms of the decision, or the nse is established within sach period by actnal operation pnrsuant to the agplicable conditions and reqnirements of the approval, unless the zoning or planning administrator grants an extension not to egceed one (1) year. • APPEAL: Decisions of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals aze fmal snbject to appeal to the • City Conncil within 10 days by anyone affected by the decision. Bnilding permits shall not be issned after an appeal has been £iled. If permits have been issned before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and constraction shall cease nntil the City Conncil has made a final determinafion of the appeal. CERTIFICATION: I, the nndersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Saint Panl, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a trae and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minntes of the Saint Panl Board of Zoning AppeaLs meeting held on March 23, 2009 and on record in the Department of Safety and Inspechions, 375 Jackson Street, Saint Pan1,lVTinnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ;� � , �--�-- Debbie M. Crippen Secretary to the Board Page 3 of 3 � ��