184881Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE :184881 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7881, entitled "An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic, riding, driving and travel in the streets of the City of Saint Paul and providing punishment for the violation thereof, and re- pealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rerrdered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, approved December 30, 1937, as amended." This is an emergency ordinance-rendered necessary for the preservation of the pub- lic peace, health and �fe The Council of of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section That Ordinance No. 7881, approved December 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by deleting from Section 68, thereof, the following: "in the months of November, December, January, February and March of each year no vehicle shall be left standing on the following portions of streets: Either side of Dale Street from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue. The service drives of South Robert Street from Concord Street to George Street. Either side of Aldine Street from Iglehart Avenue to Summit Avenue. Either side of Herschel Street from Dayton Avenue to Ashland Avenue., I ® The east side of Dewey Street from St. Anthony Avenue to Feronia Avenue. The north side of Feronia Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior �\ Avenue. i The north side of Charles Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Aldine Street. The south side of Sherburne Avenue from Rice Street to Marion Street. The north side of Sherburne Avenue from Marion Street to Aldine Street. The north side of Aurora Avenue from Rice Street to Chatsworth Street. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland FMXIU X Winkel Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk IM 6 -56 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Original to city clerk ORDINANCE 184881 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (page 2) The north side of Aurora Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexing- ton Parkway. The north side of Lincoln-Avenue from Oakland Avenue to Snell - ing Avenue. The north side of Hendon Avenue from Como Avenue to Fulham Street. The north side of Hendon Avenue from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue. The north side of Buford Avenue from Hythe Street to Raymond Avenue. The south side of Doswell Avenue from Hythe Street to Cleveland Avenue. The north side of Carter Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. The north side of Commonwealth Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. The north side of Luther Place from Como Avenue to Grantham Street. Either side of Gove Place from Como Avenue to Doswell Avenue. The north side of Knapp Street from Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. The south side of Scudder Street from Como Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. Excepting the east side of Chatsworth Street from Aurora Avenue to University Avenue, and excepting Rice Street, Western Avenue, Dale "Street and Lexington Parkway, the east side of all streets running north and south in the area bounded by Rice Street on the east, Lexington Parkway on the west, Charles Avenue on the north and Fuller Avenue on the south. Excepting Lexington Parkway, the east side of all streets run- ning north and south in the area bounded by Lexington Parkway on the east, Hamline Avenue on the west, Charles Avenue on the north, and University Avenue on the south. Excepting Snelling Avenue, the east side of all streets run - ning north and south in the area bounded by Hamline Avenue on the east, Fry Street on the west, Edmund Avenue on the north, and Oniversity Avenue on the south. