184754Original to City Clerk y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. { .�-P �'J �SC�} 754 LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "'L COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER � // - � DATE October 3, 19h7 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the-addresses stated,_„ Council File Nq. 184754 —By Severin A.' be and the same are hereby' granted. Mortmson— Robert F. Peterson - Reiblved, That licenses applied for by, tljgl,pec,5g11s -amed on the list attached, Jersey Ice Cream Co. 132 Lyndale N. Mpls. Ice Cream M.D. A,ppn. 3415r 1�ew New Loc, 1 Vehicle Charles Tahnk 1675 White Bear Gas Sta. 4P. " 4191 n Old Loc, V.M.Locao " n n n n n _ Cigarette _ n Mrs. Johnson's Pie Shop, Inc. 2324 Lyndale N. Foods M.D.P.W. " 4484 " New Loc, " Minneapolis 1 Vehicle Carl Baglio 537 Jackson Grocery " 4509 Jerry Motors, Inc. 511 E. 7th V,M.Looa. " 4591 Cigarette Charles O'Shea 1084 W. Larpenteur Restaurant tt 4666 " Old Loc, rr " Cigarette " 11 Happy's Industries, Inc. 16 E. Hennepin Foods M.D.P *W* " 4677 " New Loc, " Minneapolis 2 Vehicles Paul Bogie 895 Randolph Foods M.D'.P.W, a 4688 1 Vehicle Maws Little Food Market, Ino. 678 Rondo Off Sale Malt " 4701 " Old Loc. Albert Koepke 326 Cedar Restaurant " 4720 Clifford T. Hayes 144 E. 4th Restaurant " 4749 n rr n n tt n n Cigarette Gross Bros. Bronicks 437 St. Peter Ldy- D.C.Pickup " 4759 " " n Anne, Hellweg 240 S. Cretin Beauty Shop n 4760 Vernon Mathison 446 Lafond Junk Gatherer #26." OCT 4 7ii95l COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council '195 — Yeas Nays OCT 31957 957 DeCourcy 41OHn"d- Approved 195 — �� . 0 57 ag k—Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Mayor Rosen Mr. PAI en , Dillon PUBLISHED/d SM 2.57 2