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland M=>ftku W i n ke 1 Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -66 , 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Original to city clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY - - _ ORDINANCE NO. (page 3) The west side of Aldine Street from Edmund Avenue to Univer- sity Avenue. 'The east side of,Roy Street from St. Anthony Avenue to Univer- sity Avenue.. ,The east side of-Fry Street from St. Anthony Avenue to Univer- sity Avenue. The east side of A1di,ne Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue. The east side of Herschel Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue. The east side of Wheeler Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue. The east side of Beacon Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue. The west side of Pierce Street from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue. The west side of P-r`ior Avenue from University Avenue south to the .Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Bridge. The west side of Vandalia Street from University Avenue south to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Bridge. The north side of Laurel Avenue from Dale Street to Nina Street. The north side of Holly Avenue from Dale Street to Western Avenue. The east side of Kent Street from Marshall Avenue to Summit Avenue. The west side of Floral Street from Summit Avenue to Grand Avenue. The south side of Grand Avenue from Oakland Avenue to Summit Court. The north side of Goodrich Avenue from Dale Street to the dead end. - The east side of Lawton Street from Summit Avenue to 100 feet south of Grand Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy H Rand ll'0jKeAX W in ke l Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -56 gw,8, Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor F •�' c A Favor Against Original to City Clerk OR-D•INANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.: PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (page 4) The east side of Mackubin Street from Summit Avenue to Marshall Avenue. The east side of Arundel Street from,Summit Avenue'to Marshall Aven ue . The east side of Virginia Street from Summit Avenue to�Marshall .Avenue. The east side of, Farrington Street from, Summi t' Avenue to Marshall Avenue. The east side of Nina Street from Summit Avenue to Selby Avenue. The east side of Louis Street from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue. The east side of Cathedral Place from Dayton Avenue to ;:Marshall Avenue. The east side of St. Albans Street from,Goodrich Avenue to Marshall Avenue. The east side of Grotto Street from Goodrich Avenue to Marshall Avenue. The east side of Avon Street from Goodrich Avenue to Marshall Avenue. The west side of Victoria Street from Marshall Avenue to Dayton Avenue. The, east side of Victoria Street from Dayton Avenue to Fairmount Avenue. " Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland 1>0 MM W i nke 1 Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -66 8 Passed by the Council 'Approved: Mayor T Favor Against `. r ✓ T#pliccl to to the Comptroller ORDINANCE 1.84881 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO R:r An irdirwhes �+ Ihg ON16+ance'tia 788i.* ;!►rat tied "fir Orden 0*901eting ad, iiar►erloilit�g reffic, ri+dit , Mfr alng and too") )n the .'tests of tho City of 'silnt fool iod provJ4160 Iwoith"n't 'far then OlAtion tWoo' fl: send re,* plelin i �i c rdlnanorri .tnd pares of ordin as i - conilst *rid; hsr®vrith fhit l an oft, rgenny► nE�fi 'ericiltr"id ne +weer l for ohs p a ry ti h tith ed s tty "+ ► d :fir 'a 37., ndrd ` this to ►. +rgo%tyr ordl0W -" r0 r44 nerWas*ty f00 the prei+ervetion of tho pub* i #�.,� het)xh. s�►fntyr.. Us + *ontll of the city of $41ht Pot s ordain: ThOt ordtnei M *' A01 # + 1 rQV*d cs r 30A i93 ?: at ,r 0andod, be.. ;find the ' u hareb "" furtha�r t d by 4414ting frail+ fiction 68, thir4of, tho foltvwin9l ,lo the- oonth* of NOVe rt fir,. J:amoty, fobruary rind Mauch of .40th r no Visit theyi bo ieit i anding on tht fa►t flowing portion3 of ttreeti f it +eids oy geit erase 000 $t. Anthony .- Avenue. to 'osnto 7ha is rvlc* dri'vo Of oth art Strest frig V rd $erase tEi Georoo atroet4 Othir SW O, of A101ns Stevot fr* l9iehart Avmd to Surnit AVenu1R 91thor i.d of rschia l litroot fray Dayton Avow* to Ashlwd . Avast. 'ohs *Sit *,ida of y tIOet fr St. An lv to An�,� of ir'e(00la .Bl"nt+a from f`$irview 4stwr to frig AVOW 64i The fowth 1111 de of 06 plot. Avows frq HarA N Avow* to Aldine Uros t 1h0 6Wth 6146 Of $herburn& AvOnuo from dice Stro$t to Marlon �er+ASt. - Thy siareh sid a of st4irboeft Ava a frm morion er at to Aldine Wooto Yhe north .side cf' Aurara, A venus from Rico $trot! to 0m rth: stmt, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland UAW= Winhsl Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk IM s -os 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against TriPH&te to the'Comptroller PRESENTED BY rA .y . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO, fhb Wrth sfdit of Aurora Avow* from -006rd Straet to,, t -R? , Parkway* ` The north Sift of LIftbin AV*Wo 'f06 " "OaklArW Awonuo to 8nai f Avrirxea *ha north i1de of flop n Amu* from.,Caw Avomw to- Fulham !he. inorth •aldee of !'ice Av6m* from Atha $treat to Cf velpnd AVaI`+ue�� • 'Ifto north si ds of Word . AW from Hythe treat to Raymond 18481 It* tWth ' sii ' of 10 e i i Avenue 'f , Hythe $trot to C lo_l 6 north M do Of cortor f ry A ' yW AVW" to t i�►vei anti ?he tsor h eidb of` ith Avg from A*y d A"m" to 61*ve16nd', Avarxla* The h6rth $i of Luther flame from COMO Avanua to drantham �'►trl�lt: l th'se Bide: of 06V.S. Ply fimam tam* Ava"..to S ^I t AV*n"* The impth sl'& of ':0traot from'CoWo Avow* to C.levola�d, Avetrltwa-. Yhs south aj ' of ' d, r Strict from t474 a7 Manue to. Clovel'and Avenuor. Exceptt.ng they east side of Chbtswartiv ftriet from Aurora Arreh" to iiniverrsity 'Avenoo, ' ' d oxc eoting Nice; Stireato 1�Nestarn Ave n * gale ii rent . boxt sgton P'arlee y, the asst sly of 611 4tireats running north and' .$Wth' 10 the nraa b ided , by- R#co 'Watt on the *,**to t exi "ton Par, ic��,r on th+ WOO Ckssrf oo Aver ms s ilk the north aril ful )or Avarua on tha ax0optlaq toklootoo Party►,, the eves- t a140 of aril otr6ats sung nib north find south :iri the area° boundd by t, xingto �arkw4y- do the east, Haatiha Aerie"" oiri the avast, - Charlasi Avo . tho ndrtho and Alnlvaesity. Avonua on than southo g-ftepting oftellifig 1woulds the east Sid* of al streets run4* nits north and south In the arse boundad bye 'Hamm to* Avm* an y street can tho W46t , 9440d AV n 0 on the .000th tv aoei' Vnivorsit t Av+enua 60. the Iz uth, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland . winir�ai ortin'. son Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -66 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against Tri plicate to the Comptroller ~ ORD-INANCE .184881 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Poo Ohs,w4kot s140 of Aidi i .it' nWt from OW04 AVONO to UrOvor"' 00 $1480 Ady. tmet from St.. AnthmAvemol. to Un o si ty AvoNwi, the easit .tIds of Irry $tr t fmm ti. Mt,thony ,Avg to unlvsr �\ Yom. east Wo of Aldino $tr t from $to Anthony Avstwo:. to Unl!orsity Avs t ?hs o d;t aids of t rschst 0treet , f o St, And y Avio.. to Unlversit Ave Na.. y Av.. the dIest stds of Whot1dr Street from St , Anth&w Avow to, jint,vearoi ty Avsr�e. yha eft Bide of 84et Avet' a from $to Aothwy Avon" to Volvor'sttyr Avt mwt The-*%tt s.i+ ► of P , 0' Stmt f itt � Aot o ,Av to, Untvs�r'stay Avs. The West 014'a of Wor Avow from Uhtv6rs1ty.Av&we south to tom Ch,i0.6p# !!.t .itwu&0r; t* Foul sod P*W14 feel irid t3rtdge., z T'ho west S146 of Y 'to Ursst from tlntr�ersity dive #outt� to the Gh1c+egc, Mi'itr±tcef.C.td t'aolft0 + Aa;j,r0;W 1300p ', srth st t Avom w frQm Ueis ttreat to tt , . Uresto ha rtfr e9ds of Ilol`fy .Av+ fry Oe1e tre t is v .-s�rn Ayes "ohs most s da. of Kent Oreot from Marshal I Averwo to $um f.t Avsii;� ; y "St $106 of rtor t $trout f Sw=tt Ave mw to Grand Avenue: Thy swth tt4 of GrOM4 Avoir o l?rm ftktaod: Avenue tai Sutnaitt Ths- r4rth Bids Qf 00odolch Avg from eels $.treat to the Tns oot -snide- pf Wwtoft Street from $u Avilmn to, '100 foot Wwth cif 0rooO Avoo se.# Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy vok"t Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -56 u, 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Triplic�Ee t.Jf . Comptmuer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4) The e t $1&'of Arundol W t frp�1 SOMMIt. AVON to M0001 1 4V9E'i 081* • f t sib cot. V0 tot of* Or"t ffrW $ummft Avomw to ftt$holJ Av!!�` O $t* do of, f4rolnoto " trest tom: towlt Awe to .• Harshsl1. Avsrxtox 4 0,46 *0 Nh* $t t from bu tt Aveom to Wby A *Wo ' :asst ,.!do .ail! Louts $t±rftt yroo baytt NOW* is Aerthal I Av�lr. r Awst e1 do 6f, C,.,sthodrol 1 4co f ram fi ytort: Avenue to oai i t s1°de,. of Su Albs m*t,,#'r6m Go#*lch, Avon , .to 1�C8�l�1't AV�11'fi�9* . asst std #Grotto tr et rota Ckm4rilch, Avtow .to . The "$t Ode of Avon ` r t .trm GoWeloh Aven to Nlroatt The woot s , 0, f V1o0r; otroot twrilhol I Avewe to yton Avg,: h e t s#de of V.14 444 tar t Irrara Oayrto" Ayer" to t� f unt hF I ordl s i r by declerrrd Q be rah **r */ ord €- r ro red oocasssr!y' for t proorvatloo of the pub) to pe+ , pool th 0stoty*. '�itl s ar sh tt take a lfeoct . WW be. In tgroe Opm a tt piss # ;vub t l on. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland . % i V tako 1 In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk lm 6 -66 8 Mayor V Quad,fuplicate to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO An *fry *Wd1 tl"Ono* 00, mlt,"ti000 driviol aw trool In tho ur to of tho t1ty. of t eNt Paul ow ►+ldi lOWS-at for -tfw V101000" 00" t hereas 46d r*- 0"1100 411 +i ids wts of arsi1nama 10600tu t. herow ltho ' lo to on, omorvoey ordir"Was ,fir + ". ttr the "r Voila t of ;t TIC 0"CO'1* t 'lth ow "M • ��� ' �� �►'�A�+i�ro'yr ' thrt lttrri�irv1 t�f . Dom" X11 of 00 city Of 10t #100 N: rm VA Y T t 'dlown" l *r Jul* Ov" r 30 �. 1,9 V ` tj"r is for+ farowir by 4i *14t,It Mwvorwr# fir. jo% ftth of l r �loals X11 to lei. stowing WIM114 otw0aft of #t"Oul 04W06 �ill�llhl. w+r dr Ujow %*or t str"t fta twor4 Or"t t VOW 101400 10nishat ttfftt° fry Deffto Ate , to AshloW ^Mon• Tto fry t.► #r+Iliia Aix 'Vim M"h $ice, of "MIS 040 itAMOV Avomm to 01jur �r :1J t h 0140 of Q rl" A rm fAm ""lift *M*10 to tat"I� otroat. Tho. %Wth ruder: f' 1 Avow fM Al St.I I* *Wit* Alder Otrost. V* t" 0,14 Of Aurowt AV"* fmo elm sir tad► cha t r sttl" t. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Hollan Winkel Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: 1M 6 -66 qffio.8 City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor 184 881 Favor Against Quadrapli"te W Department ORDINANCE 84�8I PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO Moth old* of Akt 'f AVON* f OItfkwd Stmt to Lonlar 11 Ate* joldo. Of "W40". #41MA from " of t to, 01 1 Av""* l Wnh 41146 of 1u" A"00 ffm Hytho 10"t to *w mt Tbe . wath 046 of 00wo1! AVMW fr= Nythe 'Otr"t t% 00"T WA Avon"* fho with $140 of tom t1 hw"" frw hoymmd Awe to tl"'fohd 1%0 Roth $140, Of ON* plao fly C" AV"" to trofthm, Ovar 01do of flow fow t Am"m 11 AV60j*- The wrth $100 of of t from AV* t1woldod The wwth *146 of m" otf ff to Mwioftad two►'. Ave"40 t* 1'varo1 Ate# aft 1 0114* Str.Wto" 1 >l V # 1 1s #t l� :1 1 ► ,,i, t *lot 11th of oil st "Ots tom1 + t1; ?nth `In tips kt * Plot" » an Vol awlth. 11.o r' A Vw 1s .oift lfrth *W th In thn at** fro ty Wxlngtot , aft r Owl, "1 1t Au~ thn *^$to, 0whe tho wrths, s tli A thn nth. txaotfng Ilr MV *ft am* tho t W14 f Ott t tots 011V I0"th swth to the Wun&d by i 11 t t* 00 vw sot,, fly unot on `," Wit* °1~*ww owma an tho moll, and ftNa"tt AVOW* 00 f *Nth* Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland MM. St orson '1 " Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-ss 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against I Qaadfaplicate to Department ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO (000 3) ofty Ths 4"t S14W of Noy stmt Oft #t. th, *Amu* , to wvorw 01 tyt.ii+1CKJi. 1* mat side *f r Ot t fma St. Antho AV~ to UnNe" $1tyw Ate« 1 0146 of 041 t"Ot f $t, low % of r"W t t St'* mu . 401VOYSIty The .mot ltd& of owl 'si t' f $t. th" AVOMW %0. unto# A""". Tho t 06 of usow, Avow feft $it« 'Univ*"Uty, • *ot 01 *0 pto st"" ffm uo m *MM to to tho h1 WWWhowt %to fit 06 61fic l: t $140 of vwobllo Oftot In* Volvorotty nth o 1Cht # 1t t; *. Sty iut t4`t The 40"A 04 of trot , r frw 0010 SAO'S to at Or"u. Thw,wrth Ott+* of: Wlye Av*mw fftw t to 0I t Wourn . The 'l #t do, of Xant t rr", t # t t Aqw," to Su4W S AV~0 oxt side of 011oat 'Sift ffto Suovit M. Tho owth x1d*o0,4rmW Avwxw ffto 0*1 Avo%* 0 Pik Vw forth $140 of e A""^ from ate Uroot to i dw '» of tw,-tm. fS S fram'gumtt too f"1 wth lot irow montil6'. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -66 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor J-84881 In Favor A gainst Quadluplicate to Department PRESENTED BY ORD- INANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO 1r t Ofd of NOW" Sty_ from $001t �►l t Us t 1 of fteoot f It AV"w . NWOMI I 'tom :eratt 016 Of Wrol"ia #tit f".0 Wit: M . "Will Ate, - ',fir►, out $144 of farr.I O ftmt f wit rw oott ir11dik of Woo ft#`+ot f wit *0400 wsalby AV""' Tho t 0140 of A ft" *t froo baiter Avw" to AW0411 '* +t ows of �o� �� f ram ts . riforshol I AV~* VW, # rit Sid* of t.. �Rt� Stmt. *� . boll Jhw wMlot 0140 ,of Vlato rj# St-ioot f rip Mr*Ml to Avoftw o '' t 0 do of to :4 btu f+r boyto kmwe to f4l �iii�lkM+�ii + ' l#i 'tom to h"ew l .. } 0P"o . �"o �� for �lorvotio" k =7 �'..� ' It 041nalo fMtJ is of of W4 b4 1#1 f I • Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland VOW" Wit" Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -66 gap. 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor 184 881 Favor Against uosza" uosza ;ad ll%l uosu?;iow uosu? }ao�Q Pug1I0H PuEIIoH Saino�aQ saznoDaQ sdsK 1'ss�: sSeH sea)L a;dop� ¢ ddu pus pig of JOAO p[Erj �j� f—PuZ � _ � q Q